Thursday, 28 July 2022

Call for abstracts: Central and Eastern Europe in academic internationalisation: core/periphery, neoliberalism, and knowledge production


The journal Studia Litteraria et Historica invites submissions of abstracts for the 2023 issue aimed at reflecting on dynamics of the academic field in post-socialist/post-communist countries and regions in the context of internationalisation. We invite authors to explore how economic and political forces, historically and today, shape and reshape the field, and, in turn, what role the field has played in maintaining or resisting structural changes in the society at large. Our call rests on three premises. Firstly, we are interested in positioning academic realities of Central and Eastern Europe within broader and ongoing debates on neoliberalism, modernisation, and new conservatisms. Secondly, we are interested in problematising academic internationalisation through the lens of histories of the region, especially its post-socialist changes. Thirdly, we are interested in academia as a specific field of knowledge production and circulation, which is linked to broader knowledge systems. The thematic issue of SLH is meant to bring these concerns together by taking the notions of core and periphery as a starting point in exploring material, organizational and ideational impact of socio-economic and political realities upon academia. We are interested in both international comparative analyses and specific national cases, especially where they can aim to bring new light on the general themes. We invite scholars from various disciplines, fields, and methodological perspectives to offer their reflection. See more specific examples of themes below.


The deadline for abstracts (no more than 400 words) submission is 30 September 2022. Please send your abstracts (in English) to: By the end of October 2022, the authors will be notified on the acceptance along with information on publishing procedures. The deadline for submission of full manuscripts (in English or in Polish) can be expected in late February 2023, and the prospective authors will receive the exact date. The manuscripts will undergo the peer-review process. Accepted manuscripts will be later translated into Polish (or English, in case a manuscript is in Polish), and the publisher will cover the costs of translation. The publishing of the issue is scheduled for December 2023.


We invite scholars from various disciplines and fields of social sciences and humanities to propose contributions within, but not limited to, the following thematic areas:

· Material conditions of knowledge production and circulation

o historical transformations from state socialism/communism to neoliberal capitalism in Central and Eastern European academia; how capitalism shapes and reshapes academia;

o economic conditions and social relations of knowledge production in academia – international disparities among higher education systems and institutions, internal hierarchies and division of labour, precariousness, unionized and non-unionized labour responses etc.; higher education as public service.

· Structures and practices in organisation of knowledge production and circulation

o international and national policy impact on the organization of research and/or teaching with particular view on performance-based assessment, bureaucracy and audit culture, research selectivity, definitions of and divisions into disciplines;

o intellectual formation and power relations – professional socialisation of academics; relations between core and non-core scholars; cultural capital and social distinction in core-periphery relations; the role of internationalised peer review, granting system, conferences, networking and research collaboration;

o impact upon students and teaching; students’ movements as advocates of change within and beyond academia;

o the role of academic field in capitalism and public sphere – how academic practices and professional ideologies reinforce or challenge competitive environment; what markers of success/failure they produce; how academics are legitimised in non-academic fields (e.g., media, NGOs, government).

· Ideas of knowledge production and circulation

o domination and marginalisation of concepts and theoretical traditions: Central and Eastern Europe vis-à-vis other regions;

o epistemological and linguistic impact of globalized system of journal metrics, publishers’ prestige, university rankings etc.; how trends and topics in scholarship are recognized and legitimized; how linguistic and conceptual hegemony of English language is absorbed, transformed and/or resisted;

o responses to academic internationalisation (e.g., liberal, conservative, socialist, cosmopolitan, nationalist etc.); traditional and non-traditional understandings of academic meritocracy; radical and critical thought in ‘internationalised’ academia.

· Ways to analyse academic internationalisation

o Theories and conceptual tools (e.g., academic capitalism, academic entrepreneurship, world-systems analysis, postcolonial/decolonial perspectives, ecologies of knowledge, economy of symbolic goods etc.) – their usefulness and limitations;

o Methodological reflection on research strategies, conceptualisation and operationalisation, sources and types of data, modes of analysis and validation etc.

