Thursday, 30 September 2021

Studia Historiae Scientiarum Vol. 20 (2021) is online! English and Polish (with English abstracts), open access!



Michał Kokowski, Evolutionary transformation of the journal. Part 8, 13-20

Michał Kokowski, Ewolucyjna transformacja czasopisma. Część 8, 21-28


Katarzyna Wrzesińska, Before the scope of research crystalized, or on the development of human sciences and studies on human races in the second half of the 19th century on the Polish lands, 31-59 (Polish)

Joanna Nowak, At the beginning of the development of modern human sciences and studies on "racial" diversity on the Polish lands, 61-86 (Polish)

Mariusz Chrostek, The groundbreaking achievements of Lviv philologists in the study of Polish Romanticism until 1939, 87-166 (Polish)

 PDF (Język Polski)

Alicja Rafalska-Łasocha, Professor Tadeusz Estreicher (1871–1952), chemist, cryogenic scientist, historian of science, art lover, humanist, translator and patriot, 167-190 (Polish)

Piotr Köhler, Władysław Szafer as a palaeobotanist, 191-212

Łukasz Mścisławski, From the research on the history and legacy of Polish philosophical naturalists in Kiev in 1900–1919. Part 1: Czesław Białobrzeski, 213-235 (Polish)


Vitalii Telvak, Vasyl Pedych, Viktoria Telvak: Historical school of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Lviv: formation, structure, personal contribution, 239-261

Oleh Strelko, Stages of development, improvement and application of equipment for welding in space, created with the participation of Ukrainian scientists, 263-283

Mikhail B. Konashev, Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in Russia and in the USSR: some aspects of translation and publication, 285-315

Sergeĭ S. Demidov, Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin at the crossroads of the dramatic events of the European history of the first half of the 20th century, 317-335


George Borski, Michał Kokowski, Copernicus, his Latin style and comments to Commentariolus, 339-438

Michał Kokowski, Ladislas Natanson and Alfred Landé versus Planck’s law, the Boltzmann-Planck-Natanson statistics and the Bose statistics, 439-507

Michał Kokowski, Władysław Natanson i Alfred Landé a prawo Plancka, statystyka Boltzmanna-Plancka-Natansona oraz statystyka Bosego, 509-567 (Polish)

Radosław Tarkowski, Polish naturalists: Konstanty Jelski, Jan Sztolcman and Jan Kalinowski and their contribution in Peru’s nature research in the second half of the 19th and the earliest of the 20th century, 569–599 (Polish)

Alicja Zemanek, Bogdan Zemanek, Tomasz Głuszak, Marcin Nobis: Józef Warszewicz (1812–1866) and taxonomical history of Warszewiczia coccinea (Vahl) Klotzsch, 601-625


Aleksei Pleshkov, Jan Surman, Book reviews in the history of knowledge, 629-650

Christiaan Engberts, Scholarship, community formation and book reviews: The Literarisches Centralblatt as arena and meeting place, 651-679

Alexander Stoeger, Constructing the persona of the Naturwissenschaftler – German book reviews on galvanism, 681-709

Aleksei Lokhmatov, The academic virtues in public discussion: Adam Schaff and the campaign against the Lvov-Warsaw School in post-war Poland, 711-753

Richard L. Kremer, Ad Maas: A tale of reviews in two history of science journals, 755-785


Csaba Fazekas, The case of “a crow dressed in borrowed feathers”: Debate of the church historians on plagiarism in the 19th-century Hungary, 789-820

Michał Kokowski, Evaluationary (r)evolution of journals in Poland, 821-858 (Polish)


Jafar Taheri, The impacts of architecture and decorative arts on health based on medical sources in the Muslim societies during the medieval era, 861-891


Martina Bečvářová, Stanisław Domoradzki: Mathematics in the interwar period in Central-Eastern Europe. The report on an international research project for the years 2018–2020, 895-937

Michał Kokowski, Report on the activities of the PAU Commission on the History of Science in 2020/202, 939-945

Michał Kokowski, Sprawozdanie Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2020/2021, 947-953 (Polish)

Gábor Demeter/Zsolt Bottlik: Maps in the Service of the Nation. The Role of Ethnic Mapping in Nation-Building and Its Influence on Political Decision-Making Across the Balkan Peninsula (1840–1914). Berlin: Frank&Timme 2021. ISBN: 978-3-7329-0665-9 (open access)



The authors seek to answer whether the ethnic maps of the Balkan Peninsula created between 1840 and 1914 can be considered scientific products, or whether these maps were merely tools that served the political goals of the Balkan nation states and the regional agenda of the Great Powers. Despite evident methodological progress, maps were often contradictory indicating that propaganda purposes played an important role during their preparation.

The book investigates (1) the discrepancy between statistical data and their visualization on maps; (2) the reliability of Ottoman statistics and their Western and Balkan interpretations; (3) the adequacy of applied visualization techniques; and (4) the difference between the quality and content of maps created for the public and those created for political decision-makers. The authors apply interdisciplinary methods to deconstruct approximately one hundred maps analysing their background data, visualization techniques, and intentions behind the maps. Then, they redraw fifty maps with unified categories and scaling to promote comparison applying a different visualization technique.

The Authors

Gábor Demeter is Senior Researcher at the Eötvös Loránd Research Centre, Institute of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He holds a PhD in History and Earth Sciences and works on the social, economic, and diplomatic history of Austria-Hungary and the Balkan Peninsula in the 19th century.

Zsolt Bottlik is Associate Professor at the Eötvös-Loránd-University, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Budapest. He mainly focuses on ethnic and religious problems of the Balkan and Post-Soviet regions.


Anna Brożek, Marcin Będkowski, Alicja Chybińska, Stepan Ivanyk, Dominik Traczykowski: Anti-irrationalism. Philosophical Methods in the Lvov-Warsaw School. Warsaw: Semper 2021. ISBN 978-83-7507-301-0


Table of Contents:

The book is a result of a project completed by the authors entitled “Philosophy from the methodological point of view. The condition and perspectives of philosophy in light of the paradigm of the Lvov-Warsaw School”. One of the aims of the project was to reconstruct the methodological paradigm of the Lvov-Warsaw School (further: LWS). The present book constitutes such a reconstruction.

The term “anti-irrationalism”, which appears in the title of this book and which was invented by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, reflects to the greatest degree the methodological ideals of the LWS. Usually, two such ideals are mentioned: clarity and criticism, as presented in the postulates of clarity of speech and justification of theses. Of course, these ideas and respective postulates have to be supplemented by the ideal of cooperation and the postulate of diligent exchange of ideas

Monday, 27 September 2021

Wojciech Piasek: The ethnography of historiography developed in the Polish People’s Republic: a historiographic and methodological case study of Karol Górski. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2021. ISBN: 978-83-231-4609-4


The ethnography of historiography developed in communist Poland is a consequence of the ‘anthropological turn’ in historiographic and methodological studies and an aspect of the ethnography of modern thought in the field of history. This is a proposal of an anthropological view of history as a field of culture. The ethnography of modern thought in the field of history combines reflections classically preserved for the history of historiography, methodology of history and cultural anthropology. Dealing with the case of Górski and reconstructing his vision of the world and man allows for an interpretive reconstruction of the cultural ‘piece’ of historiography developed in the Polish People’s Republic and sketching a fragment of its ‘cartographic image’ and diagnosis. The diagnosis concerns the phenomenon of anthropologising history, whose local variants can be observed in historiography developed in communist Poland.

