Thursday, 16 July 2020

Call for Papers: 29th International Conference on the History of Cartography: Conflict and Cartography. National Museum of Maps and Old Books, Bucharest; University of Bucharest and Imago Mundi Ltd, 04.07.2021 - 09.07.2021. Deadline: 05.10.2020.

The conference is entitled ‘Conflict and Cartography’ and proposals for individual papers, poster presentations and workshops are welcomed on various aspects of the history of cartography, under the following themes:

1. Imperial and Anti-Imperial Cartographies Questioning the interrelation of mapping and imperialism, with a special focus on cartography as a hegemonic or a counter-hegemonic discourse.
2. Frontier Cartographies Exploring the role played by mapmaking and cartographic knowledge in imagining and building barriers, edges, boundaries, limits and frontiers.
3. Cartographies of Nostalgia and Imagination Focusing on cartography as an exercise in wish-fulfilment, in which deceptive, consoling or anticipative fantasies are projected onto maps.
4. Cartographies of Difference and Map Consumption Aiming to investigate the world of map consumption and cartographic fashions in driving the market, as well as in shaping the actual form and content of maps.
5. Any other aspect of the history of cartography Deadline for submission of proposals is Monday, 5 October 2020. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by Monday, 25 January 2021.
The full conference registration fee will be approximately 300 euros, plus any optional charges for the farewell dinner and post-conference tour. Reduced fees (early bird, student, daily pass, accompanying persons) will be announced at a later date.
If you are not familiar with the biennial International Conferences on the History of Cartography, a statement of purpose is available below. For the full list of papers from past conferences see the links from ICHC website:
The Scope of ICHC Each ICHC provides a forum for all scholars, both academic and lay, who are interested in the exchange of research findings and ideas about the history of cartography. All papers must primarily concern the history of cartography, i.e., the interdisciplinary study of maps, their making, and their use in the past. Participation from other academic disciplines - art history, history of science, geography, literature studies, cultural history, etc. - should therefore be actively encouraged. Papers that concern only related subjects (e.g., historical geography, the history of discoveries, and the use of maps for current political argument or for specific information about past landscapes) would not be considered to fall within the history of cartography.
For further details see

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