Thursday, 22 July 2021

online event: History of Historical Science Studies in the Long 20th Century, 02.09.2021 - 03.09.2021

The historical science studies gained their modern form during the long twentieth century. The aim of this workshop is to explore the history of this field of study. The term „modern historical science studies“ should be understood as a heuristic concept, which indicates a difference from more traditional forms of history of science. The reason behind the choice of this concept is that modern historical science studies are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach to the historical objects of the sciences, whereas more traditional history of science was mainly written as an experience-based reflection by representatives of the respective scientific disciplines themselves. For example, only from the late nineteenth and especially the twentieth century, social science approaches have played an increasingly important role in the historical reflection on the sciences. The contributions to the workshop focus on practices, the circulation processes of concepts, and individual representatives of different approaches to the history of science. Hereby, also the humanities are taken into account. Furthermore, a purely ‘western’ focus will be avoided, and the historical science studies in Eastern Europe will be equally taken into account.


2 September 2021, 9 AM

9 AM: Fabian Link, Volker Remmert, Marij van Strien (Wuppertal), Welcome and Introduction

Historische Wissenschaftsforschung in und über Osteuropa hinaus / Historical Science Studies in and beyond Eastern Europe

9.30 AM: Friedrich Cain (Wien), Zur Epistemologie und Anthropologie „wissenschaftlicher Kultur“. Wissenschaftsforschung im Polen der Zwischenkriegszeit jenseits von Ludwik Fleck

10.15 AM: Coffee Break

10.45 AM: Jan Surman (Prag), History of Science in Circulations – Soviet Union 1960-1975

11.30 AM: Christian Reiß (Regensburg) / Eleyne Wenninger (Regensburg), Transatlantischer Denkverkehr. Die Übersetzung und Rezeption von Ludwik Flecks „Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache“ zwischen Deutschland, den USA und Großbritannien, 1975-1980

12.15 PM: Lunch Break

Historische Epistemologie in Frankreich / Historical Epistemology in France

2 PM: Onur Erdur (Berlin), Die epistemologische Schule von Paris

2.45 PM: Fons Dewulf (Ghent), Foucault Reading Cassirer: The History of Knowledge as a Stance of the Self

3.30 PM: Coffee Break

Geschichte der Science and Technology Studies / History of Science and Technology Studies

4 PM: Christoff Leber (München), Wissenschaft unter Beobachtung: Zum Ursprung der Science Studies im Gentechnik-Zeitalter

7 PM: Get-together on Zoom

3 September 2021, 9 AM

Historische Wissenschaftsforschung und Praktiken / Historical Science Studies and Practices

9.00 AM: Jan Potters (Antwerpen), Opening up HPS-Debates: On Reading Kuhn and the History of the Quantum

9.45 AM: Mike Rottmann (Halle) / Karena Weduwen (Bielefeld/Köln), Gelehrtes Geschehen. Ausgangspunkte einer praxissensiblen Geisteswissenschaftsgeschichte nach 1980

10.30 AM: Coffee Break

Historische Wissenschaftsforschung und Logischer Empirismus / Historical Science Studies and Logical Empiricism

11 AM: Başak Aray (Istanbul), HSS against Misappropriations of Science: Philipp Frank’s Case for Humanities in Science Teaching

Schlusskommentare und Schlussdiskussion / Concluding Remarks and Final Discussion

11.45 AM: Cornelius Borck (Lübeck), Bernhard Kleeberg (Erfurt)

13.00 PM: End


Fabian Link (, Marij van Strien (, Volker Remmert (

The workshop will be conducted as a Zoom meeting. The languages are English and German. We cordially invite all interested persons to participate in the workshop. Please contact Fabian Link ( or Nina Lorbach ( until 28 August 2021.

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