Monday, 30 August 2021

Социология науки и технологий / Sociology of Science and Technology, Том 12, №2, 2021 OPEN ACCESS, Russian and English with English abstracts


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Социальная история науки и техники

Е.Л. Желтова. Воздухоплавание в России и Франции в 1783–1785 гг.: «Пересборка социального». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

А.Ю. Скрыдлов. Российская школа государствоведения о предмете и методе статистической науки (конец XVIII — первая половина XIX в.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Классики социологии

Н.А. Головин, М.В. Ломоносова. Немецкое издание «Социологии революции» Питирима Сорокина и ее оценка германским социологическим сообществом. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Теория и методология 

Н.С. Бабич. Рецепция социологической гипотезы на примере теоремы Томаса. . . . . . . . . . . 58

А.Н. Родный, Р.А. Фандо. «Национальные рефлексии» ученых как стимул и мотивация для проведения историко-научных исследований. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

И.А. Гаврилов-Зимин. Коллективизация науки на примере систематики живых организмов. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Эмпирические исследования Д.Е. Добринская. Что такое цифровое общество?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Maria O. Skivko. Challenges for Modern Higher Education in the Context of Social, Digital, Technological, and Sustainable Trends.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

А.Л. Рижинашвили. Что думают экологи об экологии?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Е.С. Богомягкова, А.А. Дупак. Цифровой селф-трекинг здоровья в дискурсе социальных наук. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Обзор мероприятия

В.П. Макаренко. От наукометрии к романтизму: контуры меморизации Эдуарда Израилевича Колчинского. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175


Е.А. Волкова, А.Б. Бочаров. Наследие А.С. Лаппо-Данилевского в корпоративной памяти научного сообщества (Рец. на кн.: Академик А.С. Лаппо-Данилевский в памяти научного сообщества: [сборник] / редкол. : В.В. Козловский, Р.Г. Браславский, К.Ю. ЛаппоДанилевский, А.В. Малинов, Е.А. Ростовцев; отв. ред.: В.В. Козловский, А.В. Малинов. СПб.: Интерсоцис, 2019). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

Н.И. Безлепкин, А.В. Володин. Академик В.И. Ламанский как историк и философ (Рец. на кн.: Куприянов В.А., Малинов А.В. Академик В.И. Ламанский: Материалы к биографии и научной деятельности. СПб.: Дмитрий Буланин, 2020. 560 с.). 193

Информация для авторов и требования к рукописям статей, поступающим в журнал «Социология науки и технологий». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

В следующем номере. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Forgács, Lajos (2020) Orvostechnikai ismeretek oktatása a 20. században : Hazai és nemzetközi példákkal [The teaching of medical knowledge in the 20th century: National and Internatinal Examples]. Kaleidoscope könyvek (3). Kaleidoscope, Budapest. ISBN 978-615-00-8532-6


open access:

A szerző neve évtizedek óta közismert az orvostechnika oktatásában tevékenykedők számára, és jól ismert minden klinikai/kórházi mérnök számára. Munkássága e téren megkerülhetetlen, ezért tudományos igényességű, részletes feltárása a nemzeti emlékezet és tudománytörténet számára kiemelt jelentőségű.

Mi lehet a célja e munka a megjelenésének?

Az élettudományok terén közreműködő és érdeklődő részt vevők és kutatók számára megismertetni egy speciális határterületi tudomány, az orvostechnikai tudományok mibenlétének és oktatásának történetét elméleti megfontolások és számos példa bemutatása alapján.

Mitől újszerű ez a könyv és miért volt szükséges a széles szakmai nyilvánosságra hozatala?

Mert ilyen összeállítás az orvostechnikai oktatás történetéről még soha sem jelent meg és ez a könyv nemcsak a magyar, hanem a nemzetközi orvostechnikai oktatás/képzés történetével is foglalkozik.

Mi a fő szempont az ismertanyag nyilvánosságra hozatalában?

Az írás első harmadában az „orvostechnika” és a „klinikai mérnökség” (angolul: „clinical enginering”) értelmezésével foglalkozik. Számos nemzetközi definíciót is idéz és elemez ennek során. Ezt mindenképpen tudományos színvonalon és számos nemzetközi forrás megadásával támogatja alá.

A mű ismerteti az orvostechnikai oktatás/képzés első megjelenését az 1960-as, 1970-es, 1980-as években, mind hazai, mind nemzetközi mértékben. Mindenképpen jelentős, hogy már 1933-ben, a Kandó Kálmán Villamosipari Műszaki Főiskola (ma Óbudai Egyetem Kandó Kálmán Villamosmérnöki Kara) jogelődjének tekintett technikum, illetve még korábban az úgynevezett „Magyar Királyi Állami Műszaki és Elektromosipari” Szakiskola tantervében szerepelt a „Villamos gyógyászati készülékek” elnevezésű tantárgy.

Ez azért is újszerű, mert korábban ilyen ismertetés nem jelent meg és félő, hogy felejtésbe merülnek olyan, nemzetközileg is elismert orvostechnikai oktatási/képzési kezdeményezések, mint például az ENSZ (UNIDO) támogatással létrehozott Medicor Továbbképző Központ („Medical  Training Centre”) felépítése és működtetése.

A szerző rendkívül sokoldalúan foglalkozik az 1990-es évek orvostechnikai oktatásával/képzésével. Ezt rendkívül alaposan és sokoldalúan – számos nemzetközi példa megemlítésével – sorolja fel. Mindezek közül kiemelendő az, hogy három orvostechnikai képzés megemlítése részletesen, tantárgyakra bontva is megtörténik. Ezek közül két esetben (Patras és Giessen) saját, többszöri ottléte alapján leszűrt véleményét említi meg, míg a Londoni képzés esetében az ottani vezető, Colin Roberts professzorral folytatott személyes találkozói és beszélgetéseik alapján írta le az ottani képzés tematikáját.

A hazai orvostechnikai képzés/oktatás terén megemlíti az  1990-es években létrejött különböző kezdeményezéseket, illetve megavalósításokat. Ezek közül kiemelendő az 1992-ben megkezdődött „klinikai mérnöki” szakirányú továbbképzés az eredetileg Haynal Imre Orvostudományi, majd 2000 után a Semmelweis Egyetem  Egészségtudományi Karán. A szerző ennek a képzésnek megalkotója, megszervezője, kivitelezője volt.

A szerző részletesen és pedagógiailag is alátámasztva sorolja fel a magyarországi helyszíneken (egyetemeken, más szervezésekben stb.) történő orvostechnikai oktatások/képzések meglétét. Ezek során tudományos igényességgel emeli ki azok szükségességét és eredményeit, rámutatva az ilyen oktatások/képzések sokoldalú megvalósítási lehetőségeire.

A kézirat nyelvezete közérthető, mind  szakmai közönség, mind a laikus Olvasó számára. Így különösképpen ajánlott ez a kézirat az orvostechnikai oktatás/továbbképzés során tájékozódó  oktatók, kutatók, kezdeményezők számára, de hozzájárul a magyarországi orvostechnikai oktatás alapjainak megismeréséhez is!

Az Irodalom jegyzék részletes és szabatos. A Szerző 111 tételben sorolja fel a témához tartozó irodalmat, amelyek mindegyike elérhető Magyarországon is és feltétlenül kiegészíti a fő téma megalapozását. Ezek a felsorolt cikkek, könyvek, jogszabályok bizonyítják a Szerző alapos felkészültségét és elmélyültségét a témát illetően, sőt a saját cikkeinek felsorolása is csak kiegészíti azt.

Dió Mihály PhD adjunktus

Semmelweis Egyetem

Egészségtudományi Kar

Képalkotó Diagnosztikai Analitikus és Orvostechnikai Tanszék

Ewa Kobylińska-Dehe, Katarzyna Prot-Klinger (eds.) Jak Feniks z popiołów? O odradzaniu się psychoanalizy w powojennej i dzisiejszej Polsce [Like a Phoenix from the Ashes? About the Rebirth of Psychoanalisis in Post-War Poland and Today). Cracow: Universitas 2021. ISBN: 978-83-242-3744-9


Opis książki:

Książka Jak Feniks z popiołów poświęcona jest psychoanalizie w Polsce od czasów powojennych do współczesności. Zebrane teksty opisują próby odradzania się jej na nowo w straumatyzowanym społeczeństwie, po stratach związanych z wojną i Holokaustem. Polsko-żydowscy psychoanalitycy zginęli, zostali zamordowani lub wyemigrowali. Ideologia komunistyczna powojennego ustroju politycznego odrzuciła psychoanalizę jako „burżuazyjny przeżytek”. Teksty o psychoanalizie w dzisiejszej Polsce pokazują psychoanalizę otwartą, która wychodzi poza gabinet psychoanalityka, odnajdując swoje miejsce zarówno w strukturach w służby zdrowia, jak i w humanistyce. Psychoanaliza użycza swoich narzędzi naukom humanistycznym, ale także spotyka się z innym naukami. Jednym z ciekawszych spotkań jest dialog z neurobiologią skutkujący powstaniem nowej dziedziny – neuropsychoanalizy. Teksty przedstawiają bogactwo i różnorodność współczesnej psychoanalizy w Polsce. Pomimo wielości ścieżek udaje się prześledzić  linię kontynuacji – od psychoanalityków przedwojennych do dzisiaj. Jest to linia przerywana, załamująca się, ale widoczna.


