Thursday, 7 April 2022

Journal of the Institute of Croatian History, Vol. 53 No. 3, 2021, on history of knowledge in circulation (open access, English and Croatian)

 Journal of the Institute of Croatian History, Vol. 53 No. 3, 2021, on history of knowledge in circulation (open access, English and Croatian)

URL: .

Poseban broj Proizvodnja i cirkulacija znanja 

Special Issue Production and Circulation of Knowledge 

Vlasta Švoger i Željko Dugac Uvod gostujućih urednika Proizvodnja i cirkulacija znanja na (polu-)periferiji u predmoderno i moderno doba......................................................................................................9 

Jan Surman Circulating Knowledge for the 21st Century: An Interview with Johan Östling // Cirkulacija znanja za 21. stoljeće: intervju s Johanom Östlingom...................15 

Željko Dugac i Branka Grbavac Srednjovjekovni rukopisni primjerak Avicenina medicinskog djela Cantica canticorum cum commento Averrois iz Metropolitanske knjižnice u Zagrebu // Medieval Manuscript Copy of Avicena’s Medical Work Cantica canticorum from Metropolitan Library in Zagreb ...............................................................29 

Zrinka Blažević Knowledge Production in Canones de medicina solidorum (1707) by Georgius Baglivi // Proizvodnja znanja u djelu Canones de medicina solidorum (1707) Đure Baglivija...................................................................................................67 

Gordan Ravančić Dubrovnik’s Invention of the Quarantine and the Transfer of Knowledge about the Spread of Epidemics // Dubrovački izum karantene i prijenos znanja o širenju epidemijskih bolesti.....81

Marijana Borić Marin Getaldić – preteča novovjekovnog pristupa istraživanju prirode // Marin Getaldić – The Forerunner of the Modern Approach to Nature Research............................................................................................................97 

Ivan Majnarić In obsidione Constantinopolitana … mortem oppetisse: Uses of the Past and Reconstruction of Social Knowledge. The Case of the Oršić Family // In obsidione Constantinopolitana… mortem oppetiisse – uporaba prošlosti i rekonstrukcija društvenog znanja: slučaj obitelji Oršić................................ 119

Vlasta Švoger The First Croatian Scientific Journal as a Site of Production and Circulation of Knowledge // Prvi hrvatski znanstveni časopis kao mjesto proizvodnje i cirkulacije znanja ............................................................................................135 

Zrinko Novosel Circulation of Knowledge about Natural Law in the Habsburg Monarchy: the Public Examinations of Zagreb Professors Vinko Kalafatić and Pavao Antun Marković // Cirkulacija prirodno-pravnog znanja u Habsburškoj Monarhiji: javni ispiti zagrebačkih profesora Vinka Kalafatića i Pavla Antuna Markovića .....153 

Tihana Luetić Regional Background of the Student Body at the Faculty of Law of the Francis Joseph I Royal University in Zagreb (1874-1918) and Student Circulation // Regionalno porijeklo studenata Pravnog Fakulteta Kr. sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu (1874-1918) i studentska cirkulacija ...............................169

Marina Protrka Štimec From Genius to Bohemian. Authorship Figures at the Turn of the 20th Century // Od genija do boema – figure autorstva na prijelomu 20. stoljeća...................193 

Upute autorima i suradnicima Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest..............207 

Author and Contributor Guidelines ................................................................211

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