Thursday, 25 February 2021

"Expertise in authoritarian societies. Human sciences in the socialist countries of East-Central Europe" looks for new members (post-doc and PhD)

 Become a member of our team! If you are interested in the history of science and expertise during state socialism, hold a Ph.D. in history or a related discipline and speak either German, Polish or Hungarian, you might be the perfect candidate. Find out more at

We are also looking for a prospective doctoral student who can speak either Czech or Slovak. Check out for details.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Katerina Liskova

Peter Becker and Natasha Wheatley (eds): Remaking Central Europe: The League of Nations and the Former Habsburg Lands. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021. ISBN: 9780198854685


A key study of the 1919 new international order in Central Europe, showing how the former Habsburg lands served as a key crucible for international order and supranational governance between the two World Wars

Analyzes the afterlife of the Habsburg empire in international history, offering new insights and directions for Central European history beyond the history of nation-states

A pioneering regional approach to international history, examining differences between national, regional, and international orders to reveal new problems and histories


Over the last two decades, the "new international order" of 1919 has grown into an expansive new area of research across multiple disciplines. With the League of Nations at its heart, the interwar settlement's innovations in international organizations, international law, and many other areas shaped the world we know today.

This book presents the first study of the relationship between this new international order and the new regional order in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Habsburg empire. An analysis of the co-implication of these two orders is grounded in four key scholarly interventions: understanding the legacies of empire in international organizations; examining regionalism in the work of interwar international institutions; creating an integrated history of the interwar order in Europe; and testing recent claims of the conceptual connection between nationalism and internationalism.

With chapters covering international health, international financial oversight, human trafficking, minority rights, scientific networks, technical expertise, passports, commercial treaties, borders and citizenship, and international policing, this book pioneers a regional approach to international order, and explores the origins of today's global governance in the wake of imperial collapse.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Central Europe and the New International Order of 1919, Peter Becker and Natasha Wheatley

1. Habsburg Histories of Internationalism, Glenda Sluga

Part One: Remaking Actors and Networks

2. Clemens Pirquet: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific Networks, the Austrian Hunger Crisis, and the Making of the International Food Expert, Michael Burri

3. Reinventing International Health in East Central Europe: The League of Nations, State Sovereignty, and Universal Health, Sara Silverstein

4. The Polycentric Remaking of International Participation after World War I: (Post-)Imperial Agents from Eastern Europe in and around the League of Nations' Secretariat, Katja Naumann

5. Austria, the League of Nations, and the Birth of Multilateral Financial Control, Nathan Marcus

6. Hungary and the League of Nations: A Forced Marriage, Zoltan Peterecz

7. On the Fraught Internationalism of Intellectuals: Alfons Dopsch, Austria, and the League's Intellectual Cooperation Program, Johannes Feichtinger

Part Two: Remaking Territories and Borders

8. Remaking Mobility: International Conferences and the Emergence of the Modern Passport System, Peter Becker

9. International Commerce in the Wake of Empire: Central European Economic Integration between National and Imperial Sovereignty, Madeleine Lynch Dungy

10. Fighting the Scourge of International Crime: The Internationalisation of Policing and Criminal Law in Interwar Europe, David Petruccelli

11. Nation, Internationalism, and the Policies against Trafficking in Girls and Women after the Fall of the Habsburg Empire, Martina Steer

12. The League of Nations and the Optants Disputes of the Hungarian Borderlands: Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, Antal Berkes

13. Non-Territorial Autonomy in Interwar European Minority Protection and Its Habsburg Legacies, Börries Kuzmany

14. Beyond the League of Nations: Public Debates on International Relations in Czechoslovakia during the Interwar Period, Sarah Lemmen

An Epilogue to the Making and Unmaking of Central Europe and Global Order, Patricia Clavin

Peter Becker is Professor of Austrian History in the Department of History at the University of Vienna. Before moving to Vienna, he held a professorship at the European University Institute in Florence, where he started his research on the history of modern state and governance especially of the Habsburg monarchy and on the cultural history of public administration.

Natasha Wheatley is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Princeton University. Prior to joining the Princeton faculty, she completed her PhD at Columbia University and was an ARC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Sydney.

Kai Witzlack-Makarevich: Sprachpurismus im Polnischen. Ausrichtung, Diskurs, Metaphorik, Motive und Verlauf. Von den Teilungen Polens bis zur Gegenwart. Göttingen: Wallerstein 2021. ISBN 978-3-8353-3918-7


Kai Witzlack-Makarevich beleuchtet den sprachpuristischen und sprachreflexiven Diskurs im Polnischen beginnend mit der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart. Im Vordergrund steht die Frage, wie die polnische Sprache nach Auffassung der im Korpus untersuchten Autorinnen und Autoren beschaffen sein sollte, um ihren Vorstellungen von »Reinheit« und »Korrektheit« zu entsprechen. Das Buch untersucht, welche Elemente aus welchen Gründen in der Sprache abgelehnt werden, wer für ihr Eindringen in die polnische Sprache verantwortlich gemacht wird, warum diese Elemente zurückgewiesen werden und wie diese Ablehnung formuliert wird. Sowohl die Kontinuitäten als auch die Änderungen der Sprachbewertungen werden nachvollzogen. Die Diskursteilnehmer entstammen zu einem Großteil der akademischen Polonistik. Die Studie ist deshalb auch ein wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Beitrag zur Rolle der Sprachwissenschaft im Sprachpurismusdiskurs.

Kai Witzlack-Makarevich, geb. 1974, ist Lektor des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) am Institut für Germanistik an der Universität Ostrava (Tschechische Republik).

Veröffentlichungen u.a.: Von »Alfons Zitterbacke« bis »Zonen-Gaby«. Kultur- und Landeskunde der DDR in 99 Kapiteln. Ein Text und Übungsbuch für den DaF-Unterricht (Hg., 2020); Kalkierungs- und Entlehnungssprachen in der Slavia. Boris Unbegaun zum 120. Geburtstag (2018); Handbuch des Russischen in Deutschland. Migration - Mehrsprachigkeit - Spracherwerb (2017).

(open access) Adam Mrozowicki, Justyna Kajta, Magda Dubińska-Magiera, Bartłomiej Skowron (eds.) Biografia i akademia. Doświadczenia młodego pokolenia wrocławskich uczonych i artystów [Biography and Academy: Experience of the young generation of Wroclaw scholars and artists], Kraków: ZW NOMOS 2020.

URL (download):

URL (main page): 

„Wywiady odsłaniają sprawy kluczowe dla funkcjonowania współczesnej nauki: umiejętność stawiania pytań i rozwiązywania problemów badawczych w międzynarodowym środowisku akademickim, mobilność, finansowanie badań, tworzenie zespołów naukowych. […] W warstwie informacyjnej i autorefleksji rozmówców, pozycja będzie interesującą lekturą dla przedstawicieli wielu dziedzin nauki, a jako materiał empiryczny – dla wyspecjalizowanych badaczy zajmujących się socjologią wiedzy, socjologią nauki, socjologią pracy i socjologią biograficzną. Mam nadzieję, że stanie się ona przedmiotem rozmów podczas wielu seminariów naukowych – zawarty w niej materiał zachęca do dyskusji. Należy także sobie życzyć, aby zainteresowali się nią reformatorzy polskiej nauki – znajdą w książce wiele przyczynków do oceny efektów swoich działań”.

Z recenzji dr hab. Joanny Wawrzyniak

Adam Mrozowicki, doktor nauk społecznych (2009, KU Leuven), doktor habilitowany socjologii (2016, UWr), profesor Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, kierownik Zakładu Socjologii Ogólnej w Instytucie Socjologii. Zajmuje się badaniami nad społecznymi doświadczeniami pracy, indywidualnym i zbiorowym sprawstwem pracowników oraz zbiorowymi stosunkami pracy z wykorzystaniem metody biograficznej. Członek Akademii Młodych Uczonych i Artystów w latach 2012–2017.

Justyna Kajta, doktorka nauk społecznych (2017, UWr), socjolożka, badaczka, adiunktka w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Do jej głównych zainteresowań naukowych należą: nacjonalizm, ruchy społeczne, socjologia pogranicza, przemiany w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej oraz badania jakościowe – głównie metoda biograficzna i analiza dyskursu. Autorka książki Młodzi radykalni? O tożsamości polskiego ruchu nacjonalistycznego i jego uczestników.

Magda Dubińska-Magiera, doktorka nauk biologicznych (2009, UWr), biolożka molekularna, adiunktka w Zakładzie Biologii Rozwoju Zwierząt Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Jej badania naukowe dotyczą rozwoju mięśni organizmów modelowych i niemodelowych. Jako nauczycielka akademicka kształci studentów kierunków biologicznych i biotechnologicznych. Aktywnie popularyzuje naukę, prowadząc autorskie projekty edukacyjne. Członkini Akademii Młodych Uczonych i Artystów w latach 2015–2020; od maja 2017 roku do czerwca 2019 przewodnicząca AMUiA.

