Thursday, 28 April 2022

hps.cesee&CHORUS book talk: History of Soviet Psychiatry with Grégory Dufaud, Benjamin Zajicek and Fanny Le Bonhomme

 hps.cesee&CHORUS book talk: History of Soviet Psychiatry with Grégory Dufaud, Benjamin Zajicek and Fanny Le Bonhomme. Thursday, May 5, 17:00-19:00 Central European Time (CET) / 18:00-20:00 Kyiv / 11:00-14:00 New York. Registration:

The virtual platform HPS.CESEE and CHORUS: Colloquium for the History of Russian Science are proud to present the global book talk "History of Soviet Psychiatry". Benjamin Zajicek (Towson University) and Fanny Le Bonhomme (University of Poitiers) will join with Grégory Dufaud (Sciences Po Lyon), to discuss his recently published book Une histoire de la psychiatrie soviétique (History of Soviet Psychiatry) [1], in a discussion moderated by Alexei Kojevnikov (University of British Columbia). It is part of a series of open zoom events aiming to foster the discussion of new books and approaches within the history of science and scholarship (broadly understood) in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

"Soviet psychiatry is known today as a medical specialty that serves to support political opponents. Whille it is not wrong, this image is very reductive. Grégory Dufaud propose in this essay anther perspective. He shows how the treatment of psychiatric diseased was be a space of initiatives and innovations, animated by the psychiatric societies who were attentive to the mental health of the population and tried not to divide their work from the medical practice.

Exploring the variety of meanings and uses of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, the book explores complex issues that linked political power and visions of scientific and social progress. This study offers thus a history of medicine and the practice of medicine and at the same time of social and political domination and authoritarian rule."

Thursday, May 5, 17:00-19:00 Central European Time (CET) / 18:00-20:00 Kyiv / 11:00-14:00 New York

The meeting is free and open to the public. To receive the link, please register here: or write to

[1] Grégory Dufaud, Une histoire de la psychiatrie soviétique, Paris, EHESS, coll. « En temps et lieux », 2021.


Fanny Le Bonhomme (University of Poitiers) is associate professor and member of the Criham (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en histoire, histoire de l'art et musicologie). She completed her doctorate in 2016, with a dissertation about the social history of psychiatry in German Democratic Republic. Her research focuses on the social history of GDR and on the social history of psychiatry.

Grégory Dufaud (Sciences Po Lyon – LARHRA) is a specialist on the Soviet Union. He focuses his research on issues of government rationality, population management and social control.

Benjamin Zajicek (Townson University) was awarded a PhD from the University of Chicago for his dissertation, “Scientific Psychiatry in Stalin's Soviet Union: The Politics of Modern Medicine and the Struggle to Define ‘Pavlovian’ Psychiatry, 1939-1953.” His research focuses on the Soviet Union in the Stalin era, particularly the history of professions and the history of psychiatry. He is currently working on a book manuscript titled “Soviet Psychiatry under Stalin.”

Alexei Kojevnikov (University of British Columbia) works on the history of science and society in the twentieth-century. His publications investigate the role of cultural metaphors in “hard” sciences, the impact of war, social crises, and revolutions on scientific development, Soviet and socialist science.


 AUC HISTORIA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE PRAGENSIS, Vol 61 No 1 (2021) is online ! Czech with English abstracts. 

Open access: .

Milites Apollinis. Studenti medicíny z českých zemí na basilejské univerzitě v 16. a raném 17. století

Martin Holý, Marta Vaculínová

Rakouská statistika školství a vzdělávání – opomíjený pramen dějin vzdělanosti „dlouhého“ 19. století

Petr Kadlec

Působení Jaroslava Bidla a Milady Paulové v pražské univerzitní extenzi

Daniela Brádlerová, Marek Ďurčanský

František Vavřinec Rabas, OFMCap (1901–1969) jako pedagog a blízký spolupracovník litoměřického biskupa Štěpána Trochty

Martin Barus, Marek Brčák

Zemřel slovenský znalec církevních dějin a historie trnavské univerzity

Ivana Čornejová

Dušan Coufal. Turnaj víry. Polemika o kalich na basilejském koncilu 1431–1433

Blanka Zilynská

Roman Pazderský, Historik Wácslaw Wladiwoj Tomek a české dějepisectví 19. století

Petr Čornej

Tomasz Ochinowski, Izabella Łęcka (eds.) Wspomnienie o stanie wojennym na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim [Reminiscences of the Martial Law at the University of Warsaw], Warszawa: WUW 2022. ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-235-5373-1

 Open access: .

