Monday, 27 January 2020

Digest: Recent publications on Serbian history of science (by Tijana Rupčić)

(Books - Ressources)

Irina Deretić, Aleksandar Kandić (eds.), Istorija srpske filozofije IV [The History of Serbian Philosophy], Belgrade 2019; ISBN 978-86-6427-123-3

The fourth volume of The History of Serbian Philosophy. Research material is divided into four thematic sections: Serbian thinkers in XIX and XX century; Serbian philosophy in national, European and media context; Bibliography of Serbian philosophers and Memories. In this volume included contributions to the study of Serbian philosophy are thematically very diverse texts ranging from those considered the most important Serbian philosophy reflections through works that deal with the general poetic and artistic articulation of philosophical ideas to the texts that explore the relationship between philosophy and natural science disciplines. It also includes religious philosophy; authors and themes of Serbian history, philosophy, politics and philosophy of media. In the past few years Serbia had lost most prominent philosophers so last section named Memories is devoted to celebrating their life and works.

Ljubica Milosavljević, Konstruisanje starosti kao društvenog problema : od preduslova za početak procesa do starosti kao resursa [Construction of an Old Age as a Social Problem: the preconditions for the beginning of the process up to the age as a resource], Belgrade 2018, ISBN 978-86-6427-110-3

Slađana Dragišić Labaš, Samoubistvo – različiti diskursi [Suicide: Various Discourses], Belgrade 2019.

This study considers the phenomenon of suicide from the perspectives of various discourses – sociological, psychological, psychiatric and philosophical. Epidemiological data on suicide, as well as research findings on significant risk and protective factors (regarding society, environment, family and personality types) are presented. We examine the sociological theories about the possible causes of suicide and important sociological variables, such as demographic and socioeconomic factors, and the risks of suicidal behavior in minority and vulnerable groups. These include: members of ethnic minorities and immigrants, people with special needs, soldiers and war veterans, LGBT(TIQ) population, prisoners and detainees, victimized people, elderly people, children and adolescents (through association with bullying at school) and persons suffering from severe somatic – physical illness. The question of suicide is then viewed through the lenses of psychological theories, psychiatric explanations and philosophical understandings of the meaning of life and death. The study concludes with a section on suicide prevention and possible national programs and specific strategies that are applied in particular social contexts and are directed towards vulnerable populations, including a recommendation for responsible reporting in the media.

Mina Petrović and Milena Toković, Gradovi u ogledalu: između identiteta i brend imidža [Cities in the Looking-Glass: Between Identity and Brand Image], Belgrade 2018.

City branding is an increasingly prominent tendency and strategy of urban policies, partly arising as a response to the restructuring of the global economy and changing principles of the spatial division of labor that made themselves felt at the end of 20th century. The successfullness of cities becomes largely determined by their capacities to promote their identity in innovative ways, and this precisely is the issue lying at the heart of this study. Starting from the premises of the neoendogenous development paradigm and the concept of territorial capital, the authors use a wealth of empirical evidence to focus on the process of branding in the cases of eight medium-sized towns in Serbia, selecting the factors which particularly enhance their brand image.


Department of Ethnology and Anthropology Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.

This site also houses publications that other institutions for ethnology and anthropology publish:

Настава и васпитање - Studies in Teaching and Education is a journal published by the Pedagogical Society of Serbia and the Institute of Pedagogy and Andragogy of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. The first issue of the journal was printed on March 1st 1952. Since its establishment, Studies in Teaching and Education has been open for contributions from the country and abroad. It publishes research papers related to different levels of education, teaching and learning.

Annual Conference in Historical Archive “Timočka Krajina”, Serbia on history of medicine and pharmacy

Annual Conference of the Archivists in Serbia: Call for Papers for the 2020

The Topotheque Almaški kraj, Novi Sad, Serbia: Contains photos from the private collections

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