Monday, 18 November 2019

Call for Abstracts: BSHS Twitter Conference #BSHSGlobalHist

The BSHS is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our first ever digital conference in 2020, using the social media platform Twitter. This one-day conference on the theme of Global and International Histories of STEM will take place one Wednesday 12th February 2020, and is a great chance to get creative! In line with the global theme, we hope to be able to facilitate participation across time zones and in multiple languages.

We encourage potential speakers to submit an abstract in the form of a Tweet. With a maximum of 280 characters, you may include in your abstract Tweet: hashtags, tagged accounts (e.g. @accountname), emojis and one image. Abstracts should be accompanied by:

*         the title of your proposed presentation;

*         your own Twitter handle (e.g. @BSHSNews);

*         a speaker biography (max 100 words);

*         your timezone;

*         the language you would prefer to 'present' / Tweet in.

Submissions should be sent with the subject 'Proposal for BSHS Global Histories Twitter Conference' to The deadline for submission is 17:00 GMT on Monday 2nd December 2019. Postgraduate students are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts.

Further information is available on our website:

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...