Saturday, 5 March 2022

Digital resources on the history of Ukraine

by Martin Rohde: 

This is an revised extended version of my post on the blog HPS.CESEE, which was produced in order to document the rich and helpful digital resources on Ukrainian history. Please, feel free to send me any link to legal sources and resources on Ukrainian history, which I shall add to this list.


Digital libraries


Electronic library “Ukrainica” (Електронна бібліотека “Україніка”)


Electronic Library of Ukrainian Culture (Електронна бібліотека Культура України)


Libraria: Ukrainian periodicals

This important site once had a paywall, but since the pandemic broke out, the content is available for free. It does not only feature important Ukrainian newspapers and journals from former Galicia as well as Soviet Ukraine, but also periodicals in Yiddish, Polish and German.


The Paul Robert Magocsi Carpatho-Ruthenica Library

Sources on Transcarpathia/Uhors‘ka Rus‘/Podkarpatská Rus/Zakarpattia



The digital portal by Czech national library features important publications e.g. on the history of Zakarpattia. Many of the available 19th century sources can be accessed for free, while sources from the interwar period require institutional access or can be accessed in the library.



Diasporiana features publications by the Ukrainian diaspora, but also from the Habsburg Empire, so it makes a lot of sense to search in different languages (especially Ukrainian, German, English, French and Czech). There are full series of publications by important institutions, such as: Ukrainian Free University (Український Вільний Університет), Poděbrady Ukrainian Husbandry Academy (Українська господарська академія), individual publications by the respective scholars, journals (e.g. Ukrainian Medical Journal/Український Медичний Вісник), serials by Shevchenko Scientific Society, German language journals like Ruthenische Revue (complete, 1903-1905) and Ukrainische Rundschau (few issues).


Mykhailo Hrushevsky Digital Archive (e-архів Михайла Грушевського)

An extensive collection of publications on and by Ukrainian national historian Mykhailo Hrushevs’kyi, including volumes he edited.


Digitized sources and publications by the Institute for the History of Ukraine (Інститут Історії України, НАН України)

E.g. the important journal Kievskaia Starina (1882-1906), maps, recent historical periodicals.


escriptorium, digitized sources from Kharkiv University

Rare sources from Kharkiv and the region, especially from the 19th century and the early Soviet period


Laboratory of Folklore Studies/ Лабораторія фольклористичних досліджень

Sources for Folklore Studies and related disciplined, such as the most important historical journals on Ukrainian Anthropology/Ethnography/Ethnology/Folklore


The complete issues of the Collection of the Mathematical-natural scientific-medical section of Shevchenko Scientific Society (Збірник математично-природописно-лікарської секції Наукового Товариство ім. Шевченка) and the German session reports of the section (Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlich-ärztlichen Sektion) have been digitized and made available here.



Polish Resources

FBC – Federacja Bibliotek Cyfrowych

Digital collections of Polish institutions, including several important sources on Eastern Galicia, such as Greek-Catholic Schematismen (handbooks on local churches). German, Latin and Ukrainian publications included as well – you might need to try out different transliterations of Ukrainian.



Austrian resources with material on Galicia & Bukowina


ANNO - AustriaN Newspapers Online


ALEX – Historische Rechts- und Gesetzestexte



Maps and mapping projects


MAPA: Digital Atlas of Ukraine, by Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute


L’viv interactive by the Center for Urban History, L’viv!/map/



mapire – historical maps


Cadastral maps of Bukovyna



Teaching materials


German teaching module on the history of Galicia (“Kronland Galizien und Lodomerien”), edited by Börries Kuzmany, 2015, Herder Institute Marburg


Educational platform by the Center for Urban History, L’viv


Teaching Resources collected by Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute



(Historical) encyclopedias:


Encyclopedia of Ukraine


Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies (“Ukrainoznavstva”)/Енциклопедія Українознавства


Brokgauz-Efron Encylopedic Dictionary/Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауз-Ефрон





Urban Media Archive by the Center for Urban History, L’viv


1 comment:

  1. It is good post about digital resources on the history of Ukraine. Read more such type latest Science News Updates at Mysterious of Science.


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