Thursday, 31 August 2023

Call for Papers: Globalizing Schizophrenia: The History and the Legacy of the WHO Schizophrenia Studies, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, June 13-14 in 2024.

 Call for Papers: Globalizing Schizophrenia: The History and the Legacy of the WHO Schizophrenia Studies, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, June 13-14 in 2024.

Convener: Alfred Freeborn, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

The World Health Organization studies of schizophrenia were unique in their international, temporal and technical scale. Beginning with the International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (1965–1973) and culminating in the International Study of Schizophrenia (1991–1996), there has been no other comparable attempt to carefully interview, record and follow up patients with psychosis across the globe. They play a critical role in the internal history of the modern field of psychiatric epidemiology, deployed as both a source of authoritative evidence and as a proof of concept for psychiatric epidemiology in general. The studies are also taken to mark an important origin for the contemporary Movement for Global Mental Health, in particular for the suggestion of early results that prognosis for schizophrenia varied between “developed” and “developing” countries. For historians of medicine, the studies present a highly rich and productive case study for writing global and transnational histories of medical research in the post-1945 era.

The international workshop “Globalizing Schizophrenia: The History and Legacy of the WHO Schizophrenia Studies” seeks to bring together historians, philosophers, anthropologists, and psychiatrists to discuss both the historical achievements of the WHO studies on schizophrenia and their legacy, with a particular focus on understanding the links between these early studies and the contemporary Global Mental Health discourse. It builds on the existing work of an international group of historians who have addressed the WHO studies, including Ana Antic <> in Copenhagen, Harry Wu <> in Taiwan and David Robertson <> in the USA, as well the critical historical and anthropological scholarship <> on the Movement for Global Mental Health. The workshop will combine a more historical focus on the early days of psychiatric epidemiology with contemporary perspectives on Global Mental Health from anthropologists and psychiatrists to generate a dialogue about the nature, limits, dangers and opportunities of the “global” in mental health care.

We are interested in papers on the history and legacy of the WHO studies as well as adjacent projects in order to generate a broad and comprehensive set of papers which will form the basis for an edited anthology. The workshop will take place on Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th of June 2024 at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Travel funding and accommodation will be available for participants.

Application Procedure:

Please send an abstract of up to 500 words and a short CV to <>

Deadline: 1st December 2023

Confirmed Participants:

Ana Antic, Doerte Bemme, Steeves Demazeaux, Rhodri Hayward, Nicolas Henckes, Timo Houtekamer, Sarah Marks, John McGrath, David Robertson, Anastassiya Schacht, Derek Summerfield, Harry Wu.

World Copernican Congress

 From 12 to 15 September 2023, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń will host the final stage of the World Copernican Congress. The Congress is being held in Poland in 2023 to mark the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus. The main objective of the Congress is to present the state of research on the life and work of the eminent scientist and astronomer and his impact on the development of science, culture and the arts. Details: .

The event is organised by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Institute of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Due to the rich and still alive and developing Copernican traditions in these centres, the Congress will have a rolling formula. The official opening of the proceedings is scheduled for 19 February 2023 in Toruń - the anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth and, at the same time a celebration of the University of Toruń. The proceedings will then be held successively in Kraków (24-26 May), Olsztyn (21-24 June) and Toruń (12-15 September).

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

JOBS at ERC Starting Grant Project “Sustained Concerns: Administration of Mineral Resources in Central Europe, 1550-1850" (SCARCE), university of Vienna

 JOBS at ERC Starting Grant Project “Sustained Concerns: Administration of Mineral Resources in Central Europe, 1550-1850" (SCARCE), University of Vienna

1 Postdoctoral Researcher (full-time, 4 years): .

2 PhD Positions (0,75 FTE, 4 years): .

The deadline is 26 October 2023, and contracts can start between 1 January and 31 October 2024.

SCARCE (Sustained Concerns: Administration of Mineral Resources in Central Europe, 1550-1850) is working at the intersection of history of science and technology, social and economic history, and environmental history ( It provides a critical history of today's stakeholder conflicts by showing how contradictory principles of resource management – economic development, sustainability, and technological innovation – were forged in proto-industrial settings. It explores early modern ways of provisioning for communities, making them available for current debates on environmental degradation and climate emergency.

