Monday, 20 September 2021

Translating 18th- and 19th-Century Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 23rd - 25th September 2021, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Campus Germersheim Online Conference via MS Teams

The conference will take place via Microsoft Teams. If you are interested in attending, please contact: smiltner[at] .

A list of abstracts is here: .

Thursday 23rd September 2021

17.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dilek Dizdar, Dean of the Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz, Campus Germersheim

Alison E. Martin (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

17.15 – 18.30 Keynote 1 – James Secord (Cambridge): Translation and the Transformation of the Sciences around 1800

Friday 24th September 2021

12.00 – 13.30 Session 1: Translation, Nation and Identity

Chair: Andreas Gipper (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Laura Tarkka (Turku): A Physician and a First-Class Writer: The Authorial Persona of J. G. Zimmermann as Communicated by English Translations

Jonathan Topham (Leeds): “Not a Hasty Compilation”: Commercial Journals and the Translation of Scientific Findings in Late Georgian Britain

Alessia Castagnino (Florence): Translating Science in Italy during the Enlightenment. The Reception of Scottish Medical Works

13.30 – 13.45 Tea and Coffee Break

 13.45 – 15.15 Session 2: Translating, Popularising and Disseminating Science

Chair: Caroline Mannweiler (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Ulrich Päßler (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften): Reading and Translating Humboldt’s Papers Today

Carlo Bovolo (Piemonte Orientale): Translating and Popularising: Scientific Translations and “Science for All” Books in Michele Lessona’s Work (1823-1894)

Ruselle Meade (Cardiff): Science for the Public: Intralingual Translation and the Popularization of Science in Mid-19th-Century Japan

15.15 – 15.30 Tea and Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.00 Session 3: Translation, Terminology and Knowledge

Chair: Ulrich Päßler (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)

Pedro Navarro (University of São Paulo): Scientific Nomenclature and Translation: The Case of the Origin of Species and its Translations into Portuguese

Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla (Salamanca) and Carmen Quijada Diez (Oviedo): The Translation of Medical Dictionaries Published in Nineteenth-century Spain and Its Effects on Science Reception as Seen in the Spanish Medical Lexicographic Thesaurus (TELEME)

Janka Kovács (Budapest): “Wouldn’t it be imprudent to conceal the insufficiency of our vernacular?”: Translating Psychological Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Hungary


17.00 – 17.15 Tea and Coffee Break

17.15 – 18.30 Keynote 2 – Mary Orr (St. Andrews): Translating M. et Mme / Mr. and Mrs in 19th-Century Natural Science: The Case of Male Scientific Translators and the Forging of Science by Women

Saturday 25th September 2021

13.45 – 15.15 Session 4: Translation, Style and Self-Styling

Chair: Alison E. Martin (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Anaïs Lewezyk-Janssen (Toulouse), Translation as the Vector of Scientific Dynamism. The Case of Doctor Pinel

Katalin Stráner (Manchester): ‘From London with Love’: Translation and Authorship in Early Hungarian Evolutionary Literature

Brigitte Stenhouse (Open University): Conjuring the ‘Spirit of Laplace’ in the Translations of Mary Somerville (1780-1872)

15.15 – 15.30 Tea and Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.00 Session 5: Translation and Topographies of Scientific Knowledge

Chair: Tilman Sauer (JGU Mainz)

Martina Schneider (JGU Mainz): From China to Europe: On the Role of “Translation” in the History of Mathematics

Sarah Qidwai (Toronto): Sir Syed (1817-1898) and Science: The Place of Polymaths and Popularizers in Nineteenth-Century History of Science

Jan Surman (Prague): Science for the Nation: Translation into Slavic Languages in the Habsburg Empire

17.15 – 18.30 Keynote 3 – Vera Kutzinski (Vanderbilt): Translating Alexander von Humboldt in (for?) the Twenty-First Century

18.35 – 19.00 Final Discussion/Round Table

Chair and Opening Remarks: Bernie Lightman (York, Canada)

Andreas Gipper (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Vera Kutzinski (Vanderbilt)

Alison E. Martin (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Mary Orr (St. Andrews)

Tilman Sauer (JGU Mainz)

James Secord (Cambridge)

1 comment:

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...