Monday, 25 October 2021

hybrid event: How ideas travel: knowledge relations and the Cold War. DHI Warschau - NIH Warszawa. 02 December 2021, 18:00 CET


Wir laden herzlich zum 21. Joachim- Lelewel-Gespräch ein. Die Diskussion findet vor Ort am DHI Warschau statt und wird online übertragen. Der Zugangslink wird noch bekannt gegeben.

Alle Gäste bitten wir, während der veranstaltung einen Mund-Nase-Schutz zu tragen und ein gültiges Impfzertifikat gegen Covid-19 bzw. einen negativen Antigentest vorzulegen.


In the wake of the Cold War and decolonization, both Western and Eastern blocs offered various kinds of education and development programs to bring countries of the ‘Third World’ into their respective spheres of influence. Knowledge and technical assistance, personified by large numbers of experts involved in these programs, were instrumental in the efforts to forward the competing models of capitalist/socialist modernization. Through educational aid, and most significantly scholarship programs, both sides of the political divide struggled for hearts and minds of future elites of the postcolonial world.

The dominant discourse on these knowledge engagements continues to assume the logic of transfer, whereby knowledge and technical expertise originating from the ‘First/Second World’ were taught, distributed and implemented in the ‘Third’. Participants of this Lelewel-Talk will challenge such logic through their research on different kinds of knowledge relations that unfolded between Polish People’s Republic and the countries of Africa and the Middle East. Rather than unidirectional transfer of ideas, the perspective of knowledge relations allows to explore how knowledge was produced in interaction between different actors – students, teachers, experts and others – in particular spatial, temporal and institutional contexts. By bringing together scholars working on both ‘Third World’ students in Poland and Polish experts abroad, the debate aims to showcase and reflect upon the different mechanisms and trajectories, as well as meanings and legacies, of knowledge mobilities during the Cold War.


Justyna Turkowska (University of Edinburgh)

Matthieu Gillabert (University of Fribourg)

Zaur Gasimov (University of Bonn)

Chair: Dorota Woroniecka-Krzyżanowska (German Historical Institute of Warsaw)

02 December 2021, 18:00, hybrid format (on-site and per Zoom)

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