Sunday 28 July 2024

James D. White: M.N. Pokrovskii and the Origins of Soviet Historiography

 James D. White: M.N. Pokrovskii and the Origins of Soviet Historiography. Amsterdam: Brill 2024. ISBN: 978-90-04-70387-2

Focusing on the career of the Soviet historian M.N. Pokrovskii, the author examines the evolution of historical writing in the first decade of Soviet rule. As Deputy People’s Commissar for Education, Pokrovskii was among those who established the academic institutions of the new regime. The study of Pokrovskii’s writings and the political context in which they were conceived helps explain the origin of interpretations of modern Russian history current in Soviet times. The book can for that reason be regarded as a preliminary to the study of the Russian revolutionary era, and a key to the critical evaluation of the historical sources for the period.

Milan Novák , Michal V. Šimůnek: Orbity smrti: Nacistická "eutanázie" a masové umírání psychiatrických pacientů v českých zemích, 1939-1945 [Orbits of Death. Nazi "euthanasia" and mass death of psychiatric patients in Czech countries, 1939-1945].

 Milan Novák , Michal V. Šimůnek: Orbity smrti: Nacistická "eutanázie" a masové umírání psychiatrických pacientů v českých zemích, 1939-1945 [Orbits of Death. Nazi "euthanasia" and mass death of psychiatric patients in Czech countries, 1939-1945]. Praha: Academia 2023. ISBN: 978-80-200-3470-0

Práce shrnuje stávající poznatky týkající se plánování a provádění nacistické „eutanázie“ osob s duševním a mentálním postižením, která byla první masovou vraždou nacistického režimu na území českých zemí v letech okupace a druhé světové války (1939–1945). Na základě podrobné heuristiky rekonstruuje její rozdílný průběh v tzv. Říšské župě Sudety a v protektorátu.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Call for papers and posters International conference "History, philosophy, science: a colloquium in memory of Evelyn Fox Keller (1936-2023)"

 Call for papers and posters

International conference "History, philosophy, science: a colloquium in memory of Evelyn Fox Keller (1936-2023) ».

Organized by Karine Chemla (SPHERE) and Francesca Merlin (IHPST)

Paris, September 23rd-24th, 2024

The two-day conference "History, philosophy, science: a symposium in memory of Evelyn Fox Keller (1936-2023)" aims to pay tribute to Evelyn Fox Keller, the internationally renowned American scientist, historian and philosopher of science, and to her intellectual legacy on a variety of subjects, including the relationship between gender and science, the epistemological challenges of biology and in particular genetics, and the role of language and metaphors in science. 

This international conference will take place on 23-24 September 2024 in Paris and will bring together around fifteen international speakers. 

Young researchers (graduate students and postdocs) whose research deals with subjects related to the work of Evelyn Fox Keller and/or for whom she is a source of inspiration are invited to submit proposals for papers or posters. The former will be presented during the conference and the latter during the conference cocktail reception (Monday evening September 23rd). 

Proposals should take the form of an abstract of 300 words maximum in English and should be sent to the following address:   

Deadline for submission: July 30th, 2024

Notification of acceptance: August 15th, 2024

Thematic section of Неприкосновенный запас on minority science

Fresh out of press: thematic section of Неприкосновенный запас, concerned with minority science, with texts by Jan Surman, Göktuğ İpek and Slava Gerovitch.

Ян Сурман. К истории «науки меньшинств»

Гёктуг Ипек. Турецкие университеты между демократизацией и гонениями на левых (1945–1950)

Слава Герович. Кухня и дача: продуктивные пространства советской математики


Wednesday 24 July 2024



R.14/2024 z.1: .

