Monday, 29 January 2024

CFP BSHS Annual Conference, Aberystwyth 10-13 July 2024

 The BSHS conferences committee is delighted to share the Call for Proposals for the BSHS Annual Meeting 2024 to be held at Aberystwyth University from 10th to 13th July 2024. The deadline for proposals is 23rd February 2024. 

The call below appears in Welsh first with the English version below. Conference materials will be produced bilingually but the official working language of the conference will be English. The bilingual conference website can be found at

Dyddiad Cau yr 23ain o Chwefror, 2024

Galwad am Bapurau

Mi fydd cynhadledd blynyddol y Gymdeithas Prydeinig dros Hanes Gwyddoniaeth yn cymryd lle o ddydd Mercher y 10fed i dydd Sadwrn y 13eg o Orffennaf ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yng Nghymru.

Y Pwyllgor Cynadleddau

Mae’r Gymdeithas Prydeinig dros Hanes Gwyddoniaeth nawr yn gwahodd cynigion ar gyfer papurau unigol a sesiynau o haneswyr gwyddoniaeth, technoleg, a meddygaeth, ac o’u cydweithwyr o fewn y gymuned ysgolheigaidd ehangach, ar unrhyw thema, pwnc, neu gyfnod ar gyfer ei Gyfarfod Blynyddol yn Haf 2024. Mae cynigion gan ymchwilwyr o bob cenedligrwydd ac unrhyw cam o’u gyrfa yn cael eu croesawu.

Mae’r Pwyllgor Rhaglenni yn awyddus i annog amrywiaeth yn ei sesiynau. Nid yw cyfrannu wedi ei gyfyngu i aelodau o’r Cymdeithas mewn unrhyw ffordd, er bydd aelodau yn derbyn gostyngiad o’r taliad cofrestru. Dylid anfon cynigion ar gyfer papurau a sesiynau drwy’r ffurflen hon. Dylwch gyfeirio unrhyw ymholiadau ynglyn a threfniadau’r rhaglen i Dylai cynigion ar gyfer papurau unigol gynnwys crynodeb o ddim mwy na 250 o eiriau, i fod yn ddealladwy i gynulleidfa an-arbenigol ac osgoi troednodiadau. Dylai sesiynau, o nnai awr a hanner neu ddwy awr, gynnwys tri neu pedwar papur. Fe fedrir cynnwys esboniydd yn ogystal. Mae cynigion ar gyfer sesiynau amgen, megis paneli neu byrddau cron, yn cael eu hannog. Os gwelwch yn dda, trafodwch eich syniadau ar gyfer y fath sesiynau amgen gyda’r pwyllgor rhaglenni ddigon o amser o flaen llaw o’r dyddiad cau drwy’r cyfeiriad e-bost uchod.

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cynigion yw dydd Gwener, yr 23il o Chwefror 2024.

Ar gyfer cyngor pellach ar baratoi eich cyflwyniad, siarad, a chadeirio, gwelwch Canllawiau i Siaradwyr a Gadeirwyr.

Ar gyfer manylion pellach am ymroddiad y BSHS i Gydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth, gwelwch Datganiad Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth.

Deadline February 23rd, 2024

Call for Proposals

The British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference will take place from

Wednesday, 10 July to Saturday, 13 July 2024, at Aberystwyth University in Wales.

The Conferences Committee of the British Society for the History of Science now invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions from historians of science, technology, and medicine, and from their colleagues in the wider scholarly community, on any theme, topic or period for its Annual Meeting in Summer 2024.

Proposals are welcomed from researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers. The Programmes Committee is particularly anxious to encourage diversity in its sessions. Participation is in no way limited to members of the Society, although members will receive a discount on the registration fee. Offers of papers and sessions should be submitted via this form:

All enquiries about the programme arrangements should be addressed to Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of no more than 250 words, be comprehensible to a non-specialist audience and avoid footnotes. Sessions of either ninety minutes or two hours should normally consist of three or four papers. They may also have a commentator. Proposals for alternative types of sessions, such as panels and roundtables, are strongly encouraged. Please discuss your ideas for such alternative sessions with the programmes committee well in advance of the submission deadline via the email address above.

The deadline for proposals is Friday 23rd February 2024.

Maria Chehonadskih: Alexander Bogdanov and the Politics of Knowledge after the October Revolution.

Maria Chehonadskih: Alexander Bogdanov and the Politics of Knowledge after the October Revolution. New York: Routledge 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-40238-8 


In this book, Maria Chehonadskih unsettles established narratives about the formation of a revolutionary canon after the October Revolution. Displacing the centre of gravity from dialectical materialism to the rapid dissemination, canonisation and decline of a striking convergence of empiricism and Marxism, she explores how this tendency, overshadowed by official historiography, establishes a new attitude to modernity and progress, nature and environment, agency and subjectivity, party and class, knowledge and power. The book traces the adventure of the synthesis of empiricism and Marxism across philosophy, science, politics, art and literature from the 1890s to the 1930s, offering a radical rethinking of the true scope and scale that the main proponent of Empirio-Marxism, Alexander Bogdanov, had on the post-revolutionary socialist legacies. Chehonadskih draws on both key and forgotten figures and movements, such as Proletkult, Productivism and Constructivism, filling a gap in the literature that will be particularly significant for Marxism, continental philosophy, art theory and Slavic studies specialists.

