Monday, 30 December 2019

Крих Сергей, Другая история: «Периферийная» советская наука о древности. М.: НЛО, 2020. ISBN 978-5-4448-1173-3

Аннотация: Если рассматривать науку как поле свободной конкуренции идей, то закономерно писать ее историю как историю «победителей» — ученых, совершивших большие открытия и добившихся всеобщего признания. Однако в реальности работа ученого зависит не только от таланта и трудолюбия, но и от места в научной иерархии, а также от внешних обстоятельств, в частности от политики государства. Особенно важно учитывать это при исследовании гуманитарной науки в СССР, благосклонной лишь к тем, кто безоговорочно разделял догмы марксистско-ленинской идеологии и не отклонялся от линии партии. В книге С. Криха рассказывается о судьбах советских историков древности, прежде всего тех, кто остался на периферии научной жизни. Среди них были как истинные нонконформисты, так и тяготевшие к мейнстриму, но не сумевшие в него встроиться. Автор подробно рассматривает стратегии поведения «периферийных» историков, процессы взаимодействия «периферии» и «ядра» и, наконец, тенденции развития (или угасания) идей в советской исторической науке о древности. Изучение этого материала позволяет по-новому ответить на вопрос, что же в итоге получилось у советской исторической науки и была ли альтернатива. Сергей Крих — доктор исторических наук, профессор исторического факультета Омского государственного университета имени Ф. М. Достоевского.

Сергей Крих — доктор исторических наук, профессор исторического факультета Омского государственного университета имени Ф.М. Достоевского. Научные интересы связаны с советской историографией древнего мира.


Thursday, 19 December 2019

Karl Acham (Hg.) Die Soziologie und ihre Nachbardisziplinen im Habsburgerreich: Ein Kompendium internationaler Forschungen zu den Kulturwissenschaften in Zentraleuropa. Vienna-Cologne-Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 2020. ISBN: 978-3-205-20670-5

Die Soziologie und ihre Nachbardisziplinen im Habsburgerreich

Bestimmend für diese erste umfassende Darstellung der Soziologie im Habsburgerreich vom 18. bis ins frühe 20. Jahrhundert ist zweierlei: die Mitwirkung von Gelehrten aus den nicht-deutschen ehemaligen Kronländern dieses Reiches und die Bezugnahme auf die sowohl für die Genese, als auch für die Wirkungsgeschichte der Soziologie relevanten Fächer der Geistes-, Rechts-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
Die Geschichte dieser Disziplinen zeigt in mancher Hinsicht immer gleichen Menschen in immer neuen Konstellationen. Diese waren im plurinationalen Habsburgerreich denen im Europa von heute nicht unähnlich. Mit dem vorliegenden Sammelwerk wird auch ein Beitrag dazu geleistet, unsere aktuelle Lage im Spiegel der Konflikte und Selbstdeutungen jener Vergangenheit besser zu verstehen.

Call for abstracts: Diplomacy and the Natural Environment (special issue of Diplomatca; Deadline 15 February)

For this special issue of Diplomatica we invite proposals for essays on aspects of diplomacy’s relationship to the natural environment. Essays may cover any historical period up to the present-day. The central questions that this special issue poses are:
How does the natural environment condition, cause, or complicate diplomatic action?
How does diplomacy affect relations between humanity and nature?
How has ‘nature’ been used in theory and in practice to further or cast into question diplomatic relations?
Possible topics include:
– Plant, animal, and mineral specimens as objects and/or subjects of diplomatic exchange;
– The relationship of concepts and/or metaphors of natural order, the state of nature, etc. to diplomacy;
– Negotiations relating to the environment, climate change, conservation, etc.;
– Visual, literary, musical, and cinematic depictions of nature in diplomatic contexts;
Please send expressions of interest, with abstracts of 500 words and a brief bio-note to the issue editors, by 15 February 2020. Please quote ‘Diplomacy and the Natural Environment’ in the subject line.
Notification of acceptance will be no later than 15 March 2020. If accepted, full essays (of 7000 to 9000 words) will be due by 15 January 2021.
Review-essays and interviews pertinent to the special issue are also very welcome. Please contact the journal editors with any questions.
Contact Info:
The Editors, Diplomatica
Contact Email:

CFP: Communicating Secret Intelligence, 19.06.2020 – 21.06.2020 Tutzing (deadline 15.1.2020)

It is almost a trite truism that communication is at the very core of secret intelligence. Information collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination, all entail some kind of communication. Intelligence agencies need to plan and provide direction; partners need to be informed; channels of communication have to be selected and secured against unauthorized access. The product – knowledge constructed in a specific setting based on information – will have to be carefully weighed and formulated so that decision-makers are provided with the support they need. Also, more and more, intelligence agencies are called upon by a critical public to make transparent operational details, including sources and collection methods viewed as infringing on civil liberties, such as the right to privacy. Meanwhile, public interest in and even fascination with espionage means that intelligence agencies and officers hold a prominent place in popular discourse through books, movies and other cultural products. Frequently, entanglements between these seemingly separate communicative processes have played a role in intelligence successes and failures. The conference theme is intentionally broad, both in terms of the periods covered and of the focus of papers. This will provide a wide discussion and a variety of themes relating to the various facets of communication and secret intelligence.
We welcome paper proposals on every issue relating to the conference theme, with special emphasis on:
– communicating information and intelligence agencies’ construction of knowledge
– sharing of secret intelligence amongst partners
– collaboration, double agents and the protection of secrets
– protecting intelligence communication: cyber-security, big and small data
– intelligence, data processing, and privacy protection
– educating about secret intelligence and its representations in popular discourse
One panel will be open to young scholars, and we especially encourage paper proposals from young researchers and doctoral students, as well as from established scholars and former practitioners.
Please submit your paper proposal abstract of 200-300 words and your detailed CV in English by email to exec_director[a]


Open Access: Наука и техника: Вопросы истории и теории. Материалы XL Международной годичной научной конференции Санкт-Петербургского отделения Российского национального комитета по истории и философии науки и техники РАН «Научный Санкт-Петербург: К 295-летию Российской академии наук» (28 октября – 1 ноября 2019 года).

Наука и техника: Вопросы истории и теории. Материалы XL Международной годичной научной конференции Санкт-Петербургского отделения Российского национального комитета по истории и философии науки и техники РАН «Научный Санкт-Петербург: К 295-летию Российской академии наук» (28 октября – 1 ноября 2019 года). Выпуск XXXV. СПб.: СПбФ ИИЕТ РАН; Саратов: Амирит, 2019. — 328 с. ISBN 978-5-00140-395-1

В издание вошли материалы Международной конференции «Научный Санкт-Петербург: К 295-летию Российской академии наук»: пленарные доклады и тезисы секционных докладов.


Historická korespondence online (HIKO)

While it migt be something quite small, this might interest those of us who work, or intend to work with digital humanities (and read Czech). So far most work discussed is, unsuprisingly, on Comenius (czeck the session on visualisation!), with a project on, unsuprisingly, Masaryk, next in line, and project on - here suprisingly, as this is not the most prominent person - Milada Blekastad (Prague born, Oslo based translator and literary historian). Below a short abstract, and full version here:

O nás

Vítejte na stránkách Historická korespondence online (HIKO), vytvořených pracovníky Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, Masarykova ústavu a Archivu AV ČR a Knihovny AV ČR. Cílem HIKO je sloužit jako portál shromažďující informace o projektech věnovaných zpracování historické korespondence spjaté s dějinami českých zemí od středověku po druhou polovinu 20. století, zejména pokud jde o digitální zpracování. Zároveň nabízí badatelským týmům redakční rozhraní pro základní popisy historické korespondence a umožňuje zapojení metadat do databázového systému. HIKO je aktivní projekt v neustálém rozvoji. Budeme vděčni, pokud dostaneme zpětnou vazbu od uživatelů a pokud se podaří rozšířit spolupráci s dalšími projekty zaměřenými na historickou korespondenci. Můžete nás kontaktovat na
Vznik stránek HIKO byl iniciován pracovníky Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku Filosofického ústavu AV ČR a pracovníky Masarykova ústavu a Archivu AV ČR a realizován pracovníky Knihovny AV ČR. Projekt se stále rozvíjí a rozšiřuje. Koncepčně a z hlediska technologického navazuje na dlouhodobou spolupráci Filosofického ústavu AV ČR s projekty řešenými na University of OxfordEarly Modern Letters Online (EMLO) a Cultures of Knowledge. S oxfordskými kolegy je rozvoj HIKO průběžně konzultován, zejména s ohledem na udržení kompatibility s databází EMLO a na možné budoucí zapojení dat do evropské infrastruktury. S oxfordskými partnery sdílíme přesvědčení, že digitální revoluce posledních desetiletí může poskytnout nástroje, které značně usnadňují studium rozvoje komunikačních a korespondenčních sítí od středověku po moderní dobu. Shromáždění velkého množství metadat a standardizace prostředků popisu a zpracování je předpokladem efektivní spolupráce při vývoji nových digitálních nástrojů, nových vědeckých metod a nových historiografických poznatků v rámci tohoto významného badatelského pole. Věříme, že projekt bude významným příspěvkem k rozvoji sféry digital humanities v ústavech Akademie věd a že se stane platformou ke spolupráci s dalšími pracovišti, týmy a projekty mimo Akademii. Projekt HIKO je financován ze zdrojů, Strategie AV21 a NAKI.

Fellowships: Science History Institute

With around 20 scholars in residence each year, the Science History Institute is home to the largest private fellowship program in the history and social study of science in the United States. Researchers travel from all over the world to use our collections and take part in a vibrant scholarly community.


The Beckman Center at the Science History Institute offers fellowships on an annual cycle for scholars doing research in the history and social studies of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences. Fellows are expected to participate in biweekly informal writing groups and give at least one Lunchtime Lecture. They also have the opportunity to take part in a variety of outreach activities while in residence at the Institute.

The Beckman Center offers a number of fellowship types:


These fellowships reflect the Institute’s commitment to providing career-launching fellowships for recent PhDs and its support for the career diversity initiatives of the American Historical Association and affiliated scholarly societies. The 80/20 postdoctoral fellowship program will enable the Beckman Center’s postdocs to build skills and experience that can enhance their opportunities outside the academy or their work within it.
During each of the two years fellows will spend on average one day a week working closely with Institute staff on projects related to their research in one of four concentrations: rare books, museum, oral history, or public programs. The rare books and museum concentrations incorporate a digital component, and all fellows undertake at least one outreach activity. The rest of the time fellows are expected to take advantage of the Institute’s considerable resources to develop and publish their own research. In addition, each 80/20 fellow will give one of our two flagship Fellow in Focus public lectures, either in the fall or the spring. There will also be an opportunity to organize jointly a two-day workshop in the Institute’s state-of-the-art conference center on a topic determined collaboratively by the fellows.
Applicants for 80/20 postdoctoral fellowships must expect to have their PhD in hand before July 2020 and have earned that degree within the last five years. Postdoctoral fellowship stipends are US$45,000, paid in monthly installments, with an additional US$2,500 subsidy for health insurance and an annual grant for travel expenses.


These fellowships are open to graduate students whose PhD dissertation proposals have been accepted by their respective university departments. We also encourage applications from candidates in dissertation- or thesis-only PhD programs outside of the United States whose funding does not extend to a fourth year. The stipend is US$26,000, with an additional one-off grant for initial travel expenses.


These fellowships are open to all scholars and researchers irrespective of career stage, including doctoral students, who plan to work closely with the Institute’s collections on an independent research project. The stipend is US$3,000 per month to defray the costs of travel, accommodation, and living expenses.