Wśród wątków przewijających się w wielu rozdziałach, inspirujących i wartych podkreślenia, należy wymienić tragiczny wpływ Shoah na losy polskich psychoanalityków pochodzenia żydowskiego  i jego konsekwencje dla rozwoju psychoanalizy w Polsce po II wojnie światowej; silne powiązanie sytuacji politycznej i ograniczeń wolności na powstanie i rozwój społeczności psychoanalityków; docenianie wpływu ojców i „praojców” na współczesną psychoanalizę w Polsce; wprost wyrażaną wdzięczność do analityków spoza Polski wspierających analityków polskich; świadomość własnej odrębności wobec innych kierunków obecnych w polskiej psychoterapii. Zaś wśród wątków teoretycznych za szczególnie ciekawy uznałbym twórcze napięcie między nurtem separacyjnym a integracyjnym. Ta praca zbiorowa jest sygnałem, że obecne w myśli psychoanalitycznej oba nurty nie są one w swojej istocie przeciwstawne.  Bo można teorię pogłębiać i łączyć ją potem z tym, co inne.  

Ta praca to iście postmodernistyczna mozaika form, tematów, stylów, nie mówiąc już o kalejdoskopie autorów Czasem są to wspomnienia, czasem opis praktyki, czasem wycieczka psychoanalitycznego myślenia poza gabinet terapeutyczny, czasem esej pełen poetyckich obrazów. Niektórych czytelników książka zaprosi do melancholijnych wspomnień, dla innych będzie to nauka o związkach między tym co kiedyś, a tym co dziś.  Ci, którzy chcieliby pogłębiać wiedzę – będą mieli okazję do zapoznania się z niebanalnymi myślami mistrzów.

[Z recenzji prof. Bogdana de Barbaro]

Ewa Kobylińska-Dehe – dr hab., prof. Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, psychoanalityczka, filozofka i kulturoznawczyni, profesorka wizytująca w International Psychoanalytic University w Berlinie, superwizorka i wykładowczyni we Frankfurckim Instytucie Psychoanalitycznym, analityczka szkoleniowa w Instytucie im. A. Freud we Frankfurcie. Główne obszary jej naukowych zainteresowań to psychoanaliza w kontekście kulturowej nowoczesności, filozoficzny wymiar psychoanalizy, cielesność w psychoanalizie, rozumienie sceniczne, granice reprezentacji. Autorka wielu publikacji na ten temat.


Katarzyna Prot-Klinger – dr hab. n. med., prof. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im Marii Grzegorzewskiej, psychiatra, psychoterapeutka, analityczka grupowa, superwizorka Instytutu Analizy Grupowej „Rasztów” oraz Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego. Od wielu lat zajmuje się problemem indywidualnej i grupowej reakcji na wydarzenie traumatyczne. Autorka wielu artykułów z tej dziedziny oraz monografii Życie po Zagładzie (2009). W obszarze psychoanalizy jest szczególnie zainteresowana psychoterapią osób z doświadczeniem psychozy. Ostatnie publikacje:  Odczytywanie archiwum ciała („Konteksty” 2020),  Późne skutki wczesnej traumy. Psychoterapia Ocalałych z Holokaustu (2020, w: Psychoanaliza w cieniu wojny i Zagłady), Czy można przepracować Zagładę? Doświadczenie pracy grupowej (2020, w: Czy powrót wypartego? Psychoanaliza i dziedzictwo totalitaryzmów),  Has the spirit of Basaglia affected Polish psychiatry? (2020, w: Basaglia's International Legacy: From Asylum to Community), Psychoanalytical psychotherapy in Poland (w druku).

16 September 2021, 18:00 CET / 19:00 MSK / 12:00 EST: Scaling and (Re)counting Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

save the date: Thu, 16 September 2021, 18:00 CET / 19:00 MSK / 12:00 EST: Scaling and (Re)counting Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Round Table with Olessia Kirtchik (Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Borbála Zsuzsanna Török (Univ. Duisburg-Essen), Juraj Medzihorsky (London School of Economics), Vedran Duančić (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb). Moderation Lukas Becht (University of Vienna)

Organized by the initiative for History of Science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe as a part of "Scales, Norms, Limit Values in Times of (Digital) Change" Joint annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (GTG) and the Society for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology (GWMT). Registration:

Scales, norms, indexes and indicators play a crucial role in creating commensurability; however, they also produce incommensurabilities, make them visible, and can influence the comparata in reverse. This roundtable explores these dynamics at the example of the transformation of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) during the 1990s and will ask for its deeper discursive roots. Not only since 1989 did the commensurability of economic and other data facilitate international exchange relations (trade, for example, but not only), or change certain particularities at the micro level in the respective countries in very different ways. The discussion will explore the technical, institutional and political consequences of developing and adapting practices of counting in CESEE, in order to consider if and how these practices changed the region in conceptual and denominational terms.

From measures of social and economic “backwardness” and “advancement” to the various indicators of “progress” in the post-1989 social and political transformations, seemingly “neutral” and “objective” practices of scaling and indexing have a history which is closely linked to the constructions of regional particularities, disparities, identities. In turn, ideas of “backwardness” or “advancement” were employed by the former Socialist states in a similar manner in relations to their “Socialist brother states” in the Global South. On the other hand, 19th century positivists programmatically used the same buzzwords to argue for their reforms.

The roundtable aims at a critical historical examination of the particular role played by these knowledge practices with regard to CESEE. At the same time, it allows for a selfreflection of how historical and social science disciplines research and speak about the region. It will include both historical perspectives on ideas and practices of measuring and counting that originated in CESEE, and on their functionalities in constructing entities of research and knowledge production.

It raises questions such as:

- Which scales, norms and indicators make Central and Eastern Europe “countable”?- Where do they originate from historically? How and by whom are they used? How do they collect their data?

- How did scales shape the perception of Central and Eastern Europe, and by whom?- How did they encourage comparisons and how did they function within them?- How did they shape perceptions of “development”, “modernity”, “backwardness"?- How did they temporalize social realities by measuring, reinforcing changes?- How did they impact contributions to transnational scales and indicators?- How have scientific disciplines studying Eastern Europe made use of scales and indicators?

HPS.CESEE is an online platform about the history of science in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Our aim is to facilitate the exchange of information among HPS scholars in the region stretching from Prague to Perm and from Tallinn to Tirana. HPS.CESEE is a community project, which started in 2018: Please visit and send us your news in order to have them reach a larger audience!

Organized by Lukas Becht (Vienna), Friedrich Cain (Vienna), Vedran Duančić (Zagreb), Adela Hincu (Bucharest), Daša Ličen (Ljubljana), Katalin Stráner (Manchester) and Jan Surman(Prague)

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology (Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki), 2021, issue 2 is online (open access). English and Polish with English abstracts


URL: .

Spis treści

Jakub Węglorz, Teoria i praktyka w dawnym lecznictwie. Opozycja czy współdziałanie? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Jaromir Jeszke, Badacz i jego perspektywy interpretacyjne w studiach nad dziejami nauki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Anna Odrzywolska, Włoski medyk Johannes Baptista Montanus (1489–1551) – jego działalność w Padwie, metody diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne oraz spuścizna

naukowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Danuta Raj, Czy w dzisiejszych czasach proste obserwacje mogą jeszcze znacząco zmieniać postrzeganie podstawowych zjawisk? Przypadek cieczy eutektycznych . . . . . 47

Karolina Szula, Nazewnictwo narzędzi medycznych w czwartej księdze Onomastikonu Polydeukesa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Wojciech Ślusarczyk, Pozycja społeczno-zawodowa farmaceutów pracowników w Polsce (1918–1939) – teoria a praktyka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Jakub Węglorz, Teoretyczny rozdział kompetencji pomiędzy dawnymi medykami i chirurgami a codzienna praktyka lecznicza opisana w egodokumentach

staropolskich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Vol 19 No 1 (2021) of AMHA – Acta medico-historica Adriatica is online. (English and Croatian with English abstracts, OPEN ACCESS)


URL: .