Journal information

Studia Litteraria et Historica is a bilingual (Polish and English) online journal published annually by the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. The journal adheres to full open access policy (free of charge) and is indexed in databases including SCOPUS, ERIH Plus and DOAJ. More about Studia Litteraria et Historica, including past issues:

Laurent Touchart: Epistémologie de la géographie Russe. Géosphère. Paris: L'Harmattan 2022. ISBN : 978-2-14-026697-3


La géographie tourne-t-elle en rond ? Ce manuel retrace l'épistémologie et l'histoire de la géographie russe et soviétique des années 1870 aux années 1990. Il présente la contribution de cette école de pensée à l'épistémologie de la géographie et à l'histoire des sciences, à travers les démarches, les méthodes et les grands concepts, qui, d'origine russe, ont fortement influencé la géographie mondiale. Afin de comprendre pourquoi les grands auteurs russes et soviétiques ont défini la géographie comme la science des paysages, cet ouvrage met à disposition du lecteur de nombreuses traductions inédites de textes fondateurs, tout en les replaçant dans leur contexte culturel.

Laurent TOUCHART est professeur des universités en géographie à la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines d'Orléans. Il a effectué 25 séjours de recherche en ex-URSS de 1991 à 2018, dont 21 en Fédération de Russie. Il est l'auteur de 178 publications, dont 17 ouvrages scientifiques.

Střed | Centre, 1/2023 – Call for Papers: Spaces of Encounter in the Cold War

Issue theme: Spaces of Encounter in the Cold War

Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2022


Languages of publication: Czech, Slovak, English, German

Journal website:


Recent historical research has demonstrated that despite the obvious divisions and countless conflicts caused by the Cold War in Central Europe, there were also numerous spaces of encounter that problematize the split into two separate Cold War “camps”.

Firstly, the “Iron Curtain” which divided Europe during the Cold War was – figuratively speaking – not made of “iron” but of more permeable fabrics. Notions such as the “Nylon Curtain” (György Péteri) tried to capture this ambiguous quality of the East-West border. Despite its repressive character that manifested itself in curtailed international exchange and violation of human rights, this closely observed trans-systemic border did also allow contacts and cooperation. Sometimes officially, but also beyond the purview of respective governments, the two Cold War camps were more connected than previously assumed.

Secondly, Cold War research moved its attention from the East-West rivalry in the global North to the global South. Newly independent states in Africa and Asia were not only arenas of competition between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. Central European states, too, became involved in this cooperation with non-European regions where the East-West conflict and Cold War dichotomies were confronted from a different perspective. Acting in compliance with the grand strategy of their super-allies, Central European states also pursued their own agendas. Various international organizations, seemingly non-political and technocratic, facilitated these contacts and exchanges.

This issue of Střed/Centre is seeking papers that build on the current state of the art and investigate new avenues of research in this historiographic field. Methodologically or empirically new studies will further scrutinize Central European connections beyond the Cold War “camps” by focusing on hitherto under-researched spaces of encounter.

The issue can include, but is not limited to, the following topics:

Economic partnerships and competition between capitalist and socialist economies

Trans-systemic cultural exchanges, religious activities and NGOs

Trans-systemic relations through intermediaries (e. g. United Nations, International Red Cross)

Circulation of knowledge between the East, the West and the South

Grey zones of economic and intellectual exchange

Monday, 25 July 2022

Centaurus: Journal of the European Society for the History of Science, Volume 64, Issue 1 / 2022, Spotlight Issue: How Epidemics End

 Centaurus: Journal of the European Society for the History of Science, Volume 64, Issue 1 / 2022, Spotlight Issue: How Epidemics End (open access): .

Ukrainian Research Online: Oksana Kis, Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Lviv), entitled Invisible Agency: Ukrainian Women in Times of Extreme Violence Then and Now

 Ukrainian Research Online continues! Join us on Wednesday 27.07 at 18 CET/19 Kyiv/12 NY for our newest video. We are happy to present you a lecture by Oksana Kis, Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Lviv), entitled Invisible Agency: Ukrainian Women in Times of Extreme Violence Then and Now: .