Bartłomiej Skowron, filozof, platonik. Adiunkt na Wydziale Administracji i Nauk Społecznych Politechniki Warszawskiej oraz członek Międzynarodowego Centrum Ontologii Formalnej działającego przy tym Wydziale. Zajmuje się filozofią matematyczną, w szczególności zastosowaniem topologii i teorii kategorii do rozważań filozoficznych (z drugiego wykształcenia jest matematykiem). Autor dynamicznej teorii idei. Interesuje się ontologią, etyką, edukacją filozoficzną oraz filozofią i administracją nauki. Animator działań filozoficznych. Członek Akademii Młodych Uczonych i Artystów w latach 2012–2017, od września 2013 roku do maja 2017

przewodniczący AMUiA. 

Bykova, Marina F., Forster, Michael N., Steiner, Lina (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-62981-6

Provides a comprehensive overview of the Russian intellectual tradition.

Discusses a range of figures, including such philosophers as Alexander Herzen, Mikhail Bakunin, Vladimir Solovyov, Vladimir Lenin, Ivan Ilyin, Alexei Losev, and Merab Mamardhashvili; authors, such as Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Osip Mandelshtam, and Vladimir Nabokov; and literary critics and theorists, such as  Vissarion Belinsky, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Yuri Lotman.

Presents new material and critical discussion of the philosophical and cultural landscape of the Soviet period as well as preliminary reflections on the philosophical and intellectual development in post-Soviet Russia.

About this book

This volume is a comprehensive Handbook of Russian thought that provides an in-depth survey of major figures, currents, and developments in Russian intellectual history, spanning the period from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century. Written by a group of distinguished scholars as well as some younger ones from Russia, Europe, the United States, and Canada, this Handbook reconstructs a vibrant picture of the intellectual and cultural life in Russia and the Soviet Union during the most buoyant period in the country's history. Contrary to the widespread view of Russian modernity as a product of intellectual borrowing and imitation, the essays collected in this volume reveal the creative spirit of Russian thought, which produced a range of original philosophical and social ideas, as well as great literature, art, and criticism. While rejecting reductive interpretations, the Handbook employs a unifying approach to its subject matter, presenting Russian thought in the context of the country's changing historical landscape. This Handbook will open up a new intellectual world to many readers and provide a secure base for its further exploration.

About the Authors

Marina F. Bykova is Professor of Philosophy at North Carolina State University, USA, and editor-in-chief of the journals Studies in East European Thought and Russian Studies in Philosophy.

Michael N. Forster is Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Chair in Theoretical Philosophy, and Co-director of the International Center for Philosophy, North Rhine Westphalia at Bonn University, Germany.

Lina Steiner is a Research Associate at the International Center for Philosophy, North Rhine Westphalia and a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Literature at Bonn University, Germany.

Monday, 22 February 2021

Tenure-Track Professorship History of the Natural Sciences, University of Vienna


We are happy to announce a position in the history of the natural sciences at the University of Vienna. Please feel free to circulate the announcement to eligible candidates:

At the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna the position of a

Tenure-Track Professorship History of the Natural Sciences

(full-time position) is to be filled.

Candidates will cover the field of history of science in research and teaching in particular within the historical programmes (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) and in the joint Master History and Philosophy of Science. Their research is dedicated to the history of the natural sciences and reflects the challenges of our present day in historical perspective (e.g. history of data, sustainability, climate, resources). They command excellent skills in methods of the subject area and develop them further, ideally with an emphasis on historical, political or feminist epistemology.

The full description can be consulted at the Jobcenter of the University of Vienna:;jsessionid=A9C7A218883790D275EF5668B190D609?_flowExecutionKey=_cD9C1691D-79DD-028E-72A8-8AD7D1436D21_kAD0914BC-BF74-419B-6B23-55B94835E96D&tid=84892.28&_language=en

Any further questions may of course be refered to

Olga Stefan (Ed.) Salva-Vișeu 1948: Atunci și Acum [Salva-Vișeu 1948: Then and now]. Asociația Reciproca 2020


[Romanian below, ToC, English/Romanian, even lower]

Salva-Vişeu 1948: Then and Now is based on a family archive of photographs taken in that year by Clement Stefan on the Salva-Vişeu railway site. Interviews with former workers and vintage documents, accompanying these unique images, provide a broad perspective on the impact that the railroad construction has had on the local community. While predominantly a historical and sociological publication, Salva-Vişeu 1948: Then and Now also argues for a prioritization of railways on the state and regional level, and reinvestment in the sustainable transport.

Project webpage:

Project facebook:


Salva-Vișeu 1948: Atunci și Acum se bazează pe o arhivă familială de fotografii realizate în acel an de Clement Stefan pe șantierul căii ferate Salva-Vișeu. Însoțind aceste imagini inedite, interviuri cu foști lucrători și documente de epocă oferă o perspectivă largă a impactului pe care construirea căii ferate l-a avut asupra comunității. În timp ce este o înregistrare istorică și sociologică semnificativă, Salva-Vișeu 1948: Atunci și Acum propune, de asemenea, o prioritizare a căilor ferate pe agenda de stat și regională, și reinvestirea în transporturi durabile.


Harta liniei ferate Salva-Vișeu / Map of the Salva-Viseu railroad

Despre Clement Ștefan / About Clement Stefan O arhivă de fotografii de familie ne duce prin deceniile trecute / An archive of family photos that takes us back through the decades de / by Olga Ștefan

Arhiva de fotografii și carneţel de notiţe de Clement Ștefan / Archive of photographs and notebook by Clement Stefan

Articole din presa vremii despre șantierul Salva-Vișeu / Period Articles about the Salva-Viseu Construction site

CIA Report

Scurt istoric al linei Salva-Vișeu / A short history of the Salva-Viseu line de / by Valer Simion Cosma

Interviuri / Interviews

Dumitru Ganea

Isidor Curtuiuș

Ion Bumbu

Gavrilă Cilean

Ivan Ilie

Jenel Heilpern


Call for papers: Animals in the City, 5–6 October 2021, Prague

Vedute of medieval or Early Modern walled cities, fortified 19th-century towns or even cliffs and mountain ranges reminiscent of the silhouettes of modern metropolises built of brick, concrete, steel and glass directly evoke an impression of sites cut off from nature. The vegetative component of nature has at least gradually found the partial grace of builders and city dwellers, especially in the form of ornamental flowers in window boxes, in gardens in more spacious residential quarters, and in parks and alleys. But what about animals?

Historians know, of course, that without animals, a city (large metropolitan cities, not small, semi-rural communities) could not function at all between the Middle Ages and at least the middle of the 20th century. 

Therefore, let’s take a look at the urban existence of animals from a functional perspective: Animals were needed in the city mainly for hauling, transport and carrying loads, perhaps also for driving horse mills located away from a water source. This means that in cities from their beginning until the final victory of engines in the second half of the 20th century, we encounter a smaller yet significant number of horses, donkeys and mules. These animals lived separately in individual houses or farm areas, in large stables at palaces, monasteries, and later barracks, and we shouldn’t forget the thousands of horses harnessed in Prague, Vienna and Paris to carriages and rental farm transport wagons. 

Substantial numbers of cows, sheep, goats and pigs (as well as large amounts of poultry) were also found in cities at least until the end of the Early Modern period. A large part of the four-legged companions of human existence were driven to pasture outside the city gates each day by municipal herdsmen. Conversely, herds of mainly cattle were brought to the city for slaughter at regular intervals. All the animals mentioned above were intended for consumption by the urban population, and for the processing of hides, bones, hooves, etc. For the sake of completeness, we should also mention fish caught from the Vltava and especially brought in a salted state to the “undrerlak” at the Cattle Market in Prague.

And we shouldn’t forget dogs, which served a variety of functions in the city. “Man’s best friend” patrolled residences and was his master’s bodyguard. The role of city dogs as pets, prestigious “objects” and companions for lonely people survives to this day. For a very long time, some breeds were also used as draught animals – classically by butchers for their deliveries. And let’s not forget stray dogs, which in the Early Modern period, sometimes in large packs, terrorised and even killed people from the very edge of society living at waste dumps. And yet, the greatest urban wildlife scourge was rodents, both as food raiders and the carriers of horrific diseases, to which insects can also be added.

The reality of the existence of animals in cities was anticipated and reflected in construction and urban planning concepts. How, then, did the presence of animals influence the appearance of city houses, quarters and urban units? Did animals find a response in it as a visual symbol? Given that the living conditions of animals in cities were not ideal from today‘s point of view, it is necessary to remember their clashes with humans, veterinary diseases and many threats that the animal component necessarily brought to everyday urban life.

A special chapter would then be the intentional introduction of purely non-urban – exotic – animals in the city environment. In this context, we can recall reports of the presence of elephants, camels and rhinos in European cities, brought here as gifts for rulers or as part of Oriental tidings. Various “menageries” had a more stable existence and were the first step towards the establishment of zoological gardens in the Early Modern period.

However, it is not our intention to overwhelm our conference, which aims to map the existence, role and significance of animals, with a description of remarkable individual creatures. We are far more interested in capturing the possibilities of research into the existence of animals in large cities in order to create an impulse for more systematic study of this topic.

The problem of every researcher striving for a more systematic assessment of a situation is the noticeable absence of sources with information of this focus. Therefore, our primary interest is in papers that bring knowledge about different types of the source base and which will then explain in an exemplary manner its possibilities on a specific topic. We would also like to look at the issue from an interdisciplinary perspective and we hope that our conference and the resulting anthology become an inspirational guide, a stimulus for the development of research on this hitherto neglected and yet important issue.