Studia i artykuły Krzysztof Kopociński, Zbigniew Kopociński: Lekarze obozu w Berezie Kartuskiej w latach 1934-1939 – dylematy służby w aparacie represji państwa autorytarnego 

Halina Bogusz: Karol Marcinkowski i jego związki ze Szpitalem Przemienienia Pańskiego w Poznaniu 


Maria J. Turos: Leonard Jan Bruce Chwat (1907-1989). Polski spadkobierca dzieła Alphonse Laverana 

Patrycja Lebowa: Irena Koprowska. Pionierka w dziedzinie cytopatologii

Źródła i materiały Listy Heliodora Święcickiego z lat 1896-1921 

Commission on Women and Gender in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, lunch-time gathering during ESHS in Barcelona

 Dear Colleagues,

I would like to remind those of you coming to the Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, to be held in Barcelona, September 4-7 this year 2024, that the Commission on Women and Gender in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine will have a lunch-time gathering on September 4 at room 40.002.

Have a look at the program,

Let us meet there.

All very best,

María J Santesmases.

President, Commission on Women and Gender in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Ilona Banasiak et al. (eds.) Polskie szkoły lingwistyki stosowanej. Jubileusz 50-lecia Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Ilona Banasiak, Małgorzata Jabłońska, Grzegorz Pawłowski (eds.) Polskie szkoły lingwistyki stosowanej. Jubileusz 50-lecia Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego [Polish Schools of Applied Linguistics. The 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2024. ISBN: 978-83-235-6246-7

[English below]

Oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika monografię wieloautorską, która stanowi pokłosie obrad jubileuszowej konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej na Wydziale Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z okazji 50-lecia Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Redaktorzy starali się, aby poszczególne rozdziały i problemy poruszane w publikacji korespondowały zarówno z przedmiotem lingwistyki (stosowanej), jak i z jej licznymi subdyscyplinami. Oprócz artykułów, które są poświęcone uznanym w środowisku lingwistów subdyscyplinom, takim jak glottodydaktyka, translatoryka, terminologia czy komunikacja specjalistyczna, w monografii znalazły się teksty traktujące o stosunkowo młodych subdyscyplinach, do jakich należą awialingwistyka i juryslingwistyka. Treść monografii dopełniają cenne rozważania dotyczące szeroko rozumianej kultury i literatury.


Polish Schools of Applied Linguistics. The 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw

This multi-author monograph is the result of the jubilee scientific conference organised at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Applied Linguistics. The editors aimed to make individual chapters and problems raised in the publication correspond with the subject of (applied) linguistics and its numerous subdisciplines. Apart from the articles devoted to subdisciplines recognised in the linguists’ environment, such as glottodidactics, translation, terminology or specialist communication, the monograph contains texts on relatively new subdisciplines, including avialinguistics and jurisprudence. The monograph is complemented by reflections on broadly understood culture and literature.

Keywords: language, specialist communication, terminology, translation, glottodidactics, culture, literature

Thursday 18 July 2024

Call for Papers | Conference: "(Re-) Branding Regions in East Central Europe. Space and Spatial Representations in Transition after World Wars I & II"

 Call for Papers | Conference: "(Re-) Branding Regions in East Central Europe. Space and Spatial Representations in Transition after World Wars I & II"

Dates: February 13-14 2025

Venue: Institute for East European History, University of Vienna


Dr. Martin Rohde, University of Vienna

Dr hab. Jagoda Wierzejska, University of Warsaw


The concept of “region branding” originates from marketing studies and has recently entered cultural history. Approaches investigating the “branding” of places have been applied to cities, landscapes and regions in the framework of history of state- and nation-building, tourism, urban spheres and landscapes, which are building on visual and spatial turns. At the prospective conference, we aim to explore the concept in a broader and comparative framework focusing on East Central Europe. We suggest considering region branding as a set of knowledge making and knowledge circulating practices, which attempt to construct and disseminate the ‘identity’ of a certain space and people related to it. These practices were integral parts of state- and nation-building strategies, especially when directed at contested regions.

The re-ordering of East Central Europe‘s political maps after World Wars I and II did not lead to smooth transformations into new political entities, nor to a seamless integration of newly annexed territories into certain states. Shifts in state ideologies and therefore territorial imaginations evoked challenges to legitimize rule, but also to bring the state and a respective region closer together in a period of transition. Regions were therefore (re-)branded after territorial annexations and regime changes. This concerns especially nationally and ethnically diverse borderlands, which experienced frequent geopolitical shifts in the course of World Wars I and II and their aftermath.

