Thursday, 27 August 2020

Laskosz, Joanna – Chodějovský, Jan – Pavlíček, Tomáš W. (eds.). Korespondence Waleryho Goetela s Radimem Kettnerem - Korespondencja Walerego Goetla z Radimem Kettnerem [Correspondence of Walery Goetel and Radim Kettner]. Praha: Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR – Kraków: Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2019. 247 s. ISBN 978-80-88304-16-6

Correspondence between Polish and Czech geologists: Walery Goetel and Radim Kettner.
The book focused on the phenomenon of transfer of knowledge and inspiration, as well as the cultural exchange between Czech and Polish academics in the 20th century.
Walery Goetel (1889–1972) and Radim Kettner (1891–1967) are both internationally recognised experts in geology. In the inter-war period they participated in the founding of the national parks on both sides of the border, an interesting phenomenon of the Czech and Polish cooperation. Kettner contributed to the research and geological mapping of the Carpathians and the preservation of nature in the Tatra. Goetel was a founder of sozology, the science of nature preservation, and has contributed to the foundation of national parks on the Czech-Slovakian-Polish border.
The papers (in Czech, Polish and English) focuse on the evaluation of the edited letters and attempts to estimate how important Goetel and Kettner´s friendship was for the preservation of Tatra´s nature.

(thanks Tomas Pavlicek!)

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