Please send Please send offers for papers along with an abstract by 15 April 2021 to the contact address provided below. The organisers reserve the right to make selections among the submitted papers. Presented papers shall be printed in a monothematic volume as part of the Documenta Pragensia series. Foreign participants will be provided accommodations at the expense of the organisers.  No conference fees are collected. The conference languages are Czech and German (or English). Simultaneous interpretation from German is provided.

The organisers:

doc. PhDr. Olga Fejtová, Ph.D. prof. PhDr. Martin Holý, Ph.D.

prof. PhDr. Jiří Pešek, CSc. prof. PhDr. Michaela Hrubá, Ph.D.

dr. Agnieszka Chłosta-Sikorska

Contact address:

PhDr. Markéta Růčková, Ph.D.

Archiv hl. města Prahy

Archivní 6

CZ - 149 00 Praha 4

Tel.: 00420 - 236 004 020


Institutional organisers: The 40th international conference on Urban History held by the Prague City Archives, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Humanities of Charles University, Faculty of Arts of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Institute of History and Archival Studies of Pedagogical University of Cracow and Prague ZOO

Szawłowski Ryszard: Rafał Lemkin. Biografia intelektualna [Rafał Lemkin: An Intellectual Biography]. Warszawa: SEDNO Wydawnictwo Akademickie 2020. ISBN: 978-83-7963-098-1


Table of Contents (English):

Spis treści:


Rozdział I:

Rafał Lemkin. Biografia intelektualna Ryszarda Szawłowskiego jest pierwszą pracą wszechstronnie i wnikliwie przedstawiającą drogę zdolnego prawnika od początku jego kariery w międzywojennej Polsce do aż do osiągnięcia statusu uznanego międzynarodowego jurysty, który stworzył pojęcie „genocyd” (ludobójstwo) oraz zainicjował osadzenie tego pojęcia w prawie międzynarodowym.

Autor prześledził intensywne i szeroko zakrojone zabiegi Lemkina prowadzące do skonstruowania Konwencji ONZ w sprawie zapobiegania i karania zbrodni ludobójstwa z definicją genocydu przez niego sformułowaną, do uchwalenia jej 9 grudnia 1948 r. oraz zarejestrowania w 1951 r. Pokazał społeczne i polityczne tło życia, edukacji i pracy Lemkina na ziemiach polskich pod zaborem rosyjskim, w II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, w czasie jego wojennej tułaczki i funkcjonowania na emigracji, głównie w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

W książce zostały sprostowane istniejące w literaturze błędne informacje biograficzne o Lemkinie. Szczególnie porusza ludzki aspekt życia Lemkina, utalentowanego tytana pracy o ogromnych zasługach dla całej ludzkości – borykającego się z wiecznymi problemami finansowymi.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Wiesława Kwiatkowska: Uniwersyteckie kształcenie archiwistów w Polsce. Wczoraj i dziś (1951-2019) [University Education of Archivists in Poland Yesterday and Today (1951-2019)], Warszawa 2020, ss. 240. ISBN: 978-83-65681-91-1 (wersja papierowa), ISBN: 978-83-65681-97-3 (wersja PDF), ISBN: 978-83-65681-98-0 (wersja EPUB), ISBN: 978-83-65681-99-7 (wersja MOBI).

Celem opracowania jest całościowe przedstawienie kształcenia archiwistów i zarządców dokumentacji na krajowych uniwersytetach. W pracy omówione zostały takie zagadnienia, jak ramy organizacyjne, kadra, studenci, zaplecze dydaktyczne, formy i metody oraz programy nauczania na wszystkich szczeblach kształcenia (studia stacjonarne, zaoczne (wieczorowe), podyplomowe oraz doktoranckie).

„Uniwersyteckie kształcenie archiwistów w Polsce ma długą i bogatą przeszłość zasługującą na całościowe opracowanie, które uzupełni dzieje szkolnictwa akademickiego o ważną specjalność, a przede wszystkim będzie źródłem wiedzy o realizowanych modelach nauczania specjalistów od dawnej i bieżącej dokumentacji” – pisze we wstępie autorka.

Książka jest dostępna do pobrania w wersjach:

PDF (2,26 MB):

EPUB (1,53 MB):

MOBI (558 KB):

online Event: Dr Dora Vargha (Exeter) in conversation with Dr Sarah Marks (Birkbeck): States of Prevention and the Politics of Vaccines, Birkbeck, University of London, 2 March 2021, 19:00 — 20:30 CET


There finally seems to be an endpoint to the epidemic crisis in sight, as multiple vaccines are rolled out with great fanfare across the world. However, despite the powerful imagery of rocket launches and moonshots, achieving a vaccine that is proven to be safe and efficient in the laboratory and in controlled trials is but one point in the extended temporalities of vaccination. Historical analysis helps us to understand vaccines as integrated technologies, at the intersection of trust, politics and materialities and highlights the role of international collaboration and tensions in pandemic management. Through the development of competing polio vaccines in the middle of a geopolitical competition, this talk addresses the relationship between science and politics at the local, national and global level.

The event is free but you need to book so we can send you information on how to join: 

Call for Papers: relaunch of Serendipities – Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences.

 Call for Papers

Welcome to the relaunch of Serendipities – Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences. As of December 2020, the journal is hosted by the Royal Danish Library ( To mark our move to a new host and the reconfiguration of the editorial team, we welcome contributions to the journal, particularly those articles and book reviews that address the sociology and history of the social sciences in the broadest meaning of the description.

While its title pays homage to Robert K. Merton and his insistence that the development of any scholarly activity is influenced by unanticipated and anomalous instances, the journal does not expect contributors to follow a narrowly defined program. Rather it seeks to encourage the use of a variety of concepts, methodologies and theories to study the trajectories of the social sciences. The pertinent time span ranges from the pre-history of the several disciplines, through to the period of their formation and their consolidation (or their decline). Papers are welcome from any theoretical or methodological perspective that covers any of these periods. Case studies or investigations of longer lasting developments, papers focusing on a single scholar or on groups, schools, and research trends are equally appreciated by the journal so long as they conclude with more or less generalizing insights.

What we expect ideally would be a combination of the best of what can be called “sociology/history of” perspective, i.e. inquiries which belong to what Wolf Lepenies has called third culture – a field that occupies a unique space between science and literature, marked by both but also carving out a space of its own. Papers are free to look at social science disciplines from a historical point of view or challenge present day practices.

Beyond that we would like to see contributions that cover the development of methodologies and research techniques, the institutionalization processes of disciplines and research directions, “traveling ideas” from one scholarly culture or country to another, the question of drawing “boundaries” between the various social sciences, the role of funding agencies, and papers that discuss relations between the social sciences, the state, and social movements.

Interaction(s) of the social science with publics are a matter of great concern too. We particularly invite submissions that engage with the still underdeveloped field of sociological semantics, prosopography, and advanced quantitative and qualitative methods.


Serendipities publishes three kinds of texts:

Articles report and discuss research results, develop theoretical arguments, or offer a combination of both. An article has to be concerned with the sociology and history of the social sciences and should demonstrate how it adds to our understanding by relating to and positioning itself vis-à-vis the relevant literature.

Book reviews are intended to present and assess new publications in the field. There are no re­strictions with regard to the language of the reviewed publication. It is the explicit aim of the edi­tors that this section will function as a forum for critical evaluation of new publications and as a platform for those who are not able to read them in the original. In addition to standard-length book reviews, we therefore encourage longer reviews that present a book’s organization, argumen­tation and construction in greater detail and from a critical perspective. In addition, we welcome bulk reviews of two or more books. These could be organized around the methodologies used, disciplines, periods, countries, or scholars, etc. If you would like to review books, please address or Kristoffer Kropp ( or Stéphane Dufoix (

A third section is the Forum, where different kinds of texts and materials can be published. These can be archival materials, i.e. items from the past that are deemed valuable enough to be made more visible (e.g. letters, unpublished manuscripts, administrative documents, etc.), together with short commentaries on the significance of the documents. Second, the “Forum” section also functions as a platform for debate, inviting authors to reflect on distinct features related to the past and present of the social sciences, articulating criticism, or voicing one’s opinion. We also welcome interviews with social scientists from different countries.

For submissions please visit Alternatively, authors are encouraged to write to the managing editors Matthias Duller ( or Andreas Kranebitter (


Editorial team:

Ivan Boldyrev (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands)

Thibaud Boncourt (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, France)

Matteo Bortolini (University of Padua, Italy)

Chen Hon-fai (Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong)

Marcia Consolim (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil)

Christian Dayé (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

Stéphane Dufoix (Université Paris-Nanterre, France, and Institut universitaire de France)

Matthias Duller (Central European University, Vienna, Austria) 

Christian Fleck (University of Graz, Austria)

Andreas Hess (University College Dublin, Ireland)

Olessia Kirtchik (National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia)

Thomas König (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria)

Andreas Kranebitter (University of Graz, Austria) 

Kristoffer Kropp (Roskilde University, Denmark)​

E. Stina Lyon (London South Bank University, United Kingdom)

Diego Pereyra (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Elisabeth Simbürger (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)

online event: Departure Gates: Postcolonial Histories of Space on Earth, Wesleyan University College of the Environment, Mar 3, 22:30 CET



Join Asif Siddiqi, professor of history at Fordham University in New York specializing in the history of science and technology, as he recovers an alternate history of space exploration, by highlighting, through a small number of case studies, the considerable infrastructure built in the Global South during the Cold War to support space exploration. In this lecture, Siddiqi argues that space activities during the Cold War, usually associated with high-minded utopian impulses or bipolar superpower competition, engendered conditions redolent of colonial modes of exploitation, displacement, and erasure. These practices were reproduced globally in fluid networks through exchanges of experts, technologies, and knowledge.

