Thursday, 13 October 2022

Gossip, Rumours and Conspiracy Theories at the Time of Crisis. Thematic issue of Slovenský národopis/Slovak Ethnology Volume 70, 2022, No. 3 (open access)

 Gossip, Rumours and Conspiracy Theories at the Time of Crisis. Thematic issue of Slovenský národopis/Slovak Ethnology Volume 70, 2022, No. 3



Drążkiewicz, E. - Panczová, Z.: Conspiracy Theories, Rumours and Gossip at The Time of Crisis: COVID-19 Emergency in Eastern Europe and Africa. (s. 320)


Ilieva, A.: Angels in White Coats or Angels of Death? Rumours and Conspiracy Narratives about Medical Specialists in Bulgaria during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (s. 328)

Heřmanová, M.: “We Are in Control”: Instagram Influencers and the Proliferation of Conspiracy Narratives in Digital Spaces . (s. 349)

Manova, A.: Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Saving the World: Practices and Narratives by the Falun Dafa Community in Bulgaria . (s. 369)

Rasmussen, S.: The Knowable and the Unknowable in Ethnographic Encounters: A Case of Sorcery, Rumor, and Gossip among Tuareg in Northern Niger. (s. 392)

Desplat, P.: Doubting the Malagasy Remedy. Rumours and Suspicion During COVID-19 in Madagascar . (s. 411)


Slivková, N.: Andreas Önnerfors, André Krouwel (Eds.): Europe: Continent of Conspiracies. Conspiracy Theories in and about Europe. (s. 430)

Kiliánová, G.: Karl Hepfer: Verschwörungstheorien. Eine philosophische Kritik der Unvernunft [Conspiracy Theories: A Philosophical Criticism of Irrationality]. (s. 434)

Koza Beňová, K.: About the Monkey and Other(ing) Stories. Adam Wiesner: Monkey on My Back. An Autoethnographic Narrative of a Therapeutic Experience. (s. 437)

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...