Ukrainian Research Online is an initiative to provide visibility for our Ukrainian colleagues and their work. The lecturers receive an honorarium, financed by donations. To find out more about our initiative, and about ways to support it, please visit

Oksana Kis (Lviv, Ukraine) – a feminist historian and anthropologist, a Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Lviv). is a Director of Lviv Resarch Center “Woman and Society” (NGO), a President of the Ukrainian Association for Research in Women's History and a co-founder of the Ukrainian Oral History Association. She is researching women’s and gender issues in history and anthropology of Ukrainians; areas of her expertise include women’s history, feminist anthropology, oral history, gender transformations in post-socialist countries. Her book "Ukrainian Women in the Gulag: Survival Means Victory" was published in Lviv in 2017 (2nd edition 2020); in 2021 the English version of that book was published as a part of Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies.

Monday, 18 July 2022

Małgorzata Przeniosło, Marek Przeniosło - Biographical Dictonary of University Professors of the Polish Second Republic. 3 vols

Małgorzata Przeniosło, Marek Przeniosło - Biographical Dictonary of University Professors of the Polish Second Republic. 3 vols (so far). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach.  2021-. 

Małgorzata Przeniosło, Marek Przeniosło, Słownik biograficzny profesorów uniwersytetów Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie, 2022, 812 s., format B5, ISBN 978-83-7133-960-8, cena 161,70 zł

Małgorzata Przeniosło, Marek Przeniosło, Słownik biograficzny profesorów uniwersytetów Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2021, 904 s., format B5, ISBN 978-83-7133-952-3, cena 178,50 zł

Małgorzata Przeniosło, Marek Przeniosło, Słownik biograficzny profesorów uniwersytetów Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, 2022, 396 s., format B5, ISBN 978-83-7133-954-7, cena 78,75 zł

Słownik biograficzny profesorów uniwersytetów Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie jest efektem realizacji grantu Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki. Na całość publikacji składa się sześć części, każda z nich dotyczy jednego z sześciu uniwersytetów, które funkcjonowały w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym. Były to: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie, Uniwersytet Stefana Batorego w Wilnie, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Uniwersytet Poznański i Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Pięć pierwszych uniwersytetów było uczelniami państwowymi, szósty funkcjonował jako placówka prywatna. W większości były to uniwersytety o dużych tradycjach, najstarszy z nich, UJ, powstał w 1364 r. W przypadku uczelni lwowskiej za datę jej powstania uważa się rok 1661.

W każdej części Słownika znalazły się biogramy profesorów, którzy na danej uczelni kierowali katedrami. Wiązało się to z ich równoczesną nominacją na profesora nadzwyczajnego lub zwyczajnego. Łącznie w publikacji zamieszczono 953 biogramy, w części dotyczącej UJK są to 172 biogramy. W każdej części Słownika znajduje się obszerny wstęp. Zadaniem wstępu jest wyjaśnienie zasad, na jakich zostały skonstruowane biogramy, także wprowadzenie czytelnika w skomplikowaną materię funkcjonowania międzywojennych uniwersytetów i miejsca w nich kierujących katedrami profesorów. Ostatnia z części wstępu zawiera analizę danych zaczerpniętych z biogramów znajdujących się w danym tomie, co ma pokazać możliwości, jakie daje Słownik w dalszych badaniach nad kadrą akademicką. Ten fragment ma także pozwolić czytelnikowi na spojrzenie na pojedynczych profesorów jako na część większej zbiorowości.

Słownik zawiera szczegółowe (wcześniej często zupełnie nieznane) informacje życiorysowe. Dotyczą one głównie drogi naukowej i zawodowej profesorów, w biogramach czytelnik znajdzie jednak również liczne informacje odnoszące się do innych obszarów życia, w tym rodziny bohaterów publikacji. W nagłówku każdego biogramu umieszczono zapis informujący o katedrze kierowanej przez danego profesora, także o nazwie wydziału, w ramach którego katedra funkcjonowała. Biogramy we wszystkich częściach Słownika opierają się na identycznym schemacie. Składa się on z 16 punktów, w każdym z nich został podjęty oddzielny wątek z życiorysu profesorów. Bezpośrednio pod każdym biogramem znajduje się informacja o źródłach i literaturze przedmiotu dotyczących danej osoby. Umieszczono tu tylko wybrane najważniejsze wykorzystane pozycje. Zdecydowana większość biogramów powstała na bazie źródeł archiwalnych, stąd ich zdecydowana przewaga w wykazach. Autorzy w szerokim zakresie korzystali zarówno z archiwów krajowych (szczególnie Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych, Archiwum Akt Nowych, Centralnego Archiwum Wojskowego, archiwów uczelni funkcjonujących w okresie międzywojennych, archiwów uczelni powstałych po II wojnie światowej, Archiwum Polskiej Akademii Nauk), jak i z archiwów zagranicznych (szczególnie ukraińskich, litewskich, austriackich, niemieckich i włoskich).