Asif Siddiqi is a professor of history at Fordham University in New York specializing in the history of science and technology. He is the author The Red Rockets’ Glare: Spaceflight and the Soviet Imagination, 1857-1957 (Cambridge, 2010) as well as many other books and articles on the history of Soviet cosmic enthusiasm. More recently his interests have gravitated to global histories of science and technology, particularly in South Asia and Africa. He received the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2016. 

A new Open Access issue of Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies has published!


Please visit the Berghahn website for more information about the journal:

Sibirica is a part of the Berghahn Open Anthro Collection!:

Volume 19, Issue 3


Ryan Tucker Jones


An Introduction to Vladimir Arsen’ev’s Life: Work, Colleagues, and Family

Amir Khisamutdinov


The Political Ecology of Vladimir Arsen’ev

Sergey Glebov

“Deception  begins with trade . . .”: Vladimir Arsen’ev’s Economic Expertise and  Challenges of Rationalizing Imperial Diversity in the Taiga

Aleksandr Turbin

Vladimir Arsen’ev and Whales in Russia’s Revolutionary Far East

Ryan Tucker Jones

Arsen’ev’s Lament: A Century of Change to Wildlife and Wild Places in Primorye, Russia

Jonathan C. Slaght


The Proceedings of the Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference about the Tungus

Nikolai S. Goncharov

Book Review

J. Eugene Clay and Anna Bara

Monday, 15 February 2021

Online event by Seminarium historii gender: Natalia Judzińska: Strategies of Resistance and Ways of Silencing of Jewish Voices concerning Ghetto benches at Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. 22.2.2021, 18:30 CET (Polish).

Natalia Judzińska przedstawi referat "Strategie sprzeciwu i sposoby uciszania głosów żydowskich studentek wobec getta ławkowego w Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego w Wilnie", skomentuje Natalia Aleksiun.

Getto ławkowe w uniwersytecie w Wilnie zostało wprowadzone 26 listopada 1937 roku przez księdza profesora Aleksandra Wójcickiego. Zanim jednak wprowadzono zarządzenie studentki i studenci samodzielnie zajmowali się przesadzaniem studentek i studentów żydowskich w lewą część sal wykładowych. Wystąpienie koncentrować się będzie na reakcjach nie tylko poszkodowanych, ale i reakcjach władz akademickich, a opierać się będzie na studium przypadku dwóch postępowań dyscyplinarnym wszczętym przeciwko Rywce Profitkier i Esterze Tajc. Omawiany fragment jest też częścią większej całości, mianowicie pracy doktorskiej powstającej pod kierunkiem prof. Anny Engelking i dr Elżbiety Janickiej, dotyczącej procesu instytucjonalizacji getta ławkowego w uniwersytecie w Wilnie.

Online event: Mad Fridays. Literature and Psychiatry in Late Imperial Russia. Virtual Symposium, March 5, 11, 19, 26, 2021


Concept and Organization:

Giulia Dossi (Harvard University) and

Riccardo Nicolosi (Munich University)

This event will take place online with Zoom.

Please register by emailing:


March 5, 2021 18:00 (CET)

Presenter: Giulia Dossi (Harvard University)

Paper: Limits of Readability in Early Russian Psychiatry

Abstract: In this presentation, I examine psychiatric case histories from the period in which this discipline was first emerging in Russia (1840s–1880s), a period of great diversity of structure and content in psychopathological studies, when external influences, including that of literature, were rather conspicuous. At this time, both psychiatry and literature had to confront their limits in accessing interiority, especially when dealing with affective inadequacy and contradiction. I highlight the central role of emotional illegibility in both disciplines. I will present examples from an archive of psychiatric case histories in which patients are depicted as having illegible and inadequate emotional lives. More importantly, “healthy” people are portrayed as incapable of bridging the affective divide that separates them from the mentally ill. The psychiatrist finds herself caught in the middle, as awkward narrator, or translator, of an affective experience that she herself cannot fully read.

Discussant: Yuri Corrigan (Boston University)

March 11 (Thursday!), 2021 18:00 (CET)

Presenter: Matthew Mangold (George Mason University)

Paper: Chekhov’s Suggestive Prose

Abstract: This paper will investigate the role suggestion plays in the case histories and early short stories of Anton Chekhov. Suggestion was investigated as a psychological phenomenon in connection to hysteria in late nineteenth century medicine, but its implications extend beyond this illness to basic conceptions of how humans negotiate their social, psychological, and physical lives. I argue that Chekhov makes suggestion and its implications core features of his medical and literary writing, allowing him to create complex works that appear simple and compact.

Discussant: Michael C. Finke (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

March 19, 2021 18:00 (CET)

Presenter: Alexey Vdovin (HSE Moscow)

Paper: Правдоподобие аффектов: современная физиология, прозрачное мышление и читаемое тело у позднего Тургенева

Abstract: Многие русские писатели пристально следили за открытиями естественных наук и физиологии в частности, часто полемически реагируя на резонансные теории. Иван Тургенев после "Отцов и детей" не только не потерял интереса к физиологии, но и удвоил его. В докладе я рассмотрю обостренный интерес Тургенева к физиологии в конце 1860-х - 1870-е годы, общение с известными физиологами того времени, а главное -- влияние физиологии на стиль и повествовательную технику его поздних текстов. В центре внимания окажется повесть "Степной король Лир" (1870), в которой представлена не характерная для раннего Тургенева техника чтения повествователем телесных аффектов героев и физиологизация эмоций. В заключение будет обоснована гипотеза, что такой способ репрезентации может быть сопоставлен с теорией аффектов в физиологии 1870--80-х годов.

Discussant: Valeria Sobol (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

March 26, 2021 18:00 (CET)

Presenter: Natalia Vygovskaia (Brown University)

Paper: ''Mad'' Affair: Female Homosexuality as a Psychiatric Case and an Ethical Dilemma in the Medical Journal ''Vrach'' (1898)

Abstract: The paper analyzes doctor's Rybakov's article ''About perverse sexual sensations'' (O prevratnykh polovykh oshchushcheniiakh) from the widely circulated medical journal ''Vrach'' in Russia in the late nineteenth century. The article, published in two parts in the sequential issues, presents a hybrid genre of a scientific paper and a love story. The author uses the patient's diary as evidence to support his argument about her neurological disorder. The reader can witness the narrator's conflicted attitude. On the one hand, he tries to reconcile his view of the patient's behavior as an act of female indecency with seeing it as the tragedy of hidden romance. On the other, the doctor wants to diagnose his patient and treat the ''abnormality.'' In my presentation, I seek to answer the following questions: How does the doctor's intention to label the body and present a case description agree with his perception of it? How does Rybakov's ambiguous interpretation of the case affect scientific argumentation?

Discussant: Melissa Miller (University of Notre Dame)

Call for Papers: Music and Medicine. Musicological and medical-historical approaches. 2021 Annual Conference of the Association for the Social History of Medicine – (Hi)stories of Health and Disease. 04.11.2021 - 06.11.2021, Deadline 15.03.2021


In the last ten years, the collaboration between music and history has intensified, especially in the Anglo-American part of the world. Cultural studies approaches in the history of the body and of emotions have proven to be particularly productive. In terms of medical historiography, however, there is a clear need to catch up. Music was already a popular topic in the earlier medical history, not least because of the passion of some representatives of medicine for music and famous composers (especially of classical, bourgeois musical works) as well as for history. However, musicology and music historiography have hardly benefited from the socio-historical perspectives in medical history under the sign of the patient history turn since the late 1990s, and more recent methodological and conceptual considerations within musicology and multidisciplinary sound studies have so far hardly been noticed, even in the cultural historically oriented fields of medical history.

This is where the 2021 annual conference of the Association for the Social History of Medicine begins. It would like to provide space and place for a dialogue between contributors from the fields of medical history and musicology interested in historical questions. In particular, young academics are cordially invited to apply with their own papers.

Contributions with a patient-oriented and gender-critical focus are particularly welcome. Ideally, each panel will create a dialogue so that the participating scholars from different disciplines can better engage in conversation. For example, music-analytical contributions should shed new light on approaches to medical history and, conversely, from a medical history perspective, patients should be brought into focus both as listeners and as music-producing individuals. The timeframe is broad: contributions related to different epochs from Antiquity to the recent past are possible. We call for contributions in the following subject areas, but "variations" are also welcome:

- Music and body / mind / psyche / nerves / emotion: anthropological ideas about the resonances of music and body; articles on the history of knowledge on neurology and music; musical metaphors in the symbolisation of human physiology; music analysis of sound experiences; contributions with a focus on the psychological aspects of creativity (keywords environmental psychology and stress reduction);

- The historical ear and music: contributions that historicise hearing itself or historical hearing of musical sounds;

- Music and therapy: history, spaces, actors, institutionalisation and forms of music therapy; how has music been used by medicine? And how was music - on the other hand - heard as therapy?

