Monday, 31 August 2020

Call for papers: 14th International scientific and practical conference, titled "History of Science and Technology. Museum Studies", which will take place in Moscow, December 10−11th 2020.

URL: (full English version):
URL: (Russian version):
Conference organizers:
  • The Polytechnic Museum
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Moscow State University Faculty of History
  • S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, RAS
  • Scientific and Technological Museum Promotion Association (“AMNIT”)
We welcome historians, sociologists, philosophers, culturologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and museum specialists whose interests include the history of science, methodology, and technology in Russia and the Russian Empire from the second half of the 19th century to present. This year we invite you to discuss problems related to the influence the various challenges of our time (climate change, global epidemics, political and economic crises, war) had on the emergence and disappearance of new technological ideas and chains, how scientific directions, schools, theories, and disciplines formed and fell apart.


Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until 20.09.2020, inclusively. Applications sent after the deadline will not be considered. One author may send one application. The application must include a thesis summary of the presentation no less than 2000 and no more than 4000 characters. The organizing committee has the right to refuse applications that do not meet the requirements. Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision before 10.10.2020г. Registration free of charge.


At the end of the conference a compendium will be released. Thesis summaries included in the programme will be available on the Polytechnic Museum’s website during the conference.

Contact numbers

Organization questions: Tatiana Aleksandrovna Glushkova 8 916−008−12−05; 8 (495) 730 5438, доб.11−86;
Conference programme director: Anna Anatolyevna Kotomina 8 916−008−12−41; 8 (495) 730 5438, доб. 12−36.

Call for articles: The Hungarian Historical Review – “Medicine, Knowledge, and Power: Central European Perspectives (18th–20th Centuries)”

The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its second issue in 2021, the theme of which will be “Medicine, Knowledge, and Power: Central European Perspectives (18th–20th Centuries)”
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: Friday, 30 October 2020
Deadline for the submission of papers: Sunday, 28 February 2021
Special editors: Janka Kovács and Viola Lászlófi
As the current health crisis shapes the daily experiences of people all over the world and old and new methods of crisis management (quarantine, social distancing, surveillance, border control, etc.) are introduced, the question of the relationships between medical knowledge and power are more and more frequently being discussed. Inspired by the concepts of ‘biopolitics’ and ‘biopower,’ for the forthcoming issue of the Hungarian Historical Review, we invite authors to reflect on the strategies and measures with which various professional and administrative – both individual and institutional – healthcare agents strive to control, supervise, learn about, and ensure the safety, bodily integrity, and welfare of citizens in various historical contexts in the East-Central European region. We are particularly interested in the intersections of various technologies of population management that have motivated governments and national and local authorities and have caught the attention of medical institutions and experts. The thematic issue will center on the interrelationships among medical research, medical treatments, government policy, and issues of public security, safety, and health.
We invite authors to submit their proposals for empirically based studies on topics including
  • the body as a site of knowledge
  • the production and circulation of medical knowledge (education, cultural translation, mediation, experts)
  • the institution as the site of medical knowledge (hospital, clinic, mental asylum, psychiatric ward)
  • medical knowledge, politics, and biopower/psychopower
  • collective bodies and the regulation of bodies (surveillance, control, coercion, governance)
  • biopower and society
  • medical knowledge and crisis management (pandemics, epidemics, natural disasters, humanitarian crises, famine)
  • medical plurality, the coexistence of (traditional) systems of healing and their relations to biomedicine
  • the concepts and models of biological citizenship
Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biographical statement with a selected list of your five most important publications (we do not accept full CVs).
Proposals should be submitted by email: / /
The editors will ask the authors of selected abstracts to submit their final articles (max. 10,000 words) no later than Sunday, 28 February 2021 in English. The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process. We provide proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English.
All articles must conform to our submission guidelines:
The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international quarterly of the social sciences and humanities, the geographical focus of which is Hungary and East-Central Europe. For additional information, including submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:

Call for Papers – Conference ‘Forensic Cultures’

