Thursday, 19 December 2019

Call for abstracts: Diplomacy and the Natural Environment (special issue of Diplomatca; Deadline 15 February)

For this special issue of Diplomatica we invite proposals for essays on aspects of diplomacy’s relationship to the natural environment. Essays may cover any historical period up to the present-day. The central questions that this special issue poses are:
How does the natural environment condition, cause, or complicate diplomatic action?
How does diplomacy affect relations between humanity and nature?
How has ‘nature’ been used in theory and in practice to further or cast into question diplomatic relations?
Possible topics include:
– Plant, animal, and mineral specimens as objects and/or subjects of diplomatic exchange;
– The relationship of concepts and/or metaphors of natural order, the state of nature, etc. to diplomacy;
– Negotiations relating to the environment, climate change, conservation, etc.;
– Visual, literary, musical, and cinematic depictions of nature in diplomatic contexts;
Please send expressions of interest, with abstracts of 500 words and a brief bio-note to the issue editors, by 15 February 2020. Please quote ‘Diplomacy and the Natural Environment’ in the subject line.
Notification of acceptance will be no later than 15 March 2020. If accepted, full essays (of 7000 to 9000 words) will be due by 15 January 2021.
Review-essays and interviews pertinent to the special issue are also very welcome. Please contact the journal editors with any questions.
Contact Info:
The Editors, Diplomatica
Contact Email:

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