Avicenin muzej u njegovoj rodnoj Afshoni

Bruno Atalić





Tatjana Čulina




Sandra Hirsch



Iva Pleše



Goran Arbanas




Paola Badino, Rosagemma Ciliberti, Omar Larentis, Francesca Monza, Marta Licata



Hamed Arezaei, Arman Zargaran




Damir Grebić, Aleksandra Pirjavec , Domagoj Kustić , Tihana Klarica Gembić



Ksenija Vlahović, Maja Popović, Daniel Špoljarić




Toni Buterin, Amir Muzur, Vera Vlahović-Palčevski


Review article

Tatjana Čulina, Povijesnomedicinski i javno-zdravstveni odrazi neravnomjernog gospodarskog razvitka Rijeke i okolice u XIX. stoljeću Rijeka: Državni arhiv u Rijeci – Hrvatsko znanstveno društvo za povijest zdravstvene kulture, 2020.

Bruno Atalić


Izložba diplome i povelje hrvatskih farmaceuta iz zbirke Hrvatskog muzeja medicine i farmacije HAZU autorica Stelle Fatović-Ferenčić i Silvije Brkić Midžić, Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb, 24. listopada – 20. studenoga 2019. Dubravka Osrečki Jakelić


calls for papers: The (Self)translation of Knowledge: Scholarship in Migration

 from History and Translation Network Newsletter

two of our members, Spencer Hawkins and Lavinia Heller, would like to announce two calls for papers: one for a special issue of the journal Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, titled “The (Self)translation of Knowledge: Scholarship in Migration”; and one for a panel of the same title at the 2022 conference of the European Society for Translation Studies in Oslo.

The call for the Special Issue can be found here:

And the call for the EST Conference panel at number 33 here:

The special issue and the panel build on recent work around the forced adoption of English and American academic culture by (primarily Jewish) scholars and intellectuals fleeing the Third Reich ( This special issue (and the conference panel) is explicitly intended to broaden the scope to highlight configurations of interlingual migrant academic, i.e., humanistic production in the geographic contexts of South America, Africa, and Asia—as well as work on the relationship between the wealthy hubs of academic production and the “peripheries” (Canagarajah 2002) or “semi-peripheries” (Bennett 2014) of global academia.

Best wishes

Kiss, Endre and Trencsényi, László and Hudra, Árpád, eds. (2021) Abszolút pedagógusok. Új szempontok a XX. századi értelmiségtörténet kutatásához [Absolute Pedagogues. New aspects of the 20th century for the study of intellectual history]. Kaleidoscope könyvek (5). LÉTRA Alapítvány - Magyar Pedagógiai Társaság, Budapest. ISBN 978-615-6275-01-1 (nyomtatott), 978-615-6275-02-8 (PDF)


Open Acess:

Olyan pedagógusok életművét választottuk kutatási tárgynak, amelyek egy meghatározott kettős kritériumnak feleltek meg. Az első kritérium, hogy a kiválasztott pedagógus minősített és nyilvános önálló alkotó tevékenységgel rendelkezzen. A második kritérium a pedagógiai, tanítási-oktatási teljesítmény kiemelkedő színvonala volt valóságos oktatási helyzetekben, az iskolarendszer keretei között. A teljesítményben testet öltő minőséget kerestük tehát, miközben tisztában voltunk azzal, hogy ez a közös minőség minden szereplő esetében eltérő, a közös tehát kizárólag a különneműségben létezik (abszurd lenne, ha két abszolút pedagógus erősen hasonlítana egymásra). Az „abszolút” terminus nem kitüntető cím vagy rang, hanem leíró jellemzés, amelynek konkrét kritériumai vannak. Meg kellett győződnünk a lehetséges protagonisták kettős teljesítményéről. E meggyőződés megszerzése céljából nem állítottunk fel különleges eljárásokat.

Monday, 23 August 2021

The Hungarian Historical Review Volume 10 Issue 2 2021 Volume 7 Issue 4: Medicine, Knowledge, and Power: Central European Perspectives


Janka Kovács and Viola Lászlófi Special Editors of the Thematic Issue

URL: .



Gábor Vaderna

Hypochondria as a Poetic Disease: Medicine and Ethics in the Case of an Early Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Poet 189

Janka Kovács

Making Sense of Madness: Mental Disorders and the Practices of Case History Writing in the Early Nineteenth Century 211

Marcel Koschek

TEKA: A Transnational Network of Esperanto-Speaking Physicians 243

Judit Takács, Tamás P. Tóth

Liberating Pathologization? The Historical Background of the 1961 Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Hungary 267

Veronika Lacinová

Reproduction between Health and Sickness: Najmanová Doctors’ Attitudes to Reproductive Issues in Interwar Czechoslovakia 301

book reviews

Centre for Research on Pandemics and Society Fall 2021 Zoom Seminars

The Centre for Research on Pandemics and Society (PANSOC) at Oslo Metropolitan University is pleased to release our Fall 2021 seminar schedule. The seminar series showcases cutting-edge research on the health, social, and economic aspects of historical and present-day pandemics by scholars from across the globe. All meetings will take place via Zoom, and except where noted, will be held on Thursdays from 1600–1700 Central European Time (10–11 AM US Eastern Time).

To receive the Zoom link, please email the Centre co-leader Dr. Jessica Dimka (

Seminar Speakers and Topics

19 August: Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (University of Minnesota) & Martin Eiermann (University of Berkeley): “Racial Disparities in Mortality During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in United States Cities”

2 September – SPECIAL TIME: 17:00-18:00 CET – PANSOC’s MSCA Candidates: 

Alexandra Blinkova, Herzen State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg): “Religious Views on COVID-19 as a Risk Factor in Prevention and Spread of Pandemic: A Case of Russia”

Ana Vuin, Charles Darwin University: “Regional Health Professional’s Experiences during the COVID-19 Crisis: Is There a Mismatch in Between the Theory and Practice?”

9 September: Ida Milne, Carlow College: “Forgetting and Remembering the Great Flu: Collecting and Shaping Narratives”

16 September: Mathias Mølbak Ingholt, Roskilde University, Denmark: “Occupational Characteristics and Spatial Differences During an Intermittent Fever Epidemic in Early 19th Century Denmark.”

23 September: Mary Sheehan, University of Melbourne: “Women and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Melbourne, Australia, in 1919”

30 September: Howard Phillips, University of Cape Town: “The Silence of the Survivors: South Africans and the Memory of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918”

7 October: Guido Alfani, Bocconi University: “Unravelling the Mysteries of Seventeenth-Century Plagues: The Contribution of Micro-Demographic Approaches”

14 October: Lianne Tripp, University of Northern British Columbia: “The 1918/19 Influenza: Hidden Heterogeneity in an Island Population”

21 October: Amir Afkhami, The George Washington University: “From Cholera to COVID19: Continuity and Change in Iran’s Pandemic Experience”

28 October: Benedetta Scotti, Bocconi University and University of Bologna: “Putting COVID-19 into historical perspective: evidence from the mortality impact of the 1957-1958 and 1968-1970 flu pandemics in Italian provinces”

11 November: Sharon DeWitte, University of South Carolina: “Social Inequality and Pandemic Mortality: The Biosocial Context of the 14th-Century Black Death”

18 November: PANSOC’s Master’s Students:

Carla Louise Hughes: “The Association between the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Suicide Rates in Norway”

Lara Maria Dora Steinmetz: “How an Optimism Bias Influences the Degree of NPI Uptake during COVID-19 in Norway”

2 December: Madeleine Mant, University of Toronto Mississauga: “Going Viral: COVID-19 and Risk in Young Adult Health Behaviour Models”

9 December: Tamara Giles-Vernick, Institut Pasteur: “Complex local vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 pandemic in France”

16 December: John Eicher, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies and Pennsylvania State University – Altoona: “A Digital History Approach to Analyzing Memories of the 1918 Flu Pandemic”

Contact Info: 

Dr Jessica Dimka

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow, OsloMet University

Co-Leader, Centre for Research on Pandemics and Society (PANSOC)

Contact Email:


Историко-биологические исследования / Studies in the History of Biology, Том 13, №2, 2021 OPEN ACCESS, English and Russian with English abstracts





Natural Scientific Societies in the History of Science (Elena F. Sinelnikova, Roman A. Fando). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Исследования / Research

Ekaterina V. Minina, Maria M. Klavdieva. The Imperial Society of Friends of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography (‘IOLEAE’) and the creation of a general educational museum in Moscow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Elena F. Sinelnikova. Soviet Power and Natural Scientific Societies in the 1920s: Forms and Phases of the Interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Roman A. Fando. The Russian Eugenics Society: history and scope of activities. . . . . . . . 52

James A. Pritchard. The American Society of Mammalogists, The Ecological Society of America, and the Politics of Preservation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Краткие сообщения / Short messages

Laurent Loison. The Society of Biology in French 19th century science. Thinking of biology and theory from a positivist perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Трушин М.В. Вопросы микробиологии на страницах «Дневника Казанского общества врачей». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Памятные даты / Anniversaries

Козлов С.А. «Залог успеха лежит в общей дружной работе»: Московское общество сельского хозяйства (1820–1930 гг.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Jérôme Pierrel. The Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry, Moscow, 1961. . . . . 143