Iwona Dadej: Habilitacja — bariera czy kariera? Porządek płci w polskiej kulturze akademickiej pierwszej połowy XX wieku [Habilitation - Barrier or Career? Gender Order in Polish Academic Cultures in the First Half of the 20th Century]. IH PAN, Wydawnictwo Neriton, Warszawa 2022

 Iwona Dadej: Habilitacja — bariera czy kariera? Porządek płci w polskiej kulturze akademickiej pierwszej połowy XX wieku [Habilitation - Barrier or Career? Gender Order in Polish Academic Cultures in the First Half of the 20th Century]. IH PAN, Wydawnictwo Neriton, Warszawa 2022, ISBN 978-83-65880-79-6

Książka wpisuje się w nurt badań nad historią oświaty, edukacji i nauki. Poświęcona jest zjawisku (nie)obecności kobiet w strukturach akademickich polskiej nauki w pierwszej połowie XX w. (szczególnie w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej) i pierwszym próbom wejścia w system hierarchii uniwersyteckiej, czego jednym z przejawów była habilitacja. Autorka skupia się na pierwszych habilitantkach, grupach  i konkretnych osobach,  ich zapleczu kulturowym i społecznym, a także bada  ich wpływ na zmiany strukturalne systemu akademickiego.

Spis treści

I. Wstęp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

II. Relacje i porządek płci – próba definicji . . . . . 20

III. Od studentki do habilitantki:

portret zbiorowy grupy uczonych . . . . . . . . 26

1. Migracja akademicka kobiet – szkic do problemu. . . . . . 28

2. Przesłanki dla realizacji studiów kobiecych w Szwajcarii:

przypadek zuryski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3. Od peregrinatio academicorum do venia legendi: początki

starań kobiet o habilitacje . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4. Nauka jako zawód? Kobiece habilitacje na uniwersytetach

II Rzeczypospolitej. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5. W sprawie własnej: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Kobiet

z Wyższym Wykształceniem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

IV. Ślady i tropy: dorobek i wyzwania

historii nauki w perspektywie płci . . . . . . . . 97

1. „O uczonych Polkach”: piśmienna kobiecość jako egzotyka w XIX w.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

2. Tworzenie własnej tradycji: heroiny nauki oraz

ich kronikarki w pierwszej połowie XX w.. . . . . . . . . . . 105

3. Po II wojnie światowej: pionierskość wielowymiarowa. . . 118

4. Po przełomie 1989 r.: nowe wino w starych bukłakach?. . . 125

V. Aneks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

1. Biogramy protagonistek pracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

2. Wybór źródeł . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

VI. Literatura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Spis ilustracji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Indeks osób . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Thursday, 14 July 2022

CFP: Making women and other underrepresented groups visible in philosophy and history of science. 7-8 March 2023 at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, Deadline: 14.10.2022

 CFP:  Making women and other underrepresented groups visible in philosophy and history of science. 7-8 March 2023 at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, Deadline: 14.10.2022

URL: .

The Centre for the History of Science and the Institute of Philosophy of the Karl-Franzens University of Graz are organizing a workshop from 7 to 8 March 2023, in which female and other underrepresented scientists and philosophers who have been formative for philosophy, science, or the history of science in the course of history and who have received little or no attention in the previous (philosophy and science) historiography will be given space.

The workshop strives for a cross-epochal orientation, through which it becomes possible to shed light on the participation of women and other underrepresented groups in the history of philosophy and science.

