hps.cesee book talks (videos)

Alexej Lochmatow: Public knowledge in cold war poland: scholarly battles and the clash of virtues, 1945–1956 (Routledge 2024). With Alexej Lochmatow (Erfurt University), Maciej Górny (Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences) and Izabela Wagner (Paris Cité University): https://youtu.be/f3JCwsXwRsQ

Eglė Rindzevičiūtė: The Will to Predict: Orchestrating the Future through Science (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2023). With Teresa Ashe (Open University, UK), Ksenia Tatarchenko (Singapore Management University) and Eglė Rindzevičiūtė (Kingston University, London): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0XYbyFKMTk

Victor Petrov (2023) Balkan Cyberia: Cold War Computing, Bulgarian Modernization, and the Information Age behind the Iron Curtain. Boston: MIT Press. With Vedran Duančić (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) and Victor Petrov (University of Tennessee, Knoxville): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8PBD-SvnrY 

Jan Surman (ed.) Science Interconnected: German-Polish Scientific Entanglements in Modern History (Marburg 2022). With Justyna Turkowska (Edinburgh), Zaur Gasimov (Bonn) and Jan Surman (Prague): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TkBx8NbHUo

Doubravka Olšáková , Jiří Janáč (2021) The Cult of Unity: The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1964. Prague: Academia. With Stephen Brain (Mississippi State University),  Doubravka Olšáková (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences) and Jiří Janáč (Institute of Global History, Charles University Prague): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAQw2SoAKc0

Agnieszka Kościańska: To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education. New York: Berghahn Books 2021. With Denisa Nešťáková (Marburg), Ella Rossman (London) and Agnieszka Kościańska (Oxford/Warsaw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzUx3n11TZQ

Natalia Aleksiun: Conscious History: Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust (Liverpool University Press 2021). With Naomi Seidman (University of Toronto), Marcin Wodziński (University of Wrocław) and Natalia Aleksiun (Touro College, New York): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uDweQRlAKQ

Mitchell G. Ash (ed.) Science in the Metropolis: Vienna in Transnational Context, 1848–1918 (Routledge 2021). With Dorothee Brantz (Berlin), Oliver Hochadel (Barcelona) and Mitchell G. Ash (Vienna): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WstBBiss_G0

Tomasz Samojlik, Anastasia Fedotova, Piotr Daszkiewicz, Ian D. Rotherham: Białowieża Primeval Forest: Nature and Culture in the Nineteenth Century. Cham: Springer Nature 2020 & Thomas M. Bohn, Aliaksandr Dalhouski, Markus Krzoska: Wisent-Wildnis und Welterbe.  Geschichte des polnisch-weißrussischen Nationalparks von Bialowieza. Köln: Böhlau 2017. With Anastasia Fedotova (St. Petersburg), Tomasz Samojlik (Białowieża), Thomas Bohn (Giessen), Aliaksandr Dalhouski (Minsk) and Markus Krzoska (Giessen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ujpU8Kl0oU

Vedran Duančić: Geography and Nationalist Visions of Interwar Yugoslavia (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2020). With Catherine Gibson (University of Tartu), Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič (Ljubljana), Vedran Duančić (Zagreb): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE7dzJTasJI

Steven Seegel: Map Men: Transnational Lives and Deaths of Geographers in the Making of East Central Europe (Chicago, Ill: The University of Chicago Press 2018) & Maciej Górny: Kreślarze ojczyzn: Geografowie i granice międzywojennej Europy (Warsaw: IH PAN 2017). With Agnes Laba (Wuppertal University), Maciej Górny (Institut of History, Polish Academy of Sciences) and Steven Seegel (University of Northern Colorado): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leraw0MFRJ0

Eszter Gantner, Heidi Hein-Kircher, Oliver Hochadel (eds.) Interurban Knowledge Exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870–1950. New York: Routledge 2020. With Heidi Hein-Kircher (Herder Institute), Oliver Hochadel (Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC Barcelona), Harald Stühlinger (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz) and Jan Surman (Senior Researcher, Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1wEl6HoC8U

Ivan Boldyrev, Till Düppe (eds.): Economic Knowledge in Socialism 1945-1989 (History of Political Economy (2019) 51 (Supplement 1). With Elisabeth Bishop (San Marcos), Ivan Boldyrev (Nijmegen) and Till Düppe (Montréal): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb-jMASSHdI

Izabela Wagner: Zygmunt Bauman: A Biography. Polity Press 2020. With Natalia Aleksiun (Jena/New York) and Peter Beilharz (Melbourne) join Izabela Wagner (Warsaw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHMlwsPvCAw

Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen: Wie man Mikroben auf Reisen schickt: Zirkulierendes bakteriologisches Wissen und die polnische Medizin 1885–1939 [How to Make Microbes Travel: Circulating bacteriological knowledge and the Polish Medicine 1885-1939] (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018). With Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen (Vienna), Katrin Steffen (Lüneburg): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VOPwj8gB1A&t=3s

Hps.cesee flying colloquium. January - April 2021

Monday, 5-7 PM CET (Vienna, Warsaw, Prague, Berlin) via Zoom

1 - 11.01.2020 - Barna Szamosi (Budapest): "Roma Populations in the Focus of Hungarian Medical Genetic Research after the Democratic Transition" (Commentary: Jan Surman [Prague])

2 - 25.01.2020 - Evangelia Chordaki (Athens): "The Public Spheres of Abortion and Contraception in Greece" (Commentary: Kateřina Lišková [Brno])

3 - 08.02.2020 - Dejan Lukić: "Creating a Geological Collection in the 19th Century Serbia" (Commentary: Catherine Gibson [Tartu])

4 - 22.02.2020 - Nataliya Borys (Geneva): "Archival Gordian knot in the Ukrainian - Polish scholarly collaboration (the 1950-1960s)" (Commentary: Jan Szumski [Warsaw])

5 - 08.03.2020 - Vojtěch Pojar (Budapest): "Empire and its Discontents: The Circulation of Eugenic Knowledge in the Late Habsburg Empire" (Commentary: TBA*)

6 - 22.03.2020 - Luboš Studený (Prague): "'They were deformed both in terms of cadre structure and academic independence': A contribution to the history of transformation of the Czech Academy of Sciences on the example of the Forecasting Institute" (Commentary: TBA*)

7 - 12.04.2020 - Project Presentations 

Wojciech Milej (Warsaw), 'Popular astronomy in Poland, 1856-1914'
Johanna Huegel (Freiburg), 'Art, Ethnography and the Secret Life of Things, Petersburg 1890-1919'
Sandra Klos (Vienna), 'Narro, ergo sum. Autobiographic writing as an inconspicuous yet constitutive scientific practice'
Lucija Balikić (Vienna), 'Molding the National Body: Intellectual History of the Sokol Movement in Interwar Yugoslavia'

(Organised by Lukas Becht, Vienna; Friedrich Cain, Vienna; Adela Hincu, Bucharest; Katalin Straner, Manchester; Jan Surman, Prague)

* We actually know, but don't want to spoil the suprise. 

[to participate in the colloquium write hps.cesee@gmail.com]

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...