We propose to systematically examine practices of “branding” and (multiple) “re-branding” of micro- and macro- regional spaces after redrawing state borders. Such a focus will allow us to discuss how political epistemologies were translated into top-down and bottom-up actions in different spheres, from political and economical to social and cultural one, and at various levels, from state to regional and local one. To (re-) brand places, with special considerations of regions, the new regimes invented and applied new tools according to the ideologies of the larger state- and nation-building projects. We invite you to reflect on the variety of such tools that have served the production and circulation of knowledge and that embraced different types of media, including those considered particularly ‘modern’ in the first half of the 20th c., like photographic surveys, touring, regional festivals / museums / exhibitions, radio coverages and films.

We want to direct our attention to regions of East Central Europe that were (re-)branded in the course of transitions taking place after World Wars I and II. The East Central European regions are understood broadly and diversely here. They include micro and macro regions of both real and imagined character, their quasi-colonial extensions and their ideas or notional equivalents, all of them loaded with ideological and emotional meanings of positive and negative correlation.

The regions can include:

the Baltics, Banat, Bucovina ...

Crimea, Dobrogea, "Sarmatia" ...

Burgenland, Curland, “Eastern Borderlands”, Carpathian Highlands …

Liberland, Franz-Joseph-Land, No Man's Land ...

homeland, hinterland, wildland, wasteland, wonderland ...

We encourage you to engage in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary topics that deal with questions including, but not limited to, the following

Which practices, tools, means of media are employed to (re-) brand a region? Which political and social actors are involved in these processes on various levels? How did they refer to symbolic and economic power, or even physical violence?

How did branding practices relate to modernization programs and projects? In what way did branding involve the modernization of space/place or the conservation of regional culture?

What was the relation between branding practices and scholarship? How were ‘frontier science’ and knowledge production on a region linked to state power? How was scholarly knowledge ‘translated’ into popular media? How did arts (painting, literature, photography, film) interact with scholarly discourses?

How were branding strategies negotiated between different entities, such as a region, the regional capital, the state’s center of power and other regions? How did different forms of place branding (nation branding, state branding, city branding, landscape branding) intersect with region branding?

Which forms of counter-branding from below occurred? How did local actors communicate their visions?

Conference participants will be provided with accommodation in Vienna for the duration of the event. We can cover the travel costs for a limited number of participants. If you would like to be considered for financial support, please, indicate this in your application. Please, send your proposals of max. 300 words and short bios to Martin Rohde (martin.rohde[at] and Jagoda Wierzejska (j.wierzejska[at] until September 15 2024.

Co-organized by the University of Vienna and the University of Warsaw. Project conference in the framework of Schrödinger-Fellowship J 4515-G by the Austrian Science Fond (FWF).


Postcard „Gdynia-Hel: parostatek ‘Gdańsk’”, 1911, Biblioteka Narodowa, DŻS XII 8b/p.51/11 via [domena publiczna].

Postcard „Gdynia: dworzec” [1928], Biblioteka Narodowa, DŻS XII 8b/p.4/37 via [domena publiczna].

Postcard „Collage architektury gdyńskiej lat 30. XX wieku” [1930–1939], Muzeum Miasta Gdynia, MMG/HM/II/4761/18 via Archiwum Cyfrowe w Sieci [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL].

Dariusz Iwan, Marcin Kamiński, Hubert Kowalski (eds.) Narodowe Muzeum Przyrodnicze a ochrona żubra w Polsce [The State Zoological Museum and the European Bison Conservation in Poland].