[English below]

Publikacja powstała z inspiracji dr. hab. prof. UW Tomasza Ochinowskiego i dr hab. prof. UW Izabelli Łęckiej z Wydziału Zarządzania przy współudziale imponującego zespołu młodych badaczy rekrutujących się z grona studentów z różnych kierunków stołecznej uczelni. Studenci nie tylko przeprowadzili wywiady z bohaterami stanu wojennego. Podjęli się również opracowania merytorycznego dokumentacji.

Na omawiany tom składają się wspomnienia: Maryli Kiersnowskiej, Andrzeja Kaczanowskiego, Jerzego Kwaśniewskiego, Barbary Malak-Minkiewicz, Lecha Mankiewicza, Anny Owczarek, Anny Radziejowskiej-Hilchen, Joanny Papis, Jana Rempały, Juliana Srebrnego, Jerzego Siedleckiego, Jerzego Szatyłowicza, Zuzanny Toeplitz, Ryszarda Zielińskiego i Mariusza Ziółkowskiego. Z powyższego wykazu nazwisk wynika, że młodym badaczom i ich opiekunom nie przyświecała bynajmniej idea dotarcia do postaci z pierwszych stron gazet w kontekście dramatycznych wydarzeń, które w wyniku decyzji gen. Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego i jego komunistycznych współpracowników rozpoczęły się 13 grudnia 1981 roku.

Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem:


Reminiscences of the Martial Law at the University of Warsaw

The publication, spearheaded by Prof. Tomasz Ochinowski and Prof. Izabella Łęcka of the Faculty of Management, was prepared by an impressive team of young researchers, students hailing from a range of the University’s programmes, who not only carried out interviews with heroes of the Martial Law but also undertook to transcribe and annotate the material.

The volume features accounts from: Maryla Kiersnowska, Andrzej Kaczanowski, Jerzy Kwaśniewski, Barbara Malak-Minkiewicz, Lech Mankiewicz, Anna Owczarek, Anna Radziejowska-Hilchen, Joanna Papis, Jan Rempała, Julian Srebrny, Jerzy Siedlecki, Jerzy Szatyłowicz, Zuzanna Toeplitz, Ryszard Zieliński and Mariusz Ziółkowski. The very list of names shows that the young researchers and their mentors aimed to go beyond the most notable participants of the dramatic events unleashed on 13 December 1981 by General Wojciech Jaruzelski and his communist associates.

Keywords: Martial Law, witnesses to Martial Law, Solidarity, oral history.

Monday, 25 April 2022

online event: Olena Palko, "How to Lie with Census: Reflections on the minority Statistics in Early Soviet Ukraine"

 We invite you to a lecture "How to Lie with Census: Reflections on the minority Statistics in Early Soviet Ukraine" presented by Doctor Olena Palko, a junior research fellow at the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies PIASt.

Join us next Tuesday, 26.4, 12:00 pm CET! (Microsoft teams)

HOMO HISTORICUS 2022 Гадавік антрапалагічнай гісторыі. Пад рэдакцыяй доктара гістарычных навук Аляксандра Смаленчука. HOMO HISTORICUS 2022 The Annual of Antropological History, OPEN ACCESS

 HOMO HISTORICUS 2022 Гадавік антрапалагічнай гісторыі. Пад рэдакцыяй доктара гістарычных навук Аляксандра Смаленчука. HOMO HISTORICUS 2022 The Annual of Antropological History, OPEN ACCESS


Замест прадмовы. «Мы закліканыя да свабоды…»............................................................................... 8 In lieu of a preface. «We meant to be free…»....................................................................................... 8 ДАСЛЕДАВАННІ STUDIES 


АЛЕГ ЯНОЎСКІ, ВАЛЯНЦІНА ЯНОЎСКАЯ (МЕНСК). Навука пра чалавека або чалавек у навуцы: ля вытокаў антрапалагічнай навукі ў Беларусі • Aleh Yanouski, Valiantsina Yanouskaya (Mensk). The human science or a human in science: at the origins of anthropological science in Belarus ................................................................................................................................................14 ВОЛЬГА ЛАБАЧЭЎСКАЯ (МЕНСК). Матэрыялы да біяграфіі Ісака Абрамавіча Сербава (1871–1943)  • Volha Labacheuskaya (Mensk). Materials for the biography of Isak Abramavich Serbau (1871–1943) ................................................ 38 

НАДІЯ ТЕМІРОВА (ВІННИЦЯ). У лещатах радянскоï парадигми: поміщицтво у дослідженнях Андрія Анфімова (1916–1995). • Nadiya Temirova (Vinnytsia). In the focus of the Soviet paradigm: landlords in Andrew Anfimov’s (1916–1995) studies .............. 56 

