Monday, 17 May 2021

Call for Papers: 4th International Congress of Polish History "Cultural Encounters"

Call for Papers and Panels

4th International Congress of Polish History 'Cultural Encounters' 

Kraków, 19-22 October 2022

The 4th International Congress of Polish History, entitled ‘Cultural Encounters’, is inviting papers for presentation and proposals for Congress sessions. The Congress centres around the mutual relations and interactions between cultures, patterns and social norms that have been present in Poland for centuries. The question of the dynamics, scale, and complexity of these interactions, together with the main directions of transmission and retransmission of cultural patterns, constitute the central research problem guiding the Congress.

The Congress seeks to examine themes relating to various periods of Polish history, as perceived through the lens of such disciplines of the humanities and social sciences as historical sciences, archaeology, art history, anthropology and sociology. We particularly welcome proposals of papers that are innovative, interdisciplinary and prepared by international research teams.

Submissions of papers should include: 

    ▪ paper title,

    ▪ abstract of no more than 1200 characters,

    ▪ a short bio and contact details of the author.


    Panel submissions should include:

    ▪  session title,

    ▪  contact details of the moderator(s),

    ▪  a description containing the main research problem, the proposed form of the meeting,

    the subject area of individual presentations; the description should not exceed 2000


    ▪  names and affiliation of the speakers.

    The topics of the proposed sessions should not overlap with the already suggested panel themes (a list follows). The planned duration of the session should not exceed 3 hours, including the time for discussion.

    Applications for sessions and paper submissions should be sent via the online form by 10 July 2021. The Organising Committee members will select the papers for presentation at the Congress by 5 September 2021.

    The organisers are making every effort to ensure that all speakers will be provided with accommodation during their stay in Krakow and that selected participants will be fully or at least partially reimbursed for their travel costs. Further information regarding the participation costs and fees will be announced in the early months of 2022.

In case of any questions, please contact the Organising Committee at

Organisers: Krakow Branch of the Polish Historical Society, Jagiellonian University, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Attachments [below]

▪ - Congress invitation ▪ - List of panel themes



4th International Congress of Polish History ‘Cultural Encounters’

Kraków, 19-22 October 2022

Every five years since 2007, Kraków has hosted the International Congress of Polish History, and each of these remarkable events has brought together hundreds of scholars from all over the world to share their interests in Poland‘s history, culture, and language. From its beginnings, the main aim of the congress has been to provide a forum for developing dialogue, exchanging experiences and inspiration, and popularizing research into Polish history.

We are now starting our planning for the continuation of this project, and we invite you warmly to be part of this, the fourth International Congress of Polish History. In spite of the uncertainty and unpredictability that the pandemic has brought, we are going ahead with the organization of the congress, firm in the belief that it will be possible for us all to meet safely in Kraków in October 2022.

The theme of our congress this time will be ‘Cultural Encounters’. We set out to look at the history of the Polish lands through the lens of the mutual relations and interactions of the many cultural currents and models that have been present here for decades and even centuries. Ideas and assets, customs and models, identities and languages, have come together here as if in a crucible, a laboratory, or a transhipment port. Cultural, ethnic, linguistic, religious, economic, demographic, and social diversity has always been the dominant note in Poland’s past, and has left lasting traces in our cultural legacy and collective identity. As we invite our fellow scholars with research interests in Poland to Kraków, we hope to explore the dynamics, scale, and complexity of these interactions, probe the main channels of transmission and retransmission, and consider the outcomes for Poland of these cultural encounters We have pledged to adopt the broadest possible definition of culture, to take account of both its elevated and popular registers.

We hope that in defining our subject in this way we will attract interest from a broad base, and provide a forum for lively dialogue on Polish history in the global context. As in previous years, we therefore extend our invitation to our sessions, discussions, and lectures to proponents of a range of disciplines, from historians, archaeologists, art historians, and anthropologists, to sociologists, linguists, and literature and cultural studies scholars. Alongside our preparations for the congress itself, we are also launching the fourth edition of our competition ‘Pro Historia Polonorum’, for the best foreign book on Polish history published in recent years, and there will be several other related events.

With this invitation to support and be part of our fourth congress, we venture to share our fervent hope that, as in previous years, our meetings in Kraków will foster the discovery and development of new research perspectives, vibrant debate, and above all authentic togetherness and dialogue.

the Organizing Committee


Panel Themes of the 4th International Congress of Polish History ‘Cultural Encounters’

    Archive as a cultural phenomenon [in Polish]

    Counting diversity: What do we know, what do we need to know about the Polish

    demographic past? [in English]

    Cultures of Polish Jews / Jews in Polish culture [in English and Polish]

    Diffusion. Transnational Circulation of Knowledge and Culture in East-Central Europe, 1956-1989 [in English]

    Encounters of European academic cultures: transfer, impact, transnationality? [in Polish and English]

    Environment and culture [in English]

    From Poland to the world: cultural encounters between migrants/refugees and local

    populations [in English]

    Hybrid identities as a subject of biographical research in the cultural borderland. The Galician case [in Polish]

    Misfits and masks – interpretations of cultural choices made by the inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe in the times of historical politics and the Internet [in English and Polish]

    Museum as the meeting place of cultures. Memory, heritage and future of the Republic of Poland in museums around the world. [in Polish and English]

    Musical Poland beyond the borders. Migrations, circulations and cultural encounters [in English]

    Peasant culture [in Polish]

    Poland as Prometheus? How our political myth was perceived by other nations [in


    Returning wave. Exporting Polish modernity in the Twentieth Century (in the 20th century?) [in English]

    The royal court – the noble court – the aristocratic salon. Cultural values and revaluations [in English and Polish]

    The wealth of diversity. The phenomenon of multiculturalism in interwar Poland (1918–1939) [in Polish]

    The working-class culture between exclusionary self-description, stigmatizing label and corrupted analytical category [in English]

    Towns as spaces of standardization and differentiation of cultural patterns [in Polish]

    Transfer of Ideas in East-Central Europe, 19th-20th Centuries? [in English]

    War and diversity beyond the battlefield. Cultural encounters in the Polish lands 1914–1923 [in English]


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