 Dariusz Iwan, Marcin Kamiński, Hubert Kowalski (eds.) Narodowe Muzeum Przyrodnicze a ochrona żubra w Polsce [The State Zoological Museum and the European Bison Conservation in Poland]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2024. ISBN 978-83-235-6465-2

Open access:

[English below]

Publikacja przybliża historię ochrony żubra w II RP i rolę, jaką odegrały środowiska naukowców skupionych wokół idei Narodowego Muzeum Przyrodniczego. Idei, ponieważ sama instytucja przetrwała zaledwie 2 lata (1919–1921) – jednak do jej spuścizny nawiązują kolejne pokolenia badaczy działających na polu taksonomii i muzealnictwa przyrodniczego. Państwowe Muzeum Zoologiczne, włączone w 1952 roku do Polskiej Akademii Nauk, było wiodącą placówką naukową i muzealną w II RP. Obecnie jego kolekcje przyrodnicze przechowywane są w Muzeum i Instytucie Zoologii PAN w Warszawie. Do najstarszych eksponatów należy jeden z bohaterów publikacji – pozyskany w 1823 roku żubr pochodzący z Puszczy Białowieskiej.


The State Zoological Museum and the European Bison Conservation in Poland

The publication describes the history of the European bison conservation in the Second Polish Republic and the role of the community of scientists centered around the idea of National Museum of Natural History. The idea, because the institution itself lasted for only 2 years (1919–1921), however, the next generations of researchers working in the fields of taxonomy and natural history museology refer to its legacy. The State Zoological Museum, integrated into the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1952, was the leading scientific institution and museum in the Second Polish Republic. Currently, its zoological collections are kept in the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. One of the oldest exhibits featured as one of the protagonists of the publication – is a European bison from the Białowieża Forest acquired in 1823.

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International PL (CC BY-SA 4.0 PL) (full license available at:

Keywords: European bison, wildlife conservation, Second Polish Republic, National Museum of Natural History, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Monday 15 July 2024

Maria Slowey, Richard Taylor (eds.) Academic Freedom in Higher: EducationCore Value or Elite Privilege? New York: Routledge 2024

Maria Slowey, Richard Taylor (eds.) Academic Freedom in Higher: EducationCore Value or Elite Privilege? New York: Routledge 2024. ISBN 9781032425511


This timely book explores the challenges facing universities and individual scholars through an examination of the history and theory underlying the concept of academic freedom.

Freedom of speech is widely viewed as a central attribute of contemporary liberal democracies and within limits — differing opinions can be articulated in public without fear of reprisal. Academic freedom, long regarded as central to the idea of the university is, on the other hand, a right which must be earned through the acquisition of expert knowledge and the application of intellectual rigor in teaching and research. Both hard-won freedoms are argued by many to be under serious threat.

The expert contributors to this book, from different global regions, examine both the importance of academic freedom and the severe threats universities face in this context in the twenty-first century. With its interdisciplinary perspective and cross-national emphasis, central issues in this text are illustrated through detailed examination of case studies and consideration of wider developments in the academy. Adopting a longue duree approach, rather than discussing the details of fast moving, controversies, the analyses offer insights for an educated public about an issue of pressing, contemporary significance.

This book will be of interest to researchers, policy makers, staff and students across higher education and to members of the general public, who are concerned about these important and contested matters.


Part I: Academic freedom: the issues

1. Introduction. Academic Freedom: core value or elite privilege?

Maria Slowey and Richard Taylor

2. Academic freedom and the dilemmas of the modern university

Peter Scott

3. ‘Free speech’, academic freedom, and the Public Sphere: some reflections on principles

Alan Haworth

Part II: Academic freedom: case studies from British higher education (1945-1990)

4. Academic freedom, universities and the Left: a case study of British university adult education in the early years of the Cold War

Richard Taylor

5. The university as a contested space: ‘no platforming’ controversies at British universities, 1968-1990

Evan Smith

Part III: Academic freedom: contrasting international experiences

6. Academic freedom under ideological attacks in Mexico

Wietse de Vries

7. Beyond Western ideals: academic freedom, capabilities, and social knowledge

Liz Jackson

8. Selective academic freedom: the case of Hungary

Rebeka Bakos and Andrea Pető

Part IV: Academic freedom: contemporary themes and concluding reflections

9. Epistemic silences: the academic ‘precariat’ and academic freedom

Maria Slowey

10. Interrogating the implications of rankings, open science, and publishing for academic practice and academic freedom

Ellen Hazelkorn 

11. Concluding reflections on academic freedom

Maria Slowey and Richard Taylor



Maria Slowey is Emeritus Professor, Higher Education Research Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland and Visiting Professor at the Universities of Florence, Italy, and Glasgow, UK.