To be held 26-28 August 2021, Department of History and Art History, Utrecht University

In recent years research into the history of forensic science has expanded. In addition to institutional developments and advances in technology, increasingly the entanglements between legal frameworks, forensic institutes, technology and culture have been explored by historians and scholars from other disciplines (e.g. Burney and Hamlin 2019; Watson 2010 and 2020; Adam 2016 and 2020). These entanglements come together in the notion of ‘forensic cultures’, which may be defined as the theory and practice of forensic science, medicine and psychiatry as they come to the fore in specific locations such as the courtroom, the mortuary, textbooks of forensic medicine, psychiatric assessment reports or the media. Moreover, these forensic practices are embedded in cultural contexts and political regimes. Forensic cultures can thus refer to both the representation and the practice of forensics.

This conference invites papers on local, national or transnational forensic cultures based on new empirical research and/or a novel use of theoretical approaches from e.g. Science and Technology Studies, praxiography, new materialism, history of knowledge, cultural theory, critical legal studies, and gender and queer theory. We prefer papers on twentieth-century forensic culture but are open to proposals for papers on other periods. Papers may discuss forensic cultures in any part of the world, or any type of political/ideological system.

Themes may include (but are certainly not limited to):

  • The representation of forensic science, medicine or psychiatry in novels, crime fiction or newspapers
  • The role of forensic experts in different legal systems
  • The relationship between political regimes and ideology and the work of forensic experts
  • The role of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class and (dis)ability in the representation or functioning of forensic science
  • The influence of forensic experts in cases of rape, murder and infanticide
  • The role of epistemological notions such as ‘objectivity’ and ‘expertise’ in forensic science
  • The relationships between experts and their audience (judges, juries, media)
  • The professionalization and institutionalization of forensic science, medicine and psychiatry
  • The performance and representation of forensic expertise in different media
  • The role of forensic technology in social and cultural contexts
  • Travelling forensic knowledge (exchange of forensic knowledge; adaptation and appropriation of forensic concepts)
  • The role of psychoanalysis in forensic psychiatry
  • The representation of ‘star’ forensic scientists (either in (auto)biography or in the media)
  • Forensic representations (e.g. visualization) of evidence
If the situation regarding COVID-19 allows it, the conference will be held in person in Utrecht. For a limited number of conference participants, accommodation and travel costs will be reimbursed. For graduate students, all costs will be reimbursed (upon acceptance of the abstract). Because we care about the environment, we strongly encourage all participants to travel by train. We are exploring options for video conferencing for speakers from overseas and those who wish to participate from their home institution.

If it is not possible to organize the conference in person in Utrecht, it will be organized online.

All invited speakers are requested to send their papers to all participants one month before the start of the conference. A selection of the papers will be published in an open-access edited volume.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 November 2020. Participants will be notified by January 2021.

Abstracts of 300-500 words (including a short bio) can be submitted to Enquiries can be addressed to dr Willemijn Ruberg (

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 770402).


Adam, Alison, A History of Forensic Science: British Beginnings in the Twentieth Century (2016).

Adam, Alison (ed.), Crime and the Construction of Forensic Objectivity from 1850 (2020).

Burney, Ian and Chris Hamlin, Global Forensic Cultures. Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era (2019).

Watson, Katherine, Forensic Medicine in Western Society: A History (2010).

Watson, Katherine, Medicine and Justice: Medico-legal Practice in England and Wales, 1700-1914 (2020).

Тереза Оболевич: Мирра Лот-Бородина. Историк, литератор, философ, богослов [Mirra Lot-Borodina. Historian, writer, philosopher, theologists]. СПб.: Издательство Нестор-История, 2020. ISBN 978-5-4469-1703-7



В книге представлены жизнь и творческий путь Мирры Ивановны Лот-Бородиной, родившейся в Санкт-Петербурге, но проживавшей во Франции. Проанализированы ее сочинения на тему рыцарского романа и легенды о св. Граале, исследования, посвященные проблеме обожения и св. Николаю Кавасиле, а также ее творческие контакты с философами русского зарубежья. Книга адресована всем интересующимся вопросами средневековой литературы, православия, русской философии и истории русской эмиграции.

