Monday, 27 July 2020

Global Food History Prize for an Emerging Food Historian

The editors of Global Food History are pleased to announce the journal’s inaugural Prize for an Emerging Food Historian. Award winners will receive $100, the opportunity to have their contribution peer-reviewed and—pending successful reviews and revisions—published in the journal with an acknowledgment of the prize win. Articles should be 8,000 to 10,000 words (including notes), and should be based on primary source research. Articles should deal with at least one of the following historical concepts: time (change or continuity), causation and causality, context (historical and historiographical), or complexity. A full description of the journal’s aims and scope is available here.

This prize will be awarded to an early career scholar or an established historian who has not yet published in the field of food history. Early career applicants must be no longer than three years past receipt of a PhD by the stated submission deadline, but need not have received a PhD to apply. Revised seminar papers, MA and Mphil theses, and standalone dissertation chapters are all welcome. In the case of career breaks extending the time since earning a PhD beyond the three year limit, applicants may submit a 250-word statement making a case for inclusion. To apply for the prize, applicants should remove all identifying information from the body and notes of their draft article, and submit it as a Word or PDF document to Dr Rachel Herrmann ( by 1 December 2020. Applicants should also include a brief cover letter stating their name, email address, affiliation, and date of PhD (if applicable).


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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...