ВІТАЛЬ КАРНЯЛЮК (ГРОДНА). Каб напісанае засталося: да гісторыі стварэння кніг Апанаса Цыхуна пра акадэміка Яўхіма Карскага • Vital Karnialiuk (Hrodna). To preserve the written one: the background of Apanas Tsychun’s book creation about academician Auchim Karsky ...................................................... 66 

ВОЛЬГА ЛАБАЧЭЎСКАЯ (МЕНСК). Пад знакам арнаменту: да гісторыі стварэння дзяржаўнага сцяга • Volha Labacheuskaya (Mensk). Under the banner of ornament: the background of the state flag creation ..................................... 78


ВОЛЬГА ІВАНОВА (МЕНСК). Беларускі музей імя Івана Луцкевіча – шлях да ліквідацыі  • Volha Ivanova (Mensk). Belarusian Museum of Ivan Lutskevich in Vilnia – the way to its liquidation......................................92 АЛЯКСАНДР СМАЛЯНЧУК (ВАРШАВА). Апошні грамадзянін Вялікага Княства Літоўскага, або Уводзіны ў жыццяпіс рэдактара Людвіка Абрамовіча (1879–1939) • Aliaksandr Smalianchuk (Warsaw). The last citizen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, or Introduction to study of editor’s Ludwik Abramowicz (1879–1939) biography...................................................................................................143 


АНДРЭЙ ЧАРНЯКЕВІЧ (ВАРШАВА). «Быць канфідэнтам»: штодзённае жыцце інфарматара польскай службы бяспекі ў паўночна-ўсходніх ваяводствах ІІ Рэчы Паспалітай (1921–1939) • Andrei Charniakevich (Warsaw). «To be a police agent»: everyday life of the Polish security service informant-agent in Notheastern voivodeships of the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1921–1939)..............178 

ЛЕАНІД ЛАЎРЭШ (ЛІДА). Лідскія камуністы ў данясеннях канфідэнта Чорнага (1932–1937)  • Leanid Laurеsh (Lida). Lida communists in reports of the secret agent Chorny (1932–1937) .............................................. 200 


«Мяне цалкам паглынае метадалагічны падыход». Інтэрв’ю з каардынатарам Лятучага ўніверсітэта кандыдатам сацыялагічных навук Таццянай Вадалажскай • «I’m entirely merged in methodological approach» Interview with Flying University coordinator PhD in Psychology Tatsina Vadalazhskaya................ 219

 НАВУКОВАЕ ЖЫЦЦЁ SCIENTIFIC LIFE РЭЦЭНЗІІ REVIEWS СЯРГЕЙ ГРУНТОЎ (МЕНСК). Польска-літоўскай сцежкай па віленскіх Росах Cmentarz Na Rossie w Wilnie – historia, sztuka, przyroda. Pod red. Anny Sylwii Czyż i Bartłomieja Gutowskiego, Warszawa 2019. 606 s., ilustr  • Siarhei Hruntou (Mensk). By Polish-Lithuanian path across Rasos cemetery in Vilnia................................................................ 241

АЛЯКСАНДР ЛАНЕЎСКІ (ВАРШАВА). Гісторыя анархізму ў Беларусі на пачатку XX ст. Глушаков Ю. Э., «Революция умерла! Да здравствует революция!»: Анархизм в Беларуси (1902–1927). СПб., 2015. 176 с., ил • Aliaksandr Laneuski (Warsaw). Anarchy in the BY. The History of anarchism in Belarus in the early 20th century............................ 249 

ЗАХАР ШЫБЕКА (ХАЙФА). На шляху да вялікай навукі Смиловицкий Л., Евреи Белоруссии: до и после Холокоста: Сборник избранных статей. Иерусалим, 5781/2020. 491 с  • Zachar Shybieka (Haifa). In the journey towards significant science .........................................................................................265 


Беражыце свабоду! Барыс Клейн (1928–2020) (АЛЯКСАНДР ФЯДУТА, МЕНСК)  • Preserve freedom! Barys Klein (1928–2020) (Aliksandr Fiaduta, Mensk).......................................274 

Евгений Анищенко (1955–2021): история историка (АНДРЕЙ КИШТЫМОВ, МИНСК)  • Evgeny Anishchenko (1955–2021): historian’s history (Andrei Kishtymov, Minsk)..........................279 

Уладзімір Ляхоўскі (5 лютага 1964 – 7 верасня 2021) (АНДРЭЙ ЧАРНЯКЕВІЧ, ВАРШАВА) • Uladzimir Liachouski (February 5th 1964 – September 7th 2021) (Andrei Charniakevich, Warsaw) .....................................................................................................303 