Wojciech Piasek is a professor at the Institute of History and Archives of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. From 1990 to 1995, he studied at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Nicolaus Copernicus University (an individual study programme in the field of ethnoarchaeology). From 1992 to 1996, he studied history at the Institute of History and Archives of Nicolaus Copernicus University. His research interests include the ethnography of contemporary thought in the field of history and non-academic forms of history.


Introduction: The ethnography of historiography developed in the Polish People’s Republic / 9

Chapter 1

‘Being there’

1.1. Górski’s methodological reflection between the wars and during his stay in a prisoner-of-war camp / 31

1.2. Post-war methodological reflection / 37

1.2.1. Immanently historical interpretation / 40

1.2.2. Transcendent interpretation of history / 55

1.2.3. Truth in history / 59

Chapter 2

‘Being here’

2.1. The time between the wars: The Second Polish Republic / 61

2.1.1. Revival movement: Thomism and personalism / 61

2.1.2. Building a new Christian cultural order / 72 The crisis in contemporary culture and overcoming it / 74 A new historical ideal of Christian culture / 77 A new ideal of man / 79 A person and an individual / 80 Man and society / 86

2.1.3. A modern ideal of Christian culture / 89

2.2. Post-war: The Polish People’s Republic / 91

Chapter 3


3.1. Koinologia and philosophy / 106

3.2. Koinologia and research practice: sociological and anthropological turn / 113

3.2.1. Koinologia and sociology: ‘a sociological point of view in history’ / 115

3.2.2. Koinologia and cultural anthropology / 119

3.3. Studying small closed communities: a transcendent interpretation of history / 127

3.4. Cultural climate / 135

Chapter 4

History as the history of divine grace

4.1. The theological foundation of culture and its history / 145

4.2. Research on Christianity in Poland as a study of personal and social attitudes to God / 150

Chapter 5

The case of Karol Górski on the cultural map of historiography developed in the Polish People’s Republic and its diagnosis

5.1. The place of Karol Górski’s historical writing on the cultural map of historiography developed in communist Poland / 169

5.1.1. The non-scientistic direction of the modernisation of Polish historiography / 170

5.1.2. The scientistic and non-scientistic anthropologisation of Polish historiography / 179

5.2. Anthropologising history: a diagnosis of Karol Górski’s case / 183

5.2.1. The sensitising concept of anthropologising history / 184

5.2.2. Diagnosing Karol Górski’s case: developing the sensitising concept of anthropologising history / 190

Conclusions / 193

Biographical timeline of Karol Górski / 197

List of sources and literature / 205

Name Index / 221

Call for papers: International online conference Women Philosophers and Russia, August 29-31, 2022, Deadline: January, 15 2022

This conference follows in the footsteps of recent reevaluations of the epistemological foundations of scholarship in the history of philosophy, including regarding the guiding names and texts that comprise its canon. In particular, we are interested in raising and reevaluating questions regarding women philosophers and their role(s) in philosophy in Russia. We are also interested in addressing the very idea of “women philosophers”: Why has the discipline of philosophy in Russia been so reluctant to take up this question? What is lost and what is gained by looking specifically at the contributions of women to the field? Here we understand “Russia” in a very broad sense of the term (a place, a language, a culture, an intellectual tradition), so as to include thinkers living within Russia, the former Russian Empire, and Soviet/post-Soviet space, as well as those thinkers living elsewhere but writing in Russian and/or engaging with or connected to Russian-language sources/traditions in some way. 

Full version of CFP:


Alyssa DeBlasio, Associate Professor and John B. Parsons Chair in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dickinson College (USA)

Oksana Goncharko, Associate Professor, ITMO University, and researcher, Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Tatiana Levina, Fellow of The Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) (Essen, Germany)

Poletayev Readings X: Future(s) of Theories

Poletayev Readings is an annual conference of the Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities dedicated to the memory of the Institute's founder Andrey Poletaev.

The Poletaev Readings in 2020 are the tenth and ‘anniversary’ conference for IGITI.

Realizing the solemnity of the moment, we decided to focus our discussion not on traditional topics related to the history and theory of the human and social sciences but on the multiple futures of theoretical knowledge.

Thus, together with our speakers, we propose to discuss what is the future of theory in the epoch of big data, how we can talk about academic ethics and more broadly — the moral economy of the future university, finally, what the public history of the digital era prepares for the past.

The proposed topics are related to the upcoming projects of IGITI, and therefore we look forward to a fruitful start of a conversation with interested researchers, teachers, and students.

The conference will be held online. Please fill in the registration form to receive the Zoom link -

Please, contact Andrei Ilyin if you have any questions:

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Paweł Dybel: Psychoanaliza – ziemia obiecana? Dzieje psychoanalizy w Polsce międzywojnia (1918-1939) [Psychoanalysis - The Promised Land. History of Psychoanalysis in Poland in the Interwar Period]. Część II: Między nadzieją i rozpaczą. Kraków: Uniwersytas 2021. ISBN: 978-83-242-3732-6


Opis książki:

W naszych środowiskach naukowych dominuje pogląd, jakoby wpływ psychoanalizy na polską naukę i literaturę w okresie międzywojnia zaznaczył się bardzo słabo. W książce tej wykazuję, że jest to typowy przesąd,  utrzymujący się po dziś dzień siłą inercji, którego podstawą był brak solidnych badań w tym zakresie. Omawiam w niej szereg interesujących artykułów i książek autorów inspirujących się teoriami Freuda i Adlera, opublikowanych w latach 1918–1939. O wielu z tych prac nikt do tej pory nie pisał  – jak o rozprawach Bornsztajna, Bychowskiego i Bilikiewicza o kobiecej seksualności, artykule Bychowskiego o antysemityzmie i o jego książce Metaphysik und Schizophrenie czy o artykułach Mateckiego o pacjentach-chasydach i freudowskim pojęciu popędu śmierci. Inne prace, znane już polskiemu czytelnikowi z rozpraw Bartłomieja Dobroczyńskiego czy Leny Magnone, zostały poddane daleko idącej reinterpretacji. Omawiając dorobek czołowych rodzimych przedstawicieli nurtu w psychiatrii i psychoterapii, pedagogice i literaturoznawstwie, gdzie zaznaczył się on najwyraźniej, wskazuję na istotną rolę, jaką odegrały w nim inspiracje psychoanalityczne. Kładę w książce nacisk na podejmowane przez zwolenników nurtu roszczenia emancypacyjne w odniesieniu do tradycyjnych form społecznego samorozumienia. Wskazuję na rysujące się w ich pracach nowe podejście do kwestii związanych z seksualnością, do przejawów popędu agresji w postaci ksenofobii i antysemityzmu, na promowanie nowatorskich, mniej represyjnych niż tradycyjne, modeli wychowania dzieci, na nowe modele interpretacji dzieł literackich itp. Jakkolwiek we wszystkich wspomnianych dyscyplinach naukowych nurt psychoanalityczny nie był dominujący, to jednak wyraźnie zaznaczył w nich swoją obecność. Teoriami Freuda, Adlera i Junga inspirowali się u nas głównie badacze i lekarze pochodzenia żydowskiego, niestety niemal wszyscy z nich zostali wymordowani w czasach Zagłady. Nielicznym tylko udało się wyemigrować (Bychowski, Segal) lub szczęśliwie ocaleć (Markuszewicz, Bornsztajn). W rezultacie od 1945 roku nurt psychoanalityczny przestał istnieć w naszej nauce i w praktyce klinicznej aż po lata 60. Omawiając i interpretując w książce najciekawsze rozprawy czołowych przedstawicieli nurtu, wykazuję, jak dalece są one w wielu aspektach aktualne. Wychodzą w zdumiewający sposób naprzeciw problemom czasu dzisiejszego, stanowiąc dla nas często prawdziwe wyzwanie. Odczytując je dzisiaj na nowo, ma się nieodparte wrażenie, że obcuje się z żywą, przemawiającą wieloma głosami tradycją.