Хроника научной жизни / Chronicle of Academic Events

Фёдорова А.А. Историко-биологическая секция XLI годичной конференции «Учёный и эпоха» (Санкт-Петербург). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

Читайте в ближайших номерах журнала. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Centaurus Volume 63, Issue 3 (with HISTORIOGRAPHICAL SECTION: History of Science in Central and Eastern Europe)

 HISTORIOGRAPHICAL SECTION: History of Science in Central and Eastern Europe (Mitchell Ash, Vedran Duančić, Jan Surman, Gábor Zemplén)

SPOTLIGHT SECTION: Silvanus P. Thompson: Quaker polymath and public scientist‐engineer: 



Spotlight Section: Silvanus P. Thompson: Quaker polymath and public scientist-engineerThis spotlight section focuses on the work and life of Silvanus Phillips Thompson, covering his scientific, engineering, biographical and religious contributions to Victorian and Edwardian Britain, and showing the relevance of his Quaker beliefs for his cultural authority as a public servant of science. Gooday G.: Silvanus Phillips Thompson (1851--1916): An introduction to the spotlight section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  453

Gooday G.: “A many-sided crystal’’: Understanding the manifold legacy of Silvanus Phillips Thompson (1851--1916) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  459

Cantor G.: Thompson, Biographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  475

Stanley M.: No slaves to words: S. P. Thompson’s theory of history . . . . . . . . . .  489

Arapostathis S. and Guagnini A.: Living in between: The commercial side of Silvanus P. Thompson’s engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  499

Articles:Morris A. M. A.: “The joint labours of ingenious men”: John Smeaton’s Royal Society network and the Eddystone Lighthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  513

Vermij R.: Simon Stevin through the lens of his dedications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  532

Historiographical Section: History of Science in Central and Eastern Europe

Ash M. G.: History of science in Central and Eastern Europe: Studies from Poland, Hungary, and Croatia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  546

Duančić V.: Recent trends in the history of science in Croatia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553

Surman J.: Productive marginalities: The history of science in/about Poland since 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  569

Zemplén G. Á.: History of science in Hungary: Stewardship and audience in periods of institutional and political change . . . . . . . . . . . . .  585

Book Reviews  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  603

2021/2 of the journal Вопросы истории естествознания и техники//Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [all articles in Russian with English abstracts, in OPEN ACCESS]




From the History of Science

A Body of Water as a “Biological Whole”: V. M. Rylov (1889–1942) and the Origin of Ecosystem Concepts in Aquatic Ecology, Alexandra Rizhinashvili, 205-227

From the History of Technology

A Forgotten Legacy: Boris Loutzky’s Contribution to the Development of the MAN Group, Aleksandr Firsov, 228-257

Lessons from History

Dr. I. N. Kazakov’s “Miracles”: Scientific and Political Controversies around Lysate Therapy, Roman Fando, 258-295

Historical Reviews

“Dissertation Culture” in the Russian Empire: An Experience of the Russian Chemical Community, Yulia Evdokimenkova / Natalya Soboleva, 296-322

Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers

A Hard-Won Award: The History of Awarding the Stalin Prize to M. M. Zavadovskii, Oleg Belozerov, 323-340

Calendar of Jubilee Dates

Calendar of Jubilee Dates, Marina Shleeva, 341-344

Book Reviews

Calinger, R. S. Leonhard Euler: Mathematical Genius in the Enlightenment (Princeton, 2016), ISBN 978-0-691-11927-4, Elena Polyakhova / Vladimir Korolev, 345-359

Shilov, V. V., Kitov, V. A. (eds.) Anatoly Ivanovich Kitov (Moscow, 2020), ISBN 978-5-317-06344-3, Sergey Demidov, 360-363

Sobolev, D. A. The Chronicle of Soviet Civil Aviation. 1941– 1960 (Moscow, 2020), ISBN 978-5-907245-23-5, Vasilii Chesnov, 364-368

Mustafin, D. I., Sanatko, M. D. The History of Chemistry for Sustainable Development. Iatrochemistry and Iatrophysics: A Teaching Aid (Moscow, 2020), ISBN 978-5-7237-1768-8, Zahar Gelman, 369-373

Books in Brief

Books in BriefMarina Shleeva374-376

Academic Life

Ceremonial Meeting Devoted to Galina Pavlovna Matvievskaya’s Jubilee, Sergey Demidov / Evgenij Zaitsev / Svetlana Petrova / Galina Smirnova, 377-382

Events in Brief

Events in Brief, Editorial Office of the Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki journal, 383-386


Dissertations, Marina Shleeva, 387-388

History of Sociology. Annual Review // Roczniki Historii Socjologii, Vol 11 (2020) is online.

open access:

Spis treści / Contents


 Die Anfänge der Gesellschaftswissenschaften und der Sozialstaatsidee in Deutschland bei Robert von Mohl und Lorenz von Stein

Gerd Vonderach

Adam Schaff w roli „reformatora” polskiej socjologii

Stefan Konstańczak

Lubelsko-warszawska szkoła socjologii religii. Rozważania na temat ciągłości myśli naukowej na ATK i UKSW

Marcin Choczyński

Handlarze i bohaterowie: Werner Sombart o kulturze, wojnie i kapitalizmie

Marta Bucholc

Socjalizmy Wernera Sombarta

Jarosław Kilias

Marksowskie inspiracje Wernera Sombarta. Studium wybranych prac z wrocławskiego okresu życia socjologa

Borys Cymbrowski



Włodzimierz Wincławski

Autoreferat pracy doktorskiej pt. „Zagadnienie polskiej świadomości narodowej u Warmiaków i Mazurów”

Lili Maria Szwengrub

Recenzje i noty

Arend Jan (ed.), Science and Empire in Eastern Europe. Imperial Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th Century. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Collegium Bad Wiessee, 5–8 Nov. 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, München 2020, 334 ss.

Jan Kaźmierczak

Markus Krzoska, Kolja Lichy, Konstantin Rometsch (eds.) Wende, Wandel, Weitermachen? Nachfragen zur Geschichtswissenschaft der 1990er Jahre in Deutschland, Polen und Europa. Fedinand Schöningh 2021. ISBN: 978-3-506-76066-1



20 Historiker:innen der Polen- und Osteuropaforschung blicken in Interviews auf ihre Wahrnehmung der 1990er Jahre zurück. 

Seit den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen der Jahre 1989/1990 sind mittlerweile über 30 Jahre vergangen. Im Einklang mit deutschen geschichtswissenschaftlichen Traditionen scheint nun der Zeitpunkt gekommen zu sein, mit historiographischen Einordnungen der 1990er Jahre zu beginnen. Dies gilt auch und gerade für die deutsch-polnischen Kontakte unter Historiker:innen. Der Band unternimmt durch Interviews mit deutschen, polnischen, britischen, tschechischen, französischen und litauischen Geschichtswissenschaftler:innen einen ersten umfassenderen Versuch einer Retrospektive. Dabei wurden unterschiedliche Alterskohorten und Akteur:innen in diversen geographischen und thematischen Kontexten befragt.

Conference: Kojève: Here and Now. September 1-3 (Online), Co-hosted by Queen Mary University of London and Virginia Tech


Our multidisciplinary workshop, co-hosted by Queen Mary University of London and Virginia Tech, is dedicated to innovative research on Kojève's life and work.

Keynote speakers: Boris Groys and Massimo Palma

Click here to see the full schedule:

We are also looking forward to discussing a new Kojève documentary ("Kojève, Knowingly", François Lagarde, 119 min, 2021), currently in post-production. Roundtable: Marco Filoni, Nina Kousnetzoff, and Todd McGowan, moderated by John McKeane.

Click here to register for the workshop and to receive a screening link to the film: 

Monday, 16 August 2021

Call for papers: Conference »Perceiving Forces. Dynamics of the Senses in Science, Art and Literature«, Hamburg, 09.-11.06.2022


Since ancient philosophy, perception (aisthesis) is fundamentally determined as force (dynamis). Thinking about the functioning of the perceptive faculty not only stands in tension between the capability of truth or susceptibility to deception and between passive impression and active imagination. There is also the problematic relationship of hidden cause and perceptible effect, latency and manifestation, which is characteristic for reflections on force in general.

