Monday, 29 August 2022

Meeting with members of the Czechoslovak-Polish expedition to Cotopaxi (1972). Kraków, Polska Akademia Umiejętności 5 września 2022 r.

Spotkanie z uczestnikami czechosłowacko-polskiej ekspedycji Cotopaxi (1972)  // Meeting with members of the Czechoslovak-Polish expedition to Cotopaxi (1972). Kraków, Polska Akademia Umiejętności 5 września 2022 r.

50 lat temu, dnia 2 września 1972 r., uczestnicy czechosłowacko-polskiej wyprawy do Ekwadoru jako pierwsi w historii zeszli na dno krateru Cotopaxi - jednego z najwyższych czynnych wulkanów świata. W trakcie wyprawy prowadzono badania geologiczno-wulkanologiczne, przygotowano też mapę geologiczną i geomorfologiczną terenów wulkanu, które stanowiły później podstawę do utworzenia na tym obszarze Parku Narodowego Cotopaxi. Ponadto prowadzono badania etnograficzne Indian Auca i Jivaros, zamieszkujących tropikalną puszczę dorzecza górnej Amazonki oraz nakręcono dwa filmy popularnonaukowe.

Chcąc przypomnieć to wydarzenie, Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU w Krakowie wraz z Instytutem Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Polską Akademią Umiejętności oraz Instytutem Masaryka i Archiwum Akademii Nauk Republiki Czeskiej (Masarykův ústav a Archiv Akademie věd České republiky) organizują wspólnie spotkanie z uczestnikami wspomnianej ekspedycji, które odbędzie się 5 września 2022 r. (poniedziałek) w godz. 10.00 - 15.00 w Dużej Auli PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17 w Krakowie.

Program spotkania dostępny jest na stronie Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU pod poniższym linkiem: .

Wszystkich zainteresowanych serdecznie zapraszamy!

Mlada Holá, Martin Holý: Profesoři pražské utrakvistické univerzity v pozdním středověku a raném novověku (1457/1458-1622) [Professors of Prague utraquist university in late Middle Ages and Early Moder Period (1457/1458-1622)].

 Mlada Holá, Martin Holý: Profesoři pražské utrakvistické univerzity v pozdním středověku a raném novověku (1457/1458-1622) [Professors of Prague utraquist university in late Middle Ages and Early Moder Period (1457/1458-1622)]. Praha: Academia 2022. ISBN978-80-200-3328-4

Předkládaná kniha se zaměřuje na dosud málo probádanou problematiku profesorů pražské utrakvistické univerzity v pozdním středověku a raném novověku, konkrétně v období od definitivního prosazení kališnického charakteru Karlova učení v 50. letech 15. století po jeho převzetí jezuity v roce 1622. Na základě analýzy typově různých pramenů, v souladu s nejnovějšími metodologickými proudy a v komparaci s podobnými zahraničními projekty zkoumá terminologii spojenou s danou profesí, předpoklady jejího výkonu, sociální, geografickou, národnostní či konfesijní skladbu vyučujících pražské univerzity, jejich vzdělanostní curricula, samotné pedagogické i další působení na univerzitě, každodennost profesorů včetně jejich hmotného zázemí a jejich paralelní či následné kariéry po opuštění Karolina. Dále se soustředí na jejich knihovny, literární činnost, různé formy mecenátu či kontakty s evropskou obcí učenců. Rovněž zkoumá okolnosti úmrtí profesorů a místa jejich pohřbů. Nedílnou součást monografie tvoří přílohy, z nichž nejrozsáhlejší obsahuje biogramy takřka dvou set zkoumaných osobností.

Ştefan Dorondel, Stelu Şerban (eds.): A New Ecological Order. Development and the Transformation of Nature in Eastern Europe. University of Pittsburgh Press 2022.

Ştefan Dorondel, Stelu Şerban (eds.): A New Ecological Order. Development and the Transformation of Nature in Eastern Europe. University of Pittsburgh Press 2022. ISBN: 9780822947172

The rise of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century forged a new ecological order in North American and Western European states, radically transforming the environment through science and technology in the name of human progress. Far less known are the dramatic environmental changes experienced by Eastern Europe, in many ways a terra incognita for environmental historians and anthropologists. A New Ecological Order explores, from a historical and ethnographic perspective, the role of state planners, bureaucrats, and experts—engineers, agricultural engineers, geographers, biologists, foresters, and architects—as agents of change in the natural world of Eastern Europe from 1870 to the early twenty-first century.

Contributors consider territories engulfed by empires, from the Habsburg to the Ottoman to tsarist Russia; territories belonging to disintegrating empires; and countries in the Balkan Peninsula, Central and Eastern Europe, and Eurasia. Together, they follow a rhetoric of “correcting nature,” a desire to exploit the natural environment and put its resources to work for the sake of developing the economies and infrastructures of modern states. They reveal an eagerness among newly established nation-states, after centuries of imperial economic and political impositions, to import scientific knowledge and new technologies from Western Europe that would aid in their economic development, and how those imports and ideas about nature ultimately shaped local projects and policies.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Nora Mengel: Biograph(i)en des Reichs. Zum Werk- und Selbstverständnis von Constantin von Wurzbach und Aleksandr A. Polovcov. Köln: Böhlau 2022.