Applications for 2020–2021/2022 are due February 3, 2020. Get instructions and apply online.



The Othmer Library offers travel grants for periods of up to two weeks for research using the primary research materials. Applicants must currently reside more than 75 miles from Philadelphia in order to be eligible. Travel grants will be awarded on a rolling basis starting at the beginning of each fiscal year until all available funding has been distributed.
Travel grants are $750 per week and are intended to help defray the costs of travel and accommodation. To apply fill out our online application form.


Other departments periodically post listings for predoctoral, postdoctoral, and public-history fellows working in fields related to the history and social study of science. These fellowships will be listed as they are announced.

CFP: International Conference "Philosophy of Dialogue in Russian, German, and Jewish Thought," Saint-Petersburg State University, May 26-28, 2019, deadline March 15, 2020

Saint-Petersburg State University The Department of Jewish Culture, International Conference, "Philosophy of Dialogue in Russian, German, and Jewish Thought," May 26-28, 2019
Call for Papers
Following the success of conferences on Jewish thought in 2017, 2018, and 2019 the Department of Jewish Culture of Saint-Petersburg State University, in collaboration with the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, will host a three-day conference «Philosophy of Dialogue in Russian, German, and Jewish Thought».
The aim of the conference is to examine an essential issue of Jewish thought, meaningful throughout the entire history of Jewish philosophy - dialogism and dialogical approach. The topic of the conference provides an overview of the broadest spectrum of Jewish philosophical teachings, both in chronological and spatial terms, in internal and external connections.
In the 2020 conference we intend to address the philosophy of dialogue as a point of collaboration and interaction betweeen teh Russian, German, and Jewish intellectual tradition. Dialogism is deeply rooted in the Russian culture as attested by Dostoevskiy and Bakhtin. Dialogical thought in Germany includes extremely rich heritage of works and ideas of Ludwig Feuerbach, Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig, Ferdinand Ebner, Martin Buber, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. In the Jewish thought the Bible and Talmud bear the Dialogism and dialogical approach to core theological and philosophical issues. Jewish philosophy and mysticism continue the approach. Accordingly, studies on Dialogism allows to treat inter-cultural and inter-philosophical dialogues, exchanges, conflicts and interactions.
Conference sessions will be divided chronologically and thematically.
The conference will address the following topics:
The journal Judaica Petropolitana ( may publish participants' papers extended to a standard article length.
Working languages: English, Hebrew, Russian.
The deadline for application is March 15, 2020.
Timeline and place: Saint-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line 5, Institute of Philosophy, May 26-28, 2020.
Please complete your paper proposal with the following information:
1. Full name
2. E-mail
3. Country
4. Telephone
5. Current institution and/or academic affiliation
6. Academic degree / year of study)
7. Title of the paper
8. Language of the paper
9. Technical equipment for your paper(in case you need it)
10. Abstract of the paper (up to 300-400 words)
For further information and paper proposals please contact to Ilya Dvorkin [], Igor Kaufman [] (please mail to both of them)
Contact Info of the conference team:
Dr. Prof. Igor Tantlevskij, Chair of the Department of Jewish Culture, Chair of the Conference Organizing Commitee
Ilya Dvorkin, Co-Chair of the Conference Organizing Commitee
Dr. Igor Kaufman

Monday, 16 December 2019

GISta Hungarorum

For those interested in digital humanities and Hungarian part of the Habsburg Empire: GISta Hungarorum

Project  GISta Hungarorum led by Prof. Gábor Demeter was a small-scale HGIS project lasting for 3 years supported by the Hungarian Research Fund (50,000 EUR), which aimed at collecting statistical data of the Central Statistical Bureau of the Hungarian Kingdom (1865-1910), organising data into databases, visualizing socio-demographic phenomena, and also analyzing spatial patterns as well as temporal changes. During the course of the project
- a district-level digital GIS basemap of Austria-Hungary (1910)
- a community-level digital GIS basemap of Croatia (1910)
- a settlement-level digital GIS basemap of historical Hungary (1910)
- database for Austria-Hungary (socio-economic data, 1860s-1910s), for Croatia (socio-demographic and economic data, community level, district level, county level, 1880s-1910s) and a database for Hungary (socio-demographic and economic data, community level, district level, county level, 1880s-1910s) were created containing cca. 7.3 million data entries. Both the shape files (ArcGIS, QGIS) and the data tables of the relational database are available free of charge at:
Beside this more than 800 maps to illustrate socio-economic development were created based on these data in 3 bilingual volumes (English and Hungarian), which were published online (
Atlas for studying the History of Hungary. Hungary in the Habsburg Monarchy (1850–1869):
Historical Geographical Atlas of Hungary for the Regional Analysis of Socio-Economic Phenomena (1869–1910):
Atlas for studying the History of Croatia (1870–1910):
From GIS-Maps to a historical Animation. Railway Transport in Hungary (1914–1915):
(thanks to Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics for the info about the project)

VIII Российский философский конгресс (28-30 мая 2020 г. )

Напоминаем, что совсем скоро, 31 декабря, завершится прием заявок на VIII Всероссийский философский конгресс "Философия в полицентричном мире", который пройдет 28-30 мая 2020 г. на базе философского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова! Подробная информация и подача заявок по ссылке:

Call for Papers: PALACES AND ENGINEERING. 11th Annual Conference of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve, 27.04.2020 - 28.04.2020. Deadline: 1 February 2020

Call for papers
The 11th Annual Conference of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve will be devoted to the engineering aspect of palaces’ life. Not only were imperial residences treasuries of the art and architecture masterpieces, but, as a rule, their owners were the first to use different engineering novelties (such as lifts, electric light, telegraph etc.) on an everyday basis. Back then, the new technologies were supposed to both modernize the everyday life of monarchs and represent their power and superiority. Eventually, some of these inventions became popular among the richest people and afterwards became widespread; others, like the unique Peterhof fountain system, remained unrivalled examples of engineering thought.
We would like to discuss the subject within the framework of STS-studies (Science, Technology and Society), a modern trend in social sciences, which deals with the close connection between technical progress and sociocultural processes. We hope such approach will allow us to go beyond linear history and study the genesis, perception and symbolic value of the new technologies in multidimensional perspective.
We offer to discuss the following issues:
  • symbolic value of the new technologies at the palaces;
  • social reception of the new technologies in 18th – early 20th centuries;
  • the system of technology exchange in European culture 18th – early 20th centuries;
  • inventors and scientists at governor’s court;
  • museumification of the engineering constructions of parks and palaces
Scholars from the fields of history, art history, museum studies, and culture studies are welcome to apply. Deadline for submission is 1 February 2020. Please, send your proposals to Proposal should contain an abstract (250 words max), your name, affiliation, position, phone number and email.
No registration fee is required.
Working language is Russian (in case of timely submission of the paper English-Russian translation is possible).
For any further questions regarding the conference please contact Pavel Petrov and Maria Yushmanova:

Quaestio Rossica: т. 7, No 3, 2019: Problema voluminis

Below the overview of the new issue of Quaestio Rossica, with a few interesting articles on HPS. Articles are in OPEN ACCESS, in Russian and English (as indicated by the titles - once you click the title, you will be forwarded to a Russian abstract page, just click "Читать далее" to access the article. All articles have English abstracts. Full issue cn be accessed here: )



Larisa Soboleva, Dmitry Redin, and Tatiana Itskovich
Archives and the Love of Space









Muriel Blaive: Pandemic Power. The Covid Response and the Erosion of Democracy—A Liberal Critique

 Muriel Blaive: Pandemic Power. The Covid Response and the Erosion of Democracy—A Liberal Critique. Budapest: CEU Press 2025. ISBN: 978-963-...