Памяці Таццяны Маліноўскай (1953–2020) (ЮРЫ ГАРДЗЕЕЎ, КРАКАЎ)  • In memorial of Tatsiana Malinouskaya (1953–2020) (Yury Hardzejeu, Krakow)............................307 

Памяці Настаўніка. Фелікс Налівайка (1938–2016) (АЛЯКСАНДР СМАЛЯНЧУК,  ВІТАЛЬ КАРНЯЛЮК, ВІКТАР РУДНIК, ГРОДНА)  • In memorial of the Teacher Feliks Nalivajka (1938–2016) (Aliaksandr Smalianchuk, Vital Karnialiuk, Viktar Rudnik, Hrodna).......................................... 312 

Звесткі пра аўтараў • About the Authors ............................................................................................................................... 317

Thursday, 21 April 2022

International Online Conference, “100th Anniversary of Ukrainian Formalism”, 28-30 April 2022


In the 1920s, the “technique of the craft of writing” became one of the main tools for the modernization of Ukrainian national art and literature. This partly explains the tremendous interest of Ukrainian critics, literary historians, and theorists in Formal theory. The “Formal method,” along with the “Marxist method,” were the two main competing approaches to literary analysis in the 1920s. In 1922, the Ukrainian critic Volodymyr Koryak published the article titled “Form and Content” which provoked a subsequent polemics around the problem of the dialectics of “form” and “content.” This was the first significant discussion in Ukrainian literary criticism in the 1920s, and it marked the starting point of the phenomenon which is often called the “Ukrainian formalism.”

The aim of our conference is to examine Ukrainian formalism and to address its legacy in contemporary Ukrainian literary studies. At the same time, the problem of “Ukrainian formalism” also ought to be considered in the wider framework of the development of Formal theory in other East European countries between World War I and World War II (the Polish and Czechoslovak cases). This could help us distinguish the specific national features in the theoretical perspectives and in ways of cultural thinking.

See here for the program and zoom details: .

virtual roundtable on Dr Catherine Gibson's book 'Geographies of Nationhood: Cartography, Science, and Society in the Russian Imperial Baltic' (OUP, 2022).

 On Thursday 12th May at 16:00-17:30 UK time, Durham University is hosting a virtual roundtable to mark the publication of Dr Catherine Gibson's book 'Geographies of Nationhood: Cartography, Science, and Society in the Russian Imperial Baltic' (OUP, 2022).

Dr Gibson (University of Tartu) will provide an overview of her book with responses from Dr Katja Wezel (University of Göttingen), Dr James Koranyi (Durham University), and Professor Steven Seegel (University of Texas at Austin). .

Cahiers du monde Russe 63/1 | 2022, Les vies de la science sous le socialisme tardif, 1945-1991, The lives of late Soviet science, 1945-1991

 Cahiers du monde Russe 63/1 | 2022, Les vies de la science sous le socialisme tardif, 1945-1991, The lives of late Soviet science, 1945-1991, Sous la direction de Grégory Dufaud et Ksenia Tatarchenko & Forum. Les statistiques de la Terreur / The statistics of Terror, Sous la direction de Alessandro Stanziani

URL: .

Monday, 11 April 2022

online event: Fabian Lüscher “Nuclear Ambiguities: Insights from the History of Science and an NGO Perspective”

 The  Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies (STGS) at FAU  Erlangen-Nürnberg, headed by Prof. Maria Rentetzi, invites you to  participate in its next guest lecture (online):

Dr. Fabian Lüscher

“Nuclear Ambiguities: Insights from the History of Science and an NGO Perspective” 

April 28, 2022, 18:00 (CEST)

Using  nuclear energy has always been ambiguous. This technology was one of  the defining aspects of the Cold War and remains crucial to political  decision making until today – from science to warfare, from energy  politics to geopolitics. In his talk, Dr. Lüscher will reflect on  nuclear internationalism in the Soviet Union and make the case for an  integrated nuclear history. In particular, he will shed light on the  role of experts, who displayed at least a dual loyalty: towards the  science-enabling state and towards an international scientific community  that appealed to universal values. In the second part of his  presentation, he will provide an NGO perspective on these nuclear  ambiguities, focusing on recent nuclear policy developments and debates.  What are the lessons nuclear history teaches us for the future of  atomic energy use?

Fabian  Lüscher was a member of the research project “Nuclear Technopolitics in  the Soviet Union” (DFG/SNF 2017–20) and is now head of the nuclear  energy department at the Swiss Energy Foundation (SES) in Zürich.

To join via Zoom please register here:

Call for papers: Histories of Race Graduate Workshop


The Histories of Race Graduate Workshop is a bi-weekly forum for the exploration of the impact of race and the construction of race and racial hierarchies across regional and temporal boundaries.