 Nora Mengel: Biograph(i)en des Reichs. Zum Werk- und Selbstverständnis von Constantin von Wurzbach und Aleksandr A. Polovcov. Köln: Böhlau 2022. ISBN: 978-3-412-52334-3

Biograph(i)en des Reichs

Bisher sind biographische Nachschlagewerke, die im Laufe des langen 19. Jahrhunderts einen regelrechten Boom erlebten, nur unzureichend in ihrer Gesamtheit untersucht worden. Im Allgemeinen geht man davon aus, dass sie einer nationalen Bestimmung folgten, weil ihre Entstehungszeit mit den europäischen Staatenbildungsprozessen zusammenfiel. Nora Mengels Untersuchung des Biographischen Lexikons des Kaiserthums Oesterreich (BLKÖ) und des Russkij Biografičeskij Slovar' (RBS) zeigt erstmals, dass die biographischen Großprojekte des ausgehenden Habsburger und Russländischen Reichs auf einem spezifisch imperialen Gesamtstaatsbewusstsein basierten. Präzise und konsequent wird aufgezeigt, wie dieses, unter Anleitung der Lexikographen Constantin von Wurzbach und Aleksandr A. Polovcov, aus einer Vielzahl an facettenreichen Lebenswelten und -wegen der imperialen Eliten und den damit verbundenen Narrativen gebildet und geprägt worden ist.

Krzysztof Abriszewski, Aleksandra Derra, Andrzej W. Nowak (eds.) Polish Science and Technology Studies in the New Millennium. Berlin etc.: Peter Lang 2022. ISBN: 9783631843888

 Krzysztof Abriszewski, Aleksandra Derra, Andrzej W. Nowak (eds.) Polish Science and Technology Studies in the New Millennium. Berlin etc.: Peter Lang 2022. ISBN: 9783631843888


The tradition of Polish Science Studies dates back to the works of L. Fleck and F. Znaniecki. In the 1990s, the field found itself in crisis due to the many institutional transformations in the former Eastern Bloc. The subsequent resurgence started with the new millennium thanks to scholars particularly interested in the Actor-Network Theory, which offered conceptual tools to combine philosophical questions with sociological interests, and seemed also a good way out of the pitfalls of postmodern discussions. This collection presents a sample of renewed Science and Technology Studies in Poland ranging from theoretical explorations through discourse analysis-oriented chapters on anorexia and climate change disinformation, to studies of socio-scientific controversies over air pollution.



The Disappearance of the Second World and “Suitcase Science” (Andrzej W. Nowak)

What Does Theory Do in the Humanities? (Krzysztof Abriszewski)

Women Not to Be Seen: The Medical Versus Feminist Thought Style on Anorexia Nervosa (Aleksandra Derra)

The Disinformation Rhetoric of the Twenty-First Century (Ewa Bińczyk)

Polish Smog: Metrological Controversies and Conflicting Ontologies (Michał Wróblewski, Wojciech Goszczyński)

Learning to Breath: Issue Mapping on the Smog Controversy in Poland Using the Web 2.0 (Maria Lompe)


Krzysztof Abriszewski (Volume editor)Aleksandra Derra (Volume editor)Andrzej W. Nowak (Volume editor)

Krzysztof Abriszewski is Associate Professor and Chair of the Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Department at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruñ, Poland. His main areas of research concern the Actor-Network Theory, cultural theory and philosophy of human and social sciences. Aleksandra Derra is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Practical Philosophy at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruñ, Poland. Her areas of academic interest are philosophy of science, Science and Technology Studies, contemporary feminist theories, and embodiment in cognitive science. Andrzej W. Nowak is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznañ, Poland. His areas of interest are Science and Technology Studies, sociology of knowledge, and public philosophy and sociology

Диссертационная культура российского историко-научного сообщества: опыт и практики подготовки и защит диссертаций (XIX — начало XX в.): коллективная монография [Dissertation culture of the Russian historians' community: experience and practice of preparation and defense of dissertations (XIX - early XX centuries)] / под ред. Н. Н. Алеврас, Н. В. Гришиной. — М. ; СПб. : Нестор-История, 2022. — 464 с. ISBN 978-5-4469-1933-8

 Диссертационная культура российского историко-научного сообщества: опыт и практики подготовки и защит диссертаций (XIX — начало XX в.): коллективная монография [Dissertation culture of the Russian historians' community: experience and practice of preparation and defense of dissertations (XIX - early XX centuries)] / под ред. Н. Н. Алеврас, Н. В. Гришиной. — М. ; СПб. : Нестор-История, 2022. — 464 с. ISBN 978-5-4469-1933-8


Монография посвящена диссертационной культуре российских университетов XIX — начала XX в. как феномену научной жизни корпорации ученых-историков. В книге впервые в историографической практике представлен анализ базы данных о 280 диссертантах и 409 диссертациях историков российских университетов. Структурные части монографии посвящены как привлекавшим уже внимание исследователей сюжетам (в частности, интерпретации российского законодательства, определявшего статус диссертации как научного труда, нормативных правил ее презентации в виде диссертационного диспута), так и еще слабо изученным аспектам.

Впервые представлено широкое историко-научное полотно исследованных опытов создания диссертаций, традиций организации диссертационных диспутов, анализируются практики и культура оппонирования диссертаций. Институт оппонентов представлен в монографии в качестве важнейшего актора диссертационной культуры. Авторы прослеживают путь историков к созданию диссертационного исследования, обращаются к анализу текстов диссертаций в стремлении определить теоретико-методологические принципы и историографические пассажи диссертаций. Предложен опыт изучения оценок и самооценок диссертаций современниками в источниках личного происхождения.

Специальным аспектом стало изучение специфики коммемораций относительно наиболее известных диссертационных трудов.

Книга адресована широкому кругу специалистов-гуманитариев в области проблем истории исторической науки, истории университетов, изучения особенностей корпоративных университетских сообществ и карьерных историй ученых.




Раздел I. Университетское законодательство как регулятивный механизм формирования диссертационной системы. Инструментальное оснащение проекта: база данных о диссертантах и диссертациях

Глава 1. Статус диссертации и законодательно-нормативные основы организации диссертационных диспутов в российских университетах XIX в.

1.1. Между экзаменационными штудиями и созданием диссертаций: опыт законодательного регулирования статуса диссертации и диссертационного диспута в первой половине XIX в.

