Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Political Epistemologies: Exploring the Micro-Politics of Knowledge in Central and Eastern Europe | CEU Podcasts

 Political Epistemologies: Exploring the Micro-Politics of Knowledge in Central and Eastern Europe | CEU Podcasts


In this episode, we hear from our colleague, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kleeberg from the History of Science (Historical Department) at the University of Erfurt. Prof. Kleeberg discusses his work on political epistemologies and the cultures of knowledge, focusing on how scientific habits and political frameworks intertwine. As a historian of science, he shares insights into the Political Epistemologies of Central and Eastern Europe research network, which he co-founded in 2015, and explores themes like academic authority, dissidence, and gender epistemologies.

Prof. Kleeberg delves into the micro-politics of scientific research, examining how political agendas and scholarly identities shape day-to-day academic practices. He also reflects on how systems of knowledge are disrupted by events such as the arrival of refugee scholars, prompting new questions and challenging established norms.

Tune in to explore how the intersections of politics and science reshape academic spaces in Central and Eastern Europe.

Radosław Skrycki: Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724) - kartograf i jego światy

Radosław Skrycki: Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724) - kartograf i jego światy: katalog wystawy z okazji 300. rocznicy śmierci [Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724) - the cartographer and his worlds: exhibition catalogue on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of his death]. Zespół Historii Kartografii przy Instytucie Historii Nauki PAN, 2024. ISBN 9788397306707

🌿 Katalog "Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724) - kartograf i jego światy" pod red. Radosława Skryckiego, prezentuje obiekty z wystawy towarzyszącej XXXV Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Historyków Kartografii, która odbyła się w Szczecinie i Pobierowie jesienią 2024 roku.

Zawiera reprodukcje i opisy 46 obiektów, które wyszły spod ręki J.B. Homanna oraz zostały poświęcone jemu i w jakiś sposób jego dotyczyły. W ten sposób przedstawiona została szeroka panorama zarówno rozbudowanego repertuaru wydawniczego największej niemieckiej oficyny wydawniczej, jak i środowiska, w którym kartograf się obracał.

Invisible University for Ukraine. Essays on Democracy at War. Edited by Ostap Sereda, Balázs Trencsényi, Tetiana Zemliakova and Guillaume Lancereau.

Invisible University for Ukraine. Essays on Democracy at War. Edited by Ostap Sereda, Balázs Trencsényi, Tetiana Zemliakova and Guillaume Lancereau. Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press 2024. ISBn 978-1-5017-8286-2


The Laurence and Lynne Brown Democracy Medal, awarded by the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State University, recognizes outstanding individuals, groups, and organizations that produce innovations to further democracy in the United States or around the world.

Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU) is an initiative of Central European University that began in Spring 2022, only months after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since that time, nearly 1,000 Ukrainian students have taken online and on-site courses taught by hundreds of faculty from across Europe and beyond. The program's objective is to help sustain intellectual growth in the midst of incredible hardships, with coursework designed to mitigate the effects of the war on students' academic development and provide a framework to push back against autocracy. This volume recognizes the initiative of IUFU's organizers and its students, describes their work to sustain democracy, and outlines their innovative educational model developed in the face of ongoing war.

For this important work, they are the recipients of the 2024 Brown Democracy Medal from the McCourtney Institute for Democracy.

Political Epistemologies: Exploring the Micro-Politics of Knowledge in Central and Eastern Europe | CEU Podcasts

 Political Epistemologies: Exploring the Micro-Politics of Knowledge in Central and Eastern Europe | CEU Podcasts URL: https://podcasts.ceu....