Complementing the wonderful array of workshops within the Faculty of History, this workshop endeavours to bring together a rich community of scholars working on questions related to race, ethnicity, and the process of racialisation. It grants us the opportunity to hear exciting research by generous scholars willing to share their work with us. It allows us to collectively think with and think through the work presented as well as granting the presenter the chance to gain valuable feedback on their work.

We provide a platform for scholars at various points of their career- be they MPhils, PhD students or early career researchers.The goal of this workshop is to provide an environment for the interchange of ideas and a forum for discussion on the theme of race.

It aims to:

provide a platform for scholars at Cambridge and selected academics outside of the institution to present papers on race, broadly defined.

disrupt the “national” by welcoming proposals which explore the impact of race and the construction of race and racial hierarchies across geographical and chronological boundaries.

breakdown boundaries between disciplines and sub-fields; the theoretical and the empirical; and the transnational, national and the local.

We welcome papers from MPhils, PhD students, and early career researchers across disciplines. We particularly welcome interdisciplinary scholarship. The papers should be approximately 35-40 minutes long. Each paper is followed by questions, feedback and discussion. If you are interested in presenting, please send a title, an abstract of approximately 250 words and a brief bio.

The workshop meets on Wednesdays at 5PM via Zoom. To be added to the mailing list, please contact Yasmin Dualeh (, Jasmin Bath ( and Shuvatri Dasgupta (

Maria Ciesielska: The Doctors of the Warsaw Ghetto. Translated by: Agata Krzychylkiewicz, Edited by: Tali Nates, Jeanette Friedman and Luc Albinski, Preface by: Michael Berenbaum. Academic Studies Press 2022. ISBN: 9781644697276

Maria Ciesielska: The Doctors of the Warsaw Ghetto. Translated by: Agata Krzychylkiewicz, Edited by: Tali Nates, Jeanette Friedman and Luc Albinski, Preface by: Michael Berenbaum. Academic Studies Press 2022. ISBN: 9781644697276


An in-depth study based on personal narratives, diaries, and scientific research that engagingly captures history of doctors who performed their work in the Warsaw ghetto.


Ciesielska Maria:

Maria Ciesielska, MD, PhD, is head of the UNESCO Unit at the Faculty of Medicine at the University in Haifa and a renowned specialist in the history of medicine.NatesTali:

Tali Nates, founder and director of the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre (a member of the South African Holocaust & Genocide Foundation), is a historian who has lectured internationally on Holocaust education, genocide prevention, reconciliation and human rights.AlbinskiLuc:

Luc Albinski is the co-founder of Vantage Capital’s mezzanine business which offers long-term, growth capital to mid-size businesses across Africa. Brought up in a Polish-Catholic home, Luc learnt about his Jewish origins in his early twenties. His interest in Holocaust and genocide history springs from his personal story as a son of a Holocaust survivor as well as from his on-the-ground involvement with a non-profit during the Bosnian conflict.Maria Ciesielska, MD, PhD, is head of the UNESCO Unit at the Faculty of Medicine at the University in Haifa and a renowned specialist in the history of medicine.


“The Warsaw Ghetto is one of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, ending with the Great Deportation to Treblinka’s gas chambers; at the same time, the Ghetto offers an empowering story of a new and resourceful system of medical care which was a form of sustained resistance to the Nazi occupation. Maria Ciesielska tells this story vividly: she offers many new insights into the Jewish physicians and nurses confined to the Ghetto. It is a narrative of hope in efforts to create a new system of healthcare, and of dark violence from the Nazi authorities in their determination to destroy the Ghetto. The culmination is the heroic resistance of the Ghetto Uprising. We are offered a vivid and authoritative narrative with many new and often touching insights in the efforts to overcome epidemics and starvation. Dr. Ciesielska has created a lucidly written and inspiring book.”

—Paul Weindling, Research Professor in the History of Medicine,Oxford Brookes University

“This remarkable book depicts the heroic efforts which the Warsaw Ghetto doctors deployed to protect the inhabitants from epidemics and treat them if they were sick. Weakened by starvation, overcrowding, catastrophic hygienic conditions and diseases, most Ghetto residents did not survive. Many also perished in death camps. The Ghetto medical community was also almost completely wiped out. The author studied accounts by surviving physicians and provides a chronological history of the Ghetto medical organization, interspersed with portraits of Ghetto doctors. The book offers many examples of doctors’ altruism and self-sacrifice. Their exact number is unknown, but Dr. Ciesielska lists the names of over 700 of them. Their tragic and often heroic stories will now be available to English readers, both in the medical community and in the general population interested in the history of the Warsaw Ghetto.”