Тереза Оболевич — профессор философии, заведующая кафедрой русской и византийской философии Папского университета Иоанна Павла II в Кракове (Польша), ассоциированный член Института философии РАН, ведущий научный сотрудник Международной лаборатории исследований русско-
европейского интеллектуального диалога (ВШЭ), автор более 200 научных работ.
«Работа сестры Терезы Оболевич — это своеобразный водораздел не только в области изучения творчества Мирры Лот-Бородиной, которое она детально — как никогда и никто до нее ранее — представляет на основе архивных исследований и быстро растущей специальной литературы по русской эмиграции.
Настоящая книга также становится переломным моментом в понимании трансфера идей — как в среде эмигрантской интеллигенции, так и в кругу общавшихся с Лот-Бородиной в Париже западных ученых и мыслителей, что привело в итоге к взаимодействию православного Востока и католического Запада, плоды которого мы только сейчас начинаем постигать».
о. Эндрю Лаут, Почетный профессор (Professor Emeritus) патристики и византологии Даремского университета, Великобритания

Austrian Studies Association Conference 2021, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, July 1-4, 2021

Topic: “Nationale und postnationale Perspektiven in/aus/auf Österreich”

Information about the 2021 conference:

Огрызко, Вячеслав Вячеславович: Под надзором Кремля: Изрядно потрёпанная, но уцелевшая Академия наук [Under Kremlin's supervision: A pretty shabby, yet surviving, Academy of Sciences.]. М.: Литературная Россия, 2020. – 304 с. (ISBN 978-5-7809-0245-4)

Достижения отечественной науки в двадцатом столетии неоспоримы. Мы первыми прорвались в космос. Николай Вавилов создал учение о мировых центрах происхождения культурных растений. Наши учёные добились того, что заработал полупроводниковый лазер. Смелую гипотезу о якутской прародине человечества выдвинул археолог Юрий Мочанов…
Однако есть одно «но». Многие открытия были совершены нашими учёными не благодаря поддержке государства, а скорее вопреки властям. Руководители страны, надо признать, чаще мешали исследователям, нежели помогали. Кремлёвские небожители в разные годы очень часто побуждали Академию наук работать не на общество, а в собственных корыстных интересах, используя ради этого интриги, подкупы и даже репрессии. Из-за этого сколько было загублено научных идей и судеб!
Исследование Вячеслава Огрызко, во многом построенное на выявленных им в архивах документах, подробно рассказывает о том, как власть в разные периоды пыталась приспособить Академию наук под свои нужды.

Jan Kahuda (ed.) Karel Kazbunda : Mé archivní poslání ve Vídni 1919 - 1923 [Karel Kazbunda: My archival mission to Vienna 1919-1923]. Praha : Národní archiv 2020. ISBN: 978-80-7422-635-9


Paměti českého archiváře a historika Karla Kazbundy (1888-1982) jsou podrobnou kronikou jeho činnosti ve funkci československého delegáta pro provádění archivní a spisové rozluky ve Vídni v letech 1919-1923 na základě saintgermainské mírové smlouvy z roku 1919 a následné pražské archivní úmluvy z roku 1920. Autor podrobně a přesně popisuje vzájemná československo-rakouská diplomatická a odborná jednání týkající se vydání významných archiválií novému československému státu (mj. českého korunního archivu nebo archiválií české dvorské kanceláře a dvorské komory). Uvádí podrobnosti o vlastním vědeckém výzkumu a přináší zajímavé informace o osobnostech a reáliích odborného, kulturního i politického života v Rakousku a Československu v meziválečném období.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 9 / 2018 [appeared 17.08.2020]: Breaking the Wall: National and Transnational Perspectives on East-European Science


