Monday, 28 June 2021

Call for papers Modern Women Thinkers Conference

Call For Papers: Modern Women Thinkers: Intellectual Development of Women in the 20th Century. International Conference, Inter-University Centre, IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia 6-8 June 2022

Paper proposals due: 15 January 2022

The goal of the conference is to construct the intellectual history of women and to detect ideological changes in the understanding of the concept of women in the 20th century. The conference intends to explain the intellectual origins of the modern woman in the context of changing social circumstances. It will seek to trace the development of ideas formulated by women in their intellectual endeavours. We are interested in women’s influence and criticism, and their efforts to change or define their social position, with potential focus on Croat, South Slavic/Yugoslav and Central European spaces in the last decades of the 19th to the end of the 20th centuries. This period saw the more active involvement of women in social and public life in efforts to achieve political and legal equality. Interdisciplinary interest will encompass theoretical and practical insights into fields as diverse as history, education, literary theory, anthropology, and philosophy. The conference will reveal the mechanisms of the construction of women’s complex identities (both individual and collective) with reference to their national, religious, gender, class and cultural components. The objective is to understand the life of women during the different political systems of this area over a period of more than a century. We expect contributions to encompass personalities and ideas that changed the understanding of the status of women and to examine the ways and forms of their social organizations and public actions (including women’s organizations and women’s roles as intellectuals).

The conference will be organized by the Faculty of Teacher Education (University of Zagreb) in the framework of the Modern Women Thinkers research project. All participants at the conference pay a conference fee of 50 Euros. For more information:

We invite paper proposals of maximum 250 words along with a short CV to be sent by email to:

International conference: Dissidents as Figures of Truth (since the 1970s), 14 – 16 July 2021, online

What do Andrei Sakharov, Noam Chomsky, Protestant Nonconformists separating from the Church of England in the 17th and 18th centuries, and today’s mask opponents have in common? They all have at times been called, and identified themselves as, dissidents. Though, we almost intuitively associate dissidents with Soviet intellectual nonconformists, and those from other countries of the Eastern Bloc.

At our conference, we want to look more closely at how the figure of the “dissident” became constructed and solidified across the Iron Curtain and after the fall of the Soviet Union. We will focus on practices, techniques, and media settings which (co)produce the dissident as a (mostly male) “truth figure”, which includes practices of staging oneself, and ways of embodying the (epistemic) values and virtues associated with this figure.

The participation in the workshop is limited. To register and for further information, please contact Karin Reichenbach (

Keynote, round table and final discussion will be open to the public. To sign up, please follow . 

For technical help, please contact Ines Rößler (

Program (all times in Central European Summer Time, UCT +2):

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

18:00 – 20:00 Public Keynote (registration:

Maike Lehmann (Bremen): Of prophets, martyrs and bothersome annoyances: on the de/canonization of Soviet “dissidents” in the West

Thursday, 15 July 2021

9:00 – 9:30 Friedrich Cain (Vienna), Dietlind Hüchtker (Vienna), Bernhard Kleeberg (Erfurt), Karin Reichenbach (Leipzig) and Jan Surman (Leipzig): Introduction


Barbara Martin (Basel): Roy and Zhores Medvedev: No “true” dissidents?

Olga Rosenblum (Moscow): Dissidents of the 1970s: “Truth figure” among other figures, “truth” as a value among other values

11:30 – 13:00 

Anastassiya Schacht (Vienna): “And how is it there, over the ocean?” - Soviet dissidents reaching the West

Jonas Kaiser (Hildesheim): Dissidents and the trust-building process of the Vienna CSCE-follow-up meeting 1986-89

14:00 – 16:15

Barbara J. Falk (Toronto): Václav Havel as dissident: purveyor of truth and philosopher of responsibility

Tatiana Levina (Moscow): Lina Tumanova: philosopher, dissident

David Aitken (Montreal): The historical particularities of dissent as a demand for truth

18:00 – 20:00 Public Round Table (registration:

Dissidence and Feminism: Public Round Table with Małgorzata Grabowska (Warsaw), Sasha Talaver (Vienna), Zsófia Lóránd (Cambridge) and Natalia Kolyagina (Moscow). (in cooperation with Memorial International)

Friday, 16 July 2021

9:00 – 10:30 

Thuc Linh Nguyen Vu (Vienna): Continuities and disruptions: Many faces of Jacek Kuroń in post-1989 Poland

Michal Ďurčo (Bratislava), Doubravka Olšáková (Prague): Dissidents against their will: the case of environmental activists in Czechoslovakia during the 1980's

11:00 – 12:30

Elena Korowin (Freiburg): The dissident artist and the “true” art

Klavdia Smola (Dresden): Performing dissidence in Russia since 2000: Aesthetical resources of (un)truth 

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break

13:00 – 14:30 

Andreea Deciu Ritivoi (Pittsburgh): Dissidence and historical revisionism

Ioana Macrea-Toma (Budapest/Vienna): In search for contours in the archives: beyond contextualism and normativism regarding dissidents

14:45 – 15:45 Public Final Discussion (registration: With Susanne Schattenberg (Bremen), Simone Attilio Belezza (Naples), Stefan Garsztecki (Chemnitz)

Medycyna Nowożytna/Modern medicine,Vol. 26 (2020) Issue 2 (OPEN ACCESS; English and Polish, with English abstracts)




Aleksandra Fałczyńska, Maksymilian Grabarczyk, Agnieszka Głownia, Emilia Bachoń, Aleksandra Balak, Roksana Grzeszczak, Katarzyna Rotte, Katarzyna Pękacka--Falkowska – Plica neuropathica – unraveling the mystery of Plica polonica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Tomasz Sioda, Virginia Thorley – ‘Unfortunate creatures’: The hazards of syphilis in wet-nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Prace analityczne

Maria Joanna Turos – Michał Kaczkowski i jego praca O chorobie cholera morbus zwanej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Łukasz Cholewiński – Problemy utrzymania zdrowia i kondycji fi zycznej w świetle regulaminów wojskowych doby stanisławowskiej (zarys problematyki). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75


Anna Głusiuk – Concepto impeditur tam uicio uiri quam mulieris – kobieca i męska niepłodność na podstawie traktatu Liber de sinthomatibus mulierum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Magdalena Paciorek – Profesorowie wydziałów lekarskich przełomu lat 40. i 50. XX w. w archiwaliach Komitetu Centralnego Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej (KC PZPR) Archiwum Akt Nowych . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Z archiwów, bibliotek i muzeów

Katarzyna Pękacka-Falkowska – Nathanael Jacob Gerlach i Christian Gabriel Fischer w Północnych Niderlandach: zapomniane źródło do dziejów medycyny i przyrodoznawstwa w Zjednoczonych Prowincjach późnych lat 20. XVIII w. – część I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Magdalena Ptaszyńska, Radosław Ptaszyński: Skalpel ’68. Kampania antysemicka w środowisku szczecińskich lekarzy [Scalpel 1968: Antisemitic campaign among Szczecin physicians]. Cracow: Universitas 2021. ISBN: 978-83-242-3710-4


Książka Magdaleny i Radosława Ptaszyńskich doskonale pokazuje, jak skalpel propagandy i nagonki Marca 1968 r. przeciął życie szczecińskich Żydów. Jej wyjątkowość to ukazanie mechanizmów wielkiej historii z perspektywy indywidualnych losów. Rozmowy z emigrantami, trud pracy w archiwach i ciekawa narracja pozwoliły na stworzenie swego rodzaju pomnika. Powstał w ten sposób fragment listy strat polskiej medycyny. Dzięki tej książce „obecność nieobecnych” staje się bliska każdemu, kto zechce po taką lekturę sięgnąć.