The one-and-a-half-day colloquium will be interdisciplinary, and this interdisciplinarity should make it possible to look at the event's topic beyond the disciplines' boundaries.

Based on the idea "From Young Researchers For Young Researchers," we want to create a stage for young researchers, i.e. philosophers and scientists in their master or dissertation phase. The presentation time will be 30 minutes, with a discussion afterwards.

Scope of the submission:

- Exposé: max. 300 words

- CV

- Full title of your presentation/paper

- Institutional affiliation

- Mail address

History of science and technology (Kyiv) Volume 12 No. 1 (2022) is online (open access).

 History of science and technology  Volume 12 No. 1 (2022) is online (open access). English with Ukrainian abstracts.

URL: .


Oleh Pylypchuk, Oleh Strelko, Yulia Berdnychenko

History of science

Natural history museology: establishment and formation of its theoretical bases Oksana Chervonenko, Dmytro Kepin

Understanding mathematical abstraction in the formularization of Galileo's law Some methodological issues of the history of science and technology Leonid Griffen, Nadiia Ryzheva, Dmytro Nefodov, Lyudmila Hryashchevskaya

Jun-Young Oh, Hyesook Han

History of technology

Emergence and development of the Kyiv school of artistic textiles in the XX century Vasyl Andriiashko, Mykola Bilyk, Valentyna Kostiukova

History of military laser technology development in military applications  Artemii Bernatskyi, Mykola Sokolovskyi

The front line transporter as the embodiment of the USSR military doctrine in the middle of the 20th century Hryhorii Luparenko

Study of development of regional railway system in Bukovyna Oleh Strelko, Oleh Pylypchuk, Oksana Pylypchuk

The integration of 3D technology for the conservation and restoration of ruined archaeological artifacts Sana Simou , Khadija Baba , Abderrahman Nounah

Analysis of prerequisites and conditions for the foundation of an aircraft engine enterprise in Ukraine Liudmyla Vaniuha, Iryna Zharkova, Mariya Markovych, Stepan Pryidun, Yuriy Drevnitskyi

Call for papers: Special Issue "What is academic citizenship?", Journal of Praxis in Higher Education

 Academics and wider publics alike highlight the conflicting and often frustrating demands that are levelled against the university academic: be engaged in society, be truth-seeking and objective, be problem-solving, be innovative and entrepreneurial, be independent, and contribute!

With this special issue, we aim to create a collection of thought-provoking essays about where these complexities leave the figure of 'the academic citizen' and about which futures can be imagined for academic citizenship. This implies many additional questions, such as who qualifies as an academic citizen, what society one is a citizen of, and how the notions of 'academic', 'society' and 'citizens' relate.

We welcome contributions that inquire into the future(s) of academic citizenship in a university which will not go back to what it was in an often-idealised past. We hope for a number of short academic essays of max. 3000 words; thought-provoking pieces which pointedly discuss important problems of academic citizenship, or new ideas for academic citizenship. The essays are stylistically freer than an academic article and references should be kept to a minimum of 10-15.

Visit the journal's website to read the full announcement<>.

Monday, 11 July 2022

Video premiere: Ukrainian Research Online - Initiative to support Ukrainian scholars during the war, Wednesday 12.07.2022, 18:00 Vienna / 19:00 Kyiv / 12 pm New York

Video premiere: Ukrainian Research Online - Initiative to support Ukrainian scholars during the war, Wednesday 12.07.2022, 18:00 Vienna / 19:00 Kyiv / 12 pm New York, .

Coordinated from Erfurt, Germany, Ukrainian Research Online aims at providing visibility for our Ukrainian colleagues and their work. Additionally, lecturers receive an honorarium, financed by donations to the University Society. In our first lecture, Tina Polek (NGO "Center for Applied Anthropology") will discuss the sense of belonging to the war in Ukraine - tune in at 18:00 here ( Shortly before, Bernhard Kleeberg (University of Erfurt), one of the creators of the initiative, will introduce the series ( 

All lectures will be published at our YouTube channel ( throughout next weeks and months. Subcribe to the channel to stay updated!  To learn how to make a donation please visit

Hybrid event: Sven Jaros (Regensburg): "Die Fülle der Zeit" – Zur Rolle wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und Denkstile bei den Staatsbildungsprozessen im östlichen Europa im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, Mittwoch, 13. Juli, 18.15 Uhr

Hybrid event: Sven Jaros (Regensburg): "Die Fülle der Zeit" – Zur Rolle wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und Denkstile bei den Staatsbildungsprozessen im östlichen Europa im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, Mittwoch, 13. Juli, 18.15 Uhr .