In Aristotle's description, the faculty of perception is situated between passivity and activity insofar as it actualizes the intelligible forms (morphe) contained in things that have an effect on perception. The late medieval transformations of Aristotelian aisthesis are under the influence of Arabic theories of transmission respectively reception and increasingly describe the process of perception as the reception of qualitative intensities. The carrier of the aisthesis is the ethereal spirit, through which changes in the perceptual apparatus or respectively the instances of cognitive processing are set in motion. In the neoplatonically influenced Renaissance teachings on the eros, perception is described as a sympathetic dynamic that oscillates between harmony and overwhelming of the object and subject of perception; paradigm is the effective power of ‘magical’ emissions, but also the power of images and the power of speech. The topical equation of femininity with sensitivity (in the sense of passive imprintability), but also with active aisthetic power to imprint, accompanies this discourse continuously. Physical and physiological optics gradually detaches itself from these notions culminating in Johannes Kepler defining perception as point-by-point transmission of impulses of light that must be (re)assembled beyond the ‘wall’ of the retina by cognitive processing. The question to what extent perception is based on such a (re)construction or whether the (pictorial) ‘entireties’ of reality are perceived directly is the source of debate, which was mainly fueled by the Jesuit optics of the Baroque era.

In addition to this discourse on the active and passive parts of perception and the question of the intensity of aisthesis, there is also a discussion about the hierarchy of the senses dating back to antiquity, which is also based on the category of force. In this context, eyesight is mostly given a top rank, because it has the power to grasp forms adequately, even over greater distances. Considerations of the hierarchy of the arts are derived from this in the new art discourse of the Renaissance. At the same time, the question of the respective sensory capacities triggered over many centuries a comparative psychology that contrasted the senses of animals and humans, which - following Aristotle - only conceded to humans the greater sensitivity of the sense of touch. This shaped the later career of the tactus as a paradigm of perception in general, while paradoxically the sense of touch itself increasingly receded from the modes of reception of the arts.

In thinking about the vires repraesentativa, the question of the faculties of perception and imagination is modeled on Newton's concept of force since the 18th century. Perception should become measurable and calculable as shown in 19th-century physiology and psychology. With the quest for abstract entities, such as ‘energies of the sense’, one no longer asks for perceptual qualities, but for quantitative values. In striving for maximum objectivity, not only old questions about the susceptibility to interference and deception of the perceptual process as well as the reference to reality of what is perceived were to be answered. With the integration into experiments, theories of perception are also situated in the larger context of an empiricization of a metaphysical concept of force. Bodily phenomenology, on the other hand, reactivates dimensions of a genuine bodily experience, which not only lead to a quantified and mathematically determinable concept of force of physics, but also make force describable as dynamis, i. e. as a faculty of living beings. However, the peculiarity of human perception gains contour not least through its embedding in (evolutionary) biological questions concerning the peculiarities and developmental potentials of human and non-human perception.

These are the questions that will be addressed under the double title “Perceptual Forces – Perceiving Forces” and should be answered not only by philosophical or scientific, but above all by artistic approaches to the processes and possibilities of perception. To what extent is sensory perception treated as a mere object of acting forces or as an active or activating force itself? To what extent does perception conceptualized in this way correspond to reality? And how do conceptualizations of perception as sensory forces relate to the problematic perceptibility of forces? Starting from the basic concepts of sensory physiology and epistemology, the conference aims to open up three fields of work. (1) Biological concepts of perception of human and non-human animals, (2) Approaches to a cultural and media history of the senses, (3) The arts and their implicit and explicit theories.

(1) Attempting to determine the relationship between perception and consciousness, the explanation of the process of perception addresses the question of the position of humans in their natural environment. While the pre-Socratics ascribed the ability of perception to all living organisms, Aristotle makes the faculty of a perceptive relation to the world the distinguishing feature that differentiates humans and animals from plants. As a decidedly critical faculty, which also has an inherent reflexive structure, the distancing from the perceived is the indispensable prerequisite for perception. Unlike animals and humans, plants seem to be directly subjected to the impacts of matter. Precisely this sparked the Early Modern debates about forms of vegetal perception (paradigm: sunflower), which were considered threatening to undermine the gradations of the Aristotelian scala naturae by the equally Aristotelian emphasis on natural continuities. Here it should be explored how the question of a supposedly genuinely human perception is linked to specific practices of setting and dissolving boundaries between humans and environments.

(2) Looking at the cultural and media history of perception, it not only deals with classification schemes within nature, but also with the hierarchy of the individual senses, theories of transmission and reception, the parallel or co-existence of their respective objects of perception, their (further) processing, as well as the effort to shift or transgress boundaries of perception. To what extent can we count on a respective peculiarity of the senses, and how are their modes of translateability or interaction shaped? Which role do media and technical augmentations play in this context? In addition to sensory perception, stagings of “extrasensory” perception (epiphanies, miracles, mediumism, etc.) would also need to be addressed. Last but not least, exemplary trajectories or shifts of direction in history that are described as heightening and atrophy, technical enhancements and adjustments, or artistic 'sensitization' (or sensitivity) and societal-social-civilizational ‘anesthesia’ are to be considered.

(3) Finally, the relationship of human faculties of perception and modes of the production and reception of art could be investigated. Can artistic methods of representation be interpreted as adaptations of the knowledge of human perception? What influence exert visual and linguistic modes of representation on the conceptualization of perception in general, but also on conventions of perception? The attributions of senses and arts and the competition of senses derived from them shape the paragon from the Early Modern period to the 19th century. Along the way, terms focussing on attitudes of perception and qualities of sensation, such as emotion, movement, stir, stimulus, irritation, shock, atmosphere, attention, or mindfulness, gain contour. The reconstruction of these and other aisthetic concepts prompts the consideration of the reflexive aspect of an aesthetics anchored in the power of perception. Is art conceived as an irritation and disruption of well-trodden paths of perception, as a training ground for perception, as activated, heightened, and last but not least, perhaps, as perceived perception? What about the implied potential of the arts to question or change perceptual practices and conventions?

Contributions to the conference can be submitted in German or English; it is planned to publish the conference papers as a volume in the book series “Imaginarien der Kraft” (de Gruyter).

Please submit proposals for papers in the fields of art, literary and media studies, history of science, cultural studies, philosophy with a 1-2 page abstract by 15 October, 2021 to:

Bartłomiej Dobroczyński (ed.) Polskie zmory. Psychoanaliza w międzywojniu. Wybór tekstów [Polish nightmares. Psychoanalysis in the interwar period. Chosen texts]. Cracow: Universitas 2021. ISBN: 978-83-242-3736-4


Opis książki:

Książka jest kontynuacją oraz dopełnieniem antologii Od Jekelsa do Witkacego. Psychoanaliza na ziemiach polskich pod zaborami 1900‒1918 i realizuje dwa odmienne, choć uzupełniające się wzajemnie cele. Po pierwsze więc, pokazuje, że wbrew pokutującym nie tylko wśród laików opiniom psychoanaliza stanowiła w Polsce okresu międzywojnia realną siłę. Wywołała w rodzimych kręgach intelektualnych spory oddźwięk oraz zyskała grono oddanych zwolenników i zwolenniczek. Upewniają o tym fascynujące teksty zawarte w tej antologii. Wśród ich autorek i autorów znaleźć można zarówno postaci znaczące i szanowane w swoich środowiskach profesjonalnych (jak choćby Tadeusz Bilikiewicz, Stefan Borowiecki, Maurycy Bornsztajn, Gustaw Bychowski czy Natalia Zylberlast-Zandowa), jak i osoby mniej znane, stanowiące jednak „sól” naszej freudowskiej „ziemi”. Po drugie jednak, Polskie zmory prowokują do pytań, które dotyczą nie tylko przeszłości „polskiej psychoanalizy”, lecz również naszej trudnej współczesności. Czy bogata obecność psychoanalizy w piśmiennictwie i debatach intelektualnych międzywojnia „przeorała” świadomość Polaków i dokonała jej trwałej transformacji? Czy doprowadziła w Polsce do zmiany stosunku do takich kwestii jak podmiotowość i wolna wola, świadomość i nieświadomość, erotyka i seksualność, przemoc i rywalizacja? Lektura pozwala samodzielnie odpowiedzieć na te pytania i stwarza okazję do pogłębionej refleksji na temat naszej „narodowej” tożsamości oraz zastanowienia się nad tym, kim jesteśmy teraz i kim pragnęlibyśmy być w przyszłości.

Objaśniając w błyskotliwym wprowadzeniu do tego tomu, dlaczego „psychoanaliza nam się nie udała”, Bartłomiej Dobroczyński rzuca mocne światło na rdzeń kultury polskiej. Nie inaczej jest w samej antologii: także za pośrednictwem symfonii głosów cudzych antologiście udaje się mówić o naszym kraju. Po pierwsze dlatego, że dzięki tym głosom otrzymujemy nieoczywisty wgląd w międzywojenną Polskę. Po drugie dlatego, że możemy tu obcować z siłami, które starały się wzbogacić naszą katolicko-szlachecko-chłopską kulturę o perspektywę psychoanalityczną, oraz tymi, które owym próbom się przeciwstawiały i które okazały się potężniejsze. Stąd też ta sumienna antologia jest po prostu arcyważną książką o Polsce.