 Róża Król, przewodnicząca Towarzystwa Społeczno-Kulturalnego Żydów w Szczecinie

Tę książkę czyta się dobrze, liczne cytaty ze wspomnień, relacje, wreszcie koncentracja na bohaterach z krwi i kości powodują, że mamy do czynienia z wartką, wciągającą narracją. Są to losy, które mogłyby stać się kanwą dla pasjonującej opowieści fabularnej. Na takich składowych jak sielanka, napiętnowanie, wygnanie, życie na nowo, zbudowana została przecież nie jedna powieść i film.

Marcin Zaremba, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Docenić należy pomysłowość i konsekwencję Autorów w dociekaniu prawdy, co wbrew pozorom nie było sprawą łatwą, ponieważ temat wciąż wywołuje mnóstwo emocji. Autorzy opisują przeszłość i teraźniejszość szczecińskich medyków pochodzenia żydowskiego z godnym podziwu znawstwem i biegłością, nie zapominając przy tym o znaczeniu współczynnika humanistycznego.

Eryk Krasucki, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Magdalena Ptaszyńska – lekarz Oddziału  Chirurgii Ogólnej, Transplantacyjnej i Naczyniowej Samodzielnego Publicznego Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego w Szczecinie; doktorantka Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.

Radosław Ptaszyński – politolog, socjolog, historyk; profesor w Instytucie Historycznym Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego; sekretarz redakcji „Polish Biographical Studies”; nominowany do Nagrody Historycznej im. Kazimierza Moczarskiego (2019), Nagrody im. Oskara Haleckiego w konkursie „Książka Historyczna Roku” (2018, 2019), Nagrody im. Jana Długosza (2019). Laureat Zachodniopomorskiego Nobla.


Wstęp do anatomii kampanii antysemickiej. Jerzy Gelber

Ocaleni. Aron Wajskol i Adela Wajskol-Brawman

Jestem pediatrą. Aleksandra Sikora (Pudles)

Zbędny. Szymon Remigolski

Epilog tylko w Izraelu. Sima Wołyńska-Bochner

Kierunek Netanja. Jadwiga i Julian Szenkelbachowie

Ani sentyment, ani gorycz. Maria Wołyńczyk (Samov)

Ostatnia litera. Eugenia i Marian Pińscy

Tylko żal. Albert Kwetczer i Hanna Sław-Kwetczer

Testament Aleksandra Szynagiela

Lekarz nr 1. Wolf Rajz

Nie chcę więcej uciekać. Karol Haselnus

Po raz ostatni. Michał Ringel

Wierność bez zaufania. Ryszarda Zeitman

Nie zapomniałam i nie wybaczyłam. Stefania Bayner (Hamburger)

Tak jak tata. Barbara Korthamar (Licht)  

Gdyby nie było tej nagonki... Wila Sher (Jedwab)

Niezamazane historie. Helena Kaul (Feld)

Wyparłam z pamięci. Róża Peste (Szojmer)

Ojczyzna mi nagle koło głowy przeleciała... Michał Peste

Zamknięty rozdział. Włodzimierz Mietek Szpirt

Bez goryczy. Mirosław Lurie

Samotność Klary. Klara Agent

Postawiłam kropkę... Mala Moszkowicz

Nadludzka medycyna Adiny. Adina Świdowska (Blady-Szwajger)

Zamiast epilogu

Wykaz skrótów



Indeks nazwisk




Ivo Cerman: Konkurz na profesora přirozeného práva roku 1758

Ivana Ebelová, Milada Sekyrková: První absolventky – lékařky židovského původu z pražských univerzit a jejich kariérní možnosti mezi světovými válkami

Emilie Těšínská: Účast Československa na zřízení Spojeného ústavu jaderných výzkumů (Dubna, Rusko) a zastoupení v jeho prvním ředitelství

Tereza Kopecká, Zuzana Schierová, Renata Ferklová, Aleš Misař: Po práci hladoví, na vlastních slovech si pochutnáváme aneb Strávník Jiří Wolker

Marek Brčák, Roman Elner: Zpráva z pracovního pobytu v Archivu Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě (16. 2.–21. 2. 2020)

Marek Brčák, Marek Ďurčanský: Konference Zdeněk Kalista mezi historiografií a literaturou, 24. září 2020, Benátky nad Jizerou

Jan Rejzek: Ondřej Vodička, Exil českého a moravského duchovenstva za husitských válek

Jiří Přenosil: Petra Zelenková, Sbírka univerzitních tezí z Národní knihovny ČR

Marie Štemberková: Martina Bečvářová – Ivan Netuka, Dopady první světové války na mezinárodní spolupráci matematiků

Michal Továrek: Petr Hlaváček, Otevřená univerzita. Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy a její cizinci 1918-1938-1948

Jana Ratajová: Jiří Němec, Eduard Winter 1896–1982. Zpráva o originalitě a přizpůsobení se sudetoněmeckého historika

Michal Továrek: Marek Vlha – Josef Šaur a kol., Kalendárium Masarykovy univerzity 1919–2019

Petr Svobodný: Martin Franc – Věra Dvořáčková a kol., Dějiny Československé akademie věd I (1952–1962)

Michal Továrek: Andrej Tóth – Aleš Skřivan ml. (edd.), Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze a rok 1968

Michal Továrek: Veronika Stehlíková – Martin Vlach – Luboš Veverka, Tenkrát v listopadu: vzpomínky na Matfyz v čase zlomu

Michal Továrek: Michal Beck – Matouš Hartman – Alžběta Ambrožová – Anna Palánová – Aleš Palán (edd.), Ten den 17. listopad 1989

Adam Fijałkowski, Irena Wojnar (eds.) Humanistyczne alternatywy pedagogów [The Humanist Alternatives of Pedagogues]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2021. ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-235-4851-5


[English below]

Książka zawiera czternaście tekstów, których tematyka ogniskuje się wokół okrągłych rocznic wydarzeń istotnych dla warszawskiego środowiska pedagogicznego. Poglądy, sytuacje i osoby zaprezentowane w książce ukazują bogactwo idei przenikniętych szeroko rozumianą humanistyczną wrażliwością i humanistyczną wizją rozwoju.

Tytułowe alternatywy oznaczają różnorodność, pluralizm i otwartość, humanizm zaś jest związany z prymatem służby człowiekowi i działaniami podmiotowymi. Podjęta dyskusja nad humanistycznymi alternatywami stanowi przyczynek do eksponowania pozaekonomicznych czynników rozwoju, inspirowania niekonwencjonalnych potrzeb poznawczych, humanistycznej wrażliwości i kreatywności ludzi zdolnych do budowania wspólnotowego świata bez przemocy, w duchu wewnętrznego pokoju.


Spis tresci / ToC:

Abstracts in English: 


The Humanist Alternatives of Pedagogues

The book contains discussion transcripts between the authors and their comments on the historical and scientific context of Pedagogy Quarterly (Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny) as well as the Faculty of Education, its founders and co-founders and the milieu of Warsaw University pedagogues.

Keywords: humanist education, aesthetic education, history of education, Warsaw pedagogy.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

CfP Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities 2021/2 on impact of pandemics in history, art, literature or language

For the upcoming general issue of Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities (no. 2, 2021) we are looking for high quality articles discussing the impact of pandemics in history, art, literature or language. We welcome theoretical or methodological studies in the field, as well as research articles. Preferred topics include historical comparisons of old pandemics with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, incorporation of and reflection on pandemics in artistic expressions, literary works or linguistic developments (phraseology, lexicology, sociolinguistics). Book reviews and conference reports or short project reports are also welcome.


Please send your paper by September 30, 2021, to:

The papers should follow the basic guidelines:

The manuscript must to be submitted as "doc", "docx" or "rtf" file;

Use Times New Roman size 12 font, line spacing 1.5;

Citations in the text must follow the Chicago Manual of Style (please see for basic overview). Please make sure you follow the referencing style properly – refer to the model paper in the attachment to this e-mail;

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Do not forget to include: your affiliation, abstract, keywords, e-mail and postal address – ask the editor for model paper and template;

All pictures, artworks or tables have to be submitted as separate files, as “jpg”, “tif” or “gif” (high resolution, 300 dpi minimum). Make sure to obtain permission for use of copyrighted material. The placement of all pictures or tables must be indicated in the manuscript.