1.2. Опыт и итоги пореформенного регулирования диссертационной системы в российских университетах

1.3. Университетское законодательство о разрядах наук и разрядах специальностей для лиц, получавших ученые степени

1.4. «О возведении магистранта прямо в степень доктора…»: инновация Устава 1884 г. и опыты ее реализации в корпоративном сообществе ученых-историков

Глава 2. Тенденции формирования российского историко-научного сообщества XIX — начала XX в.

2.1. Кричевский и его наследие

2.2. К созданию коллективного портрета историко-научного сообщества: анализ базы данных о диссертациях и диссертантах-историках российских университетов

Раздел II. Институциональные основы и традиции защит диссертаций в российских университетах XIX — начала XX в.

Глава 3. Диссертационный диспут и институты экспертизы диссертаций в опыте университетских корпораций ученых-историков

3.1. Публичность диссертационных диспутов и периодическая печать

3.2. Экспертиза при допуске к защите: факультетский отзыв

3.3. Отрицательный отзыв факультета о диссертации

3.4. Институт официальных оппонентов

Глава 4. Диссертационный диспут и «малые формы» произведений диссертационной культуры второй половины XIX — начала XX в.

4.1. Тезисы к диссертации и речь перед диссертационным диспутом как феномены-артефакты

4.2. Речь перед диссертационным диспутом как способ самовыражения историка-диссертанта

4.3. Диссертационная речь как творческое откровение

Глава 5. Диссертационный диспут: опыт и модели оппонирования

5.1. Оппонирование как полемический диалог

5.2. Защита без дискуссий и проблема функционального предназначения диссертационных диспутов

5.3. К вопросу о моделях оппонирования: опыт Ключевского в контексте мнений современников

Глава 6. Неофициальные оппоненты как акторы диссертационной культуры

6.1. Особенности практик неофициального оппонирования

6.2. Выступления неофициальных оппонентов в свидетельствах современников и протоколах диспутов, создававшихся представителями научной общественности

6.3. Неофициальные оппоненты как критики традиций экспертизы диссертаций и организации диспутов

6.4. Неофициальные оппоненты на диссертационных диспутах историков начала XX в.: протокольные зарисовки защит диссертаций представителями научного сообщества

Раздел III. Путь к диссертации в XIX — начале XX в.: процесс подготовки, проблематика, содержание диссертационных исследований, коммеморативный опыт их восприятия

Глава 7. Культура взращивания ученого-историка: от выдвижения «профессорского стипендиата» до издания диссертации

7.1. Подготовка магистров в опыте школы М. С. Куторги

7.2. С. Ф. Платонов и его ученики: практики подготовки диссертаций

Глава 8. Диссертации российских историков первой половины XIX в.: методологические искания

8.1. Историко-научный контекст формирования методологических и историографических интересов в среде ученых-историков

8.2. Диссертации по проблемам всеобщей истории: методологические и историографические аспекты

8.3. Русская история как предмет историко-научных и методологических наблюдений диссертантов

Глава 9. Диссертации историков второй половины XIX — начала XX в. — объекты научного анализа и дисциплинарной коммеморации

9.1. Предисловия к диссертациям историков-русистов Московского и Петербургского университетов как отражение научных конвенций

9.2. Диссертационная история как научное событие в восприятии диссертантов и в историографических оценках: к вопросу об источниках формирования коммеморативной основы диссертационной культуры


Источники и литература

Именной указатель

Monday, 22 August 2022

CFP: "Émigré Europe": Civil Engagement Transfers between Eastern and Western Europe, 1933-1989. Kraków, 04.12.2022 - 06.12.2022, Deadline 01.10.2022

 CFP: "Émigré Europe": Civil Engagement Transfers between Eastern and Western Europe, 1933-1989. Kraków, 04.12.2022 - 06.12.2022, Deadline 01.10.2022


The past decade has seen a boom in research on historical and contemporary migrant communities. Next to the non-European migration in the postwar decades, there is also a growing body of research on Eastern European migration. However, further exploration of the contribution of these migrant communities to contemporary European culture is needed. Specifically, this project aims to stress the active agency of Eastern European migrants and ask how these émigrés affected the local communities they joined and what influence they had on social movements, civil society and community values.

“Émigré Europe” seeks to explore the means and methods through which Central and Eastern European migrants were able to engage new or existing civil society structures within their host countries to set or express their own agendas and interact with their host societies on a range of levels, from local grassroots initiatives up to institutional European organizations and decision-making bodies. By civil engagement transfers, we refer to various exchanges of practices of self-organization and engagement that occur between migrant and host communities or between two migrant communities, and between various layers of civil society.

Among the questions being assessed, we ask: how did migrants express their agency through self-mobilization in civil society? In what ways did they build networks between each other and among their fellow migrant communities and host societies? What kind of mobility existed between the stratified layers of civil society structures? How did intersectionality influence the personal and collective engagements of different migrant communities? How did they utilize or produce heritage in negotiating their presence and purpose in society? How did both individual and collective memories of liminality translate into public action and diplomacy? And in what ways were their goals conforming or contrasting with the broader political climate of East-West relations?

The “Émigré Europe” team invites contributions to follow diverse strands of inquiry, from the cultural and community spheres, to humanitarian initiatives, and reaching up into the very foundations of the European institutions themselves. Eastern European migrants harnessed a range of familiar and unfamiliar structures from the transnational labour movement and the church, to heritage preservation and local committees of solidarity. Papers that address the issue of how Eastern European immigrants had a different impact on local societies in comparison to non-Europeans are particularly welcomed.

Through a fusion of the existing historiography on migrant mobilization and previously untouched and neglected archival and digital resources, “Émigré Europe” contributes to the fields of social history of emigration, international relations and public diplomatic history, history of cultural and academic exchange, history of science, public heritage, and digital humanities through means of data collection and visualization.