—Claude Romney, Professor Emerita, University of Calgary

“Dr. Maria Ciesielska’s account of the Jewish doctors in the Warsaw Ghetto adds an important dimension to the existing material, but this is not just another historical account. Dr Ciesielska’s meticulous, detailed, and comprehensive use of many personal memoirs and testimonies to document their lives, and their deaths, provides a special lens through we which we can learn and understand more about the personal stories of those doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who worked and lived under those dire and extreme circumstances in the Ghetto. Through her unique way of storytelling, Dr. Ciesielska provides us with a humanistic glimpse into the complexities of the daily lives of these Jewish victims, and the ethical and moral complexities that they faced as healthcare professionals. This is a work of devotion to the memory of these individuals.”

—Dr. Tessa Chelouche, M.D.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

De Gruyter, in partnership with our publishing partners, is opening up a curated collection of titles pertaining to Ukraine and Russia

 De Gruyter, in partnership with our publishing partners, is opening up a curated collection of titles pertaining to Ukraine and Russia. As a publisher, we believe in disseminating knowledge and research to those who seek it in times of peril. True to our mission, we are offering free access to more than 115 eBooks and 13 journal articles in European History, International Relations, Law, Modern History, Political Science, Slavic Literature, and Sociology to ensure that everyone who is looking for background information on the region and the history of the conflict has the opportunity to educate themselves. We also invite you to peruse our titles within the following series: Imperial Encounters in Russian History; NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies; Russian Research Center Studies; and Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite Studies.

URL: .

Journal of the Institute of Croatian History, Vol. 53 No. 3, 2021, on history of knowledge in circulation (open access, English and Croatian)

 Journal of the Institute of Croatian History, Vol. 53 No. 3, 2021, on history of knowledge in circulation (open access, English and Croatian)

URL: .

Poseban broj Proizvodnja i cirkulacija znanja 

Special Issue Production and Circulation of Knowledge 

Vlasta Švoger i Željko Dugac Uvod gostujućih urednika Proizvodnja i cirkulacija znanja na (polu-)periferiji u predmoderno i moderno doba......................................................................................................9 

Jan Surman Circulating Knowledge for the 21st Century: An Interview with Johan Östling // Cirkulacija znanja za 21. stoljeće: intervju s Johanom Östlingom...................15 

Željko Dugac i Branka Grbavac Srednjovjekovni rukopisni primjerak Avicenina medicinskog djela Cantica canticorum cum commento Averrois iz Metropolitanske knjižnice u Zagrebu // Medieval Manuscript Copy of Avicena’s Medical Work Cantica canticorum from Metropolitan Library in Zagreb ...............................................................29 

Zrinka Blažević Knowledge Production in Canones de medicina solidorum (1707) by Georgius Baglivi // Proizvodnja znanja u djelu Canones de medicina solidorum (1707) Đure Baglivija...................................................................................................67 

Gordan Ravančić Dubrovnik’s Invention of the Quarantine and the Transfer of Knowledge about the Spread of Epidemics // Dubrovački izum karantene i prijenos znanja o širenju epidemijskih bolesti.....81

Marijana Borić Marin Getaldić – preteča novovjekovnog pristupa istraživanju prirode // Marin Getaldić – The Forerunner of the Modern Approach to Nature Research............................................................................................................97 

Ivan Majnarić In obsidione Constantinopolitana … mortem oppetisse: Uses of the Past and Reconstruction of Social Knowledge. The Case of the Oršić Family // In obsidione Constantinopolitana… mortem oppetiisse – uporaba prošlosti i rekonstrukcija društvenog znanja: slučaj obitelji Oršić................................ 119

Vlasta Švoger The First Croatian Scientific Journal as a Site of Production and Circulation of Knowledge // Prvi hrvatski znanstveni časopis kao mjesto proizvodnje i cirkulacije znanja ............................................................................................135 

Zrinko Novosel Circulation of Knowledge about Natural Law in the Habsburg Monarchy: the Public Examinations of Zagreb Professors Vinko Kalafatić and Pavao Antun Marković // Cirkulacija prirodno-pravnog znanja u Habsburškoj Monarhiji: javni ispiti zagrebačkih profesora Vinka Kalafatića i Pavla Antuna Markovića .....153 

Tihana Luetić Regional Background of the Student Body at the Faculty of Law of the Francis Joseph I Royal University in Zagreb (1874-1918) and Student Circulation // Regionalno porijeklo studenata Pravnog Fakulteta Kr. sveučilišta Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu (1874-1918) i studentska cirkulacija ...............................169

Marina Protrka Štimec From Genius to Bohemian. Authorship Figures at the Turn of the 20th Century // Od genija do boema – figure autorstva na prijelomu 20. stoljeća...................193 

Upute autorima i suradnicima Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest..............207 

Author and Contributor Guidelines ................................................................211

Jagoda Wierzejska, Danuta Sosnowska, Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (eds.): Galicja. Niezakończony projekt [Galicia. A neverending project]. Libron: Kraków 2022. ISBN: 978-83-67209-03-8


Spis tresci: .