Richard Taylor is Emeritus Professorial Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge University, UK.

History of science and technology Volume 14 No. 1 (2024) is online

History of science and technology Volume 14 No. 1 (2024) is online (open access). English with Ukrainian abstracts.




Oleh Strelko: PREFACE..........7


Gennadiy V. Bulavko: Organic  photovoltaics:  A  journey  through time,  advancements,  and  future opportunities.............10

Igor Garcia-Atutxa, Ekaitz Dudagoitia Barrio, Francisca Villanueva-Flores: The epistemological impact of Augustin-Jean Fresnel and his wave theory of light in the 19th century..........33

Iryna Humenna: National,  cultural,  educational  and  scientific  activities  of  Ukrainian  student societies in Eastern Galicia (from the late nineteenth century to 1939) through the prism of cooperation with Metropolitan A. Sheptytskyi ............46

Liudmyla Holubnycha, Olena Kuznetsova, Dina Demchenko: History of problem-solving teaching and learning evolution........64

Victor Verhunov, Nataliia Shchebetiuk: Development of natural knowledge as a basis for the organization of agricultural research in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine (1st quarter of the 20th century)....85

Pantelis Zoiopoulos: The national and ecumenical career of the eminent Greek agriculturist Ioannis Papadakis...103


Iwan Hermawan, Hary Ganjar Budiman, Octaviadi Abrianto: Solutions  for  urban  sanitation:  A  case  study  of  Imhoff  tank  technology  in Bandung, Dutch East Indies (1917‒1938).......................................126

Sunday 14 July 2024

Práce z dějin Akademie věd 1/2023 is online!

 Práce z dějin Akademie věd 1/2023 is online! Czech with English abstracts.

Open Access: .

Studie / Articles

Jan Surman, Stýkání a proplétání středoevropské vědy [The encounter and entanglement of East-Central European science]

Doubravka Olšáková, Od Vannevara Bushe a jeho Science: The Endless Frontier (1945) k novému konceptu vědecké diplomacie [From Vannevar Bush’ Science: The Endless Frontier (1945) to a New Concept of Science Diplomacy]

Marie Bulínová, Jan Chodějovský, Michaela Šmidrkalová, „Jóga je tady k užitku.“ Ústav fyziologických regulací ČSAV (1976–1993) a Ctibor Dostálek [“Yoga Is of Use Here.” Institute of Physiological Regulation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1976–1993) and Ctibor Dostálek]

Archivní fondy / Archival fonds

Osobní fond Mstislav Vjačeslavovič Šachmatov (Julie Jančárková, Sergej Gagen)

Kronika / Chronicle

Přehled archivní činnosti Masarykova ústavu a Archivu AV ČR v roce 2022 (Daniela Brádlerová)

19. celostátní archivní konference (Viktor Pavlíček)

Konference „Minority science in the short 20th century: Imagining science from the margins of the academia“ (Michaela Šmidrkalová)

Recenze a zprávy / Reviews

Tereza Kopecká. Ztracená generace lékařů: studenti a absolventi medicíny na Univerzitě Karlově v první polovině 20. století (Šárka Caitlín Rábová)

Štefan Kohút a kol. Prvý číslicový počítač v Slovenskej akadémii vied (Tomáš Studený)

Christine Nickl-Weller, Hans Nickl (eds.). Architecture for science / Architektur für Forschung (Michaela Šmidrkalová)

Saturday 6 July 2024

call for papers: Exploring Cultural Transfers: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in European Context (16-17th centuries).

call for papers: Exploring Cultural Transfers: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in European Context (16-17th centuries). 28-30 May 2025, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Campus of Aranjuez, Cuartel de Pavia C./ San Pascual s/n 28300 Aranjuez

The period from the accession of Sigismund Augustus to the throne in 1530 to the abdication of John II Casimir Vasa in 1668 encompasses the Golden Age of culture, when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was one of the foremost cultural and intellectual centers in Europe, and the Silver Age, marked by significant achievements despite increasing political and military challenges. The abdication of John II Casimir in 1668 symbolized the end of this culturally vibrant era, heralding the onset of deep internal and external crises.

