Monday, 30 October 2023


 The new issue of journal PALLADIUM • ПАЛЛАДИУМ • ΠΑΛΛAΔΙΟΝ - Brīvās Universitātes Žurnāls/ Журнал Свободного университета / Free University Journal is online (in Russian), incl. a section on universities and war. 



7 Philipp Christoph Schmädeke Introduction 

Philology and Criticism of Language 

10 Sergey Zenkin Philology before the military challenge

 20 Gasan Guseinov Philology and War 

Anti-corruption activism: new challenges, risks and opportunities 

33 Alyona Vandysheva Anti-Corruption Activism in Russia: New Challenges, Risks and Opportunities 

40 Ilya Shumanov The Russian Illicit Financial Flows after the start of the War 

The breakdown of universities and possibilities for the university unionization 

48 Ksenia Luchenko How Russian universities were destroyed 

57 Danila Raskov, Denis Skopin The fate of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of SPbSU before and after February 24, 2022 

67 Dmitry Dubrovsky The Higher School of Economics — the story of rise and fall 

79 Dmitry Dubrovsky How Russian science survives and develops in exile 

87 Andronik Arutyunov What’s rotten in the state of Denmark? 

93 Pavel Kudyukin Trade unions and universities in Russia 

Historical Studies and the Psychological Crisis 

119 Leonid Gozman Psychological status of modern Russia 

127 Evgeny N. Historical Studies and Academia in Russia after February 2022: Conditions, Trends, Future

Science in the Unlawful state 

145 Elena Lukyanova On the role and current state of legal education and constitutional-legal science under the authoritarian rule 

163 Kirill Fokin The Current State of Political Science in Russia: Research in the Sphere of International Relations 

170 Andrei Zayakin From the stolen science to the search of the roots of pseudoscience 

What’s happening to the culture 

181 Jan Levchenko Welcome to Zombieland: Russian Cinema of the New War 

192 Nina Agisheva How the war changed the Russian theater 

205 Olga Roginskaya Theories of Performativity and Theatricality: Reactualization in Contemporary Art Practices and Spaces of Everyday Life 

214 Katya Kapovich Chronicles of this war 

University life 

256 Elena Lukyanova Free University Chronicles. Part 6 

280 Max Goldstein Human nature as the subject of a new interdisciplinary course 

297 Dilyara Tasbulatova Gasan Guseynov: Thinking precisely

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...