The conference invites scholars from different backgrounds to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and discussion on the future potential of the research model for a wide-ranging study of European migration. We encourage contributors to think broadly about the porous geographical, temporal and political boundaries of European migration during and also immediately after the Cold War.


The academic participants of “Émigré Europe” are equal members of the Central Europe Leuven Strategic Alliance (CELSA) research initiative:

- KADOC-KU Leuven, Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture, and Society (Belgium)

- Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)

- Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary)

- Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland)

Online Participants

Participants are also encouraged to join and present digitally.

Paper Proposals

Please send your paper proposal to and before 1 October 2022.

The single PDF document shall contain a clear title of the envisaged paper; a summary (max. 500 words), outlining the paper’s goals; methodology and sources; and the CV of the author(s).

The proposals will be selected by the Scientific Committee. Notification of acceptance will occur no later than 15 October 2022.

The conference will take place on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th December 2022, with a welcome for guests arriving on Sunday 4th also planned.

The conference will be hosted by the partners at Jagiellonian University Kraków (Poland) at the following


Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University 33

332 Kraków, W. Reymonta St. 4



Práce z dějin Akademie věd, 2021/2 are available. Czech with English abstracts

 Práce z dějin Akademie věd, 2021/2 are available. Czech with English abstracts


Eduard Burget, Petra Loučová, Doubravka Olšáková, The Gray Zone as an Oppositional Comunication Chanel. Czech Experts, Dissent and the Enviromental Agenda

Hana Kábová, Kristina Uhlíková, Komunikační sítě českých dějin umění. I. fáze - Korespondence Zdeňka Wirtha (1878-1961)


Luboš Studený, Michaela Šmidrkalová, Historie na děrných štítcích. Pokus o využití výpočetní techniky v historické práci v Československé akademii věd v 60. letech 20. století


Osobní fond Ferdinand Stiebitz (1894-1961) (Marie Bahenská)​


Sympozium "Women and Academic Careers in Central and Eastern Europe after Second World War (1945-1968)"  (Adéla Jůnová Macková))

Workshop Senioři - nositelé historické paměti 20. století (Soňa Martinovská)

Zpráva o workshopu "Josef Válka a myšlení o dějinách"  (Lukáš M. Vytlačil)​


Milena Bartlová, Dějiny českých dějin umění 1945-1969 (Martin Franc)

Jan Surman, Univeristies in imperial Austria. 1848-1918 (Jiří Hutečka)

Petr Zajíček, Martin Oliva a Petr Kostrhun, Karel Absolon: objevitel, manažer, vědec (František Bahenský)

URL: .

Thursday, 18 August 2022

online event: The (Transnational) Role of Universities in Times of War (Viadrinicum | panel discussion), Monday, August 22, 2022 AT 6 PM CET.

hybrid event: The (Transnational) Role of Universities in Times of War (Viadrinicum | panel discussion), Monday, August 22, 2022 AT 6 PM CET. (URL: ONLINE translation:

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has not spared universities as military targets: universities in ruins - a striking metaphor of Bill Readings - have become part of a concrete frightening reality with shrinking futures.
What can transnational academic networks do to support displaced researchers and students and to uphold cooperation with Ukrainian universities? What research options does the war leave for those who were forced to flee and for those who stayed?
At the same time the challenge of rebuilding Ukraine poses a question about the (self-)positioning of universities in society in general: what role can they play in this process - as knowledge-producing institutions and as civic actors? And seen on a more structural level: how can the university be shaped as a space for scaffolding social imaginaries that might allow us to draft and realize just futures together?
Prof. Dr. Felix Ackermann (Berlin)
Dr. Tymofii Brik (Kyiv)
Dr. Svitlana Shlipchenko (Kyiv)
A live stream of this event will be available on Youtube.
This public event is part of Transsectoral Summer School Viadrinicum 2022: University in Ruins. Scaffolding Futures.
This event takes place at ZOiS in Berlin.
Viadrinicum is a summer school at European University Viadrina in cooperation with the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS, Berlin), the Center for Urban Studies (Kyiv), Adam-Mickiewicz University Poznan, Goethe Institute Ukraine, Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum for Modern Art and with kind support of Eberhard Schöck Stiftung and the German-Polish Research Foundation (DPWS).

CfP: Workshop “Transnational Cooperation and Competition in European Science and Technology”

 CfP: Workshop “Transnational Cooperation and Competition in European Science and Technology”

Organizer: DFG Research Group “Cooperation and Competition in the Sciences” at LMU Munich, Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler (Deutsches Museum) and Dr. Darina Volf (LMU Munich)

Venue: Kerschensteiner Kolleg, Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 Munich, Germany

Date: 16-17 March 2023

Deadline: 30 September 2022 (for proposals), 15 February 2023 (for papers)

Transnational Cooperation and Competition in European Science and Technology

The workshop is organized by the research group “Cooperation and Competition in the Sciences” located at LMU Munich and funded by the German Research Foundation. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars working on history and politics of science and technology in Europe. The workshop will focus on the political, social, economic, organizational and epistemic effects of Europeanization in the field of science and technology. We are interested in how processes of transnational cooperation, networking and integration of research policies at European level shaped scientific practices, knowledge production and technological innovation in the last fifty to sixty years. We do not limit ourselves to integration processes within the European Union but understand Europeanization in a wider sense as convergence and increasing interconnectedness of science and technology across Europe, including integration efforts in the former Eastern bloc as well as pre-1989 collaboration transcending the so-called Iron Curtain.

We are interested in presentations that look at processes of Europeanization in science and technology in general, but we also explicitly welcome insights related to different scientific disciplines and fields. While we assume that there has been an increasing tendency toward Europeanization of science and technology since the 1970s, we do not mean to take Europeanization as a given. Thus, one of the aims of the workshop is to discuss to what extent European science and technology have been affected by opposing processes of de-Europeanization, nationalizing tendencies and competition between individual European countries.

