Thursday, 14 January 2021

Call for Papers: CIENS International Conference on "Nuclear deterrence in Europe. Visions, debates, opportunities, and challenges from 1945 to present", June/ July 2021

The Interdisciplinary Centre on Nuclear and Strategic Studies (CIENS) has launched a new Call for papers for the next CIENS international conference – held in partnership with the NPIHP (Wilson Center) – entitled “Nuclear deterrence in Europe. Visions, debates, opportunities, and challenges from 1945 to present”. The Conference, which had been originally scheduled to take place in Paris on 27-28 November 2020, is now taking place in summer 2021.

The CFP is open to researchers in History as well as other Social and Human Sciences (including Political Sciences, Economy, Law and Philosophy), including young researchers and PhD candidates at an advanced stage of their programme. The organisers will consider additional proposals which potential contributors believe would fit in the overall framework of the conference.

This additional deadline for proposals is set for February 19th 2021.  Proposals should be e-mailed to They should include a title, an outline of 400 words (max.) and a one page CV of the author with a list of major publications. Selected authors will be announced in spring 2021. Following the acceptance of the proposals, authors will receive editorial guidelines (e.g. format of the papers). In order for the papers to be available to conference participants beforehand, authors will be asked to submit their draft papers three weeks before the conference. A publication of selected papers will be considered in 2021-2022.

Participants will receive reimbursement for their transportation on the basis of economy fare as well as accommodation during their stay in Paris for 2 nights.

More details about the Conference and the CFP can be found here:

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