  • William DEJONG LAMBERT: “The Difference between No. 1 1928 and No. 1 1930 is Great Indeed”. Theodosius Dobzhansky's Self-Imposed Exile from Soviet Russia - the “Dr. Zhivago Period”
  • Jean-Claude DUPONT: L’histoire médicale et politique du pavlovisme en Russie et en France: Fernand Lamaze et le cas de l’accouchement sans douleur
  • Miroslaw SIKORA: From Promising Agent to Suspicious Francophile. Professor Stefan Węgrzyn and His Contacts with Professor Jean Charles Gille through the Lens of the Polish (counter)Intelligence (1958-1976)
  • Luciana JINGA: Science and Politics during the Cold War – The Controversial Case of Sexology in Communist Romania
  • Corina DOBOȘ: Swinging Statistics: Population Research and Political Construction in 20th Century Romania
  • Irina NASTASĂ-MATEI: Academic Migration and Cultural Diplomacy during the Cold War. Humboldt Fellowships for Romania in the Context of Eastern Europe
  • Cristian VASILE: The Institute of Philosophy in Communist Romania under the Regime of Gheorghiu-Dej, 1949-65
  • Daniela MACI: The Status of Philosophy during the Communist Regime in Romania
  • Ana TEODORESCU: Miruna Runcanu, Teatru în diorame. Discursul criticii teatrale în comunism. Fluctuantul dezgheț 1956-1964 [Theater in Dioramas. Discourse in Theatre Criticism during Communism. The Fluctuating Thaw, 1956-1964], Tracus Arte, 2019, 341 p.

Ryszard Stemplowski (ed.): Żywoty historyczne. Aleksander Gieysztor, Tadeusz Łepkowski, Marian Małowist, Janusz Tazbir [Historical lives: Aleksander Gieysztor, Tadeusz Łepkowski, Marian Małowist, Janusz Tazbir]. Antyk: Warszawa 2020. ISBN:978-83-66315-21-1

Pytania zadają i odpowiedzi komentują Bronisław Geremek, Jerzy Jedlicki, Henryk Samsonowicz, Ryszard Stemplowski, Henryk Szlajfer, Michał Tymowski, Tadeusz Wasilewski.
Wstępem i przypisami opatrzył Ryszard Stemplowski.
Mają swe historie książki i mają swoje losy historycy. Ale i historia jako nauka ma swoje koleje. Wreszcie i zakres warsztatu historyka może się rozmaicie kształtować, zmieniać: może to być książka o historii kraju autora czy autorki, może to być historia powszechna, obejmująca szersze obszary i wiele narodów w okresie dawnym lub najnowszym itd.... Można te podejścia łączyć.
A trzeba przy tym pamiętać, że każde dzieło historyka niesie w sobie coś z jego autobiografii. Historyk bowiem odczytuje teraz dokument dawny, starając się go zrozumieć teraz w połączeniu z dawnymi wiadomościami o jego twórcach i osobach oraz faktach i zdarzeniach w nim opisywanych albo z nim związanych i wszystko to traktuje teraz jako składniki interpretacji kształtowanej teraz przez jego osobiste doświadczenie człowieka, przez świadomość, intelekt uczonego, emocje… Historia docierająca tu do czytelnika łączy interpretatywnie dawne z teraźniejszym i nie jest to takie proste „jak to właściwie było”.
Pierwotne wersje hispanojęzyczne ukazały się w czasopiśmie Instytutu Historii PAN i Wydawnictwa Ossolineum, Estudios Latinoamericanos. Ostatnio przedrukowano je w książce Vidas históricas. Conversacionescon Tadeusz Łepkowski, Marian Małowist, Janusz Tazbir i Aleksander Gieysztor, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2019.
Teksty zamieszczonych tu rozmów są oryginalną, polskojęzyczną i tu po raz pierwszy w tym języku publikowaną, pełną wersją tych czterech rozmów przeprowadzonych w latach 1986-1989.

