Thursday, 20 January 2022

A Book Discussion | Myron Korduba’s Diary, 1918–1925, 27 January 2022, 10:00 AM (MST, UTC-6) | 12:00 PM (EST, UTC-4) | 7:00 PM (EEST, UTC+3)


This event will be devoted to the newly published diary of Myron Korduba (1876–1947). Discovered a quarter of a century ago, until now the diary has been utilized by only a small circle of scholars. This diary is a unique eyewitness source to the period of the “Liberation Struggles” of 1917–1921 and the subsequent years. It was then that the status of the former Eastern Galicia that had been the core of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic established in November 1918 was decided in the international arena. The author was a well-known historian, a student of Mykhailo Hrushevsky, a political and civic leader, and one of the most active organizers of the Ukrainian (Underground) University, serving as a lecturer and dean. The Korduba diary casts light on the international context around the question of Eastern Galicia as well as the internal affairs. The diary is especially valuable as an insider’s view of the organization of the “state within a state,” the functioning of the Ukrainian quasi-state institutions that emerged after the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918–1919.

For more details and to register see:,-19181925.html .

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...