Monday, 28 March 2022

Discussion of Galina Babak and Aleksander Dmitriev "The Atlantis of Soviet National Modernism"

 The last issue of  Ab Imperio: The Network of Empire and Nationalism Studies is partly devoted to the discussion of Galina Babak and Aleksander Dmitriev "The Atlantis of Soviet National Modernism" ( and the very notion of "national modernism" as its key point.

From the Editors: "Russia’a aggression against Ukraine makes it virtually impossible for scholars from these countries to participate in joint academic events and publications without everyone’s unequivocal condemnation of the war on Ukraine unleashed by Putin’s regime. There can be no “Russian studies” without their Ukrainian segment, but also without a clear differentiation between Russia and Putinism, first of all by Russian scholars themselves. The task of the day is therefore more challenging than just the formal condemnation of war atrocities and more challenging than offering support to the suffering population of Ukraine: in the academic sphere, it involves methodological reorientation of the discipline and a rejection of the analytical language of methodological nationalism that substantiates the war."

The issue is also available through Muse platform

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