Monday, 14 March 2022

Call for Papers: Decolonizing Eastern European Studies - Knowledge as an Object of Inquiry, May 13, 2022 (virtual)


Calls  for decolonization have become a mainstream politics in contemporary  academia: rethinking epistemology, destabilizing the canon, and  challenging existing institutional structures. Eastern European Studies  is no exception and numerous scholars wish to work toward a more  relational, hybrid, and plural vision of the field. But what does it  mean to decolonize Eastern European Studies? What is to be gained by  decolonizing Eastern European Studies? How can this intellectual project  advance our understanding of the region?

This interdisciplinary workshop invites proposals from advanced PhD students who  are currently working on a publishable piece or a dissertation and are  interested in rethinking epistemology and exploring the systems of  knowledge production in and about Eastern Europe broadly understood.  Some of the topics may include:

the role of scholarship  produced in the region and its languages for rethinking the  interdisciplinary field of Eastern European Studies,

the relation between knowledge production and politics,

prospects and challenges of decolonial methodology,

the role of the canon in sustaining systems of knowledge control,

epistemological tensions and contradictions in studying the region,

the relation between memory and history in decolonizing Eastern European Studies,

access to and dissemination of knowledge,

knowledge production in the moment of political and social change,

challenges and prospects of comparative research in and outside the region.

The workshop will  be organized in the format of intensive panel discussions of  pre-circulated papers led  by leading scholars in the field that will be  closed to the public. It will be followed by a keynote panel including  invited speakers and selected participants. Applicants should submit an abstract and short bio to by March 20, 2022.

Selected  participants must submit their papers (approx. 15 pages) two weeks  before the workshop. A publication of the presented papers is planned.

The  organizer of the workshop is the Decolonizing Eastern European Studies  Group with the support of the Dean’s Office of The New School for Social  Research, New York City.

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...