Książka zbiorowa o Galicji jest dziełem bardzo ciekawym, napisanym przez kompetentne badaczki i badaczy z kilku krajów, co wpłynęło na wielowymiarowość ujęcia i zachowanie równowagi pomiędzy różnymi punktami widzenia historycznych zdarzeń. W swej mozaikowej strukturze mieści też bardzo dużo wartościowego materiału, celnych spostrzeżeń i  błyskotliwych konkluzji.

Z recenzji prof. dr. hab. Jerzego Jarzębskiego

Galicja stawia nas przed wyzwaniem poznawczym i badawczym, bo, z jednej strony, jest znana i rozpoznana. Ma ogromną literaturę przedmiotu, a po uwolnieniu swobody pisania na jej temat po roku 1989 zaczęła — jako problemat — produkować kanoniczne ujęcia, a często zwykłe klisze. Z drugiej natomiast Galicja nadal pozostaje nierozpoznana, przede wszystkim w tym zakresie, który dotyczyłby konfrontowania różnych narodowych narracji — i tych z odległej przeszłości, i tych z czasów bliższych, na przykład z okresu międzywojnia. […] Galicja — ta istniejąca kiedyś w realności geopolitycznej i ta żyjąca do dziś w  tradycji kulturowej — stanowi nadal otwarte pole badawcze.

Ze Wstępu Danuty Sosnowskiej i Jagody Wierzejskiej

Monday, 4 April 2022

HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN THE MEDIEVAL WORLD SUMMER SCHOOL, Veliko Tarnovo, 18–22 July 2022, deadline 29 April 2022

We are starting something new and very special.

Join us in Veliko Tarnovo, this summer, between 18–22 July 2022 for the Pilot Edition of the HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN THE MEDIEVAL WORLD SUMMER SCHOOL

Deadline for submitting an application: 29 April 2022.

There is no registration fee.

Full schedule:

Please address your informal inquiries and your application materials to Dr Divna Manolova at

Summer School Philosophy and Vision

The School studies the wider medieval world of Afro-Eurasia and aims to shed light on Byzantium and the Slavonic world, and their intellectual heritage as agents in the development of medieval science, which, though significant, nevertheless remain largely unknown to the scholarly community. Even though current scholarship is focused on the so-called ‘Global Medieval’, the medieval Slavonic, Byzantine and Black Sea regions remain a blind spot for both the researchers and the general public outside of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Thus, the School aims at positioning Byzantium and the Slavonic world on the map of history of medieval science, thus offering the participants the rare opportunity to get acquainted with their respective heritage.

In its pilot edition, the Summer School will problematize the medieval manuscript and approach it as a space and as a territory. Building upon this conceptual premise, the School will also introduce students to the medieval epistemic fields (sciences) which study the natural world (the kosmos) as a space, namely geography, cosmography and astronomy. Students will acquire fundamental knowledge concerning the place and role of the sciences in the intellectual world of the Middle Ages. They will also develop an understanding of premodern science as a spectrum of disciplines wider than the late antique framework of the four mathematical sciences (arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy) and inclusive of all epistemic domains dedicated to the intellectual exploration of the natural world (the kosmos) and of humanity. The School relies on a discussion-based and experiential / experimental format. That is, the School includes workshops, which will guide the students into the use of medieval instruments and maps as preserved in the surviving manuscripts.

The common discussion language of the School will be English.

If the participants know a medieval scholarly language (for this pilot edition: Latin, Greek and/or Old Church Slavonic, but in the future also Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Classical Armenian, and so forth), this would be an advantage, but it is not an essential requirement for participation.

During the selection process, preference will be given to MA and PhD students, but researchers with interest in the Middle Ages and / or History of Science can also apply.

Available places: The School offers twelve places for in-person participants wishing to attend both the morning (lectures) and afternoon (workshops) sessions.

There is no limit for the number of online participants, but their registration is restricted solely to the morning sessions.

We cannot offer any financial support to cover travel and accommodation expenses.

There is no registration fee.

In order to apply, please send a short bio and description of what motivates your application (maximum one page altogether). Please indicate in your application whether you would like to attend the Summer School in person or online.