The authors will be notified of the acceptance of the papers by October 31, 2021.

Contact Info: 

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Katedra nederlandistiky FF, prof. dr. Wilken Engelbrecht

Křížkovského 10, 771 80 Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Contact Email:


Віктор Петров. Листи до Софії Зерової. Упорядкування: Вікторія Сергієнко. [Viktoriya Serhienko: Viktor Petrov: Letters to Sofia Zerova] Київ: Дух і літера 2021. ISBN 978-966-378-848-7

Історія кохання Віктора Петрова й Софії Зерової – одна із найзагадковіших в українській культурі ХХ століття. Взаємини, що почалися у 1920-ті роки й були формально оформлені шлюбом через 35 років після першого знайомства, були предметом численних розважань – від наукових публікацій Романа Корогодського й Юрія Шевельова до художніх інтерпретацій в прозі Софії Андрухович. При цьому збережені Софією Федорівною Зеровою листи Петрова до неї ніколи не публікувалися в повному обсязі. Пропоноване видання стане першою, науково коментованою публікацією всіх 330 листів, що зберігаються в Центральному державному архіві-музеї літератури і мистецтва України й походять здебільшого з періоду 1950–1956 років, коли Петров після повернення із Західної Німеччини мешкав і працював у Москві.

Aspen E. Brinton: Confronting Totalitarian Minds: Jan Patočka on Politics and Dissidence. Prague: Nakladatelství Karolinum 2021. ISBN: 978-80-246-4537-7

The Czech philosopher Jan Patocka not only witnessed some of the most turbulent politics of twentieth-century Central Europe, but shaped his philosophy in response to that tumult. One of the last students of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, he inspired Václav Havel and other dissidents who confronted the Communist regime before 1989, as well as being actively involved in authoring and enacting Charter 77.

He died in 1977 from medical complications resulting from interrogations of the secret police. Confronting Totalitarian Minds examines his legacy along with several contemporary applications of his ideas about dissidence, solidarity, and the human being’s existential confrontation with unjust politics. Expanding the current possibilities of comparative political theory, the author puts Patocka’s ideas about dissidence, citizen mobilization, and civic responsibility into conversation with notable world historical figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Vaclav Havel, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and other contemporary activists. In adding a fresh voice to contemporary conversations on transcending injustice, Confronting Totalitarian Minds seeks to educate a wider audience about this philosopher’s continued relevance to political dissidents across the world.

Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, ABHPS Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring 2021) (OPEN ACCESS)



Print cover





Alexander Pechenkin. The Ensemble Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Scientific Realism.

Henrik Sova. Assessment Relativism and the Truth-Predicate.

Alessandra Morrone, Lisa Zorzato. The Song of the Science Mermaid: A Philosophical Trilogue on the Osteological Paradox.

Kristi Joamets, Archil Chochia. Access to Artificial Intelligence for Persons with Disabilities: Legal and Ethical Questions Concerning the Application of Trustworthy AI.

Lyubov Sukhoterina. The Life and Scientific Legacy of the Outstanding Ukrainian Economist V. A. Kosynskyi (1864–1938).


Galyna Zvonkova, Vira Gamaliia. The Academic Form of Science Organization in Ukraine: An Essay on the History (1918–2018).

Viacheslav Bandus. The Formation and Development of the Scientific School of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science of Professor V. O. Dobrovolsky at Odessa Polytechnic Institute in the 1930s–1960s.


Rein Vihalemm. ‘On the “Two-Layeredness” of Structure and the Relation of Quantum Mechanics and Chemistry’.

Raimundas Kondratas. The Annual Meeting of the Lithuanian Association of the History and Philosophy of Science.

Book Reviews

Eckhard Spring. Ernst Nauck (1819–1875): A Pioneer of Higher Technical Education in the Baltics.

Julien Delhez. Anomaly, Jonathan (2020), Creating Future People: The Ethics of Genetic Enhancement, New York & London: Routledge, 126 pp., ISBN 978-0-367-20312-2.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Ruth Edith Hagengruber, Sarah Hutton (eds.) Women Philosophers from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. New Studies. New York etc.: Routledge 2021. ISBN 9780367758646


Book Description

This collection of essays presents new work on women’s contribution to philosophy between the Renaissance and the mid-eighteenth century. They bring a new perspective to the history of philosophy, by highlighting women’s contributions to philosophy and testifying to the rich history of women’s thought in this period.

By showing that women were active in many branches of philosophy (metaphysics, science, political philosophy cosmology, ontology, epistemology) the book testifies to the rich history of women’s thought across Europe in this period. The scope of the collection is international, both in terms of the philosophers represented and the contributors themselves from Britain and North America, but also from continental Europe and from as far afield as Australia and Brazil. The philosophers discussed here include both figures who have recently come to be better known (Elisabeth of Bohemia, Anne Conway, Mary Astell, Catharine Trotter Cockburn, Emilie du Châtelet), and less familiar figures (Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella Arcangela Tarabotti, Tullia d’Aragona, Madame Deshoulières, Madame de Sablé, Angélique de Saint-Jean Arnauld d’Andilly, Oliva Sabuco, Susanna Newcome).

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy.


Table of Contents

Introduction: New Perspectives on Women Philosophers

Ruth Hagengruber and Sarah Hutton

1. Women, philosophy and the history of philosophy

Sarah Hutton

2. Leone Ebreo in Tullia d’Aragona’s Dialogo. Between Varchi’s legacy and philosophical autonomy

Delfina Giovanozzi

3. Patriarchal power as unjust: tyranny in seventeenth-century Venice

Marguerite Deslauriers

4. Oliva Sabuco de Nantes and her Nueva Filosofia: a new philosophy of human nature and the interaction between mind and body

Sandra Plastina

5. Elisabeth of Bohemia's Neo-Peripatetic account of the emotions

Ariane Schneck

6. Monism and individuation in Anne Conway as a critique of Spinoza

Nastassja Pugliese

7. Tutor, salon, convent: the formation of women philosophers in early modern France

John Joseph Conley

8. Mary Astell’s critique of Pierre Bayle: atheism and intellectual integrity in the Pensées (1682)

Jacqueline Broad

9. On some footnotes to Catharine Trotter Cockburn’s Defence of the Essay of Human Understanding

Karen Green

10. Susanna Newcome's cosmological argument

Patrick J. Connolly

11. ‘Mon petit essai’: Émilie du Châtelet’s Essai sur l’optique and her early natural philosophy

Bryce Gessell

Anna Kobylińska, Maciej Falski (eds.) Architects and their Societies. Cultural Study on the Habsburg-Slavic Area (1861–1938). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2021. ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-235-4983-3

The idea of looking at the architects operating within the cultural framework of the Habsburg Empire, embedded in this book, stems from our previous research. It has its roots in the research on Slavic peripheral narratives, conducted by the Research Group on the Slavic Cultures in the Habsburg Monarchy (, which has operated since 2011 at the Institute of Western and Southern Slavic Studies of the University of Warsaw. We studied the issue of peripheral attitudes towards both national narratives, created after 1861 by the Slovak, Czech and Croatian elites, and the imperial project imposed by Vienna and Budapest. Faithful to the microlevel approach, we looked at figures, spaces and social phenomena that do not fit into the stereotypical view of national historiography.