John Lampe, Constantin Iordachi (eds.): Battling over the Balkans: Historiographical Questions and Controversies. Budapest etc.: CEU Press 2020. ISBN: 978-963-386-325-1


The tumultuous history of the Balkans has been subject to a plethora of conflicting interpretations, both local and external. In an attempt to help overcome the stereotypes that still pervade Balkan history, Battling over the Balkans concentrates on a set of five principal controversies from the precommunist period with which the region’s history and historiography must contend: (1) the pre-1914 Ottoman and Eastern Christian Orthodox legacies; (2) the post-1918 struggles for state-building; (3) the range of European economic and cultural influence across the interwar period, as opposed to diplomatic or political intervention; (4) the role of violence and paramilitary forces in challenging the interwar political regimes in the region; and (5) the fate of ethnic minorities into and after World War II, particularly Jews, Muslims and Roma.
In an attempt to give a voice to eminent local authors, the chapters provide samples of new regional scholarship exploring these contested issues—most of them translated into English for the first time—and are prefaced with historiographical overviews addressing the state of the debate on these specific controversies. These translations help bridge the language barriers that often separate scholarly traditions within Southeast Europe, as well as scholars in Southeast Europe and English-speaking academia. It is hoped that the volume will enable readers to identify common patterns and influences that characterize the writing of history in the region, and will stimulate new transnational and comparative approaches to the history of the Balkans.

Laskosz, Joanna – Chodějovský, Jan – Pavlíček, Tomáš W. (eds.). Korespondence Waleryho Goetela s Radimem Kettnerem - Korespondencja Walerego Goetla z Radimem Kettnerem [Correspondence of Walery Goetel and Radim Kettner]. Praha: Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR – Kraków: Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2019. 247 s. ISBN 978-80-88304-16-6

Correspondence between Polish and Czech geologists: Walery Goetel and Radim Kettner.
The book focused on the phenomenon of transfer of knowledge and inspiration, as well as the cultural exchange between Czech and Polish academics in the 20th century.
Walery Goetel (1889–1972) and Radim Kettner (1891–1967) are both internationally recognised experts in geology. In the inter-war period they participated in the founding of the national parks on both sides of the border, an interesting phenomenon of the Czech and Polish cooperation. Kettner contributed to the research and geological mapping of the Carpathians and the preservation of nature in the Tatra. Goetel was a founder of sozology, the science of nature preservation, and has contributed to the foundation of national parks on the Czech-Slovakian-Polish border.
The papers (in Czech, Polish and English) focuse on the evaluation of the edited letters and attempts to estimate how important Goetel and Kettner´s friendship was for the preservation of Tatra´s nature.

(thanks Tomas Pavlicek!)

Jaroslav Hrdlička: Historik a diplomat Vlastimil Kybal [Historian and diplomat Vlastimil Kybal]. Praha: Karolinum 2020: 978-80-246-4609-1


Vlastimil Kybal (1880–1958), profesor FF UK, český historik, žák Jaroslava Golla, Václava Novotného, Josefa Pekaře, Josefa Šusty, Tomáše G. Masaryka, Františka Drtiny, československý diplomat, je protagonistou rozsáhlé a mimořádně podrobné pramenné monografie. Věnoval se dějinám středověku a novověku. Doktorát filozofie (1903) získal za práci O učení mistra Matěje z Janova. V roce 1906 studoval na univerzitách v Paříži a Bonnu. Mezi lety 1907–14 uskutečnil řadu badatelských cest do archivů v Anglii, Dánsku, Francii, Německu, Itálii, Španělsku. Soukromé docentury dosáhl roku 1911, mimořádným profesorem UK byl jmenován 1918, řádným profesorem UK 1919. V letech 1920–39 působil v československých diplomatických službách v Itálii, Brazílii a Argentině, Španělsku, Mexiku – odtud pocházela i jeho manželka, mexická malířka Ana Sáenz y Aquilar. Druhou světovou válku i léta po ní strávil Vlastimil Kybal v exilu, působil na řadě amerických vysokých škol a univerzit.