- Music and trauma / violence: instrumentalisation of music and musicians/composers through medicine and bio-politics; music as torture; music as violence against body and psyche; music as brainwashing; disturbing and hurtful musical sounds; music as a companion to violence;

- Music in medical spaces / soundscapes of medical environments: performance of music in health resorts and psychiatric hospitals; patients as audience and/or performers;

- Musicians as patients / patients as musicians: occupational health aspects for professional musicians; pathogenesis of so-called "musician's diseases"; composing and performing as musical expressions of pain and illness; setting to music / making sound of experiences of illness;

- Music and pandemics: from Fanny Hensel's Cholera Cantata to the 2020 balcony concerts: musical forms of articulation of epidemic experiences.

Please send proposals for individual presentations with abstracts of a maximum of 350 words and a short CV by 15 March 2021 by email to Maria Heidegger and Milijana Pavlović: ;

Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by 15 May 2021 and the preliminary conference programme by the end of June 2021.

The conference languages are German and English.

Select conference contributions will be published in the journal “Virus. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin” (print and open access) after a peer-review process.

The conference fee amounts to €100 and covers the costs incurred for the supporting programme, drinks, snacks and coffee breaks. Students are exempted from the conference fee and grants are available for a limited number of young academics without institutional affiliation.

Of course, all those interested in medicine and music history who will not be giving a paper of their own are cordially invited to attend and participate in discussions. The public has the opportunity to visit individual days / panels with a reduced conference fee.

The keynote address will be given by Morag J. Grant, University of Edinburgh.

The closing commentary will be given by Daniel Morat, Freie Universität Berlin.

Collection Spaces International Summer School, Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel Research Association


16 to 26 August, 2021

Klassik Stiftung Weimar

The city of Weimar is a German 'place of remembrance' par excellence. An essential part of its cultural topography are the collections, collection-related buildings, and interiors that have grown over centuries. Probably the most prominent example is Goethe's residence at Frauenplan. During the poet's lifetime, both his private rooms and the areas of the house that were open to the public were used for the academically-led and scientifically sound storage and presentation of extensive collections. The rococo hall of the Duchess Anna Amalia Library is a collection space that is almost equally iconic, especially since the fire of 2004. Alongside the collection of paintings and busts, the book collection, spread over several floors, spatialises an intellectual ideal of Goethe's time. Outside the historical city centre are two archives established at the turn of the 20th century, whose intellectual provenance could hardly be more different: the historic building of the Goethe and Schiller Archive which houses the written heritage of classical Weimar, and the Nietzsche Archive designed by Henry van de Velde in the New Style only a few years later. Both locations offer a view across Weimar to the Ettersberg, where after the Second World War an extensive collection on the crimes of the Nazi era was established in the former Buchenwald concentration camp.

Through the spatial turn in the Humanities, awareness has been raised that spaces are not neutral vessels for collection objects. Questions surrounding collection spaces are therefore also of great importance for the Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel Research Association, which will place this phenomenon at the centre of an international summer school from 15 to 27 August 2021: In what ways are collection spaces semantically and symbolically charged? To what extent do they serve cultural memory and create personal or collective identity? What are their symbolic, political, and strategic goals, and how are these goals aesthetically expressed in buildings and interiors? How do they contribute to the organization of the knowledge embodied by the collections? What role does the genesis of new, virtual collection spaces play, not least in the context of digital transformation? The summer school will pursue these questions by, on the one hand, tracing the historical development of representative collection spaces from the art chamber and the cabinet of curiosities to the museum of today and, on the other hand, reflecting on the significance of new spatial theories regarding the handling of collections. The relationship between private and public collections, between representative and functional interior design will be examined on the basis of magazine, depot, and exhibition space. Special attention will be paid to the phenomenon of the collection space on the level of the aesthetic imagination.

The summer school combines seminars, lectures, and excursions with the possibility of independent research. It is organized within the framework of the Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel Research Association (MWW), founded in 2013 ( It is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Insights into the collections of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar can be found on the website

We will follow all official directives on hygiene and rules for safe distances related to the current Corona pandemic during the planning phase. If the situation requires it, we may hold parts of the summer school in a digital form. The summer school reserves the right for a flexible adaptation to the situation in August 2021

Application Process

The summer school offers twenty spots for young researchers from all over the world who present their academic interest in the summer school topic in a letter of motivation. The offer primarily addresses doctoral students in the Humanities and Cultural Studies as well as all collection-related courses of study. In special cases, advanced Master’s students will also be considered. At least a passive knowledge of German is required for participation in the summer school. Participants from non-European countries who intend to pursue a concrete research interest in the Weimar Collections can informally apply for a scholarship for an additional one-week stay in the archives following the summer school.

The application should include:

1. Application form to be found on the application portal (personal data)

2. Cover letter

3. Letter of motivation (presentation of the academic interest in the topic of the summer school,

max. 2 pages)

4. Curriculum vitae

5. Brief outline of the dissertation project (max. 5 pages)

6. Copy of certificates and transcripts

7. Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s home university

8. If applicable, informal application for a one-week stay in the archives following the summer school

Application Deadline

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2021. Please submit your documents exclusively via the application portal. Applications submitted via mail or e-mail will not be considered.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by the end of April 2021. International participants will receive an invitation which can be presented when applying for a visa.

There is no legal entitlement to participation.

Accommodation / Travel Expenses

Accommodation in Weimar is free of charge for participants.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed according to the standard rates of the DAAD.

Participation Fee

The participation fee is 300 Euros. An exemption from the participation fee is possible in justified exceptional cases and after submission of an informal application.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Appel à communications: Colloque international "L’enseignement supérieur du XIXe siècle à nos jours (France et international) : établissements, acteurs, disciplines, pédagogies," Lyon, 27-28 juin 2022


À l’initiative de l’ATHRE et des laboratoires ECP, LARHRA et Triangle, ce colloque a pour projet d’étudier la manière dont l’enseignement supérieur a évolué depuis le début du XIXe siècle, à différents niveaux, dans différents espaces et à différentes échelles.

Avec le processus de Bologne mis en œuvre en 1999 dans 29 pays, visant à la convergence des systèmes d’enseignement supérieur des pays européens, ont été instaurées de nouvelles pratiques qui ont profondément bouleversé le paysage de l’enseignement supérieur en France et en Europe. Les évolutions législatives et réglementaires révèlent une accélération de ce processus de transformation, quoique déjà amorcée depuis le début des années 1960. La situation actuelle qui confronte brutalement un système bicentenaire à un projet de transformation de grande ampleur constitue de ce point de vue un objet particulièrement fécond pour comprendre l’évolution des structures éducatives. Elle conduit à s’interroger sur les logiques de transformation sur le long terme et sur l’histoire du développement et de la diversification de l’enseignement supérieur depuis le début du XIXe siècle, ainsi que sur les résistances que ces transformations ont rencontrées et les controverses qu’elles ont suscitées.

Plusieurs angles d’attaque peuvent être envisagés pour appréhender ces évolutions. On peut ainsi, tout en conservant un point de vue résolument historique, croiser des approches politiques (questions nationales, internationales ou locales traitant en particulier de la gouvernance et de l’organisation des établissements d’enseignement supérieur), des approches socio-économiques (acteurs que sont les étudiant·es, les enseignant·es ou le personnel administratif, institutions elles-mêmes insérées dans un tissu local économique particulier), des approches pédagogiques interrogeant en particulier ce qu’on pourrait appeler « forme universitaire » : place des cours magistraux, des stages… Il est également possible de s’interroger sur le sens et la portée de l’adjectif « supérieur » dans le syntagme « enseignement supérieur ».

Plus généralement, l’accent pourra être mis sur les processus d’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur, y compris dans les espaces coloniaux et post-coloniaux. Ces approches internationales permettront en outre de considérer la manière dont les modèles (d’organisation, intellectuels, disciplinaires, pédagogiques) peuvent circuler et éventuellement se transférer d’un univers à l’autre.

Sur la base de ces questionnements généraux, quatre axes de travail sont proposés :

Axe 1. La diversité des établissements et leur insertion dans l’environnement local, national et international

Axe 2. Disciplines et pédagogies

Axe 3. Les transitions : modalités et dispositifs

Axe 4. Sociologie historique des enseignant·es et des étudiant·es

L'appel à communication complet est disponible ici (


Consignes aux auteur·es de propositions

Toute personne intéressée à présenter une communication est invitée à nous adresser un titre et un bref résumé de sa contribution (300 mots / 2000 signes maximum) en français ou en anglais.Ce résumé présente l’enjeu historiographique et la problématique de la communication, indique la périodisation et comporte une description du corpus traité.Il inclut une bibliographie de 5 titres et propose 4-5 mots-clés.

Les auteur·es précisent leur fonction ainsi que leur affiliation institutionnelle.

