Monday, 5 April 2021

Call for papers: Epidemics and Othering: The Biopolitics of COVID-19 in Historical and Cultural Perspectives. Bochum, 01.10.2021 - 02.10.2021, Deadline 30.04.2021


This digital symposium (Oct. 1-2, 2021) aims at bringing together multi- and interdisciplinary, scholarly approaches to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in regard to the history and present of "Othering" processes. We invite papers that exmine Othering practices in relation to a long human history of epidemics and pandemics, and the myriad historical, political, sociocultural, philosophical, medical, and artistic representations and reactions that have produced and/or challenged such Othering dynamics.

Epidemics and Othering: The Biopolitics of COVID-19 in Historical and Cultural Perspectives

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has impacted the globe for more than a year. This development sparked renewed interest in the historical, sociocultural, political, and economic aspects of epidemics and pandemics, currently evidenced by an outpouring of scholarship on the consequences of the current pandemic on the world’s population as well as social and economic structures. This symposium provides a forum specifically for the study of the sociocultural developments that lead to “Othering” in situations of a perceived crisis. Aiming at bringing together multi- and interdisciplinary, scholarly approaches to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we invite papers that examine the processes of “Othering” in relation to a long human history of epidemics and pandemics and the myriad social, political, philosophical, medical, artistic, literary, filmic, and poetic, representations and reactions that have produced and/or challenged such Othering dynamics.

The concept of Othering, originating in feminist and postcolonial theories, characterizes hegemonic processes of marking the supposed differences between a superior “We” and an inferior “Other.” Othering processes often function to (re)produce social hierarchies and power relations by constructing marginalized groups as Other while simultaneously constructing the normative self. Epidemics and pandemics like Covid-19 produce and amplify Othering practices and systemic discrimination. Hence, marginalized communities have not only been disproportionately affected by the current pandemic both medically and economically, but public, private, and media discourses have projected fear of the disease onto the social or cultural-ethnic Other, fostering for example, orientalism, xenophobia and racism, ageism, and ableism. In the need to “make sense” of a senseless epidemic, long-established tropes of cultural Othering, including essentialist narratives about cultural and national identity, have successfully been mobilized in this and in prior epidemics to support biopolitical interests. Historically, this dynamic has been intensified in times of increased mobility, which multiplies the perceived risk of contagion by the Other, and is accompanied by a rhetoric of crisis, anti-globalism, and isolationism. Yet, definitions of the Other are contingent and can be instrumentalized by various groups and discursive formations to different effects. A plethora of conspiracy theories/ideologies, protests against lockdown regulations across the political spectrum, and shifting public attitudes and media framings of medical authorities and vaccination policies reveal the complex configurations of the biopolitics of Otherness.

This digital symposium aims at analyzing key factors and cultural narratives that contribute to Othering discourses in the course of Covid-19 and in previous pandemics and epidemics (“real” and “imagined”) from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century. The symposiumb will put a geographical emphasis on North America, the Atlantic World, and transatlantic relations, but welcomes contributions that expand this spatial focus to different world regions in order to create a more globally representative and more nuanced knowledge on the historical and current cultural, sociopolitical, economic, and literary narratives and media representations of epidemics and pandemics.

Topics of possible contributions include, but are not limited to:

- Theoretical and methodological examinations of processes of “Othering,” particularly during epidemics and pandemics, from various disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives, including American studies, history, sociology, political science, cultural studies, gender studies, queer studies, literary studies, media studies, critical race theory, and disability studies

- Intersectional analyses of the current COVID-19 pandemic (focusing on issues of age, race, gender, class, sexuality, dis/ability, etc.)

- Diseases, epidemics, and (the history of) colonialism

- The history of disease and epidemics and the history of science

- Border security, migration, and (anti-)globalism

- Violence in pandemics (e.g., anti-Asian violence in connection to the - SARS-CoV-2 pandemic or debates about racialized police brutality in pandemics)

- “Lockdowns,” governmentality, civil liberties, and protest history

- Surveillance, medicalization, and digitalization

- Risk, Fear, and Resilience

- The popularization of (medical) science and the visualization of viruses

- The narrativization of epidemics and pandemics in popular media, e.g., representations in literature, film, television, and print

- Practices, Politics, and Histories of Masking

- Pandemics, ecology, and environmentalism

- Epidemics, pandemics, and conspiracy theories/ideologies

- Embodiment, illness, and vulnerability

Please send 300 to 500 word abstracts (in PDF format) of proposed 15 to 20 minute papers to by April 30th, 2021. You will be notified in mid-June. The symposium will take place digitally on Friday, October 1st and Saturday, October 2nd, 2021.


Rebecca Brückmann

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften

Historisches Institut

Universitätsstr. 150

44780 Bochum

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