Monday, 15 March 2021

Call for articles: Dostoevsky, Existential Philosophy, and Contemporary Thought

Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy is preparing a special Issue on the occasion of the 200th Birthday of Fyodor Dostoevsky. As it is in some sense a continuation of the previous issues, dedicated on the intertwining of Philosophy, Art and Literature. From special interest are the following topics:

The philosophical reception of Dostoevsky's ideas in Existential Philosophy and Personalism (Shestov, Berdyaev, Marcel, Sartre, Camus, Beauvoir a.o.)

Dostoevsky and Psychoanalysis (Freud, Kristeva)

Dostoevsky, Atheism and Religious Thought

The Question of Sense and Non-Sense (of Life)

Evil and the Dark Side of Human Nature

The Identity Question: The Double

Dostoevsky and Women

Dostoevsky's Ethical and Political Thought in Contemporary Context

Other topics are also welcome.

Researchers working in the above fields are invited to submit a brief abstract with a short bio-bibliographical note (including real names, degree, position and main publications) until the 4 of April 2021. Authors who have already a finished unpublished paper are welcome to submit it within an abstract, a bio-bibliographical note; the paper should be formatted according the Guidelines. Papers in their final form should be submitted no later than 1 of August 2021.

Papers which are not in accordance with the journal policies and the Submission's Guidelines will not be accepted! For more information see:

As a multilingual Journal Labyrinth accepts papers in English, French, and German.

All abstracts/papers and bio-biographical notes should be sent to the Journal Editors: labyrinth[at]

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...