Adam Lipszyc

Bartłomiej Dobroczyński (ur. 1958) – psycholog, dr hab., profesor nadzwyczajny w Instytucie Psychologii UJ. Zajmuje się historią psychologii, psychopatologii i psychoanalizy, irracjonalizmem, a także sztuką i alternatywnymi ruchami kulturowymi. Autor książek: New Age. Il pensiero di una ‘nuova era’ (1997), Idea nieświadomości w polskiej myśli psychologicznej przed Freudem (2005), Niezabliźniona rana Narcyza. Dyptyk o nieświadomości i początkach polskiej psychoanalizy (2018, z Mirą Marcinów) oraz Historia polskiej myśli psychologicznej. Wydanie nowe (2019, z Teresą Rzepą).

Социология науки и технологий / Sociology of Science and Technology, Том 12, №1, 2021 OPEN ACCESS, Russian and English with English abstracts




Из истории науки и техники

В.Л. Гвоздецкий, Е.Н. Будрейко. Манифест о намерениях (К 100-летию плана ГОЭЛРО). . . . 7

Мировые эпидемии: история и современность

Maria Rentetzi, Flavio d’Abramo, Roberto Lalli. Diplomacy in the Time of Cholera. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Naresh Kumar. Comparative Review of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Bigger Affected Countries Vis-a-Vis Less Affected Countries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Гражданская наука и цифровизация

Daria S. Bylieva, Victoria V. Lobatyuk, Anna V. Rubtsova. Сitizen Science: Concept, Problems and Prospects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Л.В. Шиповалова, Л.А. Чернышева, Э.Г. Гизатуллина. Цифровые технологии управления в действии, или Об активности граждан вокруг платформы «Активный гражданин». . . . . . 71

Социология инженерной деятельности

Victor Mourao, Daniela Alves de Alves. Macauba as an Internationalizable Object: the Sociotechnical Imaginaries of a Tropical Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Aleksandra A. Kazakova, Elena A. Gavrilina. Engineers in Action: Investigating Collective Agency in Sociology of Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Реформы российской науки

Н.Н. Аблажей, Е.Г. Водичев, С.А. Красильников. Университет и Академия наук: pas de deux в ритмах эпохи. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

М.Б. Конашев, А.А. Федорова. Академическая наука в контексте последней реформы РАН. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Вопросы наукометрии

Е.Г. Винокуров, Т.Ф. Бурухина, Н.Г. Попова, В.П. Мешалкин. Динамика публикационной активности и цитируемости российских авторов. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

К юбилею

В.С. Соболев. И.А. Бунин и Императорская Академия наук (к 150-летию писателя). . . . . . 173

Е.Ю. Басаргина, Н.А. Ащеулова. Старейший историк науки: к 90-летию Н.Г. Суховой. . . . 182


Е.В. Семенов, А.В. Сказочкин, Д.В.Соколов. Институциональная среда создания и коммерциализации новых технологий. Рецензия на книгу «Наукоемкие производства в системе взаимодействия институтов». Под редакцией Г.А. Ключарева.

М.: ФНИСЦ РАН. 2021. 352 с.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198

С.И. Зенкевич. Ученые — фондообразователи Санкт-Петербургского филиала Архива Российской академии наук: Краткий биографический справочник / Науч. ред. и сост.

Е.Ю. Басаргина, И.В. Тункина. [Т. 1:] А–В. СПб.: Реноме, 2018. 196 с.; [Т. 2:] Г–И. СПб.: Реноме, 2019. 222 с.; [Т. 3:] К. СПб.: Реноме, 2020. 168 с. (Ad fontes. Материалы и исследования по истории науки; вып. 13, 15, 17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

Информация для авторов и требования к рукописям статей, поступающим в журнал «Социология науки и технологий». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

В следующем номере. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Edin Veladžić: Bošnjačka vjerska inteligencija austrougarskog perioda [Bosnian religious intelligentsia of the Austro-Hungarian period]. Institut za islamsku tradiciju Bošnjaka 2021.


U izdanju instituta za islamsku tradiciju Bošnjaka izašla je knjiga dr. Edina Veladžića “Bošnjačka vjerska inteligencija austrougarskog perioda”.

Ova knjiga nudi obuhvatan pregled duhovnih, kulturnih, pa i političkih kretanja u bosanskohercegovačkom društvu u austrougarskom razdoblju. Autor posebno prati kretanja unutar duhovnih staleža, učitelja, studenata, učenika književnika i novinara. Ova knjiga, tako, daje cjelovitu sliku vjerske inteligencije kod Bošnjaka koja svojim utjecajem i brojnošću dominira sve do kraja ovog perioda. Ova knjiga je potvrda o složnosti procesa prilagođavanja novom društvenom kontekstu u kojem se našla bošnjačka vjerska inteligencija na kraju 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća.  Nesnalaženje u određenim situacijama i nepravovremen angažman, te svijetli primjeri pojedinaca iz redova uleme koji su pokrenuli procese napretka Bošnjaka, a čiji rezultati će se reflektirati i u narednim godinama dokaz su složnosti situacije u kojoj vjerska bošnjačka inteligencija nalazila.

Knjiga je nezaobilazno štivo za istraživače koji se bave bošnjačkom ulemom i poviješću Bošnjaka uopće.

Svi zainteresovani knjigu mogu pronaći u prostorijama Instituta za islamsku tradiciju Bošnjaka.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Conference: Immanuel Kant und sein Wirkungsort Königsberg. Universität, Geschichte und Erinnerung heute. Lüneburg, 30.09.2021 - 02.10.2021

2021 widmet sich die Jahrestagung der Historischen Kommission für ost- und westpreußische Landesforschung dem historischen Kontext des Philosophen Immanuel Kant. Eingeladen sind Historiker und renommierte Kantexperten aus Deutschland und Russland.

Immanuel Kant und sein Wirkungsort Königsberg. Universität, Geschichte und Erinnerung heute

Bis 2024 entsteht eine Dauerausstellung zu dem Philosophen Immanuel Kant am Ostpreußischen Landesmuseum in Lüneburg. Die historische Verbindung von Kant und Königsberg/Ostpreußen gerät somit wieder verstärkt in den Blick.

Die Tagung kontextualisiert Kant und sein Denken historisch im Königsberg des 18. Jahrhunderts. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf seinem Wirken an der Königsberger Albertus-Universität, an der er lebenslang als Dozent tätig war. Außerdem wird seine Nachwirkung thematisiert und angesichts des anstehenden Kant-Jubiläums (300. Geburtstag 2024) auch ein Blick auf die Kant-Erinnerung in Russland und Deutschland geworfen.


Donnerstag, 30. September 2021

14.30–15.00 Uhr Begrüßung

Panel 1: Kant – Bedeutung und Erinnerung heute

Museum Lüneburg

15.00–15.15 Uhr – Matthias Weber (Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, Oldenburg): Aktivitäten zum Kant-Jubiläum 2024

15.15–16.00 Uhr – Tim Kunze (Ostpreußisches Landesmuseum, Lüneburg): Kant – Philosophie und Königsberg im Museum. Das Potential einer Ausstellung

16.00–16.30 Uhr – Kaffeepause

16.30–17.15 Uhr – Matthias Weber (Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, Oldenburg): Kant in der Kunst

17.15–18.00 Uhr – Nina Dmitrieva (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad): Kants Bedeutung für die Intellektuellen Russlands früher und heute

ab 19.00 Uhr – Gemütliches Beisammensein im Bier- und Eventhaus Krone, Heiligengeiststraße 39, 21335 Lüneburg

Freitag, 1. Oktober 2021

Panel 2: Der historische Kant: Universität

Museum Lüneburg

9.00–9.45 Uhr – Hanspeter Marti (Arbeitsstelle für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Engi): Immanuel Kant und die Disputation als traditionelle Unterrichtsform

9.45–10.30 Uhr – Werner Stark (Philipps-Universität, Marburg): Ein historischer Blick auf die ersten Jahre des Privatdozenten Immanuel Kant

10.30–11.00 Uhr – Kaffeepause

11.00–11.45 Uhr – Agnieszka Pufelska (Nordost-Institut – IKGN e.V., Lüneburg) / Matthias Barelkowski (Kommission für die Geschichte der Deutschen in Polen, Berlin): Kants posthume Reisen: Kantiana aus Olsztyn/Allenstein in Lüneburg

11.45–14.00 Uhr Mittagspause

12.00–13.00 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung der Historischen Kommission im Ostpreußischen Landesmuseum

Panel 3: Der historische Kant: Geschichte

Museum Lüneburg

14.00–14.45 Uhr – Daria Barow-Vassilevitch (Arbeitsstelle für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Engi): Ostpreußen unter der russischen Herrschaft 1758-1762 und die Königsberger Albertina: Ausnahmezustand oder Normalität?

