Monday, 16 December 2019

GISta Hungarorum

For those interested in digital humanities and Hungarian part of the Habsburg Empire: GISta Hungarorum

Project  GISta Hungarorum led by Prof. Gábor Demeter was a small-scale HGIS project lasting for 3 years supported by the Hungarian Research Fund (50,000 EUR), which aimed at collecting statistical data of the Central Statistical Bureau of the Hungarian Kingdom (1865-1910), organising data into databases, visualizing socio-demographic phenomena, and also analyzing spatial patterns as well as temporal changes. During the course of the project
- a district-level digital GIS basemap of Austria-Hungary (1910)
- a community-level digital GIS basemap of Croatia (1910)
- a settlement-level digital GIS basemap of historical Hungary (1910)
- database for Austria-Hungary (socio-economic data, 1860s-1910s), for Croatia (socio-demographic and economic data, community level, district level, county level, 1880s-1910s) and a database for Hungary (socio-demographic and economic data, community level, district level, county level, 1880s-1910s) were created containing cca. 7.3 million data entries. Both the shape files (ArcGIS, QGIS) and the data tables of the relational database are available free of charge at:
Beside this more than 800 maps to illustrate socio-economic development were created based on these data in 3 bilingual volumes (English and Hungarian), which were published online (
Atlas for studying the History of Hungary. Hungary in the Habsburg Monarchy (1850–1869):
Historical Geographical Atlas of Hungary for the Regional Analysis of Socio-Economic Phenomena (1869–1910):
Atlas for studying the History of Croatia (1870–1910):
From GIS-Maps to a historical Animation. Railway Transport in Hungary (1914–1915):
(thanks to Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics for the info about the project)

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