CFP: From Toledo to Gotha: New Perspectives on the Impact of Avicenna upon Sciences and Philosophy in Europe Louvain, 14-15 October 2022

 URL:  .

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Call for Papers for Thematic issue of Romani studies 1/2024: Romani people as object and subject of scientific inquiry: scientification of Roma or romanifying science?

 Romani people as object and subject of scientific inquiry: scientification of Roma or romanifying science?

Guest editors: Victoria Shmidt, Institute of History, University of Graz, Austria ( & Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky, Faculty of Social Sciences, MUNI, Czech Rep. (

Final date for abstracts: November 4th, 2022

For more information download the full Call for Papers: .


URL: .

In this episode, Morgane Labbé, Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, discusses the role of statistics and maps within Eastern and Central European nation-building. She emphasizes the need to consider the historical rise of statistics as a form of mathematical science used to legitimise the nation and its boundaries. Morgane also highlights how this tradition gave rise to the symbolic significance of the national census among the new states that emerged across this region during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Beginning in the 1920s, censuses not only became a tool used to legitimise the new nation-state via numerical dominance but mechanisms of mass mobilisation and mass participation in the process of nation-building. In practice, however, these censuses more often recorded a broader diversity of belonging. This, in turn, gave rise to a form of administrative categorisation that would always take place afterwards and focus on recoding or ignoring these responses, reflecting the real “fabric” of what actually constituted national majorities and minorities.

"Eastern Europe's Minorities in a Century of Change", a podcast series on the history of minorities and minority experiences in twentieth-century Central and Eastern Europe prepared by the BASEES Study Group for Minority History to mark the Institute for Historical Research’s centenary. The co-conveners of the Study Group are Olena Palko (Birkbeck) and Samuel Foster (University of East Anglia)

Monday, 4 July 2022

CFP: "Polymorphic Commonwealth: Cultural Transfers In Early Modern Poland-Lithuania."

 CFP: "Polymorphic Commonwealth: Cultural Transfers In Early Modern Poland-Lithuania." 📅 September 26-27, 2022, 🎓 Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, 📍 Wilson Court

We invite historians, linguists, sociologists, philosophers, theologians and especially cultural studies analysts who work on late medieval and early modern global interconnections and specialize in the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth & Central and Eastern Europe.

We specifically encourage Ukrainian early modernists to apply!!!

To learn more, please, read the official Call for Papers: .

Reforming (with) the social sciences in the Soviet Union // Réformer (avec) les sciences sociales en Union soviétique. Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines 40, 2022. (OPEN ACCESS)

 Reforming (with) the social sciences in the Soviet Union // Réformer (avec) les sciences sociales en Union soviétique. Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines 40, 2022. Sous la direction de Isabelle Gouarné et Olessia Kirtchik. (OPEN ACCESS)

After ruthless repression under Stalin, the Soviet social sciences flourished, as tensions lessoned, and even more so under late socialism, to the point of becoming a real political force during perestroika. However, this expansion was far from being a linear and homogeneous process, and was strongly affected by the dilemmas of destalinisation - between reformist ambition and the desire for political control, between liberalising and repressive tendencies, between openness internationally and competition with the West. The social sciences were harnessed by a State that was now concerned to rationalise its socialist governance, and they contributed to the attempts at reform, while also being the object of ideological and political control. Their international openness was unprecedented in scope, and broke with the relative isolation of the post-war period. Yet they also got caught up in the rivalries of the Cold War. The aim of this issue's theme is to circumscribe these contradictions by examining how the relationship between the Socialist State and the social sciences was reconfigured in the post-Stalinist era, based on case studies in anthropology, sociology, psychology and political science.


