Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (12 February 2020)
Centre scientifique de l’Académie polonaise des sciences (13 February 2020)
German-Polish history is an innovative and stimulating field in the history of Central and Eastern Europe and beyond. We propose to reflect the historiographical and memorial challenges that governed the formation of this field as well as the concepts and methods on which it has since been built. They are now the basis for the dynamics of the field, due in particular to its ability to associate different scales of analysis from the local to the global level. Special attention will be paid to the contribution of Polish-German history and other »bi-national« historiographies like Franco-German history to the project of writing European history especially when it comes to the specific approaches forged or adopted by historians in these fields (transfer, shared history, histoire croisée, connected history, entangled history, Zwischenraum).
Partners: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) – Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau (DHI Warschau) – Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (DHIP) – École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris: Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen, Centre Georg Simmel, Centre de recherches historiques – Polska Akademia Nauk, Stacja Naukowa w Paryżu – Université de Lille: Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion – Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
Scientific Committee: Jawad Daheur (CNRS, Paris), Jürgen Finger (DHIP), Maciej Górny (DHI Warschau), Catherine Gousseff (CNRS, Paris), Morgane Labbé (EHESS, Paris), Thomas Serrier (Université de Lille).
Information and reservation:
1st conference day and 1st round table:
2nd conference day and 2nd round table:
Wednesday, 12 February 2020 – Institut historique allemand, 8 rue du Parc-Royal,75003 Paris
13h30 – Meet and Greet
14h00 – Director’s Welcome: Thomas Maissen (DHIP)
14h30 – Varying Scale and Scope: Regional and Local Histories
Moderator: Catherine Gousseff (CNRS, Paris)
James Bjork (King’s College London) – Locating and Scaling Religious Histories
Béatrice von Hirschhausen (CNRS/Géographie–cités) – »Geonarratives«: How to Address Space/Time Dissociation in the Central European Experience
Katja Wezel (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) – Multiethnic Urban Spaces in the Era of Nationalism. The Baltic Region and the Example of Riga
Alexandra Hnatiuk (Uniwersytet Warszawski) – On the Asymmetry of National Narratives: The Case of 20th-Century Polish-Ukrainian Relations
17h00 – Coffee break
17h30 – Round table: How a Research Field Is Institutionalized: Memory, Politics and German-Polish Historiography
Moderator: to be announced
Emmanuelle Hébert (Université catholique de Louvain)
Pavel Kolář (Universität Konstanz)
Peter Oliver Loew (Deutsches Polen-Institut, Darmstadt)
Michael Müller (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
Buffet dinner (for participants)
Thursday, 13 February 2020 – Centre scientifique de l’Académie polonaise des Sciences 74 rue Lauriston, 75116 Paris
9h00 – Director’s Welcome: Maciej Forycki (PAN – Stacja Naukowa w Paryżu)
From Memorialization to the History of Memory: Poland and Germany
Moderator: Thomas Serrier (université de Lille)
Iwona Dadej (Freie Universität Berlin) – Strategien des frauenpolitischen Erinnerns – die Jahre 1928/29 und 2018 in Polen oder: Frauengeschichte als Kulturkampf in der Zweiten und Dritten Republik Polens
Kornelia Kończal (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) – Erinnerungsgeschichte als Beziehungsgeschichte: ein deutsch-polnischer Sonderweg?
Małgorzata Praczyk & Maciej Michalski (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań) – Environmental Memory, Things and the Problem of the Commemoration of German Cultural and Natural Heritage in the Myśla River Region near Kustrin after 1945
Stephan Stach (Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN, Warszawa) – Im Schatten zweier Mauern. Das Jüdische Historische Institut in Warschau und die deutsch-deutsche Holocausterinnerung im Kalten Krieg
11h00 – Coffee break
11h30 – From Imperial to Colonial History of Eastern Europe: Perspectives and Challenges
Moderator: Jawad Daheur (CNRS, Paris)
Claudia Kraft (Universität Wien) – Knowledge – Power – Relations: German-Polish History in (Post-)Colonial Perspective or in a Perspective of the History of Relations
Justyna Turkowska (University of Edinburgh) – Von Akteuren, Objekten und (post)kolonialen Vorstellungswelten: deutsch-polnische Verflechtungsgeschichte über ihre Grenzen hinaus
Martin Schulze Wessel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) – Universalistische und partikularistische Legitimationen von Politik in Deutschland und Polen
13h00 – Lunch buffet (for participants)
14h30 – Transnational History and the Circulation of Scientists and Experts
Moderator: Morgane Labbé (EHESS, Paris)
Maciej Górny (DHI Warschau/PAN) – The Language of Profession: German and Science in East Central Europe
Martin Kohlrausch (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) – Lives and Letters: Reconstructing the Project of Modernism through the Correspondence of Architects. Poland and East Central Europe in the First Half of the 20th Century
Alexei Lokhmatov (Universität zu Köln) – Polish Social Sciences in the European Academic Landscape: The Public Debates on the Genealogy of Sociological Approaches in Post-War Poland (1945–1956)
Katrin Steffen (Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg) – Knowledge on the Move: How the History of Science Contributes to Polish-German (and Global) History
Jan Surman (National Research University: Higher School of Economics, Moscow) – Who is Afraid of Entangled German-Polish History of Scientific Knowledge?
16h30 – Coffee break
17h- Roundtable – Narratives of Europe’s Past: Experiences from
Franco-German and German-Polish Historiography
Moderator: Jürgen Finger (DHIP)
Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Włodzimierz Borodziej (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Mareike König (DHIP)
Michael Werner (EHESS, Paris)