New issue of Dějiny věd a techniky is out! DVT LIII – 2020, č. 3 and 4 (Czech and Polish with English abstracts)



[English below]

Ročník LIII – 2020, č. 3

DVT LIII (2020) č. 3

119 Editorial


120 Milada Paulová a její působení v mimouniverzitních vědeckých institucích ● Daniela Brádlerová

131 Jaroslav Bidlo jako člen Královské české společnosti nauk a České akademie věd a umění ● Marek Ďurčanský

152 Historik Josef Macůrek a brněnská škola historické slavistiky ● Radomír Vlček

188 Między filologią a historią. Slawistyka w dorobku naukowym Henryka Batowskiego ● Sebastian Grudzień


207 Zvláštní číslo časopisu Centaurus: Histories of Epidemics in the time of Covid 19. Spotlight issue 62, 2020, č. 2 ● Petr Hampl


Ročník LIII – 2020, č. 4

DVT LIII (2020) č. 4


213 Obrazy alchymických laboratorií: jak vystihují skutečnost? ● Vladimír Karpenko

245 První československé průmyslové roboty ● František Šolc – Lubomír Anděl


265 Michal V. Šimůnek – Antonín Kostlán (eds.), Biografický slovník obětí nacistické perzekuce 1939–1945, svazek 1 (A–K), Praha 2019 ● Petr Svobodný

267 Schwarzer Tod und Pestabwehr im frühneuzeitlichen Hermannstadt. Pestordnungen der Stadtärzte Johann Salzmann (1510, 1521), Sebastian Pauschner (1530) und Johann Stubing (1561). Robert Offner, Thomas Şindilariu vyd. Hermannstadt (Sibiu) – Bonn: Schiller Verlag 2020 ● František Šimon


Contents — volume LIII – 2020 / number 3

119 Editorial


120 Milada Paulová and her activity in non-university science institutions ● Daniela Brádlerová

131 Jaroslav Bidlo as a Member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences and the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts ● Marek Ďurčanský

152 Josef Macůrek as a historian and the Brno school of historical Slavic studies ● Radomír Vlček

188 Between filology and history. Slavonic studies in the scientific output of Henryk Batowski ● Sebastian Grudzień


207 Zvláštní číslo časopisu Centaurus: Histories of Epidemics in the time of Covid 19. Special issue of Centaurus 62, 2020, č. 2 ● Petr Hampl


Contents — volume LIII – 2020 / number 4


213 The depictions of alchemical laboratories: How much do they reflect the reality? ● Vladimír Karpenko

245 The first Czechoslovak industrial robots ● František Šolc – Lubomír Anděl


265 Michal V. Šimůnek – Antonín Kostlán (eds.), Biografický slovník obětí nacistické perzekuce 1939–1945, svazek 1 (A–K), Praha 2019 ● Petr Svobodný

267 Schwarzer Tod und Pestabwehr im frühneuzeitlichen Hermannstadt. Pestordnungen der Stadtärzte Johann Salzmann (1510, 1521), Sebastian Pauschner (1530) und Johann Stubing (1561). Robert Offner, Thomas Şindilariu vyd. Hermannstadt (Sibiu) – Bonn: Schiller Verlag 2020 ● František Šimon

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Grégory Dufaud: Une histoire de la psychiatrie soviétique. Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS 2021. ISBN: 978-2-7132-2886-5

Quelles sont les visions du progrès scientifique et social en Union soviétique ? Les psychiatres parviennent-ils à inspirer des politiques gouvernementales et, si oui, lesquelles ? Où situent-ils la frontière entre le normal et le pathologique ? Quelles utilisations les gouvernants font-ils des savoirs et pratiques psychiatriques ? Autant de questions que soulève Grégory Dufaud et qui interrogent la variété des significations et des usages de la psychiatrie en Union soviétique.

Grégory Dufaud montre que la révolution bolchevique de 1917 a changé non seulement les rapports entre les individus, mais aussi ce qui peut être assimilé à la folie : la psychiatrie soviétique a acquis une dimension proprement politique. Ce processus croisé de mise en politique de la psychiatrie et de mise en psychiatrie de la politique est au cœur du livre, sur l’ensemble de la période soviétique.

L’enjeu de cet ouvrage n’est pas seulement de caractériser la trajectoire de la psychiatrie, mais il est aussi de réviser la réalité du projet soviétique, en montrant qu’il est impossible de tout faire coïncider avec lui. L’analyse d’un régime politique, si autoritaire soit-il, n’est pertinente que si l’on montre ce que les acteurs peuvent concrètement faire en son sein. De ce point de vue, le monde de la psychiatrie est une voie aussi paradoxale que riche et, au-delà de la voix des psychiatres que l’on suit, c’est aussi la voix des internés que l’on sonde.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Call for Articles | »Military medicine and the state (1660-1830)«, edited by Sabine Jesner (University of Graz) and Matthew Neufeld (University of Saskatchewan)


Few societies escaped war’s devastating consequences during the Enlightenment and Romantic eras.  The organization of medical care for soldiers and sailors during campaigns, battles, and armed conflicts, at sea and on land, by various political regimes, is the focus of this book project. 

Originating as a medical discipline, military medicine is now an interdisciplinary, epoch-spanning, and dynamic research field for historians. The establishment of permanent armed forces was a pivotal feature for the emergence of medical care systems for service personnel through the state and adhering institutions. This proposed book’s research focus broadens out from analyses of surgical techniques or purely medical treatments to the exploration of the organizational implementation and expansion of military administrative structures, established to make battlefield medicine more effective. Its theoretical framework connects with the instruments and mechanisms of early modern states and links with the idea of the “Fiscal-Military-State” or the “Fiscal-Naval-State” and the “Composite-State”. 

Encompassing the period from 1660 until 1830 allows scholarly investigation into domains that have hitherto received little attention. For example, how did military medicine function during a war? To what extent were military and civil personnel, institutions and entrepreneurs involved? How were preventive strategies in battlefield medicine developed, and which personnel and economic resources were mobilized in order to protect and save soldiers' lives? In addition to organizational success stories and innovations, questions on deficiencies, problems and setbacks, the silent and indirect contributors to mortality, must be equally addressed. 

The edited volume’s broad categories of investigation (see below) draw together topics concerning militaries, medicine, governance and statehood with the concepts of a New Military History. 

Topics of possible chapters include, but are not limited to:

1. Spectra of motion

Aspects of logistics, like purposeful allocation of resources and distribution, had an enormous impact on the military medical health management. Possible topics include the organization of supply and rescue chains like the analyses of transport routes, the mobilization of draft animals and ships in order to guarantee the delivery and provision of goods and medication by water and on land in time, as well as the transport of patients and casualties.

2. The significance of medical spaces

Focusing on medical spaces enables investigation into institutions and central or regional infrastructures with a permanent or temporary character. Against the background of facility management, workflows and documentation, different types of hospitals, lazarettes, pharmacies could be put into the center of research, which could foster new insights into practical medical care systems. 

3. Role of experts

An actor-centered perspective offers the possibility to glimpse at the interactions of individuals and clusters. We are interested in medical healing professionals like surgeons, male and female nursing staff and pharmacists as well as professionals within the military administration, that fulfilled management tasks in field sanitation, hospitals and pharmacies or on board of ships and in harbors. Starting points could be their field of competence and sphere of activity, educational aspects or their involvement in military structures.

4. Learning effects and synergies

The chronological scope (1650–1830) allows for longitudinal analysis of processes such as professionalization, institutionalization, densification of rule and enlightenment, which had an impact on the development of military medicine and expanded in a systematic, institutional, and scientific way. Chapters that tackle questions on synergistic effects of a macro- and micromanagement within empires, even in a colonial or imperial discourse, are welcome. Whether synergies emerge from the duality of civil and military spheres of influence could be another key question addressed by this volume.

5. Perception and knowledge management

Methods of medial, visual or material culture can enrich the perception of the military-medical complex’s administrative diversity. Chapters could deal with military medical knowledge and practices, including the process of triage, which obtained significance for troops and civil societies until today. The process of circulation and textualization of newly gained insights and experience could be investigated by considering contemporaneous narratives, literature, textbooks, or purely military sources like regulations for regiments and several types of instructions. 