Les propositions de communication seront soumises à expertise.

Les propositions seront rédigées sous forme d’un document Word au format .docx dont le nom sera celui de l’auteur, noté en majuscules.

Elles seront déposées sur le site :

Date limite pour l’envoi des propositions : 15 mai 2021 au plus tard

Notification d’acceptation aux : 1er juillet 2021

online event: Alexey Golubev: The Popularization of Doubt: Scientific Literacy and Alternative Forms of Knowledge in the Soviet Union after World War II. Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 12 PM ET (18:00 CET/20:00 MSK), Harvard Radcliffe Institute, zoom


While at Radcliffe, Alexey Golubev is working on a new book project: a history of Soviet efforts to produce mass scientific literacy after World War II, when tens and later hundreds of thousands of members of the Soviet intelligentsia were recruited to communicate scientific knowledge to the public through popular science lectures, publications, public experiments and debates, and television shows. This mass scientific literacy campaign resulted in a diverse and autonomous network of people and ideas in the late Soviet Union that was only superficially controlled by the state, and it eventually undermined the public trust in officially sanctioned knowledge. As a result, this project is also an inquiry into a pressing social question, especially in the age of COVID-19, of why mistrust of science remains a persistent feature in modern societies.


Целищев В.В. Аномалии знания: идеи и люди [Anomalies of Knowledge: Ideas and People] & Целищев В.В. Философский раскол: логика vs метафизика [Philosophical schism: logic versus metaphysics]

 Целищев В.В. Аномалии знания: идеи и люди [Anomalies of Knowledge: Ideas and People]. - М.: Канон+ РООИ «Реабилитация», 2021. ISBN 978-5-88373-667-3 & Целищев В.В. Философский раскол: логика vs метафизика [Philosophical schism: logic versus metaphysics]. - М.: Канон+ РООИ «Реабилитация», 2021

Книга В.В. Целищева «Аномалии знания: идеи и люди» представляет собой описание некоторых драматических моментов жизни науки и их философской интерпретации. Обращение к проблемам приоритета, неординарным эпизодам академической жизни привносит личностный аспект в понимание характера знания. «Пограничные ситуации», заимствуя экзистенциалистскую терминологию, характеризуют парадигмы науки не в меньшей степени, чем ее «нормальное» в смысле Т. Куна развитие. Вместо унылых хрестоматийных, зачастую ошибочных историй совсем недавнего прошлого, в книге представлены свежие взгляды видных мыслителей о природе науки и научного сообщества.

Скачать содержание книги «Аномалии знания: идеи и люди»:

В книге В.В. Целищева «Философский раскол» представлены материалы по мотивам раскола философии 20-го века на аналитическую и континентальную ветви, в частности, взгляды и некоторые биографические эпизоды отцов-основателей Г. Фреге, Б. Рассела, Дж. Му-ра и Ф. Рамсея.

В отдельную рубрику выделен Л. Витгенштейн обоих периодов. Необычное видение проблем аналитической философии представлено Я. Хинтиккой, Х. Патнэмом, Я. Хакингом. Проблема заимствования чужих идей рассмотрена на примере С. Крипке. Острая критика аналитическими философами континентальных философов – М. Хайдеггера, У. Эко, француз-ских структуралистов и Ж. Деррида – вполне совмещается с самоиронией самих критиков. Суть раскола раскрывается в противостоянии Р. Карнапа и М. Хайдеггера.

Скачать содержание книги В.В. Целищева «Философский раскол»:

В. А. Куприянов, А. В. Малинов: Академик В. И. Ламанский. Материалы к биографии и научной деятельности [Academician V. I. Lamansky. Materials to his biography and scientific activities]. Санкт-Петербург : ДМИТРИЙ БУЛАНИН, 2020. ISBN 978-5-86007-945-8


[Русский ниже]

 The monograph proposes the study into biography and philosophical activity of the notable Russian Slavic scholar and the professor of St. Petersburg University V. I. Lamansky (1833—1914). Basing on the hitherto unknown archival sources, the authors reconstruct V. I. Lamansky’s academic career in St. Petersburg University, beginning from his student days; the history of his relationships with his contemporaries (I. S. Aksakov, Y. F. Samarin, N. I. Kareev, A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky) are also investigated. The authors study V. I. Lamansky’s philosophical views which they connect with the Slavophile philosophical program. In this regard, the monograph presents comparative research of V. I. Lamansky’s, N. Y. Danilevsky’s, I. S. Aksakov’s conceptions; the detailed investigation into Lamansky — Chernyshevsky controversy is also given. The authors show that a civilization theory played a considerable role in Lamansky’s theory closely tied with panslavism; the new analysis of V. I. Lamansky’s panslavism is presented. The authors demonstrate that Lamansky’s philosophy of history and civilization conception can be acknowledged as a precursor of the Eurasionism. The monograph includes the study in the history of science by Lamansky and the analysis of his philosophy of language and political philosophy as well. The new archival document allowing to understand Lamansky’s scientifi c activity more fully and thoroughly are published in the supplementary material to the book.


В монографии предлагается исследование биографии и философского творчества видного российского слависта профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета и академика Императорской Академии наук Владимира Ивановича Ламанского (1833—1914). Опираясь на ранее неизвестные архивные источники, авторы проводят реконструкцию научной карьеры Ламанского в Санкт-Петербургском университете начиная с его студенческих лет, показывают историю его взаимоотношений с современниками (А. С. Хомяковым, И. С. Аксаковым, Ю. Ф. Самариным, Н. И. Кареевым, А. С. Лаппо-Данилевским). Подробно рассматривается деятельность Ламанского в Академии наук. Важной частью монографии является изучение философии Ламанского в контексте философских дискуссий его времени: сравнительное рассмотрение учения Ламанского с концепциями Н. Я. Даниевского, И. С. Аксакова, детально анализируется полемика Ламанского и Н. Г. Чернышевского. Авторы показывают, что важное место в славянофильской концепции Ламанского занимала его цивилизационная теория, тесно связанная с панславизмом. Указывается, что ряд положений философии истории Ламанского были развиты евразийцами. Монография содержит анализ учения Ламанского о языке как геополитической силе и политической философии. В приложении публикуются новые архивные документы, письма и редкие материалы, позволяющие более полно и всесторонне представить биографию, научную деятельность Ламанского и его взгляды.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Adhoc-Group: Illustrated Science(s) – Exploring the visual landscapes of Covid-19 and future perspectives of art/science cooperation Call for Abstracts: Conference of DGS/ÖGS, 23.-25.08.21, Vienna

In January 2020, two medical illustrators at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were asked to create an ‘identity of the Corona virus’. The result of this task became an iconic image of the pandemic: the ball with spikes. This illustration soon got used for all kinds of health communications, memes and comics, as well as numerous artwork projects. The illustrator’s design decisions widely influenced the public imagination of the Corona virus. However, the spiky ball is only one example in a wide range of efforts to make the ‘invisible’ visible and feed the viral imaginary.

While the pandemic exposes the relevance and omnipresence of visualizations and their part in coping with epistemic uncertainties, translating knowledge or creating acceptance, their virtue as design objects have been widely ignored. Actual social scientific activities during the pandemic have been focusing mostly on other (not less important) aspects (e.g., risk, compliance, social inequality, changes in every-day life, the meaning of scientifically crafted numbers and figures, etc.). Nevertheless, an important field has hardly been systematically considered and analyzed so far: The numerous liaisons of (visual) arts and science.

Against the backdrop of actual pandemic picture landscapes, and the lack of research in that area we would like to discuss the potential of illustrated sciences by two approaches. We are going to:

1) Reflect on the practices, coordinating tasks and ethical challenges of artistically crafted visual representations in health communication, biomedical emergencies and epistemic uncertainties from a sociological perspective. This perspective refers to a long tradition of translating (medical) expert knowledge into compelling, often persuasive images. While this has repeatedly been the focus of critical analyses, especially from Medical Ethics/History, STS or Cultural Studies, corresponding research has not been conducted systematically during the pandemic.

2) Explore the potentials and (im)possibilities of interdisciplinary cooperation with professional, artistic illustration for social sciences. This perspective also refers to the various new resources, side projects and creative potentials that came up and got mobilized with the pandemic and provide the basis for alternative formats of writing and presenting scientific data.

The call for abstracts is directed, but not limited to:

- Cooperative projects of science and (visual) arts, especially those who formed during and through the Corona-Crisis or deal with (bio-)medical issues.

- Reflections on empirical potentials and problems in art/science-cooperation.

- Research from Science and Technology Studies, dealing critically with modes of representation and visualization of health care data (especially with focus on figurative illustration, but also more general views are welcome).

- Theoretical and empirical takes on links of visual arts/illustration and (social) sciences.

- (Social scientifically based) medical-ethical considerations about potentials and troubles of visual representation and simplification of scientific data.

- Historical perspectives on the nexus of graphic art and science as well as contemporary studies on digital communication.

The panel will be composed of several inputs of a wide range of these topics and completed with an open discussion.

Abstracts can be submitted in English or German until April 1st. We encourage the applicants to enrich their short abstract (300 words) with visual material that can be included to the PDF-file in a link or on not more than one page (like sketches, illustrations, picture documentation). However, visuals are not obligatory. Depending on the submissions, we consider a visual documentation of the panel.