Isabelle Gouarné et Olessia Kirtchik Préambule [Texte intégral]

Isabelle Gouarné et Olessia Kirtchik La « modernité » des sciences sociales soviétiques [Texte intégral]Héritage stalinien, circulations transnationales et ethos réformateur

Thibaud Boncourt et Pierre-Louis Six La science politique est-elle une affaire politique ? [Texte intégral]Luttes de définition politiques et disciplinaires autour du Congrès mondial de science politique de Moscou (1979)Is political science a political issue? Struggles around political and disciplinary definitions in the context of the Moscow World Congress of political science (1979)

Sergei Alymov Cold War Anthropology From Both Sides of the Iron Curtain [Texte intégral]Soviet Ethnographers vis-à-vis Their American and European Colleagues, 1945-1964L’anthropologie de part et d’autre du rideau de fer pendant la guerre froide. Les ethnographes soviétiques face à leurs collègues américains et européens, 1945-1964

Sheila Pattle Soviet Industrial Sociology, 1960s-1970s [Texte intégral]A Specialism Developed in Local Research InstitutesLa sociologie industrielle soviétique des années 1960 et 1970. Une spécialité qui s'est développée dans des instituts de recherche locaux

Tamara Svanidzé Le Symposium international sur l’inconscient de Tbilissi, 1979 [Texte intégral]Un dialogue Est-Ouest au temps du renouveau critique de la psychanalyse en URSS ?The Tbilisi International Symposium on the Unconscious, 1979. An East-West Dialogue in the period of the rehabilitation of psychoanalysis in the USSR?

Kristina Kovalskaya La sociologie des religions entre demande étatique et défi du terrain [Texte intégral]Négociations et contestations dans les sciences sociales soviétiquesThe sociology of religion between demand by the State and difficulties on the ground. Negotiation and contestation in Soviet social sciences

Teele Tõnismann Practices and discourses of internationalisation [Texte intégral]Sociology in the Baltic States before and after the collapse of the Soviet UnionPratiques et discours de l'internationalisation. La sociologie des États baltes avant et après l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique


Политика и наука [Texte intégral] Федор Бурлацкий, 10/01/1965La politique et la science, Fiodor Bourlatski, Pravda, 10 janvier 1965

Pierre-Louis Six Pourquoi faire la publicité d’une « science bourgeoise » dans la Pravda ? [Texte intégral]La tribune de Fiodor Bourlatski, « La politique et la science », publiée le 10 janvier 1965Why advertise “bourgeois science” in Pravda? F. Burlatsky’s newspaper article, “Politics and Science”, published on 10 January 1965


Sylvain Wagnon Transformer l’éducation par les films [Texte intégral]L’exemple du courant pédagogique d’éducation nouvelle DecrolyTransforming education through film. The example of the Decroly new education movement

Géographies académiques

Géographies académiques [Texte intégral]

Léonard Moulin Genèses et conséquences des transformations récentes de l’enseignement supérieur [Texte intégral]Un cadre de réformes inspiré de la théorie du capital humainOrigins and consequences of the recent transformations in higher education. A framework of reforms inspired by human capital theory

Débats, chantiers et livres

Shellen X. WuArunabh Ghosh, Making It Count. Statistics and Statecraft in the Early People’s Republic of China [Texte intégral]Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020, 340 pages

Ludovic Tournès Laurence Badel (dir.), Histoire et relations internationales. Pierre Renouvin, Jean-Baptiste Duroselle et la naissance d’une discipline universitaire [Texte intégral]Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, coll. « Internationale », 2020, 365 pages

Riel Miller Jenny Andersson, The Future of the World. Futurology, Futurists, and the Struggle for the Post-Cold War Imagination [Texte intégral]Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, 288 pages

Jean-François Condette Jean Leduc, Ernest Lavisse. L’histoire au cœur [Texte intégral] Paris, Armand Colin, 2016, 255 pages

Christian Topalov Dylan Simon, Max Sorre, une écologie humaine. Penser la géographie comme science de l’homme [Texte intégral]Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021, 319 pages

Maurice Cassier Gabriel Galvez-Behar, Posséder la Science. La propriété scientifique au temps du capitalisme industriel [Texte intégral]Éditions de l’EHESS, 2020, 334 pages

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...