6. War and welfare

Finally, the entanglement of war and welfare could be highlighted by focusing on post-conflict consequences of warfare for combatants, relatives and medical personnel on their status of health. Essays within this strand might grow up from the records of governmental health care measures, and could examine the strategies for providing drugs for women and children of members of the army, medication management in general, or the nursing of invalids suffering from physical disability or mental distress. 

For authors:

The edited volume intends a comparative perspective on various wars and battles between 1660–1830. Both concrete case studies and theoretically based contributions are welcome, and interdisciplinary and methodically diverse approaches will be supported. Explicitly welcome are chapters dealing with South Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Chapters can be written in English and German.

Please send an abstract incl. title (max. 500-word) and brief biography by August 31, 2021 to Sabine Jesner ( and Matthew Neufeld (

You will be notified in September 2021. The deadline for chapters will be May 31, 2022.

CfP The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference, Aarhus University - changed date 29 June - 1 July 2022. Conference theme: Technology, Environment and Resources. Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2021

The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference will as usual be open to all topics and themes. The special theme of this conference will be the history of interactions between technology, the environment and resources. It aims to explore connections between aspects such as scientific exploration, technological development, resource exploitation and use, resource markets and environmental change by investigating both scientific and technological practices as well as narratives and perspectives related to natural resources and environmental issues. The conference places particular emphasis on processes of circulation and appropriation of knowledge, ideas, technologies and resources across space and time in all historical periods and at local, regional and global scales.

Technology has been a major factor in using, shaping and understanding environments, as demonstrated at the 7th Tensions of Europe Conference in Stockholm in 2015. The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference continues and deepens this thread, paying particular attention to histories of natural resources. Our understanding of the concept “natural resources” is broad, comprising water, metals, minerals and energy along with living resources such as fish, forests and agricultural products. Most technological, social and environmental changes in history, as well as the way in which we understand and make sense of these changes, relate to natural resources in diverse and intricate ways.

Resources provide the basis for subsistence and industrial production; they play a role in fostering or hindering innovation, motivating or justifying technological systems and complex infrastructures, easing or aggravating national and international social and political tensions and relieving or causing significant social and environmental burdens. Just as important as the material and physical manifestations of resource regimes and their changes over time are their intellectual and ideological underpinnings, their conceptual analysis, their communication and presentation in media and the construction of narratives including excessive expectations and doomsday visions.

Themes and questions of particular interest include:

*       Perceptions and constructions of resources, resource crises and resource futures: What national and transnational actors and historical contexts have shaped perceptions, narratives and imaginaries of natural resources and resource opportunities, abundance, risks, scarcity, criticality and crisis? What narratives have contributed to constructing or historicising the technology‐resources‐environment nexus?

*       Globalised resource chains, global resource exploitation and the related social and environmental impacts: How can we conceptualise and describe global chains of resource exploitation, transportation and use and their social and environmental consequences at all stages in the resource chain? What contexts such as colonialism, imperialism, industrial capitalism, (real) socialism and Western European unification have shaped and fuelled global resource chains?

*       Managing crises: technologies and politics at local, regional and global scales: How have societal actors and groups on different spatial levels perceived and framed resource challenges, responded to resource crises, devised strategies of relief and constructed visions of resource use? What historical contexts have affected ideas of resource security and fostered forms of resource nationalism?

*       Technology, resources and environmental transformation: The links between resource use and unintentional environmental change or intentional drivers of the green transformation often lack visibility. What factors, technologies and contexts have shaped these links? When and why have key actors taken environmental challenges into consideration or fallen back on environmental rhetoric and “greenwashing”?

*       Material and ideological sides of the digital transformation: The ongoing digitalization transforms resource flows and ideas. Productivity gains and savings of material resources have gone along with soaring consumption of rare metals and energy. How have digital technologies and services, from robot factories to smart technologies and social media to cryptocurrencies affected resource consumption patterns, perceptions and politics?

*       Conceptual issues: How are histories of resources written, and how should they be written? Contemporary debates about natural resources are predominantly framed by approaches to resource economics and the dynamics of commodity prices. How can historians contribute by unveiling deeper factors such as ideological framings, political traditions, legal regimes and technological path dependencies? Do we need more commodity history (“Stoffgeschichte”) or histories of material culture? Should the “new materialism(s)” be taken more seriously?

We welcome contributions on topics related to these broad themes as well as on general themes in the history of technology and neighbouring fields of interest to the Tensions of Europe network. As well as traditional panel sessions with a number of papers and a commentator, we also encourage proposals for non-traditional panels with different formats and new ideas (e.g. round tables, agenda-building sessions, brainstorming sessions, breakout groups with assignments, poster discussions, film discussions and event-based sessions).

The format of proposals should be as follows:

*       Proposals for whole panels (in traditional or alternative formats) should include a title for the panel, a description of the format and theme of the panel (max. 300 words), chair of the panel and the academic title, affiliation and short biography of the organiser(s). Traditional panels should also include shorter abstracts (max. 150 words) of the individual papers with the name, academic title, affiliation and short biography of the presenter(s). Please include all this information in a single PDF file and name the file as follows: [OrganiserLastName]-[OrganiserFirstName]-Panel (e.g. Miller-Robert-Panel). In the case of more than one organiser choose the name of the contact person in the file name.

*       Proposals for individual papers should include a title, a short abstract (no more than 300 words) and the academic title, affiliation and short biography of the applicant(s). Please include all this information in a single PDF file and name the file as follows: [ApplicantLastName]-[ApplicantFirstName]-Paper (e.g. Miller-Robert-Paper).

*       Proposals for contributions to a “My PhD in 10 minutes” session allowing young scholars to present their research. These proposals should include an abstract (approx. 150 words) and the affiliation and short biography of the applicant. Please include all this information in a single PDF file and name the file as follows: [ApplicantLastName]-[ApplicantFirstName]-PhDSession (e.g. Miller-Robert-PhDSession).

The organisers invite scholars to submit their proposals by 31 October 2021. Proposals can be submitted via the conference website ( from 1 September 2021. Please submit your proposal on the conference website by clicking on the appropriate button (“Individual Paper”, “Whole Panels” or “PhDSession”). We will try to make a limited number of travel grants available for young scholars without their own funding.

The Tensions of Europe Conference is organised biennially by an interdisciplinary community of scholars<> who study the shaping of Europe through the lens of technology and material culture. We encourage constructive interactions between historians of technology and scholars from all other fields of the humanities and social sciences. The organisation of this conference is based on the research network “Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment and the Quest for Resource Security<>” (EurReS), which is coordinated at Aarhus University and is part of the Tensions of Europe programme “Technology & Societal Challenges, ca. 1800-2050”.

Drahomír Suchánek (ed.): Univerzita a republika - Vybrané příspěvky z konference [University and the Republic - Chosen texts from a conference]. Praha: Karolinum 2021. ISBN: 978-80-246-4856-9


Sborník navazuje na vědeckou konferenci Univerzita a republika, 1918–2018, kterou uspořádala Univerzita Karlova v rámci oslav stého výročí založení Československa. Vybrané příspěvky významných českých historiků představují reprezentativní ukázku konferenčních jednání i badatelského zájmu jednotlivých autorů (Marek Ďurčanský, Daniela Brádlerová, Jaroslav Šebek, Jan Randák, Zdeněk R. Nešpor, Jiří Hoppe, Jitka Vondrová). Propojuje se v nich snaha ukázat na vybraných tématech důležitost a přínos akademického prostředí pro utváření československého státu a nutnost vnímat tento vývoj v širším politickém a společenském kontextu.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Call for articles: The History of Emotions under Soviet & East European Communist Regimes

Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes invites contributions to a special issue on the history of emotions in societies that experienced Communist rule in central/eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. We welcome contributions that investigate how emotions were experienced, debated, and mobilized in state-socialist societies at the time of their establishment, across their decades-long existence, and during their disintegration and aftermath.