A range of profiles (history of science, technology, medicine, gender, environmental, social, economic) would fit for the positions, and candidates are encouraged to propose their own project based on own interest and expertise. Linguistic skills will be a key selection criterion, as much of the sources and literature are in German and other (East) Central European languages, but there’s room for improving languages on the job and taking a transregional approach with additional archives elsewhere. Head of the project is happy to speak&meet informally and discuss project ideas (

Monday, 28 August 2023

Социология науки и технологий / Sociology of Science and Technology, Том 14, №1, 2 2023 are online (open access)

Социология науки и технологий / Sociology of Science and Technology, Том 14, №1, 2  2023 are online (open access)

№ 1: .

№ 2: .

Berber Bevernage and Lutz Raphael (eds.) Professional Historians in Public: Old and New Roles Revisited.

Berber Bevernage and Lutz Raphael (eds.) Professional Historians in Public: Old and New Roles Revisited. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023.

The past decades public interest in history is booming. This creates new opportunities but also challenges for professional historians. This book asks how historians deal with changing public demands for history and how these affect their professional practices, values and identities. The volume offers a great variety of detailed studies of cases where historians have applied their expertise outside the academic sphere. With contributions focusing on Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Pacific and Europe the book has a broad geographical scope.
Subdivided in five sections, the book starts with a critical look back on some historians who broke with mainstream academic positions by combining their professional activities with an explicit political partisanship or social engagement. The second section focusses on the challenges historians are confronted with when entering the court room or more generally exposing their expertise to legal frameworks. The third section focuses on the effects of policy driven demands as well as direct political interventions and regulations on the historical profession. A fourth section looks at the challenges and opportunities related to the rise of new digital media. Finally several authors offer their view on normative standards that may help to better respond to new demands and to define role models for publicly engaged historians.
This book aims at historians and other academics interested in public uses of history.

Saturday, 26 August 2023

CFP: Climate Research and Discourse During the 1970s

We are delighted to announce that we are now open to submissions for the upcoming duo of workshops held under the title of "Climate Change and the Beginning of the Crisis Decades: Climate Research and Discourse During the 1970s". The first will be held on September 6, 2024 at Manchester’s Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. The second will be held on November 7, 2024 at the Australian National University in Canberra. Both events are sponsored by the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology through the International Commission for the History of Meteorology.

These are intimate 1-day events that seek to assemble individuals with various research backgrounds (e.g. environmental history, HSTM, social sciences, atmospheric science) in an effort to generate critical transdisciplinary engagement around 1970s climate research and discourse. These come at a pertinent time, as many of the hallmarks of the 1970s discursive environment are being echoed and the period is becoming more easily historicizable. The Canberra workshop would especially welcome papers drawing out perspectives from the South and the Southern Hemisphere.

Please see the linked posters for further information:

Northern workshop:

Southern workshop:

The format consists of a 20-minute presentation followed by 10-minutes of discussion at the end of each panel. This will be followed by a 50-minute roundtable to finish proceedings.

Deadline for abstracts (300 words): March 15, 2024 (Manchester); April 15, 2024 (Canberra)

Registration information for non-presenting participants will be circulated at a later date.

Please send your submissions and any queries to Robert Naylor, Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda and Ruth Morgan (conference organisers):

Please indicate which of the workshops you would like to present at. You are welcome to attend both workshops, but we request that you only present at one or the other.

A limited number of travel bursaries are available (with priority for early career researchers). Please email for details. In the first instance these are in-person events. However, if you wish to contribute but cannot travel, please contact us.

With warmest regards,

Robert Naylor, Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda and Ruth Morgan

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Magdalena Bajer: Rody uczone. Kreski do szkicu, t. 3 [Academic Families. Sketches for a draft].

Magdalena Bajer: Rody uczone. Kreski do szkicu, t. 3 [Academic Families. Sketches for a draft]. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2023.

"Wszystkie, bez wyjątku, poznane przeze mnie rodziny przechowują pamięć swoich przodków, bliższych lub dalszych, przekonanie, że zawdzięczają im dobre życiowe wzory oraz chęć dochowania tym wzorom wierności. Starają się o to w bardzo różnych wariantach biograficznych, zwykle obfitujących w szczególne zdarzenia, niełatwe wybory, śmiałe decyzje. Tym pragnę zaciekawić czytelników, może skłonić do akceptacji, rzadziej pewnie do protestu, zachęcić do naśladowania tego, co budujące i użyteczne. [...].