We invite scholars from history of science and technology, European integration studies, science and technology studies, and related fields to send an abstract of about 500 words with a brief biographical information by 30 September 2022 to and Speakers’ travel expenses and accommodation will be covered. Papers will be pre-circulated (deadline 15 February 2023). The conference language is English. Publication of conference proceedings as a journal special issue is planned.

Confirmed keynote speaker: Johan Schot (Utrecht University).


Dr. Darina Volf

LMU Munich

Historisches Seminar

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

80539 Munich

Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler

Deutsches Museum München

Museumsinsel 1

80538 Munich

Monday, 15 August 2022

No. 7/2022 of Вопросы философии/Voprosy Filosofii is online

No. 7/2022 of Вопросы философии/Voprosy Filosofii is online. With thematic sections on Alexander V. Golovnin and on history of philosophy. Russian with English abstracts. URL: .


Проблемы цивилизационного развития в ведущих странах азиатского региона М.Т. Степанянц 5–14

От экономических интересов – к нооценностямС.Д. Бодрунов 15–26

Онтологические горизонты этического, или Насколько глубок кризис современной этики А.В. Белокобыльский, В.С. Левицкий 27–38


Испытание философией. Философия в императорской России перед «Великими реформами» 1860-х гг. А.А. Кара-Мурза 39–47

На пути к свободной мысли: образовательные реформы А.В. Головнина и становление профессиональной философии в России О.А. Жукова 48–56

Опыт Просвещения в России: гумбольдтовская модель университета в зеркале университетских реформ А.В. Головнина М.Ф. Быкова 57–65

Три идеи университета А.М. Руткевич 66–74


От одного чувственного к другому (к метафизическому значению чувственных восприятий) Часть I Ж. Бенуа И.Е. Прись 75–86

Что значит быть врожденной для когнитивной функции? И.Ю. Булов 87–97

К вопросу об истине в научном и обыденном познании Р.Н. Дождикова 98–108

Теоретико-эмпирическое обоснование принципов методологии постнеклассического периода в науке Д.Б. Богоявленская 109–116

Социально-политический феномен лысенковщины в биологической науке: прошлое и настоящее Т.С. Седельникова, М.В. Седельников 117–127


«Мы оба учились у Густава, пророка Эдмунда на Руси». Александр Реформатский и Роман Якобсон о живом языке и внутренней речи Т.Г. Щедрина 128–138

«И пропагандист, и агитатор, и даже рекламист психологии и философии»: Павел Сергеевич Попов о Георгии Ивановиче Челпанове (предисловие к публикации главы «Челпанов» из мемуаров П.С. Попова) А.И. Семенова 139–156

Проблемы историософии в свете философии Мераба Мамардашвили Г.С. Киселев 157–167


Аврелий Августин и аристотелевская концепция времени А.Р. Фокин 168–183

«Лучшее в поэзии – ложь»: Песнь песней в еврейской философско-теологической мысли Средневековья в свете подхода арабских аристотеликов к поэтике У. Гершович 184–198


К 30-летию Института человека РАН (Из современной истории философии) Г.Л. Белкина, С.Н. Корсаков, М.И. Фролова 199–215

Дисперсия в синергии: распределенное авторство в интегрированном сообществе (по материалам Международного междисциплинарного “круглого стола” Института философии РАН «Проблематизация человека: незавершенный проект») Л.П. Киященко, А.В. Голофаст 216-219


ВАХШТАЙН В.С. Техника, Или обаяние прогресса А.В. Марков 0042-8744-2022-7-220-222

Call for entries: IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science

 Call for entries: IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science

Call for entries

IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science

Submission deadline: 15 January 2023

The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

(IUHPST) invites submissions for the 2023 IUHPST Essay Prize in History and

Philosophy of Science. This biennial prize competition seeks to encourage

fresh methodological thinking on the history and philosophy of science and

related areas.

This year’s prize question is inspired by the theme of the 17th

International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and

Technology, “Science and Values in an Uncertain World.” Current global

challenges such as the pandemic and climate change are pervaded by

epistemic and material risks. Science plays an increasing role in policy

and personal decisions, yet its application is sometimes contested. We

therefore invite entries, in the form of an essay of 5,000–10,000 words

written in English, addressing the question: “How can history and

philosophy of science, technology, and medicine help us to understand and

evaluate the role of values in science?” This question may be interpreted

broadly.  Submitters are encouraged to specify what kinds of values are in


All entries should consist of original work that has not previously been

published. Entries written originally in another language should be

submitted in English translation, along with the name and contact details

of the translator. Entries will be judged on the following criteria, in

addition to general academic quality: direct engagement with the prize

question, effective integration of historical and philosophical

perspectives, and potential to provide methodological guidance for other

researchers in the field.

The author of the winning entry will be invited to present the work at the

CLMPST in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24–29 July 2023. Presenting at the

Congress will be a condition of the award.

The award will carry a cash prize of 1,000 US dollars and a waiver of the

Congress registration fee.

Other strong entries will also be considered for presentation at the

Congress. In order to ensure this consideration, entrants should submit the

entry also as a standalone paper abstract for the Congress by the deadline

for that (December 15, 2022), following the standard instructions indicated

on the Congress website:

Entries are invited from anyone, without restriction of age, nationality,

or academic status. Co-authored work will be considered; if the winning

entry is a co-authored work the cash prize will be shared out among the


This prize is administered by the Joint Commission of the IUHPST, whose

remit is to make links between the work of the two Divisions of the IUHPST:

the DHST (Division of History of Science and Technology) and the DLMPST

(Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology).

For further information about IUHPST, see:

Entries for the prize competition should be submitted in pdf format by

e-mail to the Chair of the Joint Commission, Dr. Agnes Bolinska, Department

of Philosophy, University of South Carolina ( Any

queries should also be directed to her. The deadline for submission is 15

January 2023.