The History of Emotions under Soviet & East European Communist Regimes

Analysis of emotion is still a relatively novel approach to studying the past. It is now recognized that aspects of emotion are culturally and temporally contingent, and that emotions in turn influence political, economic, and cultural processes. The potential of this approach to yield insights in the history of Communist regimes remains to be fully realized, however. Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes therefore invites contributions to a special issue on the history of emotions in societies that experienced Communist rule in central/eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. We welcome contributions that investigate how emotions were experienced, debated, and mobilized in state-socialist societies at the time of their establishment, across their decades-long existence, and during their disintegration and aftermath. We are especially interested in papers exploring the role of emotions in the following fields:

1) The mobilization of emotions

Communist regimes in the Soviet Union and central/eastern Europe often mobilized emotions to foster support for their policies. Which media and semantics did they use to address people at an emotional level? How did societies and individuals respond to such mobilizational strategies? In which ways were such emotional appeals appropriated, redefined, or perhaps rejected? How were emotions mobilized in oppositional movements against state socialism?

2) Emotions in uprisings and revolutions

Appeals to emotions were especially frequent in phases of revolutionary upheaval. What was the place of feelings in revolutions and uprisings, e.g. in Russia in 1917, in Hungary in 1956, in Gdańsk in 1980, or across the Eastern Bloc in 1989/91? Which emotions were mobilized against and for Communist regimes? Did this happen in particular phases of the revolutionary dynamic? How did emotions become part of the staging and performativity of revolutionary action? In which ways were revolutions and uprisings experienced as sensual events? How did emotions enter the narratives and the memory culture of revolutions?

3) Emotions in particular social groups

Numerous studies in the history of emotions have analyzed the role of emotions in the habitus of particular social groups. We welcome contributions that follow this path and apply it to state- socialist cases. Which emotions were ascribed to social groups such as party members and workers? Which styles of emotional display were seen as appropriate, e.g. in the case of women in different age groups? How was a Communist partisan expected to feel during combat? Which handling of emotions did sons and daughters have to learn to act in conformity with their social roles?

4) Emotions and expertise

Different groups of experts in fields such as psychology, biology, pedagogy, and criminology focused their attention on emotions and their regulation. Their work influenced practices in

institutions of public health, social policy, education, and justice. How, for example, did psychologists address the theme of emotions among spouses and how did this shape the practice of marital counselling in state-socialist societies? Contributions in this field could address the production of knowledge on emotions as well as its dissemination and application in different spheres of policy and social practice.

The special issue will be published in 2022, and the normal peer-review process will apply. Manuscripts may be written in English or French and should normally not exceed 10,000 words (including footnotes and bibliography). Please consult the journal’s website ( journal/submissions/) for submission and style guidelines. Guest editors for the special issue will be Dr. Franziska Davies (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich) and Dr. Jan Arend (University of Tübingen).

Questions may be directed to the journal editor, Prof. James Krapfl, at <>. Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the editor at their earliest convenience to express intention to submit. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2021. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at <>.

Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes, founded in 1956, is a quarterly, interdisciplinary journal of the Canadian Association of Slavists, publishing in English and French. It is devoted to the study of central/eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, providing a forum for scholars from a range of disciplines: language and linguistics, literature, history, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, geography, philosophy, and the arts. CSP/RCS is one of the major journals in the field, with an international readership and subscribers.

Call for papers: The Social History of "Bildung" through Formation and Education. Conference of Archiv für Sozialgeschichte as preparation for vol. 62 (2022), 28.10.2021 - 29.10.2021, Deadline : 31.07.2021

 Call for papers: The Social History of "Bildung" through Formation and Education. Conference of Archiv für Sozialgeschichte as preparation for vol. 62 (2022), 28.10.2021 - 29.10.2021, Deadline : 31.07.2021 

»Bildung« is an equally pivotal and ambiguous concept of the present age. In its German understanding, the term denotes the inner formation of the self as well as formal education. For the sake of brevity, the English term education can stand here for the manifold connotations of the German concept. Education is an important economic and national resource, guaranteed and formalised by curricula and educational qualifications. Yet, at the same time, it is also understood as a process of personality formation and of acquiring both knowledge and competencies. Education is often charged with a higher purpose, expected to contribute to resolve dysfunctional tendencies in society and to realise a more just and harmonious social order. Thus, the Human Development Index, created by the United Nations, identifies the length of the time spent in formal education together with life expectancy and income as a key parameter for the affluence of a society. In modern dynamic societies, education can be perceived as a constant challenge to add even further qualifications and rely on personal responsibility. The notion of »lifelong learning« can be experienced positively, as a form of personal enrichment, yet it can also be associated with the pressure to perform, with tough selection criteria and with situations of personal failure. Debates over social inequality, societal integration and on the future of democracy, to name just a few examples, hence always also revolve around the need for education. At the same time, education is an important structural parameter that shapes life courses, determines the social trajectory of individuals and their possibilities and implies different lifestyles and forms of community building.

How education and its social relevance must be understood and how political processes should shape its form, however, is highly contested. In German public discourse, Bildung is a highly emotive buzzword, one that often hinders agreement on the issues that are contested rather than enabling debate. Current discussions on notions of education are dominated by the expertise of social scientists, and the often muddled state of these discussions makes it a worthwhile endeavour to step back and look at them from the depth of historical processes. At the same time, it seems obvious that themes around education only play a minor role in current historiography, as a glance at the most recent works of synthesis confirms.

Against this backdrop, the Archiv für Sozialgeschichte aims to reassess the role of education in the longue duree of historical change during the last two centuries. What was the role played by education and formation in the social and political transformations of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? How did social movements and political regimes shape the process of education? What were the achievements, but also the inherent contradictions and problems of educational reforms?

The Archiv für Sozialgeschichte invites contributions in regard to the whole range of topics in this wider framework. Contributions can address one of the following themes and agendas, but they can also take up other aspects of a social and cultural history of education since the nineteenth century.

Education and social inequality

In modern societies, education is always employed as an instrument to facilitate social mobility and reduce inequalities of various kinds (social status, gender, ethnicity). These attempts are often headed by flag words such as »advancement of the skilled« or »advancement through education«. As the French sociologist Didier Eribon argues in his book Return to Reims, the upward trajectory of individuals through education can also result in an alienation from the milieu in which the individual grew up and can thus further accentuate inequalities and class divides. There is also a controversial debate about the definition of social justice in relation to education. 

Societal integration

Since the nineteenth century, education has always been used as a means to integrate different social groups, and here especially groups of immigrants, politically and socially into mainstream society. What are the contours of integration through education, both in terms of the social history of these groups and in regard to the political and institutional framework that pushes and integration agenda? Looking at education from this vantage point allows to probe into various forms of social and cultural capital that it provides in struggles for recognition in society. Educational institutions can, depending on the societal context, contribute to a strengthening of democratic processes, but they were also used to stabilise deference towards authorities and to create political loyalties.

Educational reforms

In periods of reform optimism throughout the last two centuries, education policies often took centre stage, and the public infrastructure and conceptual underpinnings of education were placed on a new footing. How these educational reforms have to be assessed in their effectivity, in their agendas and outcomes was and is often contested. Thus, it is necessary to analyse different pathways to and forms of reform in comparative and diachronic perspectives, also taking into account key stakeholders such as the state and the churches. Educational reforms often aimed to reduce social inequality, but also created new distinctions such as between the »learned« and the »uneducated«, between »academics« and »subliterates«.

