Monday, 31 August 2020

Call for articles: The Hungarian Historical Review – “Medicine, Knowledge, and Power: Central European Perspectives (18th–20th Centuries)”

The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its second issue in 2021, the theme of which will be “Medicine, Knowledge, and Power: Central European Perspectives (18th–20th Centuries)”
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: Friday, 30 October 2020
Deadline for the submission of papers: Sunday, 28 February 2021
Special editors: Janka Kovács and Viola Lászlófi
As the current health crisis shapes the daily experiences of people all over the world and old and new methods of crisis management (quarantine, social distancing, surveillance, border control, etc.) are introduced, the question of the relationships between medical knowledge and power are more and more frequently being discussed. Inspired by the concepts of ‘biopolitics’ and ‘biopower,’ for the forthcoming issue of the Hungarian Historical Review, we invite authors to reflect on the strategies and measures with which various professional and administrative – both individual and institutional – healthcare agents strive to control, supervise, learn about, and ensure the safety, bodily integrity, and welfare of citizens in various historical contexts in the East-Central European region. We are particularly interested in the intersections of various technologies of population management that have motivated governments and national and local authorities and have caught the attention of medical institutions and experts. The thematic issue will center on the interrelationships among medical research, medical treatments, government policy, and issues of public security, safety, and health.
We invite authors to submit their proposals for empirically based studies on topics including
  • the body as a site of knowledge
  • the production and circulation of medical knowledge (education, cultural translation, mediation, experts)
  • the institution as the site of medical knowledge (hospital, clinic, mental asylum, psychiatric ward)
  • medical knowledge, politics, and biopower/psychopower
  • collective bodies and the regulation of bodies (surveillance, control, coercion, governance)
  • biopower and society
  • medical knowledge and crisis management (pandemics, epidemics, natural disasters, humanitarian crises, famine)
  • medical plurality, the coexistence of (traditional) systems of healing and their relations to biomedicine
  • the concepts and models of biological citizenship
Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biographical statement with a selected list of your five most important publications (we do not accept full CVs).
Proposals should be submitted by email: / /
The editors will ask the authors of selected abstracts to submit their final articles (max. 10,000 words) no later than Sunday, 28 February 2021 in English. The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process. We provide proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English.
All articles must conform to our submission guidelines:
The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international quarterly of the social sciences and humanities, the geographical focus of which is Hungary and East-Central Europe. For additional information, including submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...