Paweł Dybel, profesor w Instytucie Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, stypendysta Fundacji Alexandra von Humboldta, DAAD, DFG, The Mellon Foundation i innych. Prowadził wykłady i seminaria na uniwersytetach w Bremie, Berlinie, Londynie i Buffalo. Członek międzynarodowej Rady Naukowej Sigmund Freud Institut we Frankfurcie nad Menem. Trzykrotnie nominowany do Nagrody im. J. Długosza. Główne pola badawcze: hermeneutyka, fenomenologia, antropologia filozoficzna, poststrukturalizm, teoria psychoanalizy, teoria literatury. Publikacje (wybór): Granice rozumienia i interpretacji. O hermeneutyce H.G. Gadamera (Kraków 2004); Okruchy psychoanalizy (Kraków 2007), Dylematy demokracji (Kraków 2015); Psychoanalytische Brocken. Philosophische Essays (Würzburg 1916); Mesjasz, który odszedł. Bruno Schulz i psychoanaliza (Kraków 2017); Ziemscy, słowni cieleśni. O polskich poetach współczesnych (Mikołów 2019); Psychoanalysis – the Promised Land? (London, N.Y, Frankfurt am Main 2018); Nieświadome na scenie. Witkacy i psychoanaliza (Kraków 2020); Rozum i nieświadome. Filozoficzne eseje o psychoanalizie (Kraków 2020).

Agnieszka Sobolewska: Autoekonomie zapisu Juliana Ochorowicza. Codzienne praktyki piśmienne i badawcze psychologa [Julian Ochorowicz's Self-Economies of Writing. Everyday Writing and Research Practices of the Psychologist]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UJ 2021. ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-235-5112-6


[polski ponizej]

The book is the first attempt to comprehensively examine and describe the daily writing practices of a Polish psychologist Julian Ochorowicz (1850-1917). More than one hundred notebooks of the scientist, now stored in the archives of the library of the Ossoliński Institute in Wrocław, constitute an extraordinary and so far unexplored source of knowledge about his intimate writing practices. The author proves that the method of introspection, crucial for the psychologist and understood as constantly repeated turning towards oneself, made it possible for Ochorowicz to choose his own research path and, consequently, to abandon the well-trodden paths of scientific development.


ToC/Spis Tresci -


Książka jest pierwszą próbą całościowego zbadania i opisania codziennych praktyk piśmiennych polskiego psychologa Juliana Ochorowicza (1850-1917). Ponad sto zeszytów i notatników osobistych uczonego, dziś przechowywanych w archiwach biblioteki Zakładu im. Ossolińskich we Wrocławiu, stanowi niezwykłe i dotychczas niezbadane źródło wiedzy o intymnych praktykach piśmiennych autora Jak należy badać duszę? Autorka dowodzi, że kluczowa dla psychologa metoda introspekcji, rozumiana jako ciągle ponawiane zwracanie się ku sobie, umożliwiła Ochorowiczowi wybór własnej drogi badawczej, a co za tym idzie – rezygnację z przetartych ścieżek rozwoju naukowego.

3rd international conference Medical Review Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire, 4–9 October 2021

 We would like to invite you to take part in the 3rd international conference Medical Review Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire, which will take place on 4–9 October 2021. This year, due to the pandemic situation, the conference is organized online, with open access to the presentations provided at Next year we hope—and plan—to meet you again at the live event in Kraków.

The aim of the conference is to educate the world’s medical community about the violations of medical ethics during the Second World War, with special focus on the behaviour of physicians and other medical professionals in Nazi medical institutions and concentration camps or other places of imprisonment, and the ethical implications of Nazi medicine for contemporary medical practice and healthcare policy.

The conference is part of the Medical Review Auschwitz project, developed with the aim of sharing with the international community the unique scientific documents published over 31 years (1961–1991) in the medical journal Przegląd Lekarski – Oświęcim (Medical Review – Auschwitz). Articles from this journal are being successively translated into English and made available at

We hope that this conference will make a significant contribution to further the understanding of the dark history of Nazi medicine in Nazi German concentration camps and help the international community draw a lesson for future generations.

We look forward to meeting you in virtual space in October 2021.

Conference website:

Monday, 20 September 2021

Iwona Janicka: Sina śmierć z Azji. Epidemie cholery w północno-zachodnich guberniach Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego [Blue Death from Asia: Cholera Epidemics in Western Governorates of the Russian Empire. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo UG 2021


Tematyka epidemii cholery była już wielokrotnie podejmowana tak przez lekarzy, jak i historyków medycyny. Mimo to nadal kryje w sobie wiele wątków i zagadnień, które czekają na pogłębione opracowanie. Niniejsza monografia pod wieloma względami wypełnia to zadanie. Skoncentrowano się w niej na terenach sześciu litewskich i białoruskich guberni, przez które w ciągu XIX wieku przeszły cztery pandemie cholery, zbierając tu potężne żniwo w postaci setek tysięcy ludzkich istnień. Przedstawienie statystycznej strony działania tej zaraźliwej choroby jest jednym z walorów książki. Autorka czyni nowe ustalenia w tym zakresie, koryguje dotychczasowe, pokazuje trudności, z jakimi borykała się podczas zbierania danych. Prezentuje, w jaki sposób w czasie epidemii tworzono system opieki nad zdrowiem publicznym, z jakich elementów się on składał, jak funkcjonował, jakie były jego niedostatki. Przedstawiono tu również mało w sumie znane kwestie działania kordonów sanitarno-wojskowych oraz kwarantann. Działania podejmowane przez rosyjskie władze w tej materii porównano z tymi, jakie przeprowadzano w tym czasie w innych krajach europejskich, a także na wspólnej, międzynarodowej arenie. Walorem publikacji, oprócz szerokiego tła i licznych opisanych zagadnień, jest też jej strona graficzna – zamieszczone mapy, zdjęcia, plany, karykatury i aneksy. Praca nad książką trwała kilka lat i jak napisał w swojej recenzji prof. dr hab. Adam Szarszewski z Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego:

Jest to cenna i dobrze udokumentowana źródłowo monografia, wpisująca się w nurt badań interdyscyplinarnych szeroko rozumianego zdrowia publicznego nad zjawiskami choroby w jej wymiarze populacyjnym. Autorka przedstawia zarówno rozwój koncepcji pochodzenia cholery, przebieg poszczególnych pandemii, statystykę zachorowań i zgonów, jak i podejmowane działania przeciwepidemiczne, wynikające z rozmaitych poglądów etiologicznych choroby na przykładzie północno-zachodnich guberni Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego w XIX wieku. Koncepcja rozprawy jest spójna i została konsekwentnie zrealizowana. Stanowi przykład klasycznej monografii historycznej, ujmującej badane zagadnienie całościowo, w oparciu o dane szczegółowe.