Thursday, 11 August 2022

CFP: The 9th Edition of the Bucharest Graduate Conference in Early Modern Philosophy

The 9th Edition of the Bucharest Graduate Conference in Early Modern Philosophy. 15-16 October 2022.

Keynote speakers: Daniel Garber (Princeton University), Rodolfo Garau (Ca’ Foscani University)

Venue: ICUB Humanities, 1 Dimitrie Brandza St., 060102, Bucharest, Romania. 

It has been a long tradition that early career researchers and graduate students take part in the meetings of the Princeton-Bucharest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy. To preserve this tradition, the Princeton-Bucharest Seminar has joined forces with the Bucharest Graduate Conference in Early Modern Philosophy, which has just reached its 9th edition! The Graduate Conference will take place on the 15th and 16th of October, right after the Princeton Bucharest Seminar, and participants are welcome to attend both events.

To attend, please submit an abstract (not longer than 800 words) by the 1st of September 2022. We welcome papers on any aspects of early modern philosophy. Speaking time, 20 minutes. The program committee will notify the accepted speakers by the 5th of September.

We aim to organize the conference in person. There is no participation fee. However, we are unable to cover any costs related to travel, accommodation etc. For submitting your abstract and for further inquiries, please write to

This event is organized as part of the Research Project ‘Recipes, Technologies and Experiments: Enactment and the Emergence of Modern Science’, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0251. Please check our website for further updates and do not hesitate to reach us by email (website: ).

Monday, 8 August 2022

CFP: Europäische Aufklärungen und "rassistische" Abwertung: Analysen und Reaktionen jüdischer Denker:innen

Während sowohl judenfeindliche als auch "rassisische" Tendenzen in der europäischen Aufklärung bereits im Fokus der Forschung sind, möchte der Workshop beide Aspekte zusammen denken: Wie haben zeitgenössische jüdische Denker:innen auf "rassistische" Tendenzen der europäischen Aufklärung geblickt? Gibt es Hinweise, dass maskilische Denker:innen ethnische bzw. „rassistisch“ motivierte Ausgrenzungstendenzen auf ihre Ursachen in den europäischen Aufklärungen selbst untersucht und kritisiert haben?

Europäische Aufklärungen und "rassistische" Abwertung: Analysen und Reaktionen jüdischer Denker:innen


Prof. Dr. Ottfried Fraisse, Seminar für Judaistik / Jüdische Studien ; Jakob Ole Lenz (M. A.), Lehrstuhl für politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 06110 Halle (Saale) (Deutschland)

07.12.2022 - 08.12.2022

Bewerbungsschluss: 31.08.2022

Wie an der vermehrt unter anderem an Immanuel Kant geführten Diskussion in den letzten Jahren deutlich wurde, enthält die Aufklärung aus heutiger Sicht rassistische Stereotype. Auch die Judenfeindschaft war Teil der Aufklärung, wie sich exemplarisch an Voltaires Dictionnaire philosophique, Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Versuch einer Critic aller Offenbarung oder dem frühen G. W. F. Hegel zeigen lässt.

Die Fragestellung des Workshops möchte, über diese Foki hinausgehend, die Blickrichtung umkehren: Wie haben zeitgenössische jüdische Denker:innen auf "rassistische" Ideologeme der europäischen Aufklärung geblickt? Gibt es Hinweise, dass maskilische Denker:innen ethnische bzw. „rassistisch“ motivierte Ausgrenzungstendenzen auf ihre Ursachen in den europäischen Aufklärungen selbst untersucht und kritisiert haben?

Mögliche Themen und Fragen der einzelnen Sektionen können sein:

1) Ansatzpunkte

Finden sich in den Schriften der europäischen Maskilim kritische Hinweise auf „rassistisch“ ausgrenzende Tendenzen der christlichen Aufklärung?

2) Argumentationsstrategien

Falls ja, wie erörtert diese Kritik die Ausgrenzungs- und Abwertungsmechanismen? Werden Bezüge zur bürgerlichen Ausgrenzung von Jüdinnen und Juden zur Zeit der Aufklärung hergestellt?

3) Abolitionismus & Anti-Kolonialismus

Welche Rolle spielte der europäische Kolonialismus in den Schriften der jüdischen Denker:innen?

Gab es eine jüdische Kritik an der Sklaverei?

Gibt es eine außer-europäische jüdisch-maghrebinische oder mashriqinische Wahrnehmung des Verhältnisses zwischen den europäischen Aufklärungen und Minderheiten?

4) Deutschtümelei und Frühnationalismus

Welche Rolle nahmen „rassistische“ Ausgrenzungsmechanismen im primär gegen die französische Herrschaft gerichteten Frühnationalismus ein und wie sah eine mögliche jüdische Rezeption dessen aus?

Der Workshop findet anlässlich des 200. Todestages von Saul Ascher statt. Dieser Maskil hatte bereits 1794 die Judenfeindschaft Kants und Fichtes kritisiert, sich im napoleonisch

besetzten Berlin mit dem abolitionistischen Werk Henri Grégoires auseinandergesetzt sowie Gedichte der afroamerikanischen Dichterin Phillis Wheatley veröffentlicht.

Der Workshop findet vom 07. Dezember (nachmittags) bis zum 08. Dezember (mittags) 2022 statt.

Vorschläge zu Beiträgen von 20 Minuten länge können bis zum 28.08.2022 eingereicht werden. Bitte senden Sie Ihr Thema zusammen mit einem Abstract (ca. 300 Wörter) und einer kurzen biographischen Information (maximal 150 Wörter) bis zum 28. August 2022 an die Organisator:innen: Prof. Dr. Ottfried Fraisse (ottfried.fraisse at und Jakob Ole Lenz (M. A.) (jakob.lenz at

PODCAST: New Books Network (hosted by Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed), Jul 26, 2022: Olena Palko and Constantin Ardeleanu: Making Ukraine. Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century. MCGILL-QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY PRESS 2022

New Books Network (hosted by Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed), Jul 26, 2022: Olena Palko and Constantin Ardeleanu: Making Ukraine. Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century. MCGILL-QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY PRESS 2022. URL: .

Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine have brought scholarly and public attention to Ukraine's borders. Making Ukraine aims to investigate the various processes of negotiation, delineation, and contestation that have shaped the country's borders throughout the past century. Essays by contributors from various historical fields consider how, when, and under what conditions the borders that historically define the country were agreed upon. A diverse set of national and transnational contexts are explored, with a primary focus on the critical period between 1917 and 1954. Chapters are organized around three main themes: the interstate treaties that brought about the new international order in Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the world wars, the formation of the internal boundaries between Ukraine and other Soviet republics, and the delineation of Ukraine's borders with its western neighbours. Investigating the process of bordering Ukraine in the post-Soviet era, contributors also pay close attention to the competing visions of future relations between Ukraine and Russia. Through its broad geographic and thematic coverage, Olena Palko and Constantin Ardeleanu's Making Ukraine: Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century (McGill-Queen's UP, 2022) illustrates that the dynamics of contemporary border formation cannot be fully understood through the lens of a sole state, frontier, or ideology and sheds light on the shared history of territory and state formation in Europe and the wider modern world.

Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed is a PhD candidate in the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, Indiana University.

Thursday, 4 August 2022

CFP: Women and their Body

 Women and their Body: Talk Series and Conference

Recent events have shown that it is urgent and fundamentally important to shed new light, through philosophical, linguistic, literary, scientific, medical and artistic perspectives, on the female body and the position of women in relation to their body. Too often it seems that women do not have the right to determine their own body, although men have never been deprived of this right. The question of power over the body is strongly linked to the distinction between men and women. It seems that men have more rights and power on their own body than women. But how is this possible? What is the status of the female body in culture and society? Why is the female body both, an object of desire and a battlefield for demonstrating male power? To what extent have medicine and technology interfered in recent years with the female body and with what consequences?

In the context of the New Voices Talk Series at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists at Paderborn, we are inviting you to share with us your ideas about Women and their Body. We are inviting abstracts exploring any aspect of this urgent matter, covering categories like: Female Body in medicine (anatomy; childbirth, menstrual “tools” etc.); Female Body and Culture, Arts etc.; Body and Literature; Body Language; Body Experience; Body in Phenomenology; Female Body and Technology; Women on their body; Female Body as Battlefield; beauty mania; Female Body and Sports and even more.

New Voices on Women in the History of Philosophy<> is a group for emerging scholars who work on Women in the History of Philosophy organised in the winter term 2022/23 by Jil Muller<>. This term and subject intend to enlarge the network by making it more interdisciplinary, starting with a multidisciplinary Talk Series and Conference. Early scholars as well as established researchers are invited to send abstracts covering different fields in the humanities, speaking about Women and their body. New Voices is a place to connect and to foster communication on our work.

In the Talk Series from Winter 2022/23, there are at least 6 meetings/dates (completely on Zoom) to be covered, but depending on the number of people interested in this subject, an international, hybrid conference is also planned on March, 16th and 17th 2023. For both events, please send an abstract (300 words max.), and personal details, including a contact email, to<>, by the 1st of September 2022 (indicating if you are available for both events, or if you prefer one or the other). You can expect to hear back from Jil Muller by September 12th.

For further information or any question, please feel free to send an email to<>

CfP: International workshop on Small Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2-3 February 2023

Dear colleagues,

We invite paper proposals for the international workshop Small Science: Perspectives on Contemporary Small-Scale Research. The event will take place in person on February 2-3, 2023 at the Institut d’Història de la Ciència, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. However, there will also be a virtual option for those choosing to attend remotely.

Through the second half of the 20th century, the rise of Big Science eclipsed researchers producing substantial knowledge with modest means. Since the turn of the century, however, a concern with small ways of knowing and doing is noticeable. Isabelle Stengers’ slow science, Manu Prakash’s frugal science, Sebastián Ureta’s ruination science, Rosi Braidotti’s minor science, Simon Werrett’s thrifty science… Increased attention is being paid, in the current planetary crisis, to humble yet effective research practices. The early modern approach to “achieving a balance between spending and buying new and saving and making use of things”, Werrett notices, seems to be “reemerging today”: “While people in the late-twentieth century supposed that the future of science would be mostly ‘big,’ as we enter the twenty-first century, it seems that the future will also be small” (2019: 196). We contend that small science has not ceased to be a relevant, if faintly visible feature of contemporary science.

Following a symposium on Small Science at the ESHS Conference in Brussels (September 2022), and building on an ongoing research project (PID2019-105131GB-I00 SMALLSCIENCE A historical survey of contemporary small-scale research), the workshop aims at placing recent concerns with small-scale research practices in historical perspective.

We invite papers exploring some of the historical strands converging in current small science projects. Amongst other questions, we should like to reflect on:

  *   the uses and meanings of the category itself;

  *   small science and science policy;

  *   small science, repair and maintenance;

  *   the relationship between small- and large-scale scientific practices;

  *   the interplay between public and private interests in small-scale projects;

  *   the connection between small science, lay and amateur research, and citizen science;

  *   the historical roots of contemporary small science;

  *   case-studies exemplifying small science and providing an empirical basis for discussion.

A paper proposal of up to 300 words and a brief CV are to be sent to<> before 15 October 2022. Submissions from early career researchers are welcome. Please state if you need support for accommodation. Limited funds are available from the organizers to cover part of the expenses.

There will also be a discussion about an edited journal issue or book, based on papers presented at the workshop. Decisions regarding inclusion will be made later by the editors.


