Monday, 24 August 2020

Call for papers: the special issue dedicated to Francis Bacon and his legacy.

The journal «Epistemology & Philosophy of Science» ( announces the second call for papers for the special issue dedicated to the 400th anniversary of Bacon’s Novum Organum.
We expect submissions from historians, philosophers, social and political epistemologists to cover both historical and philosophical topics related to Bacon's idea of science as organized methodological enterprise, social institute, and political agent.
Submissions may be focusing on questions that include, but are not limited to:
The historical significance of Francis Bacon’s ideas on scientific method and organization of scientific research
Transformation of the image of science/image of knowledge/ during the Scientific Revolution of the XVI-XVII centuries
Science as a method of knowing: merits and demerits
Science as a public good
Science and political decisions
Social institute of science in competition with other institutions
Communications in science: disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and trading zones
Ethics of science: cognitive norms, values, and virtues
Prospects and challenges of technoscience
A new humanism and a new utopism
Francis Bacon’s heritage for STS and philosophy of science
«Epistemology & Philosophy of Science» is an open-access journal, Scopus Q1, which publishes articles in Logic, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, History of Science and Philosophy of Science, Historical, Political, and Social Epistemology. Submissions are welcomed both in Russian or in English. The preferred length of an article is 6000-7000 words. The general guidelines are available on the website (
The special issue has to appear in July 2021. Please send an abstract of up to 150 words to to by September 15, 2020. If your abstract is approved, you will then be invited to submit a full manuscript by December 15, 2020. That manuscript will undergo a review process as well.
(taken from Daria Drozdova)

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