Work and education

The sweeping changes in the economy and the worlds of labour altered expectations in regard to the educational qualifications of the workforce and led to new forms of labour in ways which have yet to be explored in their dynamics and outcomes. How did education change in the context of the ongoing debates about »knowledge societies« and structural economic change towards tertiarization? Which concepts of education did employers and trade unions promote, and what was the role of education in industrial conflicts? In this context, changing specification of education in vocational training can be addressed as well as the efforts to cope with economic transformations through professional retraining, skills training and the promotion of degree-level training.

Economisation and privatisation

It has been widely criticised that education has been subjected to the imperatives of economic efficiency and that educational institutions have been privatised. However, these developments have yet to be scrutinised by historians. Is there an overarching trend towards the marketisation and monetarisation of education? In the wake of international agreements and standardised frameworks such as the Bologna-process, is education turned into a commodity? What is the role of non-state, private purveyors of educational qualifications, and how did the demand for privately organised educational resources by different social groups change over time?

Global dimensions

Education was and still is a key aspect of development policies. Throughout the nineteenth century, education was a core element of the European »civilising mission«. In the wake of decolonization, it adopted a new meaning both during the nation-building process of the former colonies as well as in the development aid cooperation with of these states with the West. Under which circumstances did institutional co-operations, career trajectories forged by transnational education processes and study trips connections and mutual dependency between the former colonies and the western nations, either in terms of postcolonial hierarchies or by mutual learning and agreement? 

Concepts and practices of education

Modern societies are characterised by a pluralism of world-views and social positions. Competing concepts of education reflect this plurality, and their competition can be understood, from the vantage point of a social history of education, as a struggle for interpretive hegemony. The current debates over populism, anti-science currents and »fake news« can be situated in a longer historical tradition of competing visions of a »proper« or »false« and exaggerated education – for instance between secular liberals and Christian groups and churches, between cultural elites and emancipation movements. In this context it is also promising to analyse different practises of education, for instance in educational associations, in adult education centres or provision for social pedagogy, or, more recently, in the context of digital learning and home schooling.

A workshop with short papers by invited authors will be held by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, according to our current planning on 28/29 October 2021. Here, we will develop ideas for contributions to the theme issue of the Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 62 (2022) and share and discuss relevant questions. We invite interested scholars to submit abstracts for possible contributions by 31 July 2021. Abstracts, presentations during the workshop and subsequent articles can be submitted in English and German. Abstracts should not be longer than 3,000 characters. Subsequently, the editors of the Archiv für Sozialgeschichte will select contributions for the theme issue, which should have a length of around 60,000 characters (including footnotes). The deadline for article manuscripts is 31 January 2022.

The Archiv für Sozialgeschichte is edited by Kirsten Heinsohn, Thomas Kroll, Anja Kruke, Philipp Kufferath (managing editor), Friedrich Lenger, Ute Planert, Dietmar Süß and Meik Woyke.


Achiv für Sozialgeschichte


Dr. Philipp Kufferath


Call for Papers. Comparative History Days — 2021. Cultural & Technological Transfers in Global and Comparative Perspectives, 18th — 20th Centuries European University at Saint-Petersburg, November 1–2, 2021*


In recent years “transfer” has gradually evolved into an umbrella term in the humanities and social sciences. In their works scholars describe or analyze “cultural transfer” (Espagne 2013, Middell 2020), “technology transfer” (Hughes, & Pinch, 1987), etc. The increase of scholarly interest in transfers, in turn, has led to an expansion of research in the fields of technological, political and economic history. But this has also led to the fact that instances of transfers have become divided into narrow cases. For example, economic and technological transfers are studied separately within the fields of economic history and history of technologies, respectively (Davids, 2016). Authors who tackle the issues of cultural transfer also work in different disciplinary subfields: literary studies (Lüsebrink 2008, Roland 2016), translation studies (Göpferich 2007, Roig-Sanz & Meylaerts 2018), cultural history (Espagne 2013, Middell 2014). Yet because transfers overlap (Werner & Zimmerman 2003), interdisciplinary investigations of transfers can lead to rethinking of agencies and channels that enable the former. For example, technical specialists working abroad are carriers of professional knowledge and simultaneously agents of sociocultural practices. The transfer of architectural and urban planning may also simultaneously include political, cultural, and technological transfers, in municipal government, art and construction areas.

Some issues that we would like to discuss within the wider framework of the conference that focuses on the transfer history include (but are not limited to) (1) linearity, (2) compatibility of transfers with other approaches and methods, (3) problematization of the concept of border.

What is the specificity of the transfer methodology versus the specificity of a concrete historical case? Which methodological approaches could one borrow from other disciplines? How should one study transfers beyond Western European context (e.g., in the Russian / Soviet or Chinese context)? How should one analyze and approach the nonlinearity and asymmetry of the transfer processes given different space-time continua?  What measurable transformations took place during the transfer (hybridization, modification, adaptation, etc.)?

We expect abstracts of no more than 300 words. English is the working language of the conference. The conference will be held in a hybrid format (online / offline). Please forward abstracts plus a short bibliography to: before August 31, 2021.

Organizers: Mikhail Krom, Professor of Comparative Studies in History, and Karina Khasnulina, PhD Student, Department of History, European University at Saint-Petersburg.

* Dates may change

Václav Smyčka: Objevení dějin. Dějepisectví, fikce a historický čas na přelomu 18. a 19. století [Discovering the past: Historiography, fiction and historical time at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries]. Academia, Praha 2021. ISBN 978-80-200-3211-9


Kniha se zabývá proměnou vnímání historického času a zobrazování minulosti na přelomu 18. a 19. století. Ptá se, k čemu je nám dějepisectví a jak se proměnil způsob situování se naší společnosti v dějinách. Jak se vyvíjel způsob zachycování minulosti v dějepisectví, literatuře či na divadle? Odpověď na tyto otázky nachází v pěti zásadních inovacích historického myšlení, které přispěly ke zrození moderní společnosti. Jde o představu o kontinuální kumulaci vědění související s růstem knižních trhů, vyprávěcí přístup k historické zkušenosti ovlivněný historickými romány a dramaty, filozofii dějin jako sekularizovaný teleologický rámec historického myšlení, objevení moderního pojetí kultury coby prostředku popisu společnosti a narativizaci kolektivních identit.

Petr Kostrhun, Martin Oliva, Petr Zajíček: Karel Absolon. Objevitel, manažer, vědec [Karel Absolon: Discoverer, manager, scholar]. Praha: Academia 2021. ISBN 978-80-200-3167-9


Karel Absolon byl významnou a nepřehlédnutelnou osobností. Jeho jméno zůstane spjato se zpřístupněním dna propasti Macochy, s archeologickými výzkumy korunovanými nálezem Věstonické venuše či s vybudováním pavilonu Anthropos v Brně. Spektrum jeho rozsáhlé činnosti doplňovaly zejména v počátcích jeho aktivního života i úspěchy v oboru zoologie, zvláště při výzkumu bezobratlých troglobiontních živočichů. Absolon byl však také osobou kontroverzní, kromě obdivovatelů měl i řadu odpůrců, za svými cíli a úspěchy šel mnohdy nekompromisně a tvrdě. V každém případě za sebou zanechal nejen mnoho speleologických, archeologických a zoologických objevů, ale i obrovské množství publikací, fotografií, rukopisů a dalších dokumentů, které po celou dobu své působnosti schraňoval. Absolonovo dílo je vskutku monumentální a čerpat z něj budou ještě mnohé další generace.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Художественно-филологический перевод 1920–1930-х годов [Artistic-philological translation in 1920s-1930s] / Сост. М. Э. Баскина; отв. ред. М. Э. Баскина, В. В. Филичева. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2021. ISBN 978-5-4469-1798-3