Call for Papers, “New Perspectives on Eugenics,” H-Eugenics Twitter Conference, January 31-February 4, 2022, #HNet_Eugenics2022,


Eugenics remains one of the most relevant topics in public forums as well as scholarly publications across disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and medicine. Its past uses and present legacies intersect with a multitude of themes (including but not limited to race, gender, class, and nationality), and its political, social, cultural, and legal repercussions still reverberate in a variety of themes such as disability, the reproductive autonomy of individuals, and developments in new genetic technologies. Such dimensions underscore the significance of continuing to analyze and discuss eugenic thought in practice as well as to examine current issues (including, for example, the recent 2020 Noble Prize in Chemistry for CRISPR gene editing).

We invite proposals for a Twitter conference from all interested academic disciplines covering any aspect of eugenics in the past or the present. We highly encourage doctoral candidates and early career professionals to apply. Proposals for panels consisting of three to four presenters are also welcome. Each proposal needs to contain the following information in a Word or Google doc:

Name and affiliation


Twitter handle

Time zone (the conference will be in Eastern Standard Time)

A 250 word abstract as well as a presentation title

A one tweet abstract of the topic with up to three hashtags

A 100 word bio


If you do not have a Twitter account, you can sign up for one here ( You can find a character counter for the Twitter abstract here ( and information on time zone conversion here ( Conference participants will be sent instructions on how to format and submit their presentations on Twitter.

The working language of the conference is English, although presenters will be more than welcome to tweet their presentation a second time in another language.

All proposals must be submitted to using the subject line “Twitter Conference” no later than October 15, 2021. We intend to announce the conference panels by November 15. Each accepted presentation will need to be between 12-15 tweets. Following the conference, we will ask presenters to submit their tweets for reposting on the H-Eugenics website ( 

If you have any questions, e-mail the H-Eugenics editors at


The H-Eugenics editors

     Amy Carney

     Corinne Doria

     Caitlin Fendley

     Sean Scally

Translating 18th- and 19th-Century Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 23rd - 25th September 2021, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Campus Germersheim Online Conference via MS Teams

The conference will take place via Microsoft Teams. If you are interested in attending, please contact: smiltner[at] .

A list of abstracts is here: .

Thursday 23rd September 2021

17.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dilek Dizdar, Dean of the Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz, Campus Germersheim

Alison E. Martin (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

17.15 – 18.30 Keynote 1 – James Secord (Cambridge): Translation and the Transformation of the Sciences around 1800

Friday 24th September 2021

12.00 – 13.30 Session 1: Translation, Nation and Identity

Chair: Andreas Gipper (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Laura Tarkka (Turku): A Physician and a First-Class Writer: The Authorial Persona of J. G. Zimmermann as Communicated by English Translations

Jonathan Topham (Leeds): “Not a Hasty Compilation”: Commercial Journals and the Translation of Scientific Findings in Late Georgian Britain

Alessia Castagnino (Florence): Translating Science in Italy during the Enlightenment. The Reception of Scottish Medical Works

13.30 – 13.45 Tea and Coffee Break

 13.45 – 15.15 Session 2: Translating, Popularising and Disseminating Science

Chair: Caroline Mannweiler (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Ulrich Päßler (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften): Reading and Translating Humboldt’s Papers Today

Carlo Bovolo (Piemonte Orientale): Translating and Popularising: Scientific Translations and “Science for All” Books in Michele Lessona’s Work (1823-1894)

Ruselle Meade (Cardiff): Science for the Public: Intralingual Translation and the Popularization of Science in Mid-19th-Century Japan

15.15 – 15.30 Tea and Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.00 Session 3: Translation, Terminology and Knowledge

Chair: Ulrich Päßler (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)

Pedro Navarro (University of São Paulo): Scientific Nomenclature and Translation: The Case of the Origin of Species and its Translations into Portuguese

Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla (Salamanca) and Carmen Quijada Diez (Oviedo): The Translation of Medical Dictionaries Published in Nineteenth-century Spain and Its Effects on Science Reception as Seen in the Spanish Medical Lexicographic Thesaurus (TELEME)

Janka Kovács (Budapest): “Wouldn’t it be imprudent to conceal the insufficiency of our vernacular?”: Translating Psychological Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Hungary


17.00 – 17.15 Tea and Coffee Break

17.15 – 18.30 Keynote 2 – Mary Orr (St. Andrews): Translating M. et Mme / Mr. and Mrs in 19th-Century Natural Science: The Case of Male Scientific Translators and the Forging of Science by Women

Saturday 25th September 2021

13.45 – 15.15 Session 4: Translation, Style and Self-Styling

Chair: Alison E. Martin (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Anaïs Lewezyk-Janssen (Toulouse), Translation as the Vector of Scientific Dynamism. The Case of Doctor Pinel

Katalin Stráner (Manchester): ‘From London with Love’: Translation and Authorship in Early Hungarian Evolutionary Literature

Brigitte Stenhouse (Open University): Conjuring the ‘Spirit of Laplace’ in the Translations of Mary Somerville (1780-1872)

15.15 – 15.30 Tea and Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.00 Session 5: Translation and Topographies of Scientific Knowledge

Chair: Tilman Sauer (JGU Mainz)

Martina Schneider (JGU Mainz): From China to Europe: On the Role of “Translation” in the History of Mathematics

Sarah Qidwai (Toronto): Sir Syed (1817-1898) and Science: The Place of Polymaths and Popularizers in Nineteenth-Century History of Science

Jan Surman (Prague): Science for the Nation: Translation into Slavic Languages in the Habsburg Empire

17.15 – 18.30 Keynote 3 – Vera Kutzinski (Vanderbilt): Translating Alexander von Humboldt in (for?) the Twenty-First Century

18.35 – 19.00 Final Discussion/Round Table

Chair and Opening Remarks: Bernie Lightman (York, Canada)

Andreas Gipper (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Vera Kutzinski (Vanderbilt)

Alison E. Martin (JGU Mainz/Germersheim)

Mary Orr (St. Andrews)

Tilman Sauer (JGU Mainz)

James Secord (Cambridge)

Thursday, 16 September 2021

online event by The Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia: On Soviet Occidentalism, Empire, and Modernity (with Volodymyr Ryzhkovskyi) September 30, 21:00 CET / 22:00 MSK / 15:00 EST

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, “empire” and “modernity” have been proposed as particularly useful frameworks for the comparatively oriented and globally relevant research on Russia and the Soviet Union. Surprisingly enough, there was little exchange and cross-traffic between these two major clusters of innovation in the field of Russian and Soviet studies. By introducing the concept of Soviet Occidentalism, the talk aims to demonstrate the productivity of staging the encounter between the analytical paradigms of “empire” and “modernity,” while highlighting the potential of postcolonial and decolonial perspectives in doing so.