 About the author

Maria Chehonadskih is a Lecturer in Russian at Queen Mary University of London. Before joining Queen Mary, Chehonadskih was a Max Hayward Visiting Fellow at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford in 2019–2021. She received her PhD in Philosophy from the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP), Kingston University in 2017.


Thursday, 25 January 2024

European Society for the History of Human Sciences (ESHHS) Conference – CfP


Conference page:

The European Society for the History of the Human Sciences (ESHHS) invites submissions to its 43rd conference to be held from 25 to 28 June 2024. The conference will be hosted by the University of Essex, at its Colchester campus in the UK, and will be held in person only.  We invite proposals for oral presentations, posters, symposia or workshops that deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioural and social sciences or with related historiographic or methodological issues. This year’s conference particularly encourages submissions related to the theme of inner life (see link).

Guidelines for submission

Any submission should include the following: name, email and institutional affiliation of all authors. Please indicate clearly on the top of the page the submission type: oral presentation, poster, session or workshop.

• Proposals for oral presentations should contain a 500-600 word abstract in English plus a short bibliography. If the presentation itself will be given in another language, please indicate this in your proposal.

• Proposals for posters should contain a 300-word abstract in English and a short bibliography.

• Proposals for a session, workshop or round table should contain a 500-600 word rationale of the event, plus a short bibliography, as well as a short abstract for each individual contribution to the event.

Please send your proposal as an attachment in MSWord (.doc/.docx) to

Deadline for submissions is 15 March 2024.

Monday, 22 January 2024

Studia Historiae Scientiarum, volume 22


Dear readers of the online platform "History of Science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe",

I would like to announce the publication of Studia Historiae Scientiarum, volume 22 (2023), the peer-reviewed, diamond (free of charges) open access journal included in Scopus, DOAJ, ERIH+, MIAR, Responsible Journals, ….

The articles are free to download from our website ( Please see the table of contents below for details.

The journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. We welcome original manuscripts focusing on the different aspects of history of science – please see the journal’s Editorial Policies.

I wish you a happy New Year 2024, 

Michal Kokowski,

Editor-in-Chief of Studia Historiae Scientiarum 

e-ISSN: 2543-702X | p-ISSN: 2451-3202 



with English and Polish texts:




Michał Kokowski, pp. 13-19  PDF (Polish)


Pierre Curie; Andrzej Ziółkowski, pp. 23-67 PDF (Polish)


Michał Kokowski, pp. 71-147  PDF (Polish)

Michał Kokowski, pp. 149-238  PDF

Adam Grobler, pp. 239-258  PDF

Anna Martin-Michalska, pp. 259-289  PDF


Veronika Girininkaitė, Andreas Kleinert, Roman Sznajder, pp. 293-299  PDF

Piotr Köhler

301-341  PDF (Polish)

Joanna Nowak, Katarzyna Wrzesińska, pp. 343-377  PDF

Roman Murawski, pp. 379-396  PDF

Dmytro Zhurylo, Volodymyr Levchenko, pp. 397-432  PDF

Mateusz Hübner, pp. 433-471  PDF (Polish)

Jerzy B. Parusel, Alina Stachurska-Swakoń, pp. 473-507  PDF (Polish)

Stanisław Domoradzki, pp. 509-540  PDF (Polish)


Marcin Krasnodębski, pp. 543-583  PDF (Polish)


Vito Balorda, pp. 587-610  PDF

Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, pp. 611-626  PDF


Michał Kokowski, pp. 629-670  PDF (Polish)

Dorota Kozłowska, pp. 671-757  PDF (Polish)


Zsolt András Udvarvölgyi, pp. 761–791  PDF


Michał Kokowski, pp. 795-808  PDF (Polish)

Contact Information

Professor Michal Kokowski, PhD, DSc

Studia Historiae Scientiarum (Editor-in-Chief)

Contact Email


Call for Abstracts: Special Issue or Cluster of Articles of Slavic Review on Disability Histories


We are seeking original research articles for a special issue or cluster of articles of Slavic Review dedicated to disability in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia. Any geographic/chronological focus and methodological approach is welcome. Deadlines: abstract of 250 words due by May 1, 2024; selected papers due by October 1, 2014. Complete submissions of approximately 11,000 words (out of which 8,000 are text words and 3,000 are footnote words) should follow the journal’s publication guidelines and will go through a rigorous blind peer-review process. For more information or to submit an abstract please contact Maria Bucur at and Maria Cristina Galmarini at

CFP: "Experts” in the 20th Century: Between Academia, Public Discourse, and Politics

 CFP: "Experts” in the 20th Century: Between Academia, Public Discourse, and Politics - Hamburg 19.09.2024 - 20.09.2024, deadline 31.03.2024

Recent years have seen a surge in discussions regarding the role of experts in politics and the public sphere, along with their corresponding influence. A notable example is the COVID-19 pandemic; since 2020, virologists, epidemiologists, and various other experts have gained considerable prominence in public discourse. Similar observations can be made in international politics. Especially since 2022, in the context of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and the geopolitical confrontation between the USA and China, “Russia experts”, “China experts”, or “military experts” have been appearing almost daily in the media to present their interpretations of events and developments.

