Thursday, 13 October 2022

13th International Conference History of Chemistry - Vilnius 23-27 May 2023


Since 1991, when the first meeting was organized in Veszprem (Hungary), the Working Party on History of Chemistry<> (WPHC) of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry in order to bring together historically interested chemists, chemistry educators and historians of chemistry from all over Europe and beyond. Thirty-two years later, the 13rd International Conference on History of Chemistry<> (13ICHC) will be held in Vilnius (Lithuania), from Tuesday 23 May to Friday 26 May 2023. On Saturday 27 May there is a day excursion outside Vilnius.

The conference will be hosted by Vilnius University (established in 1579), both in the premises of the old city and in new buildings. The Department of Chemistry was established in 1797, still holding a position of one of the most popular departments of the University. History of chemistry and the teaching of the history of chemistry both reach to outside the University; also involving initiatives for the community and the younger generation.

The conference will include scientific sessions, four key-note lectures, the WP business meeting, a poster session as well as social events such as excursions, receptions, and a conference dinner banquet. Some useful information on the city and on the excursion organised on Saturday 27 May 2023 can be found on the conference website<>, and the Facebook page<>. The four key-note lectures will be held by:

- Florence Hachez-Leroy (Université d’Artois, GRHEN) on the heritage of industrial chemistry

- Marta Lourenço (Universidade de Lisboa, MUHNAC) on the material culture of chemistry

- Christoph Meinel (University of Regensburg) on the historiography and discipline formation.

- Rimantas Vaitkus (Vilnius University) on the history of chemistry in Lithuania.

Important Dates*:

- Deadline for submitting proposals: 1 December 2022

- Notification of acceptance: January 2023

- Provisional program: Early February 2023

- Final program: April 2023

- Conference dates: 23rd to the 27th of May 2023 (excursion included).


Category        Early bird

(before 1 April)        Regular fee

(1 April – 30 April)

Late registration

(1 May –22 May)

        On-site registration

(from 23 May)

Conference fee, regular participants    € 180,- € 210,- € 250,- € 300,-

Conference fee, students and independent scholars       € 90,-  € 105,- € 125,- € 150,-

Day fee, regular participants   € 70,-  € 80,-  € 100,- € 140,-

Day fee, students and independent scholars      € 35,-  € 40,-  € 50,-  € 75,-

Accompanying persons    € 140,- € 150,- € 160,- € 220,-

Conference dinner (Wednesday)   € 70,- and € 35,- for students and independent scholars ​       ​

Day excursion (Saturday)        € 100,- ​       ​

Tour in the city (Thursday)     € 20,-  ​       ​

Proposal guidelines:

The Steering Committee encourages the submission of panel/session proposals, but also accepts the submission of stand-alone papers. The 13ICHC welcomes proposals on any topic on the history of chemistry, broadly understood, including historical works on molecular sciences, life sciences, industry, technology, and education. We will also welcome papers on the teaching of history of chemistry, in order to reach out to the wider community and to students and young colleagues in particular.

All proposals must be in English, the language of the conference. Submitted abstracts and session proposals (max. 200 words) will be subject to review by an international Advisory Committee, that assists the Steering Organising Committee to ensure the quality of the conference program. Sessions should include about 3–5 papers, and no more than one session can be proposed by the same organizer. There is a limit of one paper per presenter (including the papers listed inside a panel or a session). All paper proposals must use the templates<> provided on the conference website.

Local organisers:

Lithuanian Chemical Society; Institute of Chemistry of Vilnius University; Lithuanian Biochemical Society

International organisers:

Working party on History of Chemistry of the European Chemical Society

Steering Organising Committee:

Prof. Annette Lykknes Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, (chair of the Working Party on History of Chemistry); Prof. Ernst Homburg, Maastricht University, The Netherlands (co-chair of the Steering Organising Committee); Prof. Ignacio Suay-Matallana, University of Valencia, Spain (co-chair of the Steering Organising Committee); Prof. Rimantas Vaitkus (Lithuanian Chemical Society)

Local Organising Committee:

Dr. Birutė Railienė, Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (chair); Dr. Rimantas Vaitkus, Vilnius University, (co-chair, member of Steering Organising Committee); Prof. Vida Mildažienė, Vytautas Magnus University (co-chair); Prof. Aldona Beganskienė, Vilnius University; Prof. Gervydas Dienys, Vilnius University; Prof. Aivaras Kareiva, Vilnius University; Dr. Lina Mikoliūnaitė, Vilnius University; Dr. Živilė Stankevičiūtė, Vilnius University

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