The BSHS conferences committee is delighted to share the Call for Proposals for the BSHS Annual Meeting 2024 to be held at Aberystwyth University from 10th to 13th July 2024. The deadline for proposals is 23rd February 2024.
The call below appears in Welsh first with the English version below. Conference materials will be produced bilingually but the official working language of the conference will be English. The bilingual conference website can be found at
Dyddiad Cau yr 23ain o Chwefror, 2024
Galwad am Bapurau
Mi fydd cynhadledd blynyddol y Gymdeithas Prydeinig dros Hanes Gwyddoniaeth yn cymryd lle o ddydd Mercher y 10fed i dydd Sadwrn y 13eg o Orffennaf ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yng Nghymru.
Y Pwyllgor Cynadleddau
Mae’r Gymdeithas Prydeinig dros Hanes Gwyddoniaeth nawr yn gwahodd cynigion ar gyfer papurau unigol a sesiynau o haneswyr gwyddoniaeth, technoleg, a meddygaeth, ac o’u cydweithwyr o fewn y gymuned ysgolheigaidd ehangach, ar unrhyw thema, pwnc, neu gyfnod ar gyfer ei Gyfarfod Blynyddol yn Haf 2024. Mae cynigion gan ymchwilwyr o bob cenedligrwydd ac unrhyw cam o’u gyrfa yn cael eu croesawu.
Mae’r Pwyllgor Rhaglenni yn awyddus i annog amrywiaeth yn ei sesiynau. Nid yw cyfrannu wedi ei gyfyngu i aelodau o’r Cymdeithas mewn unrhyw ffordd, er bydd aelodau yn derbyn gostyngiad o’r taliad cofrestru. Dylid anfon cynigion ar gyfer papurau a sesiynau drwy’r ffurflen hon. Dylwch gyfeirio unrhyw ymholiadau ynglyn a threfniadau’r rhaglen i Dylai cynigion ar gyfer papurau unigol gynnwys crynodeb o ddim mwy na 250 o eiriau, i fod yn ddealladwy i gynulleidfa an-arbenigol ac osgoi troednodiadau. Dylai sesiynau, o nnai awr a hanner neu ddwy awr, gynnwys tri neu pedwar papur. Fe fedrir cynnwys esboniydd yn ogystal. Mae cynigion ar gyfer sesiynau amgen, megis paneli neu byrddau cron, yn cael eu hannog. Os gwelwch yn dda, trafodwch eich syniadau ar gyfer y fath sesiynau amgen gyda’r pwyllgor rhaglenni ddigon o amser o flaen llaw o’r dyddiad cau drwy’r cyfeiriad e-bost uchod.
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cynigion yw dydd Gwener, yr 23il o Chwefror 2024.
Ar gyfer cyngor pellach ar baratoi eich cyflwyniad, siarad, a chadeirio, gwelwch Canllawiau i Siaradwyr a Gadeirwyr.
Ar gyfer manylion pellach am ymroddiad y BSHS i Gydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth, gwelwch Datganiad Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth.
Deadline February 23rd, 2024
Call for Proposals
The British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference will take place from
Wednesday, 10 July to Saturday, 13 July 2024, at Aberystwyth University in Wales.
The Conferences Committee of the British Society for the History of Science now invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions from historians of science, technology, and medicine, and from their colleagues in the wider scholarly community, on any theme, topic or period for its Annual Meeting in Summer 2024.
Proposals are welcomed from researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers. The Programmes Committee is particularly anxious to encourage diversity in its sessions. Participation is in no way limited to members of the Society, although members will receive a discount on the registration fee. Offers of papers and sessions should be submitted via this form:
All enquiries about the programme arrangements should be addressed to Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of no more than 250 words, be comprehensible to a non-specialist audience and avoid footnotes. Sessions of either ninety minutes or two hours should normally consist of three or four papers. They may also have a commentator. Proposals for alternative types of sessions, such as panels and roundtables, are strongly encouraged. Please discuss your ideas for such alternative sessions with the programmes committee well in advance of the submission deadline via the email address above.
The deadline for proposals is Friday 23rd February 2024.