Monday, 19 April 2021

Call for Papers: Dickstein Forum 2021, Cracow, 14-17 September 2021.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in Dickstein Forum 2021 to be held in Cracow, 14-17 September 2021. 

The Organizing Committee of Dickstein Forum 2021 Cracow, considering the general situation with COVID-19, decided to transform the Conference into virtual attendance.

Registration is required for all participants and exhibitors. 

The registration fee is 25 EUR and covers scientific program attendance through the online platform, e-Conference materials (i.e. e-program, certificate), networking opportunities, and access to the online exhibition area. Additional information about discounts for early bids, students and retired will be given in the next announcement.

The subject of the conference is quite broad and is related to the activities of its patron. Samuel Dickstein (1851-1939) was a Polish mathematician and historian of mathematics. Born and educated in Warsaw, where he spent all his life. He was a founder or co-founder of scientific journals, including his own “Wiadomości Matematyczne” (Mathematical News), a charter member and vice-president of the Warsaw Scientific Society, a charter member of the Society of Scientific Courses (Courses were a substitute for a non-existing Polish university), a representative of Polish mathematics in all International Congresses of Mathematicians prior to WWI. Dickstein was also a vice-president of the International Academy of the History of Sciences. He has published many textbooks for secondary schools and collected materials for the history of science. His scientific research was connected to number theory, vector algebra, set theory, and the history of mathematics.

Abstract submission is open. Please send your papers and posters by e-mail to Stanisław Domoradzki (

The conference is organized by Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU Kraków), International Academy of the History of Science

and cooperating institutions:

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lvov (Ukraine)

Institute of History of University of Rzeszów (Poland)

Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)

The Ludwik and Aleksander Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)

Polish Mathematical Society - Cracow (Poland).

In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email to .

Stay safe and healthy! 

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