Sławomir Sztobryn, Katarzyna Dworakowska (eds.) Wielogłos w myśli o wychowaniu. 100 lat polskiej pedagogiki filozoficznej [Thoughts on Education. A Hundred Years of Polish Philosophical Pedagogy]. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2020. ISBN: 978-83-235-4254-4 [OPEN ACCESS]


[English below]
Książka stanowi oryginalny wkład w refleksję nad polską pedagogiką filozoficzną, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dzieła Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego. Autorzy badają zagadnienia dotyczące kształtującego wpływu przeszłości, ale przede wszystkim koncentrują się wokół wciąż aktualnych problemów współczesnej edukacji, pytając o etyczność jednostki ludzkiej w świecie, który próbuje nas zwolnić z myślenia, w którym – cytując Herberta – „wybuchła epidemia instynktu samozachowawczego”. W ich rozważaniach powraca również kwestia roli, jaką może odegrać nauczyciel – spolegliwy opiekun – w tej edukacyjnej rzeczywistości, stawiającej nowe wyzwania i – pilniej niż kiedykolwiek – wymagającej od nas odpowiedzi na pytanie o kształt świata i nasze w nim miejsce. ****** Thoughts on Education. A Hundred Years of Polish Philosophical Pedagogy The book discusses Polish philosophical pedagogy against the European background. It examines the work of Tadeusz Kotarbiński and the figure of a docile tutor. The publication concentrates not only on examining the past, but also on diagnosing the present state of Polish philosophical pedagogy and its formative influence on contemporary education. It also looks into the future in order to make possible prognoses. Keywords: philosophical pedagogy, Kotarbiński, contemporary education, docile tutor.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Justyna Aniceta Turkowska: Der kranke Rand des Reiches. Sozialhygiene und nationale Räume in der Provinz Posen um 1900. Marburg: Verlag Herder-Institut 2020


Justyna Aniceta Turkowska: Der kranke Rand des Reiches. Sozialhygiene und nationale Räume in der Provinz Posen um 1900. Marburg: Verlag Herder-Institut 2020, X, 426 S., € 79,–, ISBN 978-3-87969-436-5

Die preisgekrönte Dissertation von Justyna Aniceta Turkowska Der kranke Rand des Reiches. Sozialhygiene und nationale Räume in der Provinz Posen um 1900 ist soeben als Band 48 der Serie Studien zur Ostmitteleuropaforschung erschienen.

Die Grenzregionen des Kaiserreiches gerieten um 1900 verstärkt in den Fokus der hegemonialen Bevölkerungspolitik. Die auf sie aufbauende Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik verfolgte einerseits das Ziel, die Lebenserwartung gerade der unteren Schichten zu erhöhen und die Kindersterblichkeit zu reduzieren. Andererseits versuchte sie national-politisch ausgerichtete Erziehungs- und Disziplinierungskonzepte durchzusetzen. Zu ihrem Schauplatz wurde insbesondere die multiethnische, deutsch-polnisch-jüdisch geprägte Provinz Posen. Wegen ihrer Grenzlage zum Russländischen Reich und wegen ihres slawischen Charakters galt diese ohnehin als ein „kranker Rand“ des Deutschen Reiches und wurde als epidemiologisches Risikogebiet wahrgenommen, das biopolitisch zu kontrollieren und neu zu gestalten war.

Justyna Aniceta Turkowska ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der School of History, Classics and Archaeology der University of Edinburgh. Sie hat Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Soziologie und Politische Wissenschaften an der Universität Warschau, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Leibniz Universität Hannover studiert und wurde am Historischen Institut der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen promoviert.

Sie wurde für ihre Dissertation zum Thema „Der kranke Rand des Reiches. Sozialhygiene, Moral und Nation in der Provinz Posen um die Jahrhundertwende“ 2017 mit dem wissenschaftlichen Förderpreis des Botschafters der Republik Polen und mit dem Fritz Theodor Epstein-Preis des Verbandes der Osteuropahistorikerinnen und -historiker e.V. 2018 ausgezeichnet.

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Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th Centuries).

Call for papers: An International Conference The Archival Impulse: Knowledge Production, Record Keeping, and Imperial Governance (15th-19th ...