Szacunek dla wiedzy, uznanie wykształcenia za element niezbędny dla życiowej aktywności, pozostaje jednym z podstawowych rysów inteligenckiej formacji, jakkolwiek nie są dzisiaj tak namiętnie deklarowane, jak robiły to pierwsze pokolenia tej warstwy społecznej. Stały się oczywistością i moi rozmówcy wymieniają studia uniwersyteckie jako naturalny etap edukacji, po którym dopiero wybierali dalszą drogę – w ich przypadku naukową".


Poza współczesnością | Axerowie

Wielojęzyczność | Bartnikowie

Rodzeństwo | Bielańscy

Porzekadła i czyny | Bystroniowie

Powtórka z tradycji | Chrzanowscy

Mistrz mistrzów | Czaplińscy

Polsce – w Rosji | Czeczottowie

Siedem pokoleń | Danyszowie

Prosta kontynuacja | Dzieduszyccy

Wyzwanie i spodziewanie | Fikusowie

Szybki start antenata | Gajlowie

Trzy pokolenia prawników | Gersdorfowie

Gra molekuł | Gryglewscy

Odcienie głównej barwy | Grzędzielscy

Kresowość | Habdank Wojewódzcy

Troska o istotę nauki | Hirszfeldowie

Kujawskie gniazdo | Hoyerowie, Wernerowie, Szumanowie

Rozmawiałem z Einsteinem | Infeldowie

Dusza domu | Ingardenowie

Przez próg wiedzy | Jurkiewiczowie

Uczestnictwo w dziejach | Juzwenkowie

Ze względu na Polskę | Kalicińscy

Modelowy los | Kądzielowie

Profesorskie podwórko | Kossutowie

Nowy wymiar kardiologii | Kowarzykowie

Wiedza roztropna | Krzyżanowscy

W środku dysputy | Kuniccy-Goldfingerowie

Wierność utopii | Lederowie

Świat stawał się ciekawszy | Lorentzowie

Śpiewać nie umiałem | Łomniccy

Wielkopolski porządek | Madajczykowie

Meandry | Maleczyńscy

Ekstrakt | Mossakowscy

Pogranicza | Nusbaumowie-Hilarowicze

Słowa – farby – ludzie | Obrębscy

Uzasadnienia przeciw odurzeniom | Ossowscy

Rozmach antenata | Pilatowie

Zawsze główne pytania | Pokorscy

Polityka i sztuka | Skubiszewscy

W stolicach świata | Słonimscy

Nasiąkanie | Stępniowie

Nauka – sztuka – historia | Sylwin

Odziedziczony wybór | Szweykowscy

Ekonomia z genetyką | Taylorowie

Powrót na połoninę | Vincenzowie

Poprzez epoki | Waliccy

Salon ostatniej Beatrycze | Wildowie

Prekursor wielokrotny | Wóyciccy

Duża pętla | Zabłoccy

Dom różnych światów | Zieleńczykowie

Dwie części elity | Żuławscy

Monday, 21 August 2023

Историко-биологические исследования / Studies in the History of Biology, Том 14, №1, 2 2023 are online (open access)

 Историко-биологические исследования / Studies in the History of Biology, Том 14, №1, 2  2023 are online (open access)

№ 1: .

№ 2: .

Stanislav Komárek: Jezovita Balbinus [Balbin the Jesuit].

Stanislav Komárek: Jezovita Balbinus [Balbin the Jesuit]. Praha: Academia 2023. ISBN 978-80-200-3367-3

Román o životě učence, literáta, kněze a pedagoga Bohuslava Balbína (1621–1688) propojuje realitu a fikci pokud možno tak, aby na sebe co nejtěsněji nasedaly, zároveň se snahou vylíčit dobové mravy a atmosféru tak věrně, jak jen s odstupem let lze. Sedmnácté století, dominované třicetiletou válkou, patřilo v našich zemích a přilehlé střední Evropě k nejhorším vůbec, srovnatelné snad jen s tím dvacátým. I Balbín v dobovém bludišti prospěchu a hrůzy kličkoval, jak se dalo. Dříve, než se stal idealizovanou, leč zaprášenu vycpaninou v obrozenecké almaře zasloužilých dědků, to byl člověk z masa a krve, také nadšený lovec a rybář, první český „skautský vůdce“ i jazykový národovec.

call for articles: Decolonizing Ethnographic Museums (Urban People: Special Issue)

call for articles: Decolonizing Ethnographic Museums (Urban People: Special Issue)

This special issue, published by Urban People, seeks to explore the entangled histories of imperialism and colonialism in the region, shedding light on the challenges faced by museums with collection contexts related to the Habsburg, Prussian, and Tsarist empires.