Входящий в серию «Архив российской словесности» сборник статей и публикаций «Художественно-филологический перевод 1920–1930-х годов» дает описание, с опорой на архивные и забытые материалы, ранее не выделявшегося в историографии отечественной культуры и, в частности, перевода явления: в 1920–1930-е годы значимое число крупных историков, филологов, философов, поэтов-неоклассиков перенесли свои профессиональные интересы в область перевода (собственно перевода, редактирования, комментирования, его историко-литературного и теоретического изучения и критики) и выработали по-новому точные презумпции переводческого метода, знаком которого можно назвать ‘эквиритмию’, и филологическое понимание перевода как особого метода герменевтики текста, стилистического анализа. Это одновременно филологически фундаментальное и остроактуальное, ориентированное на принимающую культуру, понимание задачи переводчика реализовалось в подготовке отдельных изданий и собраний сочинений европейских классиков (Гете, Данте, Диккенса, Пруста, Шекспира и др.), памятников античной, восточной, средневековой европейской литературы; в практике издательств «Всемирная литература» и «Academia»; в обсуждении перевода на семинарах в ГАХН и ГИИИ; в фундаментальных историко-литературных и в теоретически заостренных критических работах о переводе. В конце 1930-х большинство переводчиков-филологов стали жертвами «большого террора», а после войны филологически точный перевод был вытеснен из отечественной практики, истории и теории, из читательского восприятия. Сопровождающие публикации архивных текстов работы отечественных и зарубежных ученых рассматривают труды представителей «безымянного сообщества» переводчиков и переводоведов-филологов, ленинградских, московских и украинских, — Д. С. Усова, Б. И. Ярхо, Г. Г. Шпета, Г. А. Шенгели, М. Л. Лозинского, А. А. Франковского, М. П. Алексеева, В. Н. Державина и др., страницы деятельности издательств, периодических изданий, исследовательских институтов.

Solovey, Mark, Dayé, Christian (Eds.) Cold War Social Science - Transnational Entanglements. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-70245-8



Considers the impact of the Cold War's transnational dimensions on social science

Gathers contributions exploring a wide range of fields, from anthropology to political science

Broadens our understanding of Cold War social science beyond nation-centered approaches

This book explores how the social sciences became entangled with the global Cold War. While duly recognizing the realities of nation states, national power, and national aspirations, the studies gathered here open up new lines of transnational investigation. Considering developments in a wide array of fields – anthropology, development studies, economics, education, political science, psychology, science studies, and sociology – that involved the movement of people, projects, funding, and ideas across diverse national contexts, this volume pushes scholars to rethink certain fundamental points about how we should understand – and thus how we should study – Cold War social science itself. 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Александр Койре, Александр Кожев, Исайя Берлин [Alexandre Koyré, Alexandre Kojève, Isaiah Berlin] / отв. ред. О. Л. Грановская, Д. Н. Дроздова, А. М. Руткевич. – М. : Политическая энциклопедия, 2021. ISBN: 978-5-8243-2425-9


    Данная книга (33-й том в серии «Философия России первой половины ХХ века») представляет жизненные и интеллектуальные траектории трех европейских мыслителей с русскими корнями – А. Койре, А. Кожева, И. Берлина. В ней сопоставляются их методологические стратегии, выявляются культурные и экзистенциальные предпосылки их стиля мышления, которые позволили им добиться успеха и признания в качестве европейских философов, а также прослеживаются их интеллектуальные связи с Россией и осмысливается значение русской культуры для тематической ориентации этих мыслителей и для европейской философии ХХ века в целом.

    Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся философией, общественной и политической мыслью, экзистенциальной и интеллектуальной историей русского зарубежья первой половины ХХ века.

Veronika Jičínská (ed.): Fritz Mauthner (1849–1923): Zwischen Sprachphilosophie und Literatur. Köln: Böhlau Verlag 2021. ISBN: 978-3-412-52087-8


Fritz Mauthner (1849-1923), der deutschsprachige Denker jüdischer Herkunft, geboren im ostböhmischen Horzitz/Hořice, aufgewachsen und ausgebildet in Prag, in Berlin als Journalist und Theaterkritiker tätig, war ein produktiver Autor und wird heute vor allem als Sprachkritiker rezipiert. Er identifizierte sich mit der deutschen Kultur und gleichzeitig verband ihn mit den Tschechen, ihrer Kultur und Sprache die Ambivalenz einer Hassliebe, die seine Romane und Novellen, aber auch sein sprachphilosophisches Werk entscheidend prägte.

Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes setzen Mauthners Werk in Beziehung zu seinem facettenreichen Entstehungskontext. Nicht nur die hybriden linguistischen und kulturellen Lebensumstände des Autors und die Einflüsse der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen seiner Zeit wie der deutsche und tschechische Nationalismus oder der Antisemitismusstreit, sondern auch die Kontroversen um und über Mauthner werden in diesem Band neu beleuchtet und interpretiert. Vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtiger kulturwissenschaftlicher Diskurse erscheint sein Werk mit seinen Beobachtungen zur Mischung von Sprachen und Kulturen überraschend aktuell.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

hps.cesee global book talk: Natalia Aleksiun, Naomi Seidman, Marcin Wodziński : Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust. Friday, June 18, 18:00-19:30 Vienna / 19:00-20:30 Moscow / 12:00-13:30 New York.


The virtual platform HPS.CESEE (History of Science in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe) is proud to present its forthcoming book talk. Naomi Seidman (University of Toronto) and Marcin Wodziński (University of Wrocław) will join Natalia Aleksiun (Touro College, New York) to discuss her recent book, Conscious History: Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust (Liverpool University Press 2021), in a discussion moderated by Jan Surman.

"Thoroughly researched, Conscious History: Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust highlights the historical scholarship that is one of the lasting legacies of interwar Polish Jewry and analyses its political and social context. As Jewish citizens struggled to assert their place in a newly independent Poland, a dedicated group of Jewish scholars fascinated by history devoted themselves to creating a sense of Polish Jewish belonging while also fighting for their rights as an ethnic minority. The political climate made it hard for these men and women to pursue an academic career; instead they had to continue their efforts to create and disseminate Polish Jewish history by teaching outside the university and publishing in scholarly and popular journals. By introducing the Jewish public to a pantheon of historical heroes to celebrate and anniversaries to commemorate, they sought to forge a community aware of its past, its cultural heritage, and its achievements---though no less important were their efforts to counter the increased hostility towards Jews in the public discourse of the day. In highlighting the role of public intellectuals and the social role of scholars and historical scholarship, this study adds a new dimension to the understanding of the Polish Jewish world in the interwar period."

The meeting is free and open to the public. To receive the link, please register here: or write to

Natalia Aleksiun is Professor of Modern Jewish History at Touro College, Graduate School of Jewish Studies, New York. She is the co-editor, with Antony Polonsky and Brian Horowitz, of Writing Jewish History in Eastern Europe (2016), and has published widely on Polish Jewish issues. Among several prestigious fellowships, she has been a fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich and at the Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies in Vienna, and the Pearl Resnick Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC.

Naomi Seidman is Chancellor Jackman Professor in the Arts at the University of Toronto with a split appointment between the Department for the Study of Religion and the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies. Her first book, A Marriage Made in Heaven: The Sexual Politics of Hebrew and Yiddish, appeared in 1997; her second, Faithful Renderings: Jewish-Christian Difference and the Politics of Translation, in 2006. A third, The Marriage Plot, Or, How Jews Fell in Love with Love, and with Literature, appeared in 2016. Her fourth book, Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition, was awarded a National Jewish Book Award in 2019.

Marcin Wodziński is Professor of Jewish history and literature, and head of the Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Wrocław. His publications include: Hebrew Inscriptions in Silesia from the 13th to 18th Centuries (1996); Bibliography on the History of Silesian Jewry II (2004); Haskalah and Hasidism in the Kingdom of Poland (2005); The Polish Kingdom Authority Against Hasidism (2008); Hasidism and Politics (2013).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...