Sunday, 2 March 2025

History of science and technology (Kyiv) Volume 14 No. 2 (2024) is online

 History of science and technology (Kyiv) Volume 14 No. 2 (2024) is online (open access). English with Ukrainian abstracts.




Oleh Strelko, Oleh Pylypchuk, Yuliia Berdnychenko



Anton Ivashchuk: French  language  instruction  in  Galicia  (1867–1939):  Analysis  of  curricula, programs, and methodologies............................................................305

Olha Kravchenko, Olga Shkurenko, Svitlana Bonіar, Svitlana Shuliarenko: Planning paradigms throughout economic history....................................332

Zhanar Mukhangaliyeva, Akkaiyn Balykova, Zhanna Mazhitova: Ukrainian scientists at the Tselinograd State Medical Institute: Contribution to education and science (1960s)............................................................. 350

Natalya Pasichnyk, Renat Rizhniak, Нanna Deforzh: Natural  and  mathematical  publications  of  the  Dnipro  region  at  the  end  of  the 19th–beginning of the 20th century: Establishment of educational technology as a science.................................................................................374

Marina Petrushko, Volodymyr Piniaiev, Taisiia Yurchuk: The history of cryotechnologies in reproductive medicine: From randomness to stability .......................................................................................401

Oksana Pylypchuk, Oleh Strelko: Karl Popper's "Critical Rationalism": The way to freedom and democracy......419

Vivi Sandra Sari, Mayca Sita Nurdiana: Foundations of ophthalmology  in  Dutch  East  Indies:  A  look  at distribution of early ophthalmology medical facilities (1900‒1942) .................................436


Ihor Annienkov: Work  at  the  Kharkiv  Electromechanical  and  Turbo-Generator  Plant  on  the project of electromagnetic torpedo tubes (1936–1938) ...............................465

Artemii  Bernatskyi,  Volodymyr  Lukashenko,  Oleksandr  Siora,  Mykola Sokolovskyi: Analysis of the application of lasers for counter-UAV purposes....................487

Liudmyla  Vaniuha,  Mariia  Kyreia,  Natalia  Lemishka, Olena  Spolska, Iryna Patron: History  of  the  evolution of  cinema  in  the  context  of  considering  the  stages  of development of science and technology. The first steps to the birth of cinema.....513

Volodymyr Yanin, Oleksiy Petruchenko: Academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Petro Mykhaylovych Suprunenko: Life and activity............................................................539

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