Annerose Böhrer

Marie-Kristin Döbler

Online event: Conference “Production and Circulation of Knowledge in the (Semi-)Periphery in the Early Modern and Modern Period,” 11th and 12th of February 2021

Project EuKor and project “Croatian Scientific and Philosophical Heritage: Transfers and Appropriations of knowledge from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century in the European Context” team members have organized an international conference “Production and Circulation of Knowledge in the (Semi-)Periphery in the Early Modern and Modern Period.” The conference will be held in virtual environment on the 11th and 12th of February 2021, and will be accessible through the Croatian Institute for History’s Youtube channel:

Book of Abstracts:

Conference Programme:

Call for papers: Marriages, Couples, and the Making of Mathematical Careers, 29–30 April 2021

 We are pleased to invite proposals for presentations at an online workshop to be held 29–30 April 2021 on the topic of Marriages, Couples, and the Making of Mathematical Careers.

This workshop proposes to explore the role of marriage and other domestic partnerships in the lived practice and constructed memory of mathematics. Though mathematicians are often imagined as the quintessential solitary researchers, many have managed the daily routines of a mathematical career through partnership with a spouse who was intimately involved in their working life or the posthumous construction of their legacy. Whilst marriage is certainly not the unique social form such collaboration can take, it does offer an especially clear window on the unstable boundaries dividing labour into the intellectual and the domestic, the masculinized and the feminized, the credited and the unacknowledged.

We welcome proposals exploring any aspect of intimate partnerships in the history of mathematics. We are especially interested in submissions focusing on mathematics outside of Europe and North America, on partnerships other than formally married heterosexual couples, and on mathematical careers other than those of academic mathematicians (though we see much interest and diversity within these categories as well).

Proposals of no more than 400 words should be submitted to by 12th February 2021. Accepted talks will last around 25 minutes, to be followed by time for Q&A. The time zone of the presenter will be taken into account when scheduling. We have modest funding available to support speakers’ attendance, for example caring costs or short-term access to reliable internet. We will endeavour to make this workshop fully accessible; please contact us on if you would like any further information or to discuss accessibility requirements.

Organizers: David E. Dunning (he/him), Brigitte Stenhouse (she/her)

Sponsors: British Society for the History of Mathematics, London Mathematical Society

More information on the workshop will be appear at as available.

Brigitte Stenhouse

PhD Candidate, History of Mathematics


OU profile<>

The Open University

School of Maths and Stats, Faculty of STEM

The Open University, Walton Hall

Milton Keynes


Práce z dějin Akademie věd 2/2020


Katarina Derzsiová, Slovania v gréckom humanitno-vednom výskume do prvej polovice 20. storočia

Jitka Jindřišková, Román Umdlelé duše a problém moderního člověka. Korespondence T. G. Masaryka a Arneho Garborga

Marek Ďurčanský, Piotr Biliňski, Waclaw Sobieski a jeho kontakty s Jarslavem Bidlem

Edice / Editions

Soňa Martinovská, Přátelství, které přispělo ke vzniku Československa. Edice korespondence Charlese R. Cranea a T. G. Masaryka

Emilie Těšínská, Adéla Jůnová  Macková, Korespondence Jindřicha Bačkovského a Vladimíra Vanda z let  1946-1948 jako historický pramen k organizaci fyzikálního výzkumu v  poválečném Československu

Archivní fondy / Archival groups

Fond Ústavu teoretické a aplikované mechaniky ČSAV (Věra Dvořáčková)

Kronika / Chronicle

Deníky Václava Tileho: komentovaná edice pramenů (Lukáš Holeček)

Rodinná korespondence Ervína Špindlera (Anna Jonáková)

Budování státu optikou fotoarchivu T. G. Masaryka  (Viktor Pavlíček)​

Recenze / Reviews

Martina Bečvářová, Doktorky matematiky na univerzitách v Praze 1900-1945 (Marie Bahenská)

Karel Hvížďala,Jiří Přibáň, Hledání dějin (Jakub Hájíček)

Antonín Matula, Věčný oheň. Ed. Lukáš Holeček (Adéla Jůnová Macková)

Leopolis Scientifica. Наука у Львові до середини XX століття. Частина IІ. Точні науки : збірник наукових праць [Leopolis Scientifica. Science and Scholarship in L'viv up to the middle of the 20th century.] 2. vols.


Leopolis Scientifica. Наука у Львові до середини XX століття. Частина I. Наукові осередки : збірник наукових праць [Leopolis Scientifica. Science and Scholarship in L'viv up to the middle of the 20th century. Vol. I: Scientific Centers] / за заг. ред. О. Петрука. – Львів : Артос, 2020. ISBN 978-617-642-492-5

Львів має давні наукові традиції. Видання вперше показує панораму розвитку науки у місті, – від початку "наукових студій" (умовно – середина XVII століття, коли був заснований львівський університет) до Другої світової війни. Перша частина проекту присвячена історії наукових осередків Львова: університету, політехніки, Наукового товариства ім.Шевченка. Книга містить багатий ілюстративний матеріал. Для усіх, кого цікавить розвиток наукового пізнання та вищої освіти у Львові.


Львівський університет до середини ХХ століття (Ярослав Притула, Роман Тарнавський)

Львівська політехніка – осередок технічної науки Галичини (Олександр Шишка)

Змагання за український університет у Львові (Володимир Качмар)

Таємний Український університет у Львові (Максим Дудка, Юрій Головач)

Освітній феномен таємної Української політехніки (Рената Самотий)

Наукове Товариство імені Шевченка (Галина Сварник)

Товариство наукових викладів імені Петра Могили (Михайло Кріль)

Leopolis Scientifica. Наука у Львові до середини XX століття. Частина IІ. Точні науки : збірник наукових праць [Leopolis Scientifica. Science and Scholarship in L'viv up to the middle of the 20th century. Vol. II: Sciences] / за заг. ред. О.Петрука. – Львів : Артос, 2020. ISBN 978-617-642-493-2

Видання вперше описує розвиток науки у Львові до Другої світової війни, виявляє тривалі наукові традиції міста. Друга частина проекту присвячена точним наукам: математиці, фізиці, астрономії. Подані розвідки-огляди можуть бути використані науковцями різних галузей для розуміння рівня знань та стану культурного розвитку у відповідні епохи, викладачами університетів та вчителями шкіл для популяризації науки та укладання програм зі своїх дисциплін. Презентовані матеріали будуть цікаві також нефахівцям, широкій аудиторії, яка цікавиться минулим Львова. Книга проілюстрована численними рідкісними світлинами.


Математика у Львові (Ярослав Притула)

Українська математична трійця (Богдан Пташник)

Фізика у львівських навчальних закладах від XVII століття (Андрій Ровенчак)

Фізика і фізики в НТШ у Львові (Юрій Головач, Юліан Гончар, Мар’яна Красницька)

Астрономічна обсерваторія Львівського університету (Степан Апуневич, Богдан Новосядлий)

Астрономія у Львівській Політехніці (Степан Савчук, Любов Янків-Вітковська)

Астрономія в українських наукових товариствах (Олег Петрук)

Смагина Галина Ивановна: Познать науку исторически...Российская история науки в первые десятилетия ХХ века [“To understand science historically…”: Russian history of science in the first decades of the 20th century]. СПб.: «Росток», 2020. ISBN 9785946683074


[Русский ниже]

Using the rich archival material, the author reconstructs the activities and practices of the earliest and most important Russian institutions where the history of science was studied, the connections between their goals and objectives, the realms and methods of research. The author demonstrates that the Commission for the publication of the miscellany “Russian Science” (established in December 1916), which was reorganized into the Commission for the History of Knowledge (May 14, 1921) and later converted into the Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (February 28, 1932) laid a solid foundation for the development of studies on the history of science in Russia. The unity and continuity of this process are in the focus of attention. The pioneers of the history of science as an independent discipline — academicians A. S. Lappo- Danilevsky, V. I. Vernadsky, S. F. Oldenburg, and N. I. Bukharin — are in the limelight of the book.


В монографии на основе широкого архивного материала реконструируется деятельность первых важнейших российских историко-научных организаций, взаимосвязь их целей и задач, исследовательского поля, методов научно-исследовательской работы. Показано, что созданная в декабре 1916 г. Комиссия по изданию сборника «Русская наука», организованная на основе ее 14 мая 1921 г. Комиссия по истории знаний и созданный в свою очередь на ее базе 28 февраля 1932 г. Институт истории науки и техники АН СССР заложили прочный фундамент для развития в России историко-научных изысканий. Исследовательское внимание сфокусировано на единстве и непрерывности этого процесса. Особое место отведено основоположникам истории науки как специальной дисциплины: академикам А. С. Лаппо-Данилевскому, В. И. Вернадскому, С. Ф. Ольденбургу и Н. И. Бухарину.

Для историков науки, научных работников и широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей отечественной науки и культуры.

Петров Ростислав Эдуардович: Дочь профессора Склифосовского [Nikolay Sklifosovsky's Daughter]. Санкт-Петербург: Издательство Росток 2020.