Braidotti, R. “A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities”. Theory, Culture & Society 36, (2018): 31–61.

Martens, L., Cybulski, J. S., Clements, J. & Prakash, M. “Foldscope: Origami-Based Paper Microscope”. PLoS ONE 9, e98781, 2014: 1–11.

Stengers, I. Another Science is Possible. A Manifesto for Slow Science. Cambridge: Polity, 2018.

Ureta, S. “Ruination Science: Producing Knowledge from a Toxic World”. Science Technology and Human Values 46, 2021: 29–52.

Werrett, S. Thrifty Science. Making the Most of Materials in the History of Experiment. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2019.

Xavier Roqué (UAB, on behalf of the organising committee)

Gemma Cirac-Claveras (UAB); Enric Pérez-Canals (UB); Eoin Phillips (URL)

Institut d'Història de la Ciència iHC<>

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Tomasz Zarycki: The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology. Cham: Springer 2022. ISBN 978-3-031-07344-1



This book revisits the modern history of Poland, from the perspective of its social sciences. The book makes this case study a model for the application of Bourdieu’s approach to the historical analysis of non-core Western societies. The book is, in other words, a reflexive study of the application of Bourdieu’s social theory. At the same time, it also critically studies the application of Western social theory in Poland, which is largely seen as a peripheral country. The study of Polish social sciences, with particular emphasis on linguistics and literary studies, points to the peculiar dynamics of peripheral intellectual and academic fields and their external dependencies. These insights offer a critical extension of Bourdieu’s theory of state and social elites beyond the Western core focusing on how the theories can be used in the reinterpretation and expansion of post-colonial theory, global history and comparative studies of post-communism.

The book will be suitable for scholars and students of all those interested in the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu, global historical sociology, societies in Central and Eastern , socio-linguistics, literary studies and political sociology.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Aage Ansgar Hansen-Löve and Brigitte Obermayr (eds.): Phänomenologische und empirische Kunstwissenschaften in der frühen Sowjetunion. Eine Anthologie. Padeborn: Fink 2022. ISBN: 978-3-7705-5838-4

 Aage Ansgar Hansen-Löve and Brigitte Obermayr (eds.): Phänomenologische und empirische Kunstwissenschaften in der frühen Sowjetunion. Eine Anthologie. Padeborn: Fink 2022. ISBN: 978-3-7705-5838-4

Neben der gut erforschten Verfremdungsästhetik des russischen Formalismus entwickelt sich in den 1920er Jahren in der frühen Sowjetunion eine bislang wenig rezipierte philosophische Ästhetik. Kristallisationspunkte dieser „Formal-Philosophischen Schule“ waren zwei akademische Institutionen: Die GAChN, die in Moskau von Anfang bis Ende der 20er Jahre tätige „Staatliche Akademie der Kunstwissenschaften“, und das in Leningrad beheimatete GIII, das „Staatliche Institut für Kunstgeschichte“, das schon 1912 gegründet und ebenfalls Anfang der 1930er Jahre liquidiert wurde.

Die Auswahl der zum ersten Mal in deutscher Übersetzung versammelten Texte dieser Anthologie sowie die dazugehörigen Kommentare konzentrieren sich auf literatur- und kunstwissenschaftliche sowie allgemein ästhetische Fragestellungen. Daneben werden aber auch Studien zur bildenden Kunst und zum Film sowie zu einzelnen Themen der empirischen Kunstwissenschaft präsentiert.

Die Texte sind vier Themenbereichen zugeordnet: Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Philosophische Ästhetik (u.a. G. Špet, B. Jarcho, G. Vinokur); Literaturwissenschaft (V. Vinogradov, B. Grifcov u.a.); Bildende Kunst (V. Kandinskij, A. Cires, A. Gabričevskij, u.a.); Theater und Film (L. Gurevič, N. Žinkin, V. Turkin). Hinzu kommt eine Auswahl von Lexikonartikeln der Projekt gebliebenen „Enzyklopädie der Kunstwissenschaften“.

Drozdová Eva, Doubek Michael, Pospíšilová Šárka: Gregor Johann Mendel. | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics. Brno: Muni Press 2022. ISBN: 978-80-280-0080-6

Drozdová Eva, Doubek Michael, Pospíšilová Šárka: Gregor Johann Mendel. Cesty ke genomu zakladatele genetiky | Begründer der Genetik – die Wege zu seinem Genom | Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics. Brno: Muni Press 2022. ISBN: 978-80-280-0080-6

The book maps the ways to the analysis of the genome of Gregor Johann Mendel, a project which was carried out to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of this important scientist. It describes the exhumation of his remains from the Augustinian tomb at the Central Cemetery in Brno and the scientific examination that followed, as well as the search for traces of Mendel’s DNA on his personal belongings kept in the Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno.

The individual chapters, that is, the ways of research, introduce the reader to the initial impulses leading to the archaeological research on the tomb and the subsequent analysis of Mendel’s genome. They describe the process of identifying the remains found in the grave with the person of Abbot Mendel, the anthropological research on his skeletal remains, as well as the process of isolation and analysis of the DNA of this historical figure. Rich photographic documentation chronicles the exciting work of the scientific team. Thanks to their efforts, the book reveals surprising findings and new, important details about the founder of genetics.
Texts by: Eva Drozdová, Dana Fialová, Filip Pardy, Michael Doubek, Blanka Křížová, Marek Peška, Antonín Zůbek, Kristýna Brzobohatá, Jan Emil Biernat, Šárka Pospíšilová. Foreword: Jiří Dušek.
Translated by Magdalena Havlová, Benjamin Jeremiah Vail and Karel Svačina

Layout by Jakub Konvica. Published with the support of the MU “Scientia est Potentia” fund, AstraZeneca Czech Republic and AbbVie in the series Masaryk University Contributions to Genetics, 200 pages.

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...