Call for papers: Roles of mathematics in education. 8-10 June 2022, Brno

 Since the late 19th century, mathematics as a research discipline functioned as the best model for correct reasoning in the sciences. Since then, mathematization of not only natural, but also social sciences, especially sociology and psychology, served as a way of making these disciplines more scientific, thus contributing to the credibility of the conclusions of the researchers. During the 20th century, mathematics became an integral and undisputed part of (European) education, even if in the first half of 20th century, it was usually called calculations and measurements. Including mathematics in general education became so natural that nowadays, mathematics teachers do not ask themselves the question why teach mathematics at all. It is generally accepted that mathematics lessons train the logical thinking of the pupils and success in mathematics at primary and lower secondary school is often taken as a sign of ability to succeed in academic career. Mathematics has thus partially taken over the role of Latin and Greek classes.

After the so-called Velvet Revolution of 1989, one of the first major changes in mathematics education in Czechoslovakia was abolishing the compulsory exam in mathematics that those who wanted to enter the university had to take. It was a part of "Matura" or "A-levels", and this change resulted in turning the view on mathematics classes at secondary schools from that of a "necessary evil" to an "unnecessary evil". The efforts to re-introduce the compulsory exam in mathematics, led by the community of mathematicians and mathematics teachers have repeatedly failed, thus implicitly questioning the status of mathematics as a compulsory subject at upper secondary schools.

Looking into the history of mathematics in education may help our understanding why mathematics is included in the curricula. Why and when did educators suggest or agree with including mathematics among compulsory subjects? Why and when did professional mathematicians enter the decision-making process as to what parts of mathematics should be taught in upper secondary, lower secondary, and eventually even primary school?

We welcome proposals for papers on

· mathematics education and its place in general education, especially, although not exclusively, focusing on the Modern Era;

· the role of mathematicians in the negotiations as to what mathematics should be taught;

· embracing or refusal of mathematics education (in general or partially) by pedagogues who are not mathematics teachers;

· views held by the general public about the usefulness (or lack thereof) of mathematics education;

· and also other topics relevant to the conference topic.

Please, submit your proposals through EasyChair until 30 April 2022.

Acceptance notification: by 10 May 2022.

Catherine Gibson: Geographies of Nationhood: Cartography, Science, and Society in the Russian Imperial Baltic. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press 2022. ISBN: 9780192844323


Offers a new and refined explanation of the history of ethnographic cartography

Traces the geographical imagination of national territories in the Baltic

Provides the first social history of mapmaking in imperial Russia focusing on non-elites and provincial map production

Uses extensive multi-archival research and features over fifty maps

Geographies of Nationhood examines the meteoric rise of ethnographic mapmaking in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a form of visual and material culture that gave expression to territorialised visions of nationhood. In the Russian Empire's Baltic provinces, the development of ethnographic cartography, as part of the broader field of statistical data visualisation, progressively became a tool that lent legitimacy and an experiential dimension to nationalist arguments, as well as a wide range of alternative spatial configurations that rendered the inhabitants of the Baltic as part of local, imperial, and global geographies. Catherine Gibson argues that map production and the spread of cartographic literacy as a mass phenomenon in Baltic society transformed how people made sense of linguistic, ethnic, and religious similarities and differences by imbuing them with an alleged scientific objectivity that was later used to determine the political structuring of the Baltic region and beyond. Geographies of Nationhood treads new ground by expanding the focus beyond elites to include a diverse range of mapmakers, such as local bureaucrats, commercial enterprises, clergymen, family members, teachers, and landowners. It shifts the focus from imperial learned and military institutions to examine the proliferation of mapmaking across diverse sites in the Empire, including the provincial administration, local learned societies, private homes, and schools. Understanding ethnographic maps in the social context of their production, circulation, consumption, and reception is crucial for assessing their impact as powerful shapers of popular geographical conceptions of nationhood, state-building, and border-drawing.



1. Networks of Cartographic Influence, Patronage, and Reception

2. Provincial Map Production and the Rise of Cartographic Entrepreneurship

3. The Baltic Question in Cartographic Imagination

4. Mapping Latvians in Local and Global Perspectives

5. Post-War Ethnic Boundary Mapping from Above and Below

Epilogue: Afterlives of Maps

Catherine Gibson, Research Fellow, School of Theology & Religious Studies, University of Tartu

Catherine Gibson is a historian of modern Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire. She is currently a Research Fellow in the School of Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Tartu. She received her PhD from the European University Institute in 2019. She is co-editor of The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Borders, and Identities and her research has appeared in the journals Past & Present, Journal of Social History, Journal of History Geography, and Nationalities Papers.

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...