This special issue, published by Urban People, seeks to explore the entangled histories of imperialism and colonialism in the region, shedding light on the challenges faced by museums with collection contexts related to the Habsburg, Prussian, and Tsarist empires.

For this special issue, we welcome submissions on decolonizing ethnographic museums with a focus on provenance research and restitution politics in Central, Eastern, and Southern European contexts.

We welcome papers emphasizing the following themes:

- Collections shaped in contexts of internal colonization and/or collections shaped by empires not directly involved in overseas colonies

- Challenges and opportunities encountered in provenance research in the above contexts

- Museum collaborations and networking across the region of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe

- The institutional role of curators, provenance researchers, museum directors, and museum educators in shaping discourses on decolonization and in engaging in provenance research and restitution activities themselves, especially in regard to “difficult” or “unresolved” cases

- The roles that indigenous activists and researchers, as well as contemporary artists and artistic researchers, play in decolonizing museums

- Historiographies of decolonizing museums and collections in these regions

- Legal approaches to decolonization processes of museums and collections in these regions

Authors are encouraged to contribute original research, theoretical analyses, case studies, comparative studies, or critical reflections on these and related topics.

Submission Guidelines

- The journal publishes academic papers (6,000–9,000 words), reviews, and event reports (up to 3,000 words)

- Creative and experimental submissions such as photo essays, formats with forum discussions, and multimodal ethnography are also welcome

- Please submit an abstract of approximately 250–300 words delineating the scope and aims of the article, along with a short biographical note on the author.

Submit your abstracts (250-300 words) to by 11th September 2023.

Review Process

Articles, review articles, and essays submitted to the journal are subject to a double-blind peer review process, which may include one or two rounds of evaluation. Manuscripts are treated as confidential documents during this process. Submissions will be evaluated based on their fit with the described theme, but contributions outside this scope are also welcome as long as they relate to the topic.

Important Dates:

- Call for Papers Release: July 2023

- Deadline for Abstracts: 11th September 2023

- Notification of Acceptance: mid-October 2023

- Final Manuscript Due: 29th February 2024

- Publication Date: September 2024

Please ensure all submissions adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines, including the citation style and referencing requirements. Detailed formatting guidelines can be found on the journal website:

For informal queries to discuss your ideas, please contact

Please access the full call for papers through this link:

Thursday, 17 August 2023

virtual lecture: Daniella McCahey: Gender and Antarctic Science and Exploration.

virtual lecture: Daniella McCahey: Gender and Antarctic Science and Exploration. 7 Sep 2023, 3:30 pm US Central Time // 10:30 am CET, online. Registration .

Long conceptualized as a “world of men,” where stalwart scientists and daring adventurers committed stunning feats of bravery and endurance in search of knowledge, Antarctica was generally off limits to women until 1969, when they began slowly being integrated into various National Antarctic Programs. The men who did go there in earlier periods are still praised for exemplifying Western “manly” virtues. Antarctic bases created a culture that simultaneously reveled in the all-male dimension of their lives but were also obsessed with the specter of the absent women. This led to a circular justification for women’s continued exclusion; that they would disrupt the homosocial culture necessary for cohesive life on base and in the field. Today, this cultural legacy continues to create an atmosphere rife with sexual harassment and assault.

(Be advised: This presentation will include some nude images.)

Bio:  Daniella McCahey is an Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University, where she primarily teaches classes on Modern British Imperialism and the History of Science.  She has published her research on the history of Antarctica in a variety of academic and popular venues and is the co-author of Antarctica:  A History in 100 Objects (Conway 2022).  While a student at the University of California, Irvine, she won the SHD Graduate Student Essay Prize.

(Photo: 13 November 1969:   The first women set foot at the South Pole, Photo courtesy of the National Science Foundation)

Johannes Feichtinger / Heidemarie Uhl (Hg.) Das integrative Empire Wissensproduktion und kulturelle Praktiken in Habsburg-Zentraleuropa

Johannes Feichtinger / Heidemarie Uhl (Hg.) Das integrative Empire Wissensproduktion und kulturelle Praktiken in Habsburg-Zentraleuropa. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2023. ISBN: 978-3-8376-6632-8

Leseprobe: .