Vladimir Ryzhkovskyi, current Jordan Center Postdoctoral Fellow, studied Russian, Soviet and East European history in Ukraine, Russia, and the US, where he recently earned a PhD from Georgetown University. By foregrounding the link between empire, culture, and knowledge, Ryzhkovskyi’s research probes the place of Russia and the Soviet Union within global history, particularly in relation to forms of Western imperialism and colonialism. His current book project, Soviet Occidentalism: Medieval Studies and the Restructuring of Imperial Knowledge in Twentieth-Century Russia, explores the twentieth-century history of medieval studies in late imperial and Soviet Russia as a model for demonstrating the crucial importance of Soviet appropriation of Western culture and knowledge in the post-revolutionary reconstituting and maintaining the empire following 1917. In addition to pursuing the imperial and postcolonial theme in the history of Soviet modernity, Ryzhkovskyi has published articles and essays on the history of late imperial and Soviet education, the history of late Soviet intelligentsia, and Soviet philosophy. A volume of unpublished writings by the Soviet historian and philosopher Boris Porshnev, co-edited with Artemy Magun, is forthcoming from the European University Press in 2021.

This event will be held virtually as a Zoom meeting for non-NYU affiliates. NYU affiliates my attend the event in person at the Jordan Center. More details:

M. Ciesielska, P. Jarnicki: Ludwik Fleck – mikrobiolog i filozof [Ludwik Fleck - Microbiologist and Philosopher], Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej 2021. ISBN 978-83-8156-251-5


Spis treści

Wstęp. 9

Rozdział 1. Życiorys.11

Rozdział 2. Mikrobiolog i serolog . 19

1914–1919 .20

1919–1939 .23

  Pierwsze prace z zakresu serologii ogólnej i serologii duru   plamistego.23

  Prace z zakresu proteinoterapii. 27

  Dalsze prace nad serologią duru plamistego. Opracowanie próby egzantynowej .30

  Prace nad etiologią chorób skóry .36

  Prace z zakresu mikrobiologii lekarskiej i dalsze obserwacje z zakresu serologii ogólnej.

  Aktywność Ludwika Flecka w obszarze organizacji pracy laboratoriów analitycznych. 38

  Prace z zakresu organizacji służby zdrowia. 43

  Prace z zakresu hematologii. 51

1939–1945 . 56

1945–1961 . 62


 Prace nad szczepionką ANABAC-70

Rozdział 3. Filozof nauki.76

 Periodyzacja twórczości filozoficznej . 77

 Teoria stylów i kolektywów myślowych .78

 Struktura kolektywu myślowego, rodzaje wiedzy, od myśli do istnienia .79

 Od awiza oporu do przymusu myślowego . 80

 Nastrój jako warunek powstania kolektywu i stylu myślowego . 82

 Gotowość widzenia i pogotowie myślowe. 84

 Problematyka tłumaczeń dwujęzycznej spuścizny. 85

 Lektura Flecka przez Kuhna czy Kuhna przez Flecka?. 91

Rozdział 4. Materiał na kilka filmów .104

Zakończenie .111

Monday, 13 September 2021

Friedrich Cain: Wissen im Untergrund. Praxis und Politik klandestiner Forschung im besetzten Polen (1939–1945) [Knowledge in the Underground. Practices and Politics of Clandestine Research in Occupied Poland (1939–1945)]. Heidelberg: Mohr Siebeck 2021. ISBN 978-3-16-158905-8


[Deutsch unten]

Published in German.

Scientific research is bound to particular locations, times and practices. So what happens when its usual arsenal of instruments, books and technical equipment is disbanded? Friedrich Cain takes the case of Polish researchers working undercover during the German occupation of 1939–1945 to answer this question. Picking up on the socioscientific gaze that focussed itself on war-time conditions for Warsaw's inhabitants and society, he analyses the experimental systems of typhus fever research in Lemberg and a secret study on hunger in the Warsaw Ghetto, before describing attempts to organise research in physics. Thus revealed by the author is how practices and processes in the 'laboratory situation of war' were either replaced, reconfigured or energised, as well as the extent to which ideas of scientific neutrality were politicized.


Während der deutschen Besatzung zwischen 1939 und 1945 wandten sich polnische Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler gegen die Schließung von Bildungseinrichtungen und forschten in nahezu allen Disziplinen heimlich und im Verborgenen. Friedrich Cain zeigt, wie Praktiken und Abläufe in der 'Laborsituation des Krieges' ersetzt, neu eingerichtet oder dynamisiert wurden und wie stark Programme wissenschaftlicher Neutralität mit politischen Agenden in Einklang gebracht werden mussten.


Friedrich Cain Geboren 1985; Studium der Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften in Halle/Saale, Bremen und Konstanz mit Auslandsaufenthalten in Krakau und Berkeley; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Konstanz (2011–16) und am Max-Weber-Kolleg der Universität Erfurt (seit 2016); 2018 Promotion (Konstanz).

Medycyna Nowożytna/Modern medicine,Vol. 27 (2021) Issue 1 (OPEN ACCESS; English and Polish, with English abstracts)




Maria Nowacka – Milton J. Rosenau (1869–1946) i strategia zarządzania lękiem w sferze zdrowia publicznego . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Maria Joanna Turos – Walki o Warszawę 6–7 IX 1831 r. oczami medyków widziane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Anna Głusiuk – De regimine infantis – opieka nad dzieckiem w średniowiecznej Italii na podstawie Ad mulieres Ferrarienses de regimine pregnantium et noviter natorum usque ad septennium Michała Savonaroli. . . . 63

Z archiwów, bibliotek i muzeów Katarzyna Pękacka-Falkowska – Nathanael Jacob Gerlach i Christian Gabriel Fischer w Północnych Niderlandach: zapomniane źródło do dziejów medycyny i przyrodoznawstwa w Zjednoczonych Prowincjach późnych lat 20. XVIII w. – część II . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Bożena Płonka-Syroka – Wybrane kolekcje historyczne z zakresu historii medycyny i farmacji we współczesnych zbiorach muzealnych i bibliotekach naukowych Stambułu – część pierwsza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101


Zbigniew Kopciński, Krzysztof Kopciński, Szpital wojskowy w Równem w latach 1919–1939, wyd. PWSZ, Głogów 2020, ss. 529, rec. Bożena Urbanek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Romana M. Bahry, Forgotten Chemist of Łańcut & Pioneer of Probiotics. Zapomniany Aptekarz Miasta Łańcuta i naukowiec – pionier probiotyki, Wyd. York University Press Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Toronto 2018, ss. 346, 100 fotografi i i fotokopii dokumentów, rec. Lidia Maria Czyż . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139

Jacek Dobrowolski, Uwagi do biografi i prof. Teodora Opęchowskiego – na marginesie artykułu I. Robak, T. Strogosz, Polski ślad w dziejach Wydziału Lekarskiego Imperatorskiego Uniwersytetu Charkowskiego: profesor Teodor Opęchowski (1853–1914), „Medycyna Nowożytna – Studia nad Kulturą Medyczną” 2017, t. 23, z. 1, s. 141–151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Igor Robak, Tadeusz Srogosz, Odpowiedź na list Pana Jacka Dobrowolskiego w związku z uwagami do biografi i prof. Teodora Opęchowskiego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147

Z życia naukowego

Iwona Arabas, Innowacje w rolnictwie – tradycje i współczesność. Pamięci księżnej Anny z Sapiehów Jabłonowskiej – sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji z okazji 220. rocznicy śmierci księżnej

Anny Jabłonowskiej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Autorzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Instrukcje dla autorów . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Procedura recenzowania prac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Warunki prenumeraty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

call for papers: History of Psychology and the Sciences of the Human Mind, online, 17.03.2022 - 18.03.2022. Deadline 15.10.2021


The objective of the workshop is to discuss drafts for journal articles, chapters for master theses, dissertations or book projects. We invite experts in the history of the human sciences to join us to discuss these drafts.

History of Psychology and the Sciences of the Human Mind

In cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin and the Erfurt Chair for the History of Science, the German Forum for the History of Human Sciences is organizing its fifth workshop for ongoing projects on the history of psychology and other disciplines conducting research on the human mind (anthropology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, phrenology, etc.). We are open to all contributions in the subject area, regardless of their epochal or regional focus. The objective of the workshop is to discuss drafts for journal articles, chapters for master theses, dissertations or book projects. We invite experts in the history of the human sciences to join us to discuss these drafts.

Interested scholars at all stages of their career are encouraged to submit abstracts and a short CV by October 15, 2021. Manuscripts of accepted abstracts will be presented briefly by other participants during the workshop, and discussed with the support of subject matter experts. To allow for a reasonable reading time, accepted texts should be submitted by February 15, 2022.

The workshop will be held online on March 17 and 18, 2022, and will provide one hour of discussion time for each manuscript. The presentation of the texts will be kept short to allow adequate time for discussion.

The Forum for the History of the Human Sciences was founded in Berlin in June 2016 and aims to promote long-term exchange among scholars working on the history of human sciences. While we have focused on German-speaking academia in recent years, we are excited to take advantage of the newly-established practice of videoconferencing to host this unconventional international workshop.

For questions about the workshop or the German Forum for the History of the Human Sciences please contact Laurens Schlicht ( or Verena Lehmbrock (

Thursday, 9 September 2021

online event: Scales, Norms, Limit Values in Times of (Digital) Change, September 17–19, 2021


Joint annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (GTG) and the Society for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology (GWMT), convened together with the Vienna Museum for Science and Technology and the University of Vienna.

Online, no registration required.

Zoom links will be placed in the programme during the duration of the conference.

Scales, norms and limit values regulate procedures within production lines and transnational infrastructures; they pervade hospital wards and university lectures; they fill scientific journals and bureaucratic regulations. Scales occur in science, medicine and technology alike, and have become ubiquitous in everyday life. Scale readings help to control devices and machines. They are often the interface that users rely on. Norms, for the most part, are based on combined scales, for example technical measures and medical indicators. This is true regardless in which format a standard was defined (DIN, ISO, TGL or the ГОСТ-formats of the former USSR). Limit values are legal and technical specifications; they play an important role in long-term planning, but also in risk communication and the regulation of public life. Not least, the format of this planned conference depends crucially on the R-value in late summer. Limit values make it possible to read the environment in terms of infectiousness, toxicity or radiation exposure. But how are threshold values implemented? Does the »counter-knowledge« of citizens’ action committees or the citizen science movement contribute to their formulation? 


Additional events:

Julia Herzberg, Andreas Renner, and Ingrid Schierle (eds.) The Russian Cold: Histories of Ice, Frost, and Snow. New York: Berghahn books 2021. ISBN 978-1-80073-127-1


View Table of Contents:


“This collection foregrounds one of Russia’s most distinctive natural features: the cold. Together the contributions advance comparative climate history in new directions by attending not only to place, period, and politics, but to an even more fundamental condition of the human experience.” • Andy Bruno, Northern Illinois University

“This diverse collection provides interesting and important studies on how the cold climate in Russia was experienced, studied and imagined by various actors in different periods of its history.” • Alla Bolotova, Aalto University


Cold has long been a fixture of Russian identity both within and beyond the borders of Russia and the Soviet Union, even as the ongoing effects of climate change complicate its meaning and cultural salience. The Russian Cold assembles fascinating new contributions from a variety of scholarly traditions, offering new perspectives on how to understand this mainstay of Russian culture and history. In chapters encompassing such diverse topics as polar exploration, the Eastern Front in World War II, and the iconography of hockey, it explores the multiplicity and ambiguity of “cold” in the Russian context and demonstrates the value of environmental-historical research for enriching national and imperial histories.

call for papers: Start. Socjologia historyczna. Problemy, metody, rozwiązania

Sekcja socjologii historycznej PTS oraz Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego zapraszają do zgłaszania referatów na konferencję inicjującą działanie Sekcji. Konferencja odbędzie się w murach Instytutu Socjologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w dniach 8–9 października 2021 r. lub – w sytuacji ograniczeń pandemicznych – na platformie zoom:

Szczegółowy opis programu konferencji podaję w dziale 'Dyskusja' tego wydarzenia.

Ważne terminy i technikalia:

Termin zgłaszania propozycji referatów: 16 września 2021 roku na adres:

Propozycje o objętości 250-300 słów powinny zawierać tytuł, problem lub pytanie badawcze, opis związku z tematem konferencji, metod i analizowanych źródeł oraz najważniejsze wnioski.

Termin ogłoszenia decyzji o przyjęciu referatów: 20 września 2021

Termin wniesienia opłaty konferencyjnej: 27 września 2021

Opłata konferencyjna: 150 złotych obejmuje obiad pierwszego dnia konferencji, napoje w czasie przerw oraz materiały konferencyjne. Nie pokrywa kosztów noclegu i podróży.

Opłatę konferencyjną należy wpłacić do 27 września 2021 na konto Wydziału Filozoficznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego: 83 1240 4722 1111 0000 4857 9179, prowadzone przez Bank PKO SA (ul. Szpitalna 15, 31-024 Kraków. Dla wpłat z zagranicy kod SWIFT: PKOPPLPW). W tytule, obok imienia i nazwiska i hasła konferencji: „socjologia historyczna” prosimy dodać numer zlecenia konferencyjnego: 2100201.

Ogłoszenie programu konferencji: 1 października 2021

W razie wszelkich pytań prosimy o kontakt z organizatorami:

Komitet organizacyjny: Borys Cymbrowski, Agnieszka Kolasa-Nowak, Nicolas Masłowski, Wiktor Marzec, Anna Sosnowska.

Monday, 6 September 2021

Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój XXIX (LIV)

 Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój XXIX (LIV) 2020 is online. Open Access, URL:

Spis treści

Jaromir Jeszke, Słowo od redaktora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Apel Wydziału I Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych PAN

do Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego RP (projekt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Stanowisko Prezydium Zarządu Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego

w sprawie proponowanych przekształceń

instytutów PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Leszek Zasztowt, Towarzystwo Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie i Polska

Akademia Nauk. Co dalej? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Józef Dulak, Światopogląd naukowy biotechnologa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Przemko Tylzanowski, The Quest for Immortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Beata Anna Polak, Strategie i mechanizmy obronne w dyskursie

na temat szczepień. Analiza dyskusji w mediach

społecznościowych . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Janina Marciak-Kozłowska, Z biegiem Sanu…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


Stefan Zamecki, Wokół naukoznawczych poglądów Eugeniusza Geblewicza

(1904–1974) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Piotr Hübner, »Numerus clausus« w życiu akademickim

II Rzeczypospolitej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Patryk Tomaszewski, Korporacje akademickie w Poznaniu w okresie

dwudziestolecia międzywojennego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121



Mimo różnic – znaleźć wspólny język (Monika Wiśniewska) . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Kathleen Staudt, »Granice w erze globalnej. Analiza porównawcza«.

Studium Europy Wschodniej. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ofi cyna

Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2019, ss. 340

(Magdalena Lesińska) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

Duda Roman, »Historia matematyki w Polsce na tle dziejów nauki i kultury«,

(Wiesław Wójcik) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183


Siódma edycja Konkursu o Nagrodę im. Jana Jędrzejewicza rozstrzygnięta

(Barbara Bienias) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte in imperialen, nationalen und post-nationalen Kontexten, DTDSHK/GWZO Leipzig, 04109 Leipzig (Deutschland), 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021. ONLINE

 Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte in imperialen, nationalen und post-nationalen Kontexten, DTDSHK/GWZO Leipzig, 04109 Leipzig (Deutschland), 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021. ONLINE (Anmeldungen bitte bei:  erik.franzen(at)

Der trilateralen Kommission von Historikerinnen und Historikern Deutschlands, Tschechiens und der Slowakei ist die Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses ein wichtiges Anliegen. Nach Doktorandenworkshops 2012 in Bratislava und 2016 in Olomouc ist die in Kooperation mit dem GWZO organisierte Nachwuchstagung 2021 dem Thema „Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte in imperialen, nationalen und post-nationalen Kontexten“ gewidmet. Vorgestellt, kommentiert und diskutiert werden Arbeitsergebnisse laufender, an deutschen, tschechischen und slowakischen Forschungseinrichtungen realisierter Dissertations- und Post-Doc-Projekte. Der Workshop bietet eine Plattform zur internationalen Vernetzung. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, herausragende Forschungsergebnisse als Working Paper auf der Kommissions-Website zu veröffentlichen.

Donnerstag, 16. September 2021

14:15 Uhr

Begrüßung: Christian Lübke (Direktor des GWZO Leipzig)

Eröffnung: Frank Hadler (Vorsitzender der deutschen Sektion der DTDSHK/GWZO Leipzig)

14:30 – 16:15 Uhr

I. Politikwissen

Moderation: Martin Pekár (Košice)

Hanna Rydza (GWZO Leipzig): Populismus als universelles und kontextgebundenes Konzept: Wissenstransfer zwischen Ost und West

Vlasta Kordová (Ústí nad Labem): Rassenlehre as the Persecution Landmark in the Reflection of the Slovak National Uprising

Blažena Križová (Bratislava): Knowledge Transfer in a Context of a Non-dominant National Movement: Case Study of the Slovak Intellec- tual Elite’s Discourse 1867–1918

Theo Schley (GWZO Leipzig): Herrschaftswissen im Transfer: Johann von Luxemburg als böhmischer König

Kommentar: Miloš Řezník (Warszawa)

Freitag, 17. September 2021

9:00 – 10:45 Uhr

II. Kulturwissen/Wissenskultur

Moderation: Katja Castryck-Naumann (GWZO Leipzig)

Magdalena Burger (Bamberg): Zeitschriften und künstlerisch-kulturelles Wissen: Weibliche Perspektiven in Prag (1890–1938)

Deniz Bozkurt-Pekár (Leipzig): An Outline of Slovak-Turkish Literary Translation Entanglements since 1928

Michal Jirman (Ústí nad Labem): Dienstreisen der Schwarzenbergischen Beamten durch Europa in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts

Kommentar: Ewa Kowalská (Bratislava)

10:45 – 11:00 Uhr Pause

11:00 – 12:30 Uhr

III. Fachwissen

Moderation: Lukáš Fasora (Brno)

Tereza Juhászová (Praha): From „Hommaschmiide“ to Tatrasmalt: Transfer of Knowledge of Metalworking in Eastern Slovak Small Town after 1945

Christian Schumacher (Mainz): Grundlagen einer theoretischen Geographie nach Alexander von Humboldt

Miriama Filčáková (Košice): University and City: The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Kommentar: Corinne Geering (GWZO Leipzig)

12:30 – 13:00 Uhr


Moderation: Frank Hadler (GWZO Leipzig), Kristina Kaiserová (Ústí nad Labem), Martin Pekár (Košice)

Marsha Morton, Barbara Larson (eds.) Constructing Race on the Borders of Europe. Ethnography, Anthropology, and Visual Culture, 1850-1930. London: Bloomington 2021. ISBN 9781350182325



Constructing Race on the Borders of Europe investigates the visual imagery of race construction in Scandinavia, Austro Hungary, Germany, and Russia. It covers a period when historic disciplines of ethnography and anthropology were expanding and theorists of race were debating competing conceptions of biological, geographic, linguistic, and cultural determinants. Beginning in 1850 and extending into the early 21st century, this book explores how paintings, photographs, prints, and other artistic media engaged with these discourses and shaped visual representations of subordinate ethnic populations and material cultures in countries associated with theorizations of white identity.

The chapters contribute to postcolonial research by documenting the colonial-style treatment of minority groups, by exploring the anomalies and complexities that emerge when binary systems are seen from the perspective of the fine and applied arts, and by representing the voices of those who produced images or objects that adopted, altered, or critiqued ethnographic and anthropological information. In doing so, Constructing Race on the Borders of Europe uncovers instances of unexpected connections, establishes the fabricated nature of ethnic identity, and challenges the certainties of racial categorization.

Table of Contents

List of Plates

List of Figures

List of Contributors

Introduction, Marsha Morton (Pratt Institute, USA)

1. From Folk to a Folk Race: Carl Arbo and National Romantic Anthropology in Norway, Patricia G. Berman (Wellesley College, USA)

2. From “Northern Dweller” to “Distinguished Among His Race”: The Transformation of the Nordic Colonial Subject, 1900-1935, Bart Pushaw (University of Maryland, USA)

3. Decolonizing the Archive: Pia Arke and Stories from Scoresbysund, Alison Chang (Independent Curator, USA)

4. Brigands and Virtuous Musicians: Representations of Roma (“Gypsies”) as Oriental Other in the Eastern Part of the Habsburg Monarchy during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Robert Born (University of Leipzig, Germany) and Dirk Suckow (University of Leipzig, Germany)

5. Leopold Carl Müller's Scenes from Egyptian Life: Ethnography, Race, and Orientalism in Habsburg Vienna, Marsha Morton (Pratt Institute, USA)

6. A Hungarian Treasure Chest: The Art Colony at Gödöllo in Critical Perspective, Rebecca Houze (Northern Illinois University, USA)

7. The Journey West: Gauguin, Philology, And the Celts of Brittany, Barbara Larson (The University of West Florida, USA)

8. In the Beginning was the Image: Russian Ethnography and Colonial Photography in Turkestan, 1860s–1870s, Margaret Dikovitskaya (Independent Scholar, USA)

9. “Children of the Narod: Early Soviet Children's Books' Racialization of Childhood”, Marie Gasper-Hulvat (Kent State University, USA)

10. From Sideshow to Portrait: The Ethnographic Vision of Christian Schad, Kristin Schroeder (University of Virginia, USA)

11. Anthropological Histories and Techniques in Philip Scheffner's Films, Priyanka Basu (University of Minnesota, USA)

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Diana Gasparyan: The Philosophic Path of Merab Mamardashvili. Leiden: Brill 2021. ISBN: 978-90-04-46581-7


Merab Mamardashvili (1930-1990) is a legend of Russian and Russian-Soviet philosophy. His work sought to cultivate an “awakening to thought,” to help his interlocuters distinguish between truth and falsity. This book serves as an in-depth investigation into the life and work of one of the most prominent philosophers of Russian and Russian-Soviet history, collecting his ideas here in one book. Diana Gasparyan explains the philosophical foundations of his ideas, as they relate to the broader traditions of philosophy of consciousness, phenomenology, existentialism, transcendental philosophy, and Continental philosophy. However, his ideas also lead much further - deep into philosophy itself, its cultural origins, and to the basis and roots of all human thought.

Diana Gasparyan, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Philosophy at HSE University in Moscow. She has published on the philosophy of subject constructivism, transcendentalism, and the philosophy of consciousness. Her publications include History of Social Philosophy (From the 19th to the Early 20th Century). Course of Lectures (2012) and Introduction to Non-classical Philosophy (2011), both published in Russian.

Call for Articles: Projects and Projectors in the Early Modern and Enlightenment periods (c. 1640–1780)

 Call for Articles: Projects and Projectors in the Early Modern and Enlightenment periods (c. 1640–1780)

In the Early Modern and Enlightenment periods the figure of the projector was as vital as it was common. Daniel Defoe famously nicknamed his era the “Projecting Age.” Decades earlier scholars were already commenting on the “rampant passion for schemes”. Projectors were inventors or entrepreneurs ‘who set out to gain the trust and backing of a powerful patron such as a ruler or potential investor, for what he claimed was a financially profitable and generally prestigious original venture which would yield practical benefits.’

Projects varied widely in character and scope and involved almost every type of venture: engineering, mining, ameliorating the condition of the poor and infirm, banking, building, fabricating wonderous machines, and turning base metals into precious ones. More scholarly projects included reforms (or creation) of institutions of higher learning and scientific academies, invariably through substantial outlay of public capital. Projectors also offered rulers solutions for intractable problems, promising these would generate wealth and cure social ills. In Germany, projectors played an instrumental role in the country’s emergent cameralism.

Many of these projects miscarried or proved money-losing ventures. Combining the quest for personal profit with expressed concern for the public good, projectors were often treated with suspicion. The projector emerged as one of the age’s most ambiguous figures: This “homo novus” was a “liminal individual” whose life embodied the “fluid cultural moment when ‘science’ had not yet achieved its preeminent modern position as the sole legitimator of truth, but instead had to compete with a number of other intellectual pursuits”.

We invite proposals for a volume on either projectors and/or projects, edited by Audrey Borowski (University of Oxford) and Mordechai Feingold (Caltech), to be published by Brill.

Topics can cover (but are not limited to):

- The projector in his milieu/context

- The strategies of the projector

- The projector between different worlds/in his multiple identities (courtier, scholar, political agent etc.)

- Competition between projectors

- Particular case studies of projectors

- Projectors and alchemy

- Projectors and cameralism

- Projectors and learning/scholarship/philosophy

- The nexus between commercialism and scientific and technological knowledge

- The state/court and projecting/projectors

- Criticism of projectors and attitudes towards projecting

Abstracts should be sent to Audrey Borowski ( and Mordechai Feingold ( by 31 December 2021. Final papers would be expected by 1 June 2022.

Kleine Formen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 13.09.2021 - 14.09.2021

 In den letzten Jahrzehnten widmete sich die Wissenschaftsgeschichte einer Vielzahl von Untersuchungsfeldern. Seit einiger Zeit rückt nun auch die eigene Historizität in den Fokus, womit eben jene Geschichten der Wissenschaften selbst zum Untersuchungsgegenstand werden. Der Blick auf ihre Arbeitspapiere und Materialsammlungen zeigt auf, dass kleine Formen aktiv an wissenschaftshistorischen Forschungsprozessen beteiligt waren, deren Rolle bisher aber erst wenig Beachtung fand.

Kleine Formen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Diese kleinen Formen zeichnen sich durch ihren instrumentellen oder gar provisorischen Charakter aus, der durch Formalisierungs- und Kompressionsprozesse geprägt ist. Als mobile und flexible Einheiten sind sie aktiv an der Formierung und Vermittlung neuer Wissensbestände involviert, akkumulieren sich etwa zu Sammlungen oder lassen sich zu immer neuen Serien zusammenstellen. Wenngleich diese Untersuchungen noch am Anfang stehen, kristallisieren sich zumindest für das 20. Jahrhundert bereits entscheidende Momente heraus, die es lohnt, näher in den Blick zu nehmen.

Für eine erste Untersuchung soll der Workshop seinen Fokus besonders auf die Kleinen Formen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte richten, die durch Techniken der Verkleinerung, Komprimierung und Isolierung geformt wurden. Also auf Exzerpte, Notizbücher, Lochkarten und Modelle, aber auch Artikel in Enzyklopädien, Zeitschriften oder Handbüchern. Gleichsam sollen die Beiträge aber auch das Potential von kleinen Formen als Untersuchungsgegenstand für wissenschaftshistorische Forschungen verhandeln. Damit gerät ein Quellenkorpus in den Fokus, der sich dezidiert aus kleinen Formen speist, deren Aggregatzustand keineswegs gesetzt ist: Exzerpte verlassen die Notizbücher, zirkulieren als lose Zettel und finden Eingang in Aufsätzen und neuen Methodenentwürfen; Archivalien transformieren mitunter zu Autographen und finden sich letztendlich als Quellenbeleg eines historischen Datums wieder. Aus diesen Beobachtungen kristallisieren sich folgende Leitfragen: Welche Rolle spielten kleine Formen für die Anfänge einer Geschichte und Theorie der Wissenschaften? Welche spezifischen Forschungskontexte und mediale Umwelten boten sie der Wissenschaftsgeschichte? Und welche Funktionen übernehmen sie selbst innerhalb Forschung und Lehre?

Der Blick auf das Kleine soll es ermöglichen, die Geschichten der Wissenschaften entlang der Bahnen ihrer Materialien und Praktiken gerade in jenen Momenten zu beobachten, in denen die Frage, wie man eine Geschichte von Wissenschaften schreibt, neu verhandelt werden. Diesen Aspekten möchte der Workshop anhand exemplarischer Fallbeispiele oder auch theoretischer Zugänge nachgehen und einen Beitrag zum aktuellen Diskurs leisten.


13. September 2021

15.00–15.15 Uhr: Begrüßung und Einleitung

15.15–17.45 Uhr: Panel 1

Julia Steinmetz (Berlin): In Autographen denken. Gesammelte Geschichte der Wissenschaften um 1900

Mario Wimmer (Basel): Biographeme

Alexander Soytek (Berlin): Theorieschnipsel. Informationstheorie in der französischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte

14. September 2021

09.30–11.00 Uhr: Panel 2

Lotte Schüßler (Berlin): Theaterräume in klein. Beweisen und Ausweisen mit Modellen in der frühen Theaterwissenschaft

Antonia von Schöning (Basel): „Technische Hilfsmittel geistiger Arbeit“: Lochkarten in der Geschichtswissenschaft

11.00–11.15 Uhr Pause

11.15–12.45 Uhr: Panel 3

Friedrich Cain (Wien): Denkkataloge. Versuche zur Ausmessung der Kreativität Warschau (1900–1950)

Sina Steglich (London): Wandernde Worte. Feldnotiz und Reisetagebuch als Formen nicht-sesshaften Denkens

12.45–13.45 Uhr Mittagspause

13.45–14.45 Uhr: Abschlussdiskussion


Der Workshop wird am 13. — 14. September 2021 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin als Präsenzveranstaltung stattfinden. Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter alexander.soytek[at] oder j.steinmetz[at]

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...