Monday, 8 May 2023

Academic Career Trajectories in Transition

 Academic Career Trajectories in Transition


We invite you to participate in a study conducted by Dr. Aslı Vatansever, research fellow at Bard College Berlin, and Dr. Ieva Puzo, dean and senior researcher at the Faculty of Communication at Riga Stradiņš University, on „Academic Career Trajectories in Transition“ by filling out an anonymous research questionnaire. Filling out the questionnaire ( will take you approximately 7 to 10 minutes.

The purpose of the research is to explore the currently predominant trends in academic career structure in the European Higher Education Area. It is targeted to early-, mid- and advanced-level PhD-holding researchers, who view academia as their main area of work and ideally have experience in higher education-level teaching and scientific research. The benefit of the study will be to provide insights into the sectoral trends. There are no foreseeable risks to the research subjects.

You will be asked a series of questions about your career stage, employment status and work history. Participation in the study is voluntary. You have the right to refuse to fill out the questionnaire, and your refusal will not cause any unwanted consequences. The questionnaire is anonymous. It will not be possible to identify you based on the information provided in the questionnaire. The data will only be used in aggregated form for the pruposes of this specific study. For any further questions, you can contact and


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