During this era, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth flourished as a vibrant hub of cultural exchange and intellectual activity, drawing scholars, artists, and diplomats from across Europe. As one of the largest and most diverse polities in Early Modern Europe, the Commonwealth played a significant role in shaping the continent’s cultural landscape. The last Jagiellonians on the Polish throne, particularly Sigismund II Augustus, had already laid the groundwork for extensive cultural exchange by promoting Renaissance ideals and strengthening ties with Western Europe. Their legacy of openness to cultural and intellectual influences empowered their successors to engage with other European powers. The Vasas shared common roots with the Jagiellonians, as Sigismund III Vasa's mother, Anna Jagiellonka, was a member of this trans-European dynasty. A relatively young European dynasty, the Vasas played a significant role in the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the broader European context. They sought to solidify their position in Europe by cultivating strong relationships with both branches of the Habsburgs, as well as with France’s Bourbons and other princely houses. These diplomatic endeavors profoundly impacted cultural exchange, contributing to the dissemination and development of European traditions within the Commonwealth.

Of particular interest were the cultural influences exerted by political and cultural powers such as the Spanish monarchy and its different territories (especially the Habsburg Netherlands), the Italian territories (Naples, Sicily, Venezia, the Holy See), the Holy Roman Empire, England, France, and others, on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as the reciprocal impact of the Commonwealth on these polities.

This conference seeks to explore how different aspects of courtiers and ceremonies, diplomacy, images, objects, and visual culture contributed to the political integration between the Polish-Lithuanian courts and the rest of the continent. Traditionally, court studies have

focused on singular cases to argue that the competition between courts was a driving force behind court culture. In contrast, this conference embraces comparative analysis across various cultural geographies, from Poland-Lithuania to the rest of the continent.

This international symposium aims to bring together experts from different fields (history, art history, literature, political thought, etc.), with the objective of developing a comparative analysis between the courts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with the rest ones in Europe. By examining case studies spanning from 1530 to 1668 and encompassing diverse regions of Europe, this symposium seeks to understand the significance of cultural transfers between them. It also intends to illuminate the multifaceted interactions that characterised this dynamic period, shedding light on the cultural, artistic, and intellectual currents that flowed between the Commonwealth and its European counterparts.

This event is organized by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (URJC) and the University of Wrocław (UWr), and will be held over three days in May 2025, on the campus of URJC in Aranjuez.

Research themes and questions: We invite proposals for 20-minute papers, both case studies and synthetic studies, that reflect upon the following research themes and questions, but are not limited to:

● Court structures (royal or princely households and councils, instructions, ordinances) and ceremonial

● Court festivities and rituals

● Courtly religious and spiritual practices

● Transnational movements and migrations of courtiers, artists, scholars, traders, and diplomats

● Diplomatic relations and cultural diplomacy between the Commonwealth and other European Kingdoms

● Artistic exchange and patronage between the Commonwealth and other European Kingdoms

To participate: Proposals in English, approximately 250 words in length, must include the title and a summary of the paper, accompanied by a short biography (150 words) and the applicant’s contact details. Presentations should be given in English, as we plan to produce a follow-up publication. Proposals can be sent to the following email: no later than 30th September 2024. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 31th October 2024.

The conference is free of charge, and coffee-breaks and meals will be covered by our conference sponsors.

Symposium chairs

Prof. José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (URJC)

Dr Aleksandra Ziober (UWr)

Dr Miguel Conde Pazos (UAX)

Contact Information

Contact Email

Call for Papers Central European History Convention, July 17th—19th 2025, University of Vienna

Call for Papers Central European History Convention, July 17th—19th 2025, University of Vienna / in person (not hybrid) Further information:...