This shows that, on one hand, experts are now an indispensable part of the public sphere; on the other hand, the terms “expert” and “expertise” are often used without much reflection. Against this backdrop, humanities and social science scholars have endeavored over the past decades to make experts and their expertise a subject of research.

Our workshop in Hamburg in September 2024 aims to build upon these discussions: Using selected case studies from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, we aim to collaboratively explore the phenomenon of expertise in the tension field between academia, public discourse, and politics. We perceive experts not in an essentializing way, but rather seek a reflexive understanding of key categories and concepts. With this approach, we want to explore the construct of expertise as a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon, focusing not only on the practice and interactions of experts but also on the negotiations and attributions of expertise, as well as the profiling and networking strategies of experts. How and between whom is it negotiated who is an “expert”? How can “expertise” be defined in contrast to knowledge or competence? Is expertise synonymous with “expert knowledge”? What is the relationship between knowledge, academia, and expertise in selected time periods and in different cultural contexts? In which areas does an advisory function and practical mediation of experts become apparent (politics, economy)? How is expertise in a specific field subject to attributions and negotiation processes? What significance do institutional structures play as conditioning factors of expertise, and how can the agency of experts be understood?

The workshop contributions may address the following guiding perspectives but are not limited to them:

- Categorical Considerations: Historicity of the understanding of experts, expertise as a subject of discursive negotiations and attributions in public discourse and politics (self- and external attribution)

- Academia and Expertise: Relationship between knowledge, academia, and expertise, academicization of expertise

- Self-Reflections: Role understanding and self-fashioning of experts (advisors, mediators, intellectuals), gain and loss of status, inscribing in (intellectual) traditions

- Networking: Practice of networking, network formation as a resource, strategy, and product of interactions, approaches to historical network analysis

- Practice I: Public Discourse: Self- and external presentations, public communication and media resonance spaces, attributions of expertise, credibility and authenticity strategies, claims of interpretation by experts

- Practice II: Politics and Economy: Claims to shape, practice of advising and mediating, methodological reflections on the effectiveness of experts

- Agency and Structures: Integration of experts, dependency and interconnection structures, emergence and change of action spaces

- Expert Cultures: Language, habitus, trends, ruptures, competitions, expert cartels, criticism, and crises

We invite all those who wish to critically engage with experts, their actions, and their self-reflection to participate in our workshop. The empirical subjects with which we want to approach the guiding perspectives should preferably be from the 20th century, but we also welcome contributions from other time periods. Alongside case studies and categorical reflections from the Western-European context, we are particularly interested in in-depth examinations from Eastern European or Asian contexts. The workshop is interdisciplinary in nature; we welcome contributions not only from history but also from disciplines such as law, philosophy, political science, sociology, ethnology, or regional studies. Priority will be given to ongoing research projects from doctoral and postdoctoral work, but the workshop is open to all interested parties. Contributions can be presented in German or English, with German being the workshop language.

We are pleased to announce that Professor Caspar Hirschi (University of St. Gallen) will deliver a keynote speech.

Please submit project outlines (max. 2 pages) and a brief academic CV by March 31st, 2024, to the organizers and

Thursday, 18 January 2024

hps.cesee global book talk "Balkan Cyberia: Information Age behind the Iron Curtain".

hps.cesee global book talk "Balkan Cyberia: Information Age behind the Iron Curtain". Wednesday, January 31, 18:00-19:30 Central European Time (CET) / 20:00-21:30 Kyiv/ 12:00-13:30 EST

The virtual platform HPS.CESEE: History of Science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe is proud to present the global book talk "Balkan Cyberia: Information Age behind the Iron Curtain". Vedran Duančić (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) will join with Victor Petrov (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) to discuss his recently published book "Balkan Cyberia: Cold War Computing, Bulgarian Modernization, and the Information Age behind the Iron Curtain" (MIT Press 2023) [1], in a discussion moderated by Jan Surman (Prague). It is part of a series of open zoom events aiming to foster the discussion of new books and approaches within the history of science and scholarship (broadly understood) in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

The meeting is free and open to the public. To receive the link, please register here: or write to

[1] Victor Petrov (2023) Balkan Cyberia: Cold War Computing, Bulgarian Modernization, and the Information Age behind the Iron Curtain. Boston: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262545129


Vedran Duančić is a historian specializing in modern intellectual history and history of science, with a particular interest in the intersection of science and politics. He has extensively written on the history of geography in Yugoslavia in the first half of the 20th century. More recently his research interests have shifted to the post-1945, socialist period.

Victor Petrov is a historian of modern Europe and Assistant Professor of History at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His research includes the histories of the information society on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and the histories of failures and utopias. He is currently working on projects relating to the history of Interkosmos, and the rise of occultist and mystical movements after the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe.

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...