 «Дочь профессора Склифосовского» — первое исследование о семье выдающегося отечественного хирурга, профессора Н. В. Склифосовского (1836—1904). Книга написана на основе первоисточников — прежде всего, архивных документов, благодаря которым возможно проследить жизненные пути ближайших родственников Н. В. Склифосовского. Большинство документов публикуется впервые. Тем самым автор преодолевает мифотворческий подход к истории семьи Н. В. Склифосовского, который преобладал в биографических публикациях на протяжении длительного времени. Этим книга отличается от традиционных изданий в жанре «семейной истории» c их обычным акцентом на мемуарных источниках. Воспроизведены фотографии из государственных и личных архивов; часть из них публикуется впервые. В приложении приводится генеалогия рода Склифосовских. Книга снабжена указателем упоминаемых лиц.


Синельникова Е. Ф., Соболев В. С. Санкт-Петербургское философское общество (1897—1923) [St. Petersburg Philosophical Society (1897-1923)]. — СПб. : Дмитрий Буланин, 2020. ISBN 978-5-86007-957-1


Издательская аннотация:

Монография посвящена истории деятельности Санкт-Петербургского философского общества, существовавшего в 1897-1923 гг. Несмотря свой относительный короткий срок функционирования, общество внесло весомый вклад в становление философии как самостоятельной науки в России. В состав общества входили не только известные философы: В.С. Соловьев, А.И. Введенский, Э.Л. Радлов, Н.О. Лосский, Н.Г. Дебольский и др., но и яркие представители других наук: В.М. Бехтерев, И.П. Бородин, А.С. Фаминцын, С.Ф. Платонов, А.С. Лаппо-Данилевский, С.А. Жебелев, М.И. Туган-Барановский, Н.И. Кареев, А.Ф. Кони, О.Д. Хвольсон и др. Время деятельности общества совпало со сложным периодом развития страны - эпохой войн, революций и мощных социальных потрясений. Все это в полной мере отразилось на характере и результатах его работы. Книга является итогом тщательного изучения основных сторон, форм и методов функционирования Санкт-Петербургского философского общества. На конкретном историческом материале показаны динамика взаимоотношений этой общественной организации с государственной властью; особенности процесса институционализации философии в России; роль и значение философских знаний в формировании социально- культурного пространства России. В основу монографии положен комплекс разнообразных по своему составу и содержанию исторических источников, многие из которых впервые вводится в научный оборот.

Науковедческие исследования, 2020 : ежегодник [Yearbook: Science of Science Research] (OPEN ACCESS)

 Науковедческие исследования, 2020 : ежегодник [Yearbook: Science of Science Research] / ИНИОН РАН, Центр науч.-информ. исслед. по науке, образованию и технологиям ; отв. ред. Гребенщикова Е.Г. – Москва : ИНИОН РАН, 2020. – 108 с. – (Методол. пробл. развития науки и техники). ISSN 2658-5405 (OPEN ACCESS)



Али-заде А.А. Смешанные методы – методологическое предложение общественным наукам............................................. 4

Аллахвердян А.Г. Государственный аппарат репрессий кадрового состава советской науки как объект историконауковедческого исследования.................................................... 27 

Асеева И.А. Проблема приватности в цифровую эпоху ................. 36 Булавинова М.П. Проблемы применения автономных систем в военной сфере............................................................................. 51

 Пястолов С.М. Методики оценки деятельности научных организаций ................................................................................... 59 

Рюмина М.Т. Цифровое общество и проблема человека................ 79 

Тодосийчук А.В., Пястолов С.М. Перспективы программноцелевого управления научно-техническим развитием.............. 90 

Сведения об авторах ........................................................................ 107

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Call for Papers: Environmental Governance. Experiences, Knowledge, and Expectations since 1945. Potsdam, 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021, Deadline 28.02.2021


At the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History in September, we will

host a workshop on environmental governance in the second half of the

20th century. Contributors will examine how environmental governance

emerged as a new field of knowledge in response to ecological and

economic crises. Focusing on both state and non-state actors, the workshop asks how the tools of government have changed, thereby also interrogating broader narratives of deregulation and neoliberalization since the 1970s.


The use of natural resources has always required knowledge about their properties. Their usage has been tied to specific political power constellations and practices of governance that changed over time and affected the production of knowledge about natural resources. Conceptualized this way, the „politics of nature“ (Frank Zelko) is as old as politics itself. “The environment“, however, only emerged as an object of knowledge and a policy field in industrial societies after the Second World War, generating new forms and forums of knowledge production about the world surrounding us and often putting the state at centre stage as an agent of regulation. While “the environment” constituted a new field of knowledge and experience, the formulation and implementation of policies differed from the ideal type of rationalistic policy-making that simply demands for the transmission of scientific solutions to political power brokers. Environmental governance itself became an object of theorization and questions about the proper instruments of how to best intervene into eco-systems and human environmental behaviour were contested scientifically as much as politically. Since the Second World War, the scope of environmental governance has also expanded both spatially and temporally, posing new challenges for environmental policy: from allocating resources, over tackling environmental problems and defining areas of nature conservation, to building, maintaining, and combating infrastructure projects, the interplay of environment and industrial society have been conceptualized in increasingly global terms and longer time frames. Changing political modes of governance have only been studied tentatively for environmental politics in the 20th century, while (master) narratives under such umbrella terms as Keynesianism or Neoliberalism have been discussed more intensively by political and social scientists as well as historians for developments in economic or social policy.

As new political and scientific interests clustered around “the environment”, the workshop concentrates on the relation between knowledge production and environmental governance with particular interest in the history of practices. Which experiences and expectations engendered which forms of environmental knowledge and how did they translate into politics? Over the course of the 20th Century and, particularly since the post-war era, policy-makers have increasingly relied on scientific expertise and environmental policy forms a paradigm case for this scientization of politics. How did state bureaucrats, advisory boards, and think tanks but also, environmental activists, members of non-governmental organizations, freelancing professionals as well as scientists pertaining to independent institutes claim environmental expertise? How did their practices of knowledge production and communication about environmental risks, environmental policy planning, future developments of consumer and business behaviour as well as experiences with environmental regulation change over time? And which forms of environmental governance did they develop and advocate? These questions are of particular interest, as the expansion of the environmental management state occurred mainly since the 1970s, that is in the same period when the state’s capacity to regulate and intervene into economy and society was increasingly called into question.

Environmental governance is, thus, deeply entangled with the political challenges and transformations since the 1970s. Expecting ecological catastrophes (resource exhaustion, Waldsterben, excessive waste, pollution or climate change) while experiencing prolonged economic crises, policymakers, politicians, and environmental experts had to grapple with the seemingly contradictory goals of economic growth and environmental protection, focusing on both industrial production and consumption as fields of regulation. While the end of Keynesianism and traditional command-and-control-regulation is commonly supposed to have given rise to ideas of deregulation and economization, we invite papers looking at concrete interactions of environmental expertise and policy-making in order to scrutinize and challenge these broad concepts as well as historiographical narratives they embody. By discussing the (re-)regulation of “the environment” and its often contradictory developments with a broader temporal view over the second half of the 20th century, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of the practices of knowledge production and governance in general.

Possible themes and questions could include:

- the conceptualization of the “environment” as a field of political intervention

- the translation of environmental knowledge into policy designs by scientists, governmental agents and activists

- expert networks in processes of environmental governance and the role of “applied” ecology in administrations and state institutions

- the role of non-governmental and civil society organizations in the participation of governance processes and formulation of environmental policies

- infrastructures and “large technological systems”, as sites of environmental knowledge production

- evaluation of environmental policy instruments

- the importance of economic instruments for environmental governance

- The significance of international organizations and networks for the dissemination of environmental knowledge and policies

We invite scholars interested in presenting a paper to send a brief abstract of 250-300 words together with a short CV to Thomas Lettang ( and Laura Kaiser ( by February 28, 2021. Participants will be notified by mid-March. If the Corona regulations allow us to meet in person, we will cover the costs of travel and accommodation.


Thomas Lettang/ Laura Kaiser

Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam

Am Neuen Markt 1

14467 Potsdam

Николай Анциферов. «Такова наша жизнь в письмах»: Письма родным и друзьям (1900–1950-е годы) [Nikolay Antsiferov. “This is Our Life in Letters”: Letters to Family and Friends (1900-1950s)]. Отв. ред-сост., предисловие Д. С. Московская. М.: НЛО, 2021. ISBN 978-5-4448-1267-9


Аннотация: Николай Павлович Анциферов (1889–1958) — выдающийся историк и литературовед, автор классических работ по истории Петербурга. До выхода этого издания эпистолярное наследие Анциферова не публиковалось. Между тем разнообразие его адресатов и широкий круг знакомых, от Владимира Вернадского до Бориса Эйхенбаума и Марины Юдиной, делают переписку ученого ценным источником знаний о русской культуре XX века. Особый пласт в ней составляет собрание писем, посланных родным и друзьям из ГУЛАГа (1929–1933, 1938–1939), — уникальный человеческий документ эпохи тотальной дегуманизации общества. Собранные по адресатам эпистолярные комплексы превращаются в особые стилевые и образно-сюжетные единства, а вместе они — литературный памятник, отражающий реалии времени, историю судьбы свидетеля трагических событий ХХ века.

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