Monday, 17 August 2020

Call for Book Chapters - Representations of Disability in Science Fiction

Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals for a forthcoming scholarly volume on representations of disability in science fiction, a peer-reviewed collection of essays that will examine how disability identity and experience have been shaped through the science fiction genre.
Science fiction texts—defined broadly to include written text as well as newer media—typically grapple with concepts such as transhumanism, embodiment, and autonomy more directly than do those of other genres, and in doing so, they raise significant questions about the experience of disability. More broadly, they often convey the place of disability in not only the future but also the world of today. This volume will seek to explore what science fiction texts convey about the value of disability, whether it be through disabled characters, biotechnologies, or, more broadly, conceptions of an idealized future.
The volume will consider all categories and types of disability as they are depicted in science fiction. Discussions may include, but are not limited to, physical, cognitive, sensory, or psychological disability. Along with this, analyses of various types of science fiction texts are encouraged, from traditional literature to film, television, comics, graphic novels, narrative-based video games, etc. Contributors are invited to consider not only those examples from science fiction that advance disability representation but also those which may compromise or discount it.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
  • The links between disability and trans-/posthumanism
  • The role of embodiment in science fiction
  • Intersectional identity and how disability interacts with race, gender, age, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and/or other identity groups within science fiction
  • The history and/or evolution of disability representation within science fiction
  • The role of technology as it relates to disability and science fiction
  • Notions of autonomy—physical, emotional, cognitive—within science fiction
  • Disability tropes and their significance within science fiction texts
Chapter proposals of 300-500 words are due by October 1st, 2020 and should be emailed to Courtney Stanton (Editor) at Please use the subject line “Representations of Disability in Science Fiction.” Along with your proposal, please include the title of your proposed chapter, author name(s) and institutional affiliation(s), and a brief 100-word biographical note for each author.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than November 1st, 2020, after which contributors of accepted proposals will be expected to submit full chapter drafts of 6000-8000 words by March 1, 2021. For any questions, please contact Courtney Stanton at
Contact Info:
Courtney Stanton (Editor)
Contact Email:

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