Thursday, 27 May 2021

Filip Vostal (ed.): Inquiring into Academic Timescapes. Emerald Publishing Limited 2021. ISBN: 9781789739121


Proliferating literature claims that academia is in a critical condition, generating armies of anxious, neurotic and time-hungry individuals which are governed by the speed imperatives integral to a modernist and capitalist rationality. This book puts the temporal ordering of academic life under the microscope, and showcases the means of yielding a better understanding of how time and temporality act both as instruments of power and vulnerability within the academic space. 

This book brings together more than three dozen scholars who collectively craft a much-needed nuanced sociologically-driven perspective of temporalities in academia. Delving into contemporary processes which are quintessentially temporal in their character, such as the increasing precariousness of jobs among junior scholars, the prevalence of grant funding, the role of evaluation systems, and the political economy of higher education, the authors offer a forensic analysis of the complex nature of academic temporalities as experienced, understood, controlled, managed and contested in various academic and research contexts.


Academic Timescapes in Focus; Barbara Adam

Introduction: On Times, Scapes and Chronosolidarity in Academia; Filip Vostal

Chapter 1. Time and the Rhythms of Academia: A Rhythmanalytical Perspective; Michel Alhadeff-Jones

Chapter 2. Rhythm and the Possible: Moments, Anticipation and Dwelling in the Contemporary University; Fadia Dakka

Chapter 3. Cultural Rhythmics inside Academic Temporalities; Gonzalo Iparraguirre

Intermezzo I: Alice in Academia; Katrina Roszynsi

Chapter 4. Temporal Navigation in Academic Work: Experiences of Early Career Academics; Oili-Helena Ylijoki

Chapter 5. Academic Times, Shortcuts, and Styles: Exploring the Case of Time for a PhD from a Gender Perspective; Emilia Araujo, Catarina Sales Oliveira, Liliana Rentiera, Kadydja Chagas

Chapter 6. Metrics as Time-saving Devices; Lai Ma

Chapter 7. Time and Academic Multi-tasking: Unbounded Relation Between Professional and Personal Time; Teresa Carvalho and Sarah Diogo

Chapter 8. Trading Time: A Hauntological Investigation; Petya Burneva

Chapter 9. Pace, Space and Well-Being: Containing Anxiety in the University; Maggie O'Neill

Intermezzo II: Interview with Jiri Skala

Chapter 10. Time as a Judgement Device: How Time Matters when Reviewers Assess Application for ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants; Ruth Mueller

Chapter 11. Time, the University and Stratification: The Historical Making of Institutional Time as a Strategic Resource; Alexander Mitterle

Chapter 12. The Temporalities of the Writing Experience of Part-Time Doctoral Researchers in Education; Phil Wood and Joan Woodhouse

Chapter 13. On the Chronopolitics of Academic CVs in Peer Review; Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner, Sarah de Rijcke, Ruth Mueller and Isabel Burner-Fritsch

The temporal fabric of academic lives: Of weaving, repairing and resisting; Ulrike Felt

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