In der Habsburgforschung bewirkte der Imperial Turn eine Trendwende – einen Perspektivenwechsel weg vom zerstörerischen Nationalitätenkampf hin zum integrativen Empire. Die Beiträger*innen erkunden integrative Strategien und Handlungsformen, ohne dabei Ambivalenzen und Konflikte auszublenden. Sie zeigen, wie Vielfalt und Differenz in Wissensproduktion und kulturellen Praktiken verarbeitet werden und welche Resonanz sie in der Gedächtniskultur gefunden haben. Damit beleuchten sie aktuelle Herausforderungen aus historischer Perspektive und bieten Orientierung für die heterogenen Gegenwartsgesellschaften.

With great sadness we have to add that Heidemarie Uhl, one of editors of this collection, historian of memory and of knowledg production, passed away the day before this book was published.

Thursday, 10 August 2023



Dear colleagues,

This is a call for papers for the workshop BEING A MINORITY IN MEDIEVAL AND

EARLY-MODERN SCIENCES (Warsaw, 25-26 January 2024). I would very much

appreciate it if you could spread the word.

Thank you,

Dr. Josefina Rodriguez-Arribas

Institute for the History of Science

Polish Academy of Sciences


*(Warsaw, 25–26 January 2024)*



*Call for papers*

*Subject Fields*:

Minorities / Ethnic minorities / Women / Disabilities / Religious

minorities / Linguistic minorities / Marginal knowledge in science /

Sciences / Philosophy / Heterodoxy / Clandestine science / Minor fields in


*Organizing** Committee*:

Josefina Rodríguez-Arribas (L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History

of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw



Valentina Lepri (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of

Sciences, Warsaw



Jarosław Włodarczyk (L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of

Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw



*Sponsored* by *PERIPHERIES*–Minority Cultures on the Periphery of Science:

The Jews and the Circulation of Scientific Goods (funded by the European

Union Horizon 2020 under the *Marie Sklodowska-Curie* *Grant* agreement No.

847639) and *KNOWSTUDENTS*–From East to West, and Back Again: Student

Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c.

1470–c. 1620) (funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 under a *ERC

Consolidator Grant* agreement No. 864542).


L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science and Institute of

Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Staszic Palace,

Warsaw (Poland).

*Date *of the workshop: *January 25–26*, *2024*

*Deadline* for the submission of abstracts: *October 15*,* 2023*

“Being a minority in medieval and early-modern sciences” explores the

emergence, significance, limitations, advantages (if any), and specific

features of minorities engaged in the study and/or practice of the sciences

and philosophy across history, cultures, and societies, *from the 13th

through the 17th century*. We want to unveil and reflect on how the

‘minority’ status might have conditioned, shaped, invisibilized, or

connoted the *minority’s approach to scientific and philosophical topics*,

and to what extent the forms and results of the scientific engagement might

have affected or modified the minority’s social and cultural status, living

conditions, image, and identity. We are also interested in how this

minority status might have affected *minor or understudied fields of

knowledge or peripheral aspects* within specific scientific disciplines.

Here, the term ‘minority’ is understood broadly (*gender*, *language*,

*disability*, *religion*, *heterodoxy*, *ethnicity*, *etc*.), the same as

science (*medicine*, *astronomy*, *astrology*, *natural philosophy*, *etc*.).

The timeframe would extend through the 17th century, and there is no

geographical limit.

The workshop will bring together scholars and students alike, welcoming

their diverse methodological backgrounds and perspectives. Our goal is to

create an *inclusive and diverse* platform that fosters meaningful

discussions on the *social and cultural aspects of minorities and the

sciences* throughout different historical periods and cultures. By engaging

in this *multidisciplinary* exploration, we hope to gain deeper insights

into the complex interplay between scientific pursuits and minority

experiences in the past.

The Organizing Committee invites scholars, PhD candidates, and independent

researchers to submit abstracts (*200–300 words*) for 20-minute papers

dealing with any aspect of the minorities and the sciences by *October 15*,*

2023*. With the abstract, please send *a two-page CV* indicating your

current affiliation, fields of research, and publications.

The *funding bodies* (*MSCA* and *ERC*) will *cover* the trip and stay

*expenses* of those whose papers are selected for presentation during the


*Notification* of acceptance by email: *October 30*,* 2023*

Questions and abstracts should be addressed to Dr. Josefina



Thursday, 3 August 2023

Krzysztof Mikulski: Nicolaus Copernicus. Sozialmilieu, Herkunft und Jugend. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2023.

