Thursday, 28 January 2021

Call for Papers: Future of Science Communication Conference. 24-25 June 2021

The Future of Science Communication Conference brings together European actors from research and practice of science communication. The conference will take place on 24-25 June 2021 in Berlin. It is co-organised by Wissenschaft im Dialog, the organization for science communication in Germany, and ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities.


An increasing scientification of societal discourses, not only against the background of the corona pandemic, indicates that the communication of scientific knowledge will be even more important in the future. While the exchange of experience within practitioner communities is working better and better at the national and, increasingly, at the European level, the academic discipline of ‘science of science communication’ is only slowly emerging in the European research landscape. Hence, there is a lack of systematic, interdisciplinary overviews of research questions and areas. In addition, the transfer between research and practice in this field is still at a relatively low level. This lack of systematic transfer and networking leads to a lack of practical orientation in research as well as a lack of evidence orientation in the practice of science communication.

This is where the Future of Science Communication conference sets in: Its primary goal is to provide an impetus for stronger networking and further transfer activities in Science Communication. Only effective and evidence-based science communication can help to tackle the challenges in the relationship between science-public-media-politics in the coming years on the European level. We need science communication research that is well connected at the European level, systematically conducts excellent research, and promotes its transfer into practice.


The multidisciplinary conference will bring together outstanding researchers and practitioners, reflecting the state of the art in the field of science communication and discussing the further development of the field. Which topics in science communication are considered to be well researched? What are the recommended courses for action in science communication practice and science policy? And how can the exchange and transfer between research and practice be better and more sustainably designed? Participants will address these overarching questions in high level panel sessions as well as in in-depth workshops, while discussing the latest findings on questions of trust in science, dealing with fake news, crisis communication, citizen science, and more. Furthermore, our speakers will use case studies on specific controversial scientific topics such as artificial intelligence, genome editing, climate change, or vaccinations to illustrate and discuss learnings from research and practice of science communication.


European researchers (senior/junior) from the 'science of science communication' (coming from different disciplines such as educational research, media and communication research, sociology, social psychology, etc.)

Practitioners of science communication, especially representatives fromSciComm initiatives and organisationsUniversity communication departmentsMuseums / Science CentersFoundations, NGOsCompanies

Science communication funding organisations from Europe

Science policy makers

Representatives from science management


Wissenschaft im Dialog, the organisation for science communication in Germany, and ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, are organising the Future of Science Communication Conference on 24-25 June 2021 in Berlin. The two-day conference aims to bring together actors from research and practice of science communication in order to provide a platform for stronger networking and exchange of activities in the field. The application deadline for the Open Call for Proposals is 28 February 2021.


We explicitly encourage the submission of contributions by researchers as well as practitioners whose research and work is focused on science communication and the relationship between science, researchers and the public. Junior researchers should not be discouraged from sharing their insights. We are looking forward to receiving contributions from individuals with diverse backgrounds.

We kindly invite you to submit proposals for lightning talks, workshops, or a poster session and help shape the conference through your expertise and experience.

At the conference, leading European researchers, as well as junior researchers from various disciplines (educational research, media and communication research, sociology, psychology, etc.) who investigate the relationship between science and the public, will meet practitioners from science communication, politics, media, and civil society.


We are looking for contributions from the following fields of research and practice:

Trust in science

The Covid-19 pandemic as a challenge for science communication

Science communication in a digitized media world; Fake News/Disinformation

Science and politics

Crisis communication with case studies (e.g. on climate change, Covid-19 pandemic)

Target groups of science communication

Citizen Science & Open Science


Lightning Talk:

5 to 10-minute presentation of a research topic or science communication project

Followed by a 5-minute Q&A session with the audience.


90-minute interactive workshop formats

We are open for all kinds of interactive formats and encourage creativity and diversity.

Group work to foster intensive discussion of topics and development of new approaches with practical relevance

Participation of 10-30 participants.

Poster Session:

Participants can present their current research project or findings in a poster session.

During the poster session, each poster will be presented in a 3-minutes flashlight presentation, followed by a Q&A session with the audience.


After filling in all information, save the PDF using “Save as” and rename the document as “Surname_Application”. Please send the completed form to by 28 February 2021 the latest.

Application form (


The contributions for the conference programme can only be submitted using this application form. The programme advisory council evaluates all submitted contributions in a peer review process. You will be informed about your selection within six weeks. Participation is free of charge and includes catering during the conference programme. Travel and accommodation expenses can unfortunately not be reimbursed.

Here you can find the privacy policy of Wissenschaft im Dialog.

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