Monday, 6 March 2023

call for articles: Rethinking Intellectual History: Capitalising on Eclecticism,

call for articles: Rethinking Intellectual History: Capitalising on Eclecticism, 2/2023, Forum Historiae. Journal and Portal for History and Related Disciplines Issue: Rethinking Intellectual History: Capitalising on Eclecticism Issue Editors: Matej Ivančík, László Vörös Abstract: While intellectual history carries a brand of an elitist approach, thanks to vigorous efforts to counter such a notion, it has considerably improved its standing. More accurately, one can say it has found its ways into both various approaches as well as local historiographies’ very own challenges. This endeavour could be witnessed as traceable in many directions. Intellectual history’s entanglements with global history, its turn towards de-Westernising the canon, and more recently—although far from sufficiently—the gender perspectives have all shown the field’s adaptability. Among many others, these contributions attempted to prove intellectual history’s viability and academic prowess. There is, however, rather a strong motivation to enhance the field’s outreach even further beyond broadening the “basket of subjects.” Thus, the issue’s aim is to suggest areas and approaches to this endeavour. Intellectual history revolves to a large extent around the corpus, i.e. the canonical texts. While we do not question its primacy, we invite authors to broaden the source textual basis relevant for the field. Furthermore, East-Central European historiography’s relatively young intellectual history endeavours witness, by and large, an encompassment of other dominant approaches, mainly political and social history. Our aim is to take advantage of this predicament and use it to enrich the local intellectual historiography’s standing. In other words, we encourage authors to scrutinise areas and approaches of entanglements and crossovers which allow intellectual history to benefit from the very critique of its fundamentals. Both theoretical and case studies are welcomed. The preferred topics may include, but are not limited to: - The question of insufficient focus on sources and de-canonisation of intellectual history - Epistemological challenges—bringing other methodological approaches (oral history, history of science, political-institutional history etc.) on board with intellectual history - Broadening the scope of analytical tools in intellectual history and history of social and political thought - Intellectual history’s entanglements with political, social, cultural and gender history; deficits, challenges and visions - Intellectual history’s adaptability in the East Central European historiography - Broadening of the corpus of intellectual history - The intellectual history of transitions, crises and transformations and the utilisation of non-canonical sources - Intellectual history and world systems theory with a focus on peripheries and semi-peripheries - Intellectual history’s entanglements with conceptual history and discourse analysis - Case studies that employ, problematize or rethink methodological approaches, analytical tools and/or selection of sources of intellectual history and history of social and political thought - Case studies that employ or invite intellectual history approaches in political, social, cultural or gender history Submissions deadline: 31 May 2023 Submissions: Language: English Length: 15 to 30 standard pages (1800 characters per page) Style: submissions must follow the “Style Manual for the Authors” (Manuscripts that do not comply will be rejected or returned upon receiving for correction). The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process. Submit manuscripts in MS Word format (.rtf, .doc or .docx) via Submission form ( Editors' contact: Download: CfP 2/2023 (.pdf) (

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