14.45–15.30 Uhr – Steffen Dietzsch (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Königsberg 1789–1799: Der Alltag der Philosophie in Zeiten der Revolution

17.00–18.00 Uhr Führung durch das historische Rathaus der Hansestadt, Am Ochsenmarkt 1, 21335 Lüneburg

Festakt im Rathaus Lüneburg

18.30–20.30 Uhr

Grußworte: Ulrich Mädge (Oberbürgermeister Lüneburgs), Björn Thümler (Niedersächsischer Minister für Wissenschaft und Kultur)

Festvortrag: Volker Gerhardt (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Kant als Theoretiker der Humanität

Sonnabend, 2. Oktober 2021

Panel 4: Wirkung Immanuel Kants

Museum Lüneburg

9.00–9.45 Uhr – Arno Mentzel-Reuters (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München): Gerechtes Recht und echte Volksordnung - Die Königsberger Kant- und Copernicus-Wochen 1939–1942

9.45–10.30 Uhr – Johannes von Lüpke (Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal/Bethel): Metakritische Anfragen und Antworten. Johann Georg Hamann im Wortwechsel mit Immanuel Kant

10.30–11.00 Uhr – Kaffeepause

11.00–11.45 Uhr – Cheryce von Xylander (Leuphana Universität): Die Charlottenschule in Berlin (1873–1929): Kant-Lektüre für Frauen in der Gründerzeit

11.45–12.30 Uhr – Nadezda Ermakova (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad): Innovation an der Universität: von I. Kant und K.G. Hagen an der Albertus-Universität bis zum Institut für Bildung an der Baltic Federal Kant-Universität

12.30–13.15 Uhr – Schlussdiskussion

13.15–14.30 Uhr – Mittagspause

14.30–16.00 Uhr – Führung durch die neue Dauerausstellung des Ostpreußischen Landesmuseums mit Deutschbaltischer Abteilung


Krzysztof Jaskułowski, Piotr Majewski, Adrianna Surmiak: Teaching History, Celebrating Nationalism. School History Education in Poland. New York etc.: Routledge 2021. ISBN 9780367463908


Book Description

This book analyses the relationship between history education and nationalism in the context of the dominant structures of collective memory in Poland. Drawing on original qualitative research with history teachers, it explores the ways in which teachers understand the aims of history teaching and how they teach history, with some contesting or negotiating official and hegemonic nationalist memory projects, while others predominantly reproduce or radicalise them. A study of teachers’ tendencies to approach history through the prism of nationalism, this study reveals a view of history lessons as a means of instilling national identity in students, as the past is constructed in nationalist terms and no contradiction is identified in viewing history as both an objective science and a ‘nationalising’ tool. An examination of the means by which a dominant nationalist discourse is reinforced through historical education, Teaching History, Celebrating Nationalism will appeal to scholars of sociology and education with interests in nationalism and memory studies.

Table of Contents

1. Setting the ground

2. Nationalism, collective memory, education

3. Teaching history, celebrating nationalism

4. Nationalism, but what kind?

5. Whose nation? Whose history?

6. What next for teaching history?



Krzysztof Jaskułowski is Associate Professor at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland, and the author of The Everyday Politics of Migration Crisis in Poland: Between Nationalism, Fear and Empathy.

Piotr Majewski is Assistant Professor at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland.

Adrianna Surmiak is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology of Morality and General Axiology at the University of Warsaw, Poland.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Online event: Environmental Governance. Experience, Knowledge, Expectations since 1945, 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021

organised by Laura Kaiser/ Thomas Lettang/ Rüdiger Graf, Department II: Economic Life, Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam; Nils Güttler, Chair for Science Studies, ETH Zürich;, 14467 Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam (Deutschland)

The “environment” emerged as a new field of knowledge and experience after the Second World War. Since then, the formulation and implementation of policies often differed from the ideal type of rationalistic policy-making that simply demanded for the transmission of scientific solutions to political power brokers. Environmental governance itself became an object of theorization and questions about the proper instruments of how to best intervene into eco-systems and human environmental behavior were contested scientifically as much as politically. Changing political modes of governance have only been studied tentatively for environmental politics in the 20th century, while (master) narratives under such umbrella terms as Keynesianism or Neoliberalism have been discussed more intensively by political and social scientists as well as historians for developments in economic or social policy.

The expansion of the environmental management state occurred mainly since the 1970s, that is in the same period when the state’s capacity to regulate and intervene into economy and society was increasingly called into question. Environmental governance was, thus, deeply entangled with the political challenges and transformations since the 1970s. Focusing on both industrial production and consumption as fields of regulation, policymakers, politicians, and environmental experts had to grapple with the seemingly contradictory goals of economic growth and environmental protection, whilst expecting ecological catastrophes (resource exhaustion, Waldsterben, excessive waste, pollution or climate change) and experiencing prolonged economic crises. While the end of Keynesianism and traditional command-and-control-regulation is commonly supposed to have given rise to ideas of deregulation and economization, our workshop intends to scrutinize and challenge these broad concepts as well as historiographical narratives that embody them. To that end, it focuses on concrete interactions of environmental expertise and policy-making.

Thursday, September 16:

1 – 1:30 pm: Welcome & Opening Remarks

1:30 – 3:00 pm: Session I: Ecological Knowledge

Chair: Laura Kaiser, Potsdam

Christian Reiß, Regensburg: Ecology as a Verwaltungswissenschaft. Counting animals and plants in the BRD after 1945

Nils Güttler, Zürich:  Bioindicators: Applied Ecology and Environmental Surveillance

3:00 – 3:30 pm: Coffee Break

3:30 – 5:00 pm: Session II: Economic Instruments

Chair: Thomas Lettang, Potsdam

Melina Antonia Buns, Oslo:  Reinvesting in the Environment: Scandinavian Economists’ Instruments for Environmental Governance and their Reframing of the ‘Growth Paradigm’

Julian Schellong, Darmstadt: Organizing Atmospheric Scarcity: Techniques and Practices of CO2 Trading

5:00 – 5:15 pm: Break

5:15 – 7:15 pm: Session III: The Politics of Energy Transitions

Chair: Rüdiger Graf, Potsdam

Thomas Lettang, Potsdam: “Saving energy without sacrificing comfort!” Market economy and administrative interventions into household energy consumptions in West Germany, 1973-1989

Thomas Turnbull, Berlin:  The RAND Corporation as an Environmental Think Tank: Systematising Energy Demand in the 1970s

Clarence Hatton-Proulx, Montréal: The Urban Governance of Energy Transitions. Lumber Yards and Gas Stations in Montréal, 1946-1960

7:30 pm: Dinner

Friday, September 17:

9:00 – 11:00 am: Session IV: Waste Management and Air Pollution Control

Chair: Rüdiger Graf, Potsdam

Karolina Partyga, New York: Socialist Alchemy: Waste Recovery as a Solution to Economic and Environmental Problems in the Polish People’s Republic, 1947-1989

Roman Köster, Freiburg: How to govern something you don´t know? The Development of Waste Legislation in West Germany during the 1970s and 1980s

Eva Oberloskamp, München: Conflicts on Air Pollution Control in the United Kingdom during the 1970s

11:00 – 11:15 am: Coffee Break

11:15 – 1:15 pm: Session V: Scientific Expertise and Regulation

Chair: Nils Güttler, Zürich

Lena Joos, Bern: Environmental Knowledge and Governance in the Framework of the UN Conference on the Human Environment 1972

Felix Lieb, München: The Limits of "Marktsozialdemokratie": Ecological Concepts of the German SPD between Governmental Regulation and Individual Responsibility

Laura Kaiser, Potsdam: How to Make the Polluter Pay? The Role of the German Advisory Council of the Environment in the Implementation of a Foundational Policy Principle during the 1970s

1:15 – 1:30 pm: Concluding Discussion

1:30 – 2:30 pm: Lunch


If you want to join our workshop online please contact Thomas Lettang or Laura Kaiser via E-mail ( / until September 3, 2021.

