HPS.CESEE is an online platform created and run by historians of science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Our aim is to facilitate the exchange of information between HPS and HSTM scholars in the region stretching from Prague to Perm and from Tallinn to Tirana. We will be keeping you updated about conferences, events, new publications, journals and positions in our field.
HPS.CESEE is a community project: please send us your news in order to have them reach a larger audience! If you are interested joining out editorial team, please get in touch by email (hps.cesee(at)gmail.com)!
HPS.CESEE is international, but also regional: the majority of announcements will be posted in English, in order to reach a wide unternational audience, some of the announcements will be posted in their original language.
Announcements will be posted in the following categories:
Our team:
Friedrich Cain (Vienna): Postdoc at the Chair of Historical Transregional Studies, University of Vienna. He works on the history of science studies in Central and Eastern Europe and in the two German states after 1945. He has completed a doctoral thesis on clandestine research of Polish scientists under occupation during WWII. Contact: friedrich.cain(at)univie.ac.at
Lucie Čermáková (Prague): Postdoc at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Charles University, Prague. Interested especially in the history of botany. Works on a project about the history of the botanical institute and botanical garden of the German university in Prague in the interwar period and on the history of plant studies in the early modern era. Contact: lucie.cermakova(at)natur.cuni.cz
Vedran Duančić (Zagreb): Postdoc at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Working on modern intellectual history and the history of science in socialist Yugoslavia, including the reception of Lysenkoism and political aspects of establishing "big science." Contact: vduancic(at)hazu.hr
Adela Hincu (Tbilisi): Visiting Professor, Ilia State University. PhD in Comparative History from Central European University, Budapest, with a dissertation on sociology and intellectual genealogies of "the social" in socialist Romania. Interested in the comparative history of postwar social sciences on the semi-peripheries. Contact: adela.hincu(at)gmail.com
Daša Ličen (Ljubljana): Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology (ZRC SAZU) with a PhD in anthropology (University of Ljubljana). Currently researching the bourgeois discourse on hygiene in late Habsburg Trieste, Ljubljana, Gorizia and other cities. Contact: dasa.licen(at)zrc-sazu.si
HPS.CESEE is a community project: please send us your news in order to have them reach a larger audience! If you are interested joining out editorial team, please get in touch by email (hps.cesee(at)gmail.com)!
HPS.CESEE is international, but also regional: the majority of announcements will be posted in English, in order to reach a wide unternational audience, some of the announcements will be posted in their original language.
Announcements will be posted in the following categories:
- Calls for Contributions - New announcements about calls for articles
- Calls for Papers - New announcements about calls for papers
- Conferences - History of Science conferences and panels about HPS CESEE at international congresses
- Journals - New issues of HPS CESEE journals, thematic issues and special sections
- Positions - Scholarships, stipends, grants, academic positions in and for HPS CESEE
- Publications - New books and articles
- Ressources - Information about digital and analogue archives, e-libraries etc.
- News - Whatever we find interesting, but does not fall into any of the other categories
Our team:
Lukas Becht (Vienna): PhD student in East European History at LMU Munich and University of Vienna (“cotutelle“). He is working on the history of futurology in late socialist and post-socialist Poland. Since 2019, he is coordinator of the international research project “Economic collectivism old and new: Lessons from the communist and post-communist past” at the Research Center for the Study of Transformations (RECET) at University of Vienna. Contact: lukas.becht(at)univie.ac.at
Lucie Čermáková (Prague): Postdoc at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Charles University, Prague. Interested especially in the history of botany. Works on a project about the history of the botanical institute and botanical garden of the German university in Prague in the interwar period and on the history of plant studies in the early modern era. Contact: lucie.cermakova(at)natur.cuni.cz
Adela Hincu (Tbilisi): Visiting Professor, Ilia State University. PhD in Comparative History from Central European University, Budapest, with a dissertation on sociology and intellectual genealogies of "the social" in socialist Romania. Interested in the comparative history of postwar social sciences on the semi-peripheries. Contact: adela.hincu(at)gmail.com
Daša Ličen (Ljubljana): Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology (ZRC SAZU) with a PhD in anthropology (University of Ljubljana). Currently researching the bourgeois discourse on hygiene in late Habsburg Trieste, Ljubljana, Gorizia and other cities. Contact: dasa.licen(at)zrc-sazu.si
Martin Rohde (Halle): Postdoc research assistant at the department for East European History at the University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). He is working on entangled Ukrainian histories of science (in the Habsburg Empire, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, Austria, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania), knowledge-making in imperial peripheries and photography as a tool of field research. Contact: martin.rohde(at)geschichte.uni-halle.de
Tijana Rupčić (Kikinda/Budpest/Vienna): Archivist in Historical Archive of Kikinda, Republic of Serbia. Also, she works as a representative of archives in cases of restitution of assets seized after the Second World War. Currently in-rolled as the student at Central European University working on modern intellectual history and history of science in former Yugoslavia. Contact: fereja.tina(at)gmail.com
Katalin Stráner (York): Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Modern History at the University of York. Fields of research include the history of scientific knowledge in modern Hungary and Central Europe; the translation and reception of Darwinism; urban histories of science; and migration history, including the effect of exile and expatriation on knowledge production and communication. Review Editor of Jewish Culture and History. Contact: katalin.straner(at)york.ac.uk.
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