Krzysztof Mikulski: Nicolaus Copernicus. Sozialmilieu, Herkunft und Jugend. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2023. ISBN (Hardcover): 978-83-231-5032-9

A prominent French historian, Fernand Braudel, in his works concerning the Mediterranean Sea stated that what is necessary to understand actions of even a single human being is a broad context created by the space and social environment in which the protagonist lives. For Braudel, the character of Philip II, King of Spain, served only as a pretext to analyse the entire civilisation of the Mediterranean of his times. In the present book, the author uses Braudel’s method in reference to Nicolaus Copernicus – the scholar. His biography remains a background to these considerations – the more interesting for the author, however, is the spatial and social context which to a certain extent had to shape Nicolaus’s  personality and his intellectual horizons. This context is created by the biographical entries of Toruń’s families related and linked to the astronomer and a genealogy of Copernicus family, totally different from the ones that have been presented to date. The author also reveals some new findings concerning the initial period of Nicolaus Copernicus’s life in Toruń.

Stephanie Zloch: Das Wissen der Einwanderungsgesellschaft

Stephanie Zloch: Das Wissen der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Migration und Bildung in Deutschland 1945-2000. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2023. ISBN 978-3-8353-5491-3 / (open access)

Die Verknüpfung von Wissens- und Migrationsgeschichte zeichnet ein neues Bild vom Einwanderungsland Deutschland seit 1945.

Migration verändert den common sense darüber, was in einer Gesellschaft als Wissen anerkannt wird. Stephanie Zloch untersucht für die deutsche Einwanderungsgesellschaft, welche Impulse Migrationsprozesse für den Wandel von Wissen gaben und welche möglichen Konkurrenzsituationen und Konflikte in Schule und Bildung das Ringen um »neues« Wissen mit sich brachte.

In einer entangled history unterschiedlicher Migrationsbewegungen nach 1945 werden die Wege des Wissens sichtbar: von den Zwangsmigrationen im Gefolge des Zweiten Weltkriegs, den DP-Camps der Nachkriegszeit und den kommunistischen Exilgruppen in der DDR über »Sonderkurse« und Heimerziehung für über- und ausgesiedelte Jugendliche aus Mittel- und Osteuropa während des Kalten Kriegs bis hin zu internationalen Vorbereitungsklassen, muttersprachlichem Unterricht und islamischem Religions-Unterricht für Arbeitsmigrant:innen und Asylsuchende.

Die Autorin stützt sich auf zahlreiche neu erschlossene Quellen. Mit ihrer Studie regt sie dazu an, über Migration und ihre Wirkungen neu nachzudenken und kommt zu einer im Grundsatz optimistische Prognose für Einwanderungsgesellschaften in Europa.

Stephanie Zloch, geb. 1975, Privatdozentin für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte und für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der TU Dresden. Zuvor leitete sie die Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe »Migration und Bildung in Deutschland seit 1945« am Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien / Georg-Eckert-Institut in Braunschweig.
Veröffentlichungen u. a.: Polnischer Nationalismus. Politik und Gesellschaft zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen (2010).

Piotr Hübner: Encyklopedia polskiej nauki akademickiej, tomy 1-3 [Encyclopedia of Polish Academic Scholarship]. (open access)

Piotr Hübner: Encyklopedia polskiej nauki akademickiej, tomy 1-3 [Encyclopedia of Polish Academic Scholarship]. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK 2023. ISBN 978-83-231-5097-8 / (open access)

Encyklopedię polskiej nauki akademickiej autorstwa prof. Piotra Hübnera tworzy 201 haseł – opracowanych według układu rzeczowego, a nie alfabetycznego. Takie ujęcie wynika z samej natury nauki. Podstawą kultury akademickiej są symbole i wartości przechowywane jako depozyt tradycji akademickiej, a nie – jak to bywa w monografiach instytucji nauki czy biografiach uczonych – uwarunkowania materialne. W porównaniu z prymitywnym układem alfabetycznym jest to wyższa forma strukturyzacji encyklopedii, ponieważ ułatwia czytelnikowi umieszczenie każdego hasła w kontekście problemowym oraz daje możliwość czytania całej encyklopedii w sposób ciągły. Większość haseł omówionych w pracy – jeśli ujmują problem rozwojowo – dobiega do czasu likwidacji nauki akademickiej przez władze komunistyczne. Encyklopedia stanowi rozszerzoną, uzupełnioną o nowe hasła-artykuły, wersję pracy Zwierciadło nauki. Mała encyklopedia polskiej nauki akademickiej (Kraków 2013). Nowe teksty uzupełniły przeredagowane hasła-artykuły tej publikacji.

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...