History of science and technology (Kiev) Volume 11 No. 1 (2021). open access



    Oleh Pylypchuk, Oleh Strelko, Yulia Berdnychenko


History of science

    Scientific and research work of Zaporizhzhia aircraft engine builders in the 1970’s

    Olha Chumachenko


    Technology as a socio-historical phenomenon

    Leonid Griffen, Nadiia Ryzheva


    Management and communication ideas in the late 17th – early 19th centuries

    Denis Kislov


    The beginning of the soviet theoretical archaeology: theoretical studies at the Institute of archaeology AS UkrSSR in the 1960s

    Sergii Paliienko


    The legacy of Saint Luke (Valentin Felixovich Voyno-Yasenetsky) to medical sciences

    Hercules Sakkas, Panagiota Spyropoulou


    I. H. Verkhratskyi (1846–1919): at the origins of Ukrainian natural science

    Liudmyla Vaniuha, Yaroslava Toporivska, Oksana Hysa, Iryna Zharkova, Mykola Bazhanov


History of technology

    Historicizing medical drones in Africa: a focus on Ghana

    Samuel Adu-Gyamfi, Razak Mohammed Gyasi, Benjamin Dompreh Darkwa


    The history of the creation of lasers and analysis of the impact of their application in the material processing on the development of certain industries

    Artemii Bernatskyi, Vladyslav Khaskin


    Representatives of the sugar industry of the Russian Empire at the World's Fair in Paris in 1900

    Olga Gaidai


    Contribution of Professor K. G. Schindler (1869–1940) in formation of agricultural mechanics, theory and practice of testing of the agricultural machines and tools in Ukraine

    Victor Verhunov


    Theoretical and practical aspects of the identification of the bladed weapon on the example of the SG 98/05 bayonet to the Mauser rifle based on metal science research

    Volodymyr Maslak, Yevhenii Lashko, Olga Chencheva


    Development and construction of shunting electric locomotives at Dnipropetrovsk electric locomotives plant (1960's – 1970's)

    Mykola Ruban, Vadym Ponomarenko


    Analysis of Klavdii Semyonovich Nemeshaev’s activities as the Minister of Railways of the Russian Empire

    Oleh Strelko, Oleh Pylypchuk


View All Issues

Journal receives manuscripts via online submission system or email:

Monday, 2 August 2021

Call for Papers: Free Speech in the Early Modern Period: Spaces, Emotions, and Debates. Amsterdam 25.11.2021 - 26.11.2021, Deadline 31.08.2021


The deadline for consideration is August 31, 2021. Please submit a paper proposal of no more than 250 words and a short bio of no more than 50 words to

Free Speech in the Early Modern Period: Spaces, Emotions, and Debates

Freedom of speech or liberty of expression is one of the foundations of modern liberal democratic societies and yet, it is also one of the most contentious matters for contemporary democracies. Especially in the face of issues such as “fake news,” this freedom and its boundaries have become a part of contemporary public discussion alongside more specialized political and philosophical discourses. In discussions that involve both “conservative” and “liberal” thinkers, each party may accuse the other of either wishing to silence people, or of favoring hate speech. Scholars are now questioning whether citizens in democratic societies should enjoy unbounded or limited forms of freedom of speech. In light of these contemporary debates, the historical examination of the roots and development of free speech is undoubtedly essential. Though different in scope and range, debates on freedom of expression and freedom of conscience also permeated religious, philosophical, and political life in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Much has already been established by historians, especially with regard to the development of the concept of freedom of speech and the gradual establishment of such a freedom as an individual right. However, there are still many topics pertaining to free speech that require further historical examination – among others, the relationship of freedom of expression to early modern religious experience. Which people or movements advocated for freedom of expression in early modern Europe and what boundaries were deemed necessary to such a freedom? A reassessment of the accepted opinion that liberal thinkers were the only ones promoting free speech seems particularly topical: after all, the “liberal” philosopher John Locke objected to unbounded freedom of speech, and there is evidence that the freethinker Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert also (paradoxically enough) considered the use of governmental coercion to promote free speech. Individuals and religious minorities who favored free speech at one point could later change their minds once they were no longer in a marginalized position. Was free speech one of the “unintended” consequences of the Reformation? Did the latter promote the former, or vice versa? What more could we learn by parsing out the relationship between the concept of freedom of speech and practices of free expression, which could take on many different forms in early modern Europe (from art and performances in theaters to forms of bodily expression; from nonconforming religious meetings to informal discussions in bookshops)? In what ways did urban spaces promote a bottom-up practice of free debate and thereby contribute to the development of the concept of free speech? Indeed, theaters, chambers of rhetoric, bookshops, and informal meetings like those organized by the Dutch Collegiants gave both women and men a place to discuss freely. There is still space for further emotion-based approaches to research on freedom of speech. For instance, which emotions were at play in pleas for or against free expression? As we can see in modern-day discussions, determining the boundaries of free speech can be an emotionally wrought affair. This was also the case in the early modern period. For instance, members of early modern Reformed churches often had to subjugate themselves to consistorial discipline; when they held unorthodox opinions or did not comply, emotions ran high within the community and accusations of partisanship were not uncommon.

To summarize, this conference will explore the relationship between actors and boundaries, urban spaces and practices, coercions and emotions that pertained to and shaped the debates on free speech in the early modern period (ca.1500-1800); particular attention will be devoted to religion and its promotion of or hindrance to a public culture of free expression. In this call for papers we have highlighted the Dutch Republic as a fertile area for research on this subject; however, we welcome proposals that explore this important theme from global perspectives. Possible subjects include, but are not limited to:

-Free speech and urban spaces

-Free speech and the church

-Free speech in Reformation debates

-Free speech, censorship, and the book trade

-Free speech, polemics, and visual/material culture

-Gender and free speech

-Free speech and emotion

-Martyrdom and free speech

-Religious and political coercion

-Science and free speech

-Boundaries of free speech

-Free speech between theory and practice

-Free speech and public debate

Participants will be given 20 minutes each for their paper presentations, and this will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Our aim is to hold the conference in person in Amsterdam, but if the pandemic situation does not allow for large gatherings this autumn, we will switch to an online format. As part of the conference, we will also organize an Amsterdam walking tour on free speech in cooperation with the Amsterdam Centre for the History and Heritage of Protestantism (ACHHP), which will afford us the chance to explore several historical sites in the city that are relevant to the conference themes (among others, early modern churches, bookshop locations, and the Embassy of the Free Mind).

Dr. Silke Muylaert, Dr. Francesco Quatrini, and Dr. Nina Schroeder

Philosophy and History of Race Workshop, August 9-10, 2021. Online

The  International Philosophy of Biology Circle is an independent academic network bringing together researchers from different fields, including biologists, historians, and philosophers from different countries and at different levels of career development who are interested in presenting their current research on conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues in the biological sciences. During the year the Circle meets every two weeks to discuss a new paper. This event is its first workshop open to the general public. We seek to problematize recent and ongoing attempts to redefine the categories of "race", "racism" and related terms and to discuss their philosophical origins, relevance, and implications.

The workshop takes place on August 9-10, 2021, online.

The schedule, abstracts and short biosketches of participants:

For registration, please visit

Call for Papers: “Transfers, Circulations, and Exchanges within the 19th-Century Socialism,” October 21–22, 2022


Seminar Venue: Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Dates: October 21–22, 2022. Deadline June 15, 2022

Numerous 19th-century socialist militants and theoreticians have in their biographies the vital experience of emigration. Indeed, it was a time when hundreds of revolutionaries, outlaws, workers, students, and others, crossed geographical and linguistic borders, taking part in intellectual exchanges and transnational political practices. Acting as speakers, translators, publishers, editors, and even smugglers in some cases, 19th-century socialists spawned a set of profoundly new political concepts and explanatory devices, which allowed them to interpret the world in various ways and to change it.

This two-day seminar aims to rethink the issues by focusing on intellectual and conceptual transfers, circulations, and exchanges within socialism(s) before the 1900s. The area of potential inquiry is thus vast as it encompasses ideas ‘on the move’, occurring both within the early (or romantic) phase of socialism and the modern (or Marxist) phase. Although, the potential area of inquiry is not strictly confined to exchanges within 19th-century socialism. Papers tackling reciprocal exchanges between socialism and science, religion or socialism, and other political currents (like republicanism or liberalism) are welcome. Proposals may likewise encompass empirical case studies and theoretical or methodological reflections, potentially enriching the knowledge of 19th-century socialism as a genuinely transnational phenomenon.

Exemplary Questions/Areas of Inquiry:

19th-century socialism as an area of intellectual hybridization, adaptation, and reappropriation.

Cross-Fertilizations: Socialism and liberalism, socialism and republicanism, socialism and science, socialism and religions, etc.

How did ‘wandering’ concepts transform themselves while traveling from one geographical or linguistic context to another?

Directions of Transfers: Transfers from France or Great Britain to the outer regions of Europe and the world may be relatively easily identified, but were there any exchanges occurring in the opposite direction?

Transnational Spaces: London, Paris, Geneva, and others.

Exchanges Across Social Strata: Dialogues between the socialist intelligentsia and socialist workers.

Intellectual Transfers Beyond Text: Banquets, music, songs, illustrations, and the like, as media of socialist circulations.

Smugglers and Customs Officers: What frictions could intellectual borrowings within socialism cause?

Actors of Transfer: Editors, funders, translators, booksellers, printers, illustrators, and others.

Were there any socialist concepts and ideas deeply rooted in their domestic setting and ‘motionless’ for certain reasons?

Topography of Socialist Networks and Conceptual Flows: What would a map of socialist transfers in the 19th century look like?

The conference organizer will provide accommodation to all selected participants. If necessary, travel expenses may also be covered up to 1000 PLN (ca. 230 EUR).

The seminar results will be published in the form of a special issue of an international journal (in English). For this reason, all participants are expected to circulate their papers by the end of September 2022 at the latest.

The abstract, alongside a short CV (up to three pages), should be submitted to by June 15, 2022.

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...