Monday, 20 September 2021

Call for Papers, “New Perspectives on Eugenics,” H-Eugenics Twitter Conference, January 31-February 4, 2022, #HNet_Eugenics2022,


Eugenics remains one of the most relevant topics in public forums as well as scholarly publications across disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and medicine. Its past uses and present legacies intersect with a multitude of themes (including but not limited to race, gender, class, and nationality), and its political, social, cultural, and legal repercussions still reverberate in a variety of themes such as disability, the reproductive autonomy of individuals, and developments in new genetic technologies. Such dimensions underscore the significance of continuing to analyze and discuss eugenic thought in practice as well as to examine current issues (including, for example, the recent 2020 Noble Prize in Chemistry for CRISPR gene editing).

We invite proposals for a Twitter conference from all interested academic disciplines covering any aspect of eugenics in the past or the present. We highly encourage doctoral candidates and early career professionals to apply. Proposals for panels consisting of three to four presenters are also welcome. Each proposal needs to contain the following information in a Word or Google doc:

Name and affiliation


Twitter handle

Time zone (the conference will be in Eastern Standard Time)

A 250 word abstract as well as a presentation title

A one tweet abstract of the topic with up to three hashtags

A 100 word bio


If you do not have a Twitter account, you can sign up for one here ( You can find a character counter for the Twitter abstract here ( and information on time zone conversion here ( Conference participants will be sent instructions on how to format and submit their presentations on Twitter.

The working language of the conference is English, although presenters will be more than welcome to tweet their presentation a second time in another language.

All proposals must be submitted to using the subject line “Twitter Conference” no later than October 15, 2021. We intend to announce the conference panels by November 15. Each accepted presentation will need to be between 12-15 tweets. Following the conference, we will ask presenters to submit their tweets for reposting on the H-Eugenics website ( 

If you have any questions, e-mail the H-Eugenics editors at


The H-Eugenics editors

     Amy Carney

     Corinne Doria

     Caitlin Fendley

     Sean Scally

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