Thursday, 30 September 2021

Studia Historiae Scientiarum Vol. 20 (2021) is online! English and Polish (with English abstracts), open access!



Michał Kokowski, Evolutionary transformation of the journal. Part 8, 13-20

Michał Kokowski, Ewolucyjna transformacja czasopisma. Część 8, 21-28


Katarzyna Wrzesińska, Before the scope of research crystalized, or on the development of human sciences and studies on human races in the second half of the 19th century on the Polish lands, 31-59 (Polish)

Joanna Nowak, At the beginning of the development of modern human sciences and studies on "racial" diversity on the Polish lands, 61-86 (Polish)

Mariusz Chrostek, The groundbreaking achievements of Lviv philologists in the study of Polish Romanticism until 1939, 87-166 (Polish)

 PDF (Język Polski)

Alicja Rafalska-Łasocha, Professor Tadeusz Estreicher (1871–1952), chemist, cryogenic scientist, historian of science, art lover, humanist, translator and patriot, 167-190 (Polish)

Piotr Köhler, Władysław Szafer as a palaeobotanist, 191-212

Łukasz Mścisławski, From the research on the history and legacy of Polish philosophical naturalists in Kiev in 1900–1919. Part 1: Czesław Białobrzeski, 213-235 (Polish)


Vitalii Telvak, Vasyl Pedych, Viktoria Telvak: Historical school of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Lviv: formation, structure, personal contribution, 239-261

Oleh Strelko, Stages of development, improvement and application of equipment for welding in space, created with the participation of Ukrainian scientists, 263-283

Mikhail B. Konashev, Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in Russia and in the USSR: some aspects of translation and publication, 285-315

Sergeĭ S. Demidov, Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin at the crossroads of the dramatic events of the European history of the first half of the 20th century, 317-335


George Borski, Michał Kokowski, Copernicus, his Latin style and comments to Commentariolus, 339-438

Michał Kokowski, Ladislas Natanson and Alfred Landé versus Planck’s law, the Boltzmann-Planck-Natanson statistics and the Bose statistics, 439-507

Michał Kokowski, Władysław Natanson i Alfred Landé a prawo Plancka, statystyka Boltzmanna-Plancka-Natansona oraz statystyka Bosego, 509-567 (Polish)

Radosław Tarkowski, Polish naturalists: Konstanty Jelski, Jan Sztolcman and Jan Kalinowski and their contribution in Peru’s nature research in the second half of the 19th and the earliest of the 20th century, 569–599 (Polish)

Alicja Zemanek, Bogdan Zemanek, Tomasz Głuszak, Marcin Nobis: Józef Warszewicz (1812–1866) and taxonomical history of Warszewiczia coccinea (Vahl) Klotzsch, 601-625


Aleksei Pleshkov, Jan Surman, Book reviews in the history of knowledge, 629-650

Christiaan Engberts, Scholarship, community formation and book reviews: The Literarisches Centralblatt as arena and meeting place, 651-679

Alexander Stoeger, Constructing the persona of the Naturwissenschaftler – German book reviews on galvanism, 681-709

Aleksei Lokhmatov, The academic virtues in public discussion: Adam Schaff and the campaign against the Lvov-Warsaw School in post-war Poland, 711-753

Richard L. Kremer, Ad Maas: A tale of reviews in two history of science journals, 755-785


Csaba Fazekas, The case of “a crow dressed in borrowed feathers”: Debate of the church historians on plagiarism in the 19th-century Hungary, 789-820

Michał Kokowski, Evaluationary (r)evolution of journals in Poland, 821-858 (Polish)


Jafar Taheri, The impacts of architecture and decorative arts on health based on medical sources in the Muslim societies during the medieval era, 861-891


Martina Bečvářová, Stanisław Domoradzki: Mathematics in the interwar period in Central-Eastern Europe. The report on an international research project for the years 2018–2020, 895-937

Michał Kokowski, Report on the activities of the PAU Commission on the History of Science in 2020/202, 939-945

Michał Kokowski, Sprawozdanie Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2020/2021, 947-953 (Polish)

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