Thursday, 6 August 2020

Call for Articles: Illness and Health in Polish Literature, Culture and Language

Call For Articles
ISSN: 2384-9266
(ANVUR Classification of Scientific Journals: Class A; MNISW classification: 20 points)
Issue #12 (2021)
The international, peer-reviewed and open access journal « / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi» is accepting submissions for its twelfth issue (2021).
We are most inclined to receive proposals of papers focusing on illness and health in Polish literature, culture and language. We do not intend to dwell on the present pandemic of Coronavirus. The approach should be more general, including such topics as: illness and literature, perception of and coping with illness, the relationship between our own and the other’s body, spiritual discomfort, real or alleged mental illness, health and illness in nature and society, old age as a moral illness or an existential experience, the search for a cure (a retrospective look at pre-modern literature and culture may also be of interest) or manifestations of mental discomfort in bodily illness. Other pertinent views on the subject are also welcome! We believe that Polish literature of any period may offer interesting inputs for investigation of these topics.
In addition to a monographic section, the journal also has a “miscellaneous” section, where we welcome papers devoted to other aspects of modern and contemporary literature, culture, arts, language and translation. Please note that the year 2021 marks the anniversary of birth or passing away of several important writers of the 20th-21st century, including Baczyński, Lem, Różewicz, Bratny, Norwid and Zapolska. You may find inspiration in rereading and reinterpreting the works of these important figures. Certainly, there are also other significant historical or cultural events that may become stimulating topics for your research.
Please send your title proposal with a short description in English (no more than 2,000 characters incl. spaces) and a brief biographical note (300-600 characters incl. spaces) to by 30 August 2020.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of the subject proposed in the abstract will be communicated by 30 September 2020.
If the proposal is accepted, authors are required to submit their manuscripts (no more than 45,000 characters, including spaces, footnotes and references) by 31 January 2021.
Please note that the papers submitted to the journal must be original contributions not published previously elsewhere in any language.
Each paper will be subjected to double blind peer review before being accepted for publication.
The papers may be written in Polish, Italian, English, French, German. The issue is planned for publication in 2021.